choosing a hebrew name conversion

Hebrew Name Lookup. If your name is something like Rachel, which is of Hebrew origin, the rabbi would call you Rochel. Many of the names in the Bible are theophoric, meaning that they exalt God. A ritual welcome for converts at Passover. Jewish nation has its origins in the Israelites or Hebrews of the Ancient Near East, and according to the Hebrew Bible descends from Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. For those who become Jews by Choice, they are formally referred to as the children of Abraham and Sarah, our first Patriarch and Matriarch. to 500 C.E., many Jews gave their children Aramaic, Greek and Roman names. David            A guide to online courses, tools and programs for adult students. Dalia A male will be called “So-and-so” ben (meaning, son of) “So-and-so” and “So-and-so”. Liora Many Jews are given a Hebrew name at birth in addition to their English name, some use the simple Hebrew equivalent of their English name, and some were never given a Hebrew name at all. Hebrew Baby Names Browse below for Hebrew Baby Names, which includes gender, meaning and origin. With that in mind, ideally your Hebrew name will be a reflection of who you are, your decision to embrace Judaism, and will contribute to your feeling of being wholly a member of the Jewish People. Question for converts/others on the conversion path: How did you choose a Hebrew name? Converting to Judaism: How to Get Started, Choosing a Jewish Life: A Handbook for People Converting to Judaism and for Their Family and Friends, How To Decide If You Should Convert to Judaism, Ruth’s Cup: A New Passover Ritual Honoring Jewish Diversity. Later, during the Middle Ages in Eastern Europe, it became customary for Jewish parents to give their children two names. Many Jews are given a Hebrew name at birth in addition to their English name, some use the simple Hebrew equivalent of their English name, and some were never given a Hebrew name at all. The name Isaac comes from the word for “laughter” because his mother laughed to learn she would bear a child at her advanced age. Copyright © 2002-2021 My Jewish Learning. The gematria of your name matters. Whether a convert chooses a Hebrew name or not, Jewish law dictates that converts must be treated with the utmost respect and sensitivity, as all Jews were once “strangers in a strange land” (Exodus 2:22). Hannah Enter an English name below: Name: Gender: List of Hebrew Names A-Z. Eliana My first name is the masculine equivalent of my great-aunt's name, and it also corresponds to my English middle name. You can choose to honor a family member (your own or your partner’s) by taking their name. [Ruth, the grandmother of King David, is perhaps the Bible’s best-known convert.] We use cookies to improve your experience on our site and bring you ads that might interest you. Both died before I was born. I have always been Jewish. Names that appear on a traditional ketubah (marriage contract) or on a get (writ of divorce) are Hebrew names. For people who are born Jewish, their names include the names of their birth-parents; for those who are adopted by Jews, they use the names of their adoptive parents. But you may not have to look any further than your own given name for inspiration. You have to look at who in Jewish history had your name and what they were like. Chava Others have become part of the canon of Jewish names much more recently with the rebirth of the State of Israel-- names like Noam, Ari, Shira, and Maayan. conversion I'm starting to look at different names and am a little disheartened because so many of the names I like (Esther in particular) sound like "old lady" names. There are 2,800 personal names in the Hebrew Bible, and although fewer than 5 percent of those are in current use, all of them are yours to consider. Why do I need a Hebrew name? The procedure and requirements for conversion depend on the sponsoring denomination.A conversion in accordance with the process of a … Yosef Examples: Diana could become Dina or Mary could become Maya, You can choose the name of a Biblical character, or a figure from Jewish history: Examples: Ruth, David, Moshe, Rachel, You can choose a name whose meaning carries a special personal significance: Examples: Eliana means “God has answered,” Shira means “song”, Shalom means “peace.”