horrible hundred puppy mills 2019

$1 for 6 months. © 2021 The Humane Society of the United States. The list is always popular and used for a variety of things. IT IS SICKENING THAT AGENIES DO NOT CARE ENOUGH TO GET MORE INVOLVED !!! Bipartisan lawmakers in Congress have also introduced the Puppy Protection Act to strengthen baseline standards for puppy mills. Detailed in a report of puppy mills … Among our other interesting findings in this year’s report, for the seventh year running, Missouri had the largest number of problem puppy mills – 22. It is essential that stronger enforcement be created and sustained. The breeder, Marilyn Shepherd/Williams, has been found with violations for seven years in a row, related to sick, underweight or injured dogs. You are the mouthpiece for our loving pets . The Horrible Hundred list is a sampling of the 100 especially problematic puppy mills in the nation. The Humane Society each year publishes a report which highlights 100 problem puppy mills that it … There is no excuse for that !!! Our seventh annual Horrible Hundred report, which we are releasing today, reveals shocking instances of neglect and mistreatment of dogs in puppy mills, including severely underweight dogs and large numbers of puppies dying mysteriously. Unfortunately, we were unable to identify several of the dealers, making it difficult to track the USDA’s oversight of those dealers over time. A long jail sentence and a hefty fine. SUBSCRIBE NOW. RESCUE OR ADOPT, DON’T SHOP. Pearl was pictured on the cover of our 2020 Horrible Hundred report, illustrating how important it is to stop puppy mills. DO YOUR JOB & CLOSE THESE HELL HOLE OPERATIONS DOWN. Nothing angers me as much as inhumane money hungry savages that abuse innocent animals. PLS’ STOP THE MASS KILLING OF INNOCENT HEALTHY ADOPTABLE SENTIENT LIVES BY LETHAL INJECTION’ GAS CHAMBER & HEARTSTICK IN SHELTER’ DEATH CAMP’S PROFITING OFF INNOCENCE IN THIS NATION’ ONCE SD TO BE A LIGHT UNTO ALL NATION’S NOW NO BETTER THAN CHINA INDIA SPAIN KOREA & MULTIPLE OTHER’ NATIONS FOR THE INHUMANE TREATMENT OF DEPENDENT COMPANION FAMILY PET’S MAN’S BEST FRIEND SERVING MILITARY POLICE FORCE EYES FOR THE BLIND AIDING IN SEARCH & RESCUE AMERICAN HERO’S BETRAYED BY THEIR OWN HAVING NO VOICE’ NO VOTE INNOCENT DISCRIMINATED & EXPLOITED’ BY MODERN DAY 21ST CENTURY AMERICA’! It is not a list of all puppy mills, nor is it a list of the worst puppy mills in the country. Pup fiction: Local seller named among horrible 100 puppy mills for not having AKC license to ship puppies. The Humane Society of the United States combs through federal and state inspections to compile the report each year. They get fired, no excuses, period!. Our family had the honor to adopt a breeding dog that was rescued by the National Mill dog rescue in Colorado Springs . SHUT DOWN THE BREEDERS FIR A FEW YEARS. Foxes, bobcats, coyotes among animals blasted with assault rifles, Deb Haaland, President Biden’s pick for Interior Secretary, has a track record of fierce advocacy for animals, Lawsuit over puppy that would cost $26,000 after interest exposes Petland’s deceptive sales and lending practices. No puppy mills will have time to clean up their act and warn other other puppy mills that trouble is coming before we hit them. no such thing as a good breeder. The Humane Society of the United States included issues at 2 Illinois puppy mills in its annual "Horrible Hundred" report. $1 for 6 months. You can stop this cycle of cruelty by adopting your next pet. If nothing else you can smell it. I am NOT a breeder! The Horrible Hundred report is a list of known, problematic puppy breeding and/or puppy brokering facilities. It failed several state inspections, but the USDA didn’t cite it for anything. There isn’t. Photo by the USDA. I have both rescue & registered dogs. The states with the most problem puppy mills on the "Horrible 100" list are largely in the Midwest. I have never understood that..or gotten a straight, good answer from anyone….They live here and yet cannot abide by the US laws. I know this sounds extreme and impossible, but what is happening to our beloved canines is EXTREME, and when did the United States of American ever think something was just plain impossible. That is rule #1. What is the reason(s) why animal cruelty laws cannot ‘touch’ the Amish? Greenfield Puppies is a broker who has many Amish puppy mills on their website. August 29, 2019. with. Annual Horrible Hundred report identifies problem puppy mills in U.S.; Reveals USDA is failing to crack down on violators, The Humane Society of the United States Release Horrible Hundred Report: Ohio is Fourth Worst State - Ohioans Against Puppy Mills, Washington Post Reveals White House May Have Meddled to Stop USDA Inspectors From Helping Suffering Animals – Advocacy for Animals, A U.S. dog has tested positive. This needs to stop now. But the USDA gave the facility a clean inspection report. At Tiffanie’s LLC, a massive dog broker that sells hundreds of puppies to Petland and other pet stores across the country, Missouri Department of Agriculture inspectors found 35 puppies had died within a six-month period, and dogs on the property had issues, including diarrhea, lethargy and skin disorders. Another AKC-affiliated kennel in Nebraska was found “routinely noncompliant” by state inspectors for issues such as “piles of feces” and a limping dog. Listed are licensed by the USDA to sell to pet stores. The Humane Society of the United States is reporting on problem puppy mills, including some dealers (re-sellers) and transporters. adopt, you idiot. You can also donate to help shut down puppy mills and continue our lifesaving work for all animals. The Horrible Hundred report is just one of the tools — albeit an important one — that we deploy each year to raise awareness about the dangers of puppy mills. Photo by the Missouri Department of Agriculture. Our intrepid researchers have continued bringing out the report by using state inspection records to identify many of the problem dealers and breeders so you, the consumers, can have the information that the USDA has unlawfully withheld. No animal should go through life with a target on their back. By participating on this page, you are agreeing to our. Documented problems include sick, underweight or injured dogs; HELL, HIRE ME, I WOULD HAVE NO PROBLEM TO CALL THEM OUT ON ALL THINGS & SHUT THEM DOWN !!!! MAKE IT SO TOUGH ON THEM , THAT THEY WILL BE DISCOURAGED TO KEEP IT GOING. You said it all – my thoughts exactly! We cuddle him and love him until he feels safe . I do have GREAT concerns about RESPONSIBLE “mom & pop” breeders being targeted. ... May 15, 2019. This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google The report, released every May, details the often-filthy, unhealthy conditions dogs and their offspring are kept in at high-volume breeding operations. The Horrible Hundred 2020 A sampling of problem puppy mills and puppy sellers in the United States . Our local humane society basically only has pit bulls, and my guess is that she’s looking for a specific breed, and there’s NOTHING wrong with that! This problem has been an issue for DECADES. THAN AFTERWARDS IF PEOPLE WANT TO BREED PETS, THEY SHOULD HAVE TO BE LICENCED & HAVE A PROPER FACILITY TO CARE FOR THEM. There are hundreds of thousands of good hearts out there that would take animals in to help heal, train, love & find a forever home to finish out their life. Last year, thanks to the work of the HSUS and our allies, Ohio passed one of the strongest laws in the nation to crack down on puppy mills. OF TIMES A DOG CAN BE BRED. Annual Horrible Hundred report reveals puppy mills cited for shooting and neglecting dogs, others for dirty conditions, No good news for dogs as AKC announces its most popular breeds, Hope in the heartland: How we're fighting to end puppy mills in Ohio and beyond. For the seventh year in a row, the Humane Society of the United States named Ohio fourth on the list for most puppy mills. The breeder responsible for her condition was later convicted of animal cruelty. Our Puppy Mills Campaign researchers, who combed through USDA and state inspection records for a year to create the report, found that even after state inspectors had cited breeders and brokers who sell to pet stores and online for serious violations, USDA inspectors sometimes failed to do so. This is no way for pets to be treated. But for puppy mills to truly disappear, we need our government to do its job of swiftly citing and taking action against operations with miserable conditions, where animals who are ill or injured