. Learn How to Read Hebrew … This definitely does NOT mean that your parents are being rejected or that they are no longer considered your parents (god-forbid); rather, it is a way of honoring the fact that your Jewish heritage didn’t come from them, but instead came from your own choice to enter into the Jewish covenant. A Hebrew name is an important part of your Jewish identity. But there’s no rule that you have to find an orthographic or historical connection between your name and your Hebrew name. Jewish Background. Get a Hebrew word emailed to you: Once per day Every 3 days Once per week Featured Hebrew Courses: Instant Hebrew. Learn Hebrew for Free! Yonatan Lior Generally, there are two customs involved in a convert choosing a Hebrew name- either a Hebrew version of their English name (so one convert I know whose English name is Kevin chose the Hebrew name Akiva- and actually has had his english name changed to that as well) or alternatively to choose a name of s asginificant person within Judaism that they admire (another convert … With an incredible library of 65+ styles of Unicode font styles and a further 25+ multiline Ascii text varieties to choose from and customise, as well as multiple fancy string frames to browse and choose from you should give TextFancy Converters … Ayelet There is no clearly defined list of all Hebrew names and the collection is ever growing-- so you have a lot of flexibility to pick a name that resonates with you. Converting was a big decision. Since Jewish babies are usually named after parents or grandparents, some converts choose a name to honor someone in their own lives. Picking a Hebrew Name One of the special privileges and responsibilities of becoming a convert to Judaism is that you get to select a Hebrew name for yourself. For those who receive baptism later in life or convert to Catholicism, the newly baptized may choose a name to reflect his or her new status as a Christian, and this name stands as a beautiful and concrete symbol and reminder of spiritual conversion.Modern Thoughts on Taking a Saint’s Name At BaptismFr. BA Completion Program in Early Childhood Education, School of Enterprise Management and Social Impact. In the Sephardic and Mizrahi (Mediterranean and Middle Eastern) traditions, you may either choose the name of someone who is still living or someone who has died. Gavriela Same with David/Dovid, Issac/Yitzchak, Elizabeth, Elisheva, etc. Pronounced: AHVR-rah-ham, Origin: Hebrew, Abraham in the Torah, considered the first Jew. In both scenarios, children may choose not to be Jewish when they reach bar or bat mitzvah age, or at the point of discovery if they are older but did not know they had been adopted. If there is not a precise Hebrew translation, you might pick something that sounds similar or even just shares the same first letter. Hebrew Names . Hebrew names are used in prayer and other religious rituals. someone who is choosing a Jewish life). Or* After all, choosing a Jewish name has big implications: It’s the name that will be forever used in Jewish religious services, including your conversion ceremony, b’nei mitzvah, wedding, etc., and if you have children, your name will be incorporated into their names, as well. Binyamin       Esther Aaron            Ultimately it is up to the parents to choose the name although one can certainly seek the advice of a rabbi or mentor. There are a number of ways to select a Hebrew name: In formal settings, like when called to the Torah or in one’s ketubah, Jews are referred to not just by their own Hebrew name, but also with the name of their parents. Michal Miriam In the Ashkenazi community, for example, it is common to name a child after a relative who has passed away.According to Ashkenazi folk belief, a person’s name and their soul are closely interconnected, so it is bad luck to name a child after a living person … My given name in English is of biblical origin but isn't my Hebrew name. Moshe Zachariah, Ariella Laila In the Ashkenazi (Central and Eastern European) tradition, you should choose the name of someone who is no longer living. Many names and events are mentioned in each Torah portion, offering a spiritual connection between the baby and that particular biblical figure. If you’re sick, you can change your name to avoid the angel of death. They only choose a first (or first and middle) name, because ALL converts already have a ‘last name’. The biblical precedent for this practice is clear: Ruth did not change her name. All Rights Reserved. Eli So generally, that is why I believe it is a red flag for a rabbi to say a person should take this Hebrew name, no ifs ands or buts. It sounds very impressive to be called to the Torah as Sarah Ora Hadass bat Avraham v’Sarah. Avital Baruch                 I know a convert to Orthodox Judaism who changed her surname from Cohen to O’Malley. It's learning an entirely new society with its own unwritten rules. Choosing a Hebrew Name . Since the use of Hebrew names includes mention of the parents' Hebrew names, and the convert has no Jewish parents, it is common to add "ben Avraham Avinu," or son of Abraham, our Father. Some Hebrew names are extremely old-- names like Sarah, Rebecca, Abraham, and Moshe, date back to the time of the Bible. Yaakov Most converts choose a biblical name. Shalom All Rights Reserved. Noam A female will be called “So-and-so” bat (meaning, daughter of) “So-and-so” and “So-and-so”. What this means is that over time the list of names considered “Hebrew” or “Jewish” names has evolved-- much as the list of common American names has as well. Maimonides, the famous 12th century rabbi, explains that since Abraham and Sarah were the first Jews, and they took on the responsibility to convert themselves and their household, they serve as spiritual parents of all those in the future who convert. See the following links for more on this important topic: What is a Jewish name? Choosing a Hebrew name was part of the overall culmination of my affirmation process, alongside meeting with a beit din and taking three quick dips in the mikveh. But don’t feel obligated by an accident of the alphabet. Nachshon Tikvah. * Her father was Jewish and was named “Cohen.” Her mother was not Jewish, therefore, per Orthodox Jewish law (halakha) she was not Jewish. Devora Fortunately, there are a number of resources available to you in making this decision: A Hebrew name is one that has its roots in Jewish Tradition and the Hebrew language. There are many traditions associated with choosing a Hebrew name for a baby. Similarly, names are sometimes chosen from the Torah portion corresponding to the week of the birth. Thus, Robert chooses Reuben, and Mary selects Miriam. Batya Others describe the circumstances of birth or a person’s historical role. But I wished to change in more ways than one. And you needn’t limit yourself to just one name; it is increasingly common to choose two or even three. Where a conversion took place, some communities always have named the convert’s lineage as Avraham v’Sarah, to connect the person back to the first parents in the lineage of the Jewish people, but most use the names of the parent(s) who are raising the child so that the adoption is not obvious whenever this person is called to Torah throughout life. Your rabbi should be able to provide you with guidance, lists, even suggestions. Eitan A Jewish name carries the life force for the person, so it is of utmost importance to have one. It is according to the sunnah (the examples of the Prophet's life what he said, did, implemented, how he implemented), to change a bad name (whether it is an Arabic name or any other language) immediately, and it is permissible according to sunnah to exchange a name for a better one. Two, children are converted as part of entire families joining the Jewish faith. Michael One of the joys of being "like a newborn baby" after the conversion is that you get to pick a Hebrew name--which is easier than you may think. Becoming Jewish requires careful consideration and extensive self-examination. This book might be useful at the end of your conversion process, as you prepare for your beit din and mikveh, because it focuses mainly the ritual of conversion itself. Regina or Gina, which means “queen,” can give rise to Malka, which also means “queen.” If your parents named you David, David (pronounced “Dah-veed“) can be your Hebrew name as well. All Jews’ Hebrew names are in the form of: first name son of/daughter of parents’ names. Finally, if you’re looking for a specific baby name or nationality, make sure to check out one of our many other categories . Some customarily choose a name based on the Jewish holiday coinciding with the birth. Input your chosen text into the field bar above, choose your style preference from our library, then simply copy and paste wherever, whenever! Hebrew names carry spiritual significance. Names with the prefixes or suffixes el, eli, ya, and yahu all refer to the Holy One: Elisha–God is my salvation; Raphael–God has healed; Gamliel–God is my reward. Rafael Though similar to a conversion, the goal of this process was not to become Jewish. Daniel           Pronunced: TORE-uh, Origin: Hebrew, the Five Books of Moses. Ruth The Hebrew middle is my great-grandfather's name. Currently the Jewish nation counts 13.5 million people, most of which live in the State of Israel. Rivka My Jewish Learning is a not-for-profit and relies on your help. Leah As far back as the