suffer needlessly. What I would like to see happen can only be done on a massive scale with the help of thousands and thousands of volunteers. Thank you! The 2020 Horrible Hundred is a list of problem puppy breeders and sellers in the United States, published annually to warn consumers about common problems at puppy mills. Ohio nearly tops the list of the problem puppy mills according to the 2020 Horrible Hundred report. Six puppy mills cited in Horrible Hundred report close doors. In September, inspectors documented a brown poodle who was severely matted with an oozing lesion. It just doesn’t make sense…Waiting for a good explanation.. Fire inspectors that are not protecting the dogs , than shut down the hell hole for good !!! She was lethargic, riddled with parasites and pregnant with seven puppies, only three of whom survived after receiving round-the-clock care. ASSIGN GOOD PEOPLE THAT CARE TO POP UP UNANNOUNCED ON A REGULAR BASIS TO CHECK WHAT IS GOING ON & THE CONDITION OF PETS. ... Missouri has the largest number of puppy mills in the Horrible Hundred for the seventh year in a row, followed by Iowa, Pennsylvania and Ohio. We are also fighting for legislation, both at the state and federal level, to stop these entities who mistreat animals for their own profit. I am 100% against ALL puppy MILLS and will be doing my part supporting the Animal Welfare Act. If it went by merit, you would stay out and your dog would go in. What it also reveals is that the U.S. Department of Agriculture is failing – miserably – in its job of cracking down on the dog breeders and brokers who are responsible for numerous animal deaths and suffering. DEMAND THERE IS A PLACE THEY CAN GO OUTDOORS & GET EXERCISE ON A REGULAR BASIS !!! But the USDA did not crack down on Georgia Puppies, or even require them to get a license. Georgia Puppies had been selling puppies online with only a state license and with no apparent USDA license, which we revealed in last year’s Horrible Hundred report. Great thanks to HSUS for their work and service to exposing and eliminating. A breeder in Missouri had dogs out in the cold with only blue barrels for shelter (TLC Kennels). A dog dealer in Kansas shot and killed two dozen dogs they no longer wanted (Wendy Pets); the USDA didn’t even cite them for it. Kitty Block is President and CEO of the Humane Society of the United States and CEO of Humane Society International, the international affiliate of the HSUS. The females are bred until they no longer can breed and are often left to die and then discarded like trash . Meanwhile, it appeared to ignore problems at massive dog breeding operations we identified in our prior reports, including Craig Gray’s Georgia Puppies, which state authorities finally closed down in February after finding more than 700 dogs in shockingly poor conditions. It’s her choice! The only way to actually stop it is to take it down all at once. Our seventh annual Horrible Hundred report, which we are releasing today, reveals shocking instances of neglect and mistreatment of dogs in puppy mills, including severely underweight dogs and large numbers of puppies dying mysteriously. WHEN WILL PEOPLE LIKE YOU GET IT??????? A dealer in Iowa has been found with nearly 50 ailing dogs needing veterinary care since 2015 (Stonehenge Kennel)—but the USDA keeps giving the kennel a new license year after year. Goodwin spoke with 7 Investigates after HSUS released its seventh annual Horrible Hundred list. Shannon Antinori , … It’s a list of 100 of some of the worst puppy mills and … Let the USDA know you support this rule and that you want to see even stronger and much more diligent enforcement of the Animal Welfare Act at commercial dog breeding facilities. THESE SENTIENT COMPANION FAMILY PET’S LIKENED LIKE AS CHILDREN AGES 2-5 BY EXPERTS DOMESTICATED & DEPENDANT UPON THEIR SOCIETY TO PROTECT & HUMANELY CARE FOR BORN TO A DEATH SENTENCE’ BY USA’S LAWMAKER’S & ELECTED’ POLITICLE LEADER’S IS A DISGRACE TO LEADERSHIP’ A CREATED LEGALIZED SYSTEMATIC KILL POLICY’ AT NO FAULT OF THEIR OWN BRED & BORN TO DIE’! Can you please tell me why South Dakota is not on the list? Above, dogs at a breeding operation, Cedar Ridge Australians, that appeared in the HSUS's 2018 and 2019 Horrible Hundred reports. This is a horrible scandal in our country. The