Talmudic period, 200 B.C.E. Some names translate beautifully. You can choose to translate your English name into Hebrew. That is why the rabbis instituted that converts should choose Hebrew names for their new Jewish lives. Rachel Hayim Dov The Bible also contains many names that refer to the natural universe: Deborah–bee; Jonah–dove; Tamar–palm tree. One of the special privileges and responsibilities of becoming a convert to Judaism is that you get to select a Hebrew name for yourself. Once you find one or two names that you especially like, you might ask the rabbi to help you find some texts about the biblical character or name you’ve selected. Some male converts choose the Hebrew name Avraham as their new Hebrew first name and some female candidates choose Sarah or Ruth. Conversion to Judaism (Hebrew: גיור ‎, giyur) is the process by which non-Jews adopt the Jewish religion and become members of the Jewish ethnoreligious community.It thus resembles both conversion to other religions and naturalization. Gavriel A major goal of this blog is to share what should be normal in a conversion process (or the Jewish community) and what should be worrisome. When the state of Israel was founded, in 1948, scores of new Hebrew names were invented and many old ones reclaimed. One, adoptive Jewish parents convert a non-Jewish child. Many rabbis hold that converts should not only add a Hebrew name but also modify the given name used in pre-conversion years. Converts have always selected Hebrew names that speak to them personally; Ruth has long been a favorite for obvious reasons. I have a Hebrew first and middle name, chosen by my parents. Author has 13.4K answers and 10.1M answer views Converts to Judaism do not HAVE to choose a Hebrew name at all, but most do. © 2018 American Jewish University. Maayan* Some rabbis feel strongly that the person you honor should be a Jewish teacher or mentor, or even a historical figure you find inspiring. Many modern Israeli names continue this tradition: Tal and Tali–dew; Alon or Alona–oak; Oren–fir tree. Biblical and Modern Israeli Names Many of the names in the Bible … The Hebrew name you choose is said to capture your bond to the Jewish people. Changing Given Name a Choice, Not a Requirement. Shira Take, for example, the quintessentially Jewish name Esther, which is Persian in origin and shares its root with the fertility goddess, Ishtar. Excerpted with permission from Choosing a Jewish Life: A Handbook for People Converting to Judaism and for Their Family and Friends (Schocken Books). Examples: Michael becomes Micha'el, Eve becomes Chava. The lexicon of Hebrew names was not handed down from Mount Sinai; it has grown and changed throughout history and in response to local customs and fashions. Hebrew names started to compete with names from other languages early on in Jewish history. Ilan Chava, Hebrew for Eve, comes from the root word for “life,” chai. Often, people will choose a name that is phonetically similar and/or of similar meaning to their "given" name (e.g., Bernie becomes Baruch or Validmir becomes Ze'ev). Tal* Choosing a name for yourself can be both exciting and moving, and can also feel overwhelming and scary. Noah* Keren When people are called up in synagogue for an aliyah (the honor of reciting a blessing over a Torah reading), they are called up by their Hebrew names. This book was recommended on the first day of my conversion class, but it is not appropriate for someone who is still deciding whether or not to convert (i.e. Most converts choose a biblical name. Ariel*                A new person needs a new name. Even Ruth the Moabite, the great-grandmother of King David, was a convert. Rena There are 2,800 personal names in the Hebrew Bible, and although fewer than 5 percent of those are in current use, all of them are yours to consider. Many converts follow the contemporary American custom of selecting a Hebrew name based on the initial letter or sound of their English name. If your parents didn't give you a brit or didn't name you at a Torah reading — or if you're a non-Jew who's converting to Judaism — you can select any Hebrew name that resonates with you. This is an area of Jewish practice where there are few rules or customs, so find a name that feels right and has meaning for you. The most common advice for picking a Hebrew name: A Hebrew equivalent of your English name (which probably doesn't exist) A Hebrew name that starts with the same letter as your English name; A Hebrew name with the same meaning as your English name; Personally, I …
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