Humane Society of the United States is registered as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. I just sigh when I see these regurgitated articles. There are reputable breeders out there if you’re looking for a puppy. This would be an undertaking like none ever conceived. USDA is incompetent. We MUST stop this unspeakable horror that these poor dogs go through for $$$$$$. What it also reveals is that the U.S. Department of Agriculture is failing – miserably – in its job of cracking down on the dog … Six Pennsylvania dog breeding businesses have made it on the list of the Humane Society of the United States’ "Horrible Hundred." “The 2020 Horrible Hundred is a list of problem puppy breeders and sellers in the United States, published annually to warn consumers about common problems at puppy mills… If there were stricter laws & punishment for those that neglect them, there would be less shelter animals being killed, millions every year are put down for no fault of their own, very, very sad !!! A dog at a breeding operation that appears in our 2019 Horrible Hundred report. Fire the state inspectors of the USDA who are not enforcing rules and looking the other way! The dog is a gentleman; I hope to go to his heaven, not man’s.” –Mark Twain. They have no voice & they need to be protected just like human babies that have no voice. For the last two years, we’ve published the Horrible Hundred report despite unprecedented challenges created after the agency, in 2017, redacted breeder names, kennel names and license numbers from most of the public inspection records available online. Thanks, I want to have puppy mills comply will a higher standard of living for the dogs. CHARGE THEM $1,000 TO GET A BREEDER LICENCE & MAJE IT A FEE EVERY YEAR TO CONTINUE BREEDING. YOU can save wildlife from being killed just for a trophy by supporting our work to ban trophy hunting. Please comment on the USDA rule, either through our form letter until the 17th, or directly on the Federal Register until May 21. 10 Comments. The Humane Society of United States, which … A dealer in Florida has been linked to 26 puppy deaths (Florida Puppies Online.). This just brings me to tears after reading about this. SHAMEFUL & DISGUSTING !!! This was one of 30 Missouri puppy mills in the Humane Society’s “Horrible Hundred” annual report released May 11, 2020. There is no shortage. Pearl is finally getting the happy home she deserves, along with dozens of other dogs rescued that day who were put up for adoption. Above, dogs at a puppy mill in our Horrible Hundred report. Please help all our animals on this planet. ALL OF THESE PETS DESERVE A HOME !!! Our annual report documenting 100 of the country's known puppy mills has been released for 2020. Save 98%. Contributions to The Humane Society of the United States are tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law. Twenty-seven of the dealers in the 2019 report are repeat offenders. NAPLES, FL —Florida earned a notorious mention on the “Horrible Hundred” list of 100 problem puppy mills and puppy brokers released Monday by … Photo by the Missouri Department of Agriculture. Terms of Service apply. They are calling it the horrible hundred. The Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) released its 2020 'Horrible Hundred' list, and Missouri made top billing with 30 dealers -- triple the number of puppy mills … Privacy Policy and You either want to help them or you do not, make your choice already. We can’t allow this in country that is so civil. Make the illegal breeders afraid, very afraid by throwing them in jail and severly fining them, no excuses, no looking the other way, rule #2. By Blog Editor on. The Humane Society of the United States is registered as a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. If you saw one dog, the void, feral, frightened results, we all would be up in arms. Reply STOP to opt out. INDIANAPOLIS — Indiana has three dog breeders on the Humane Society of the United States' Horrible Hundred list for 2019 and we're tied for eighth worst in the country. The in humane treatment of these defenseless animals is horrific . I’m shocked you called someone an “idiot” for not wanting to adopt a dog!! Can someone refer me to a good breeder? There has to be someway that we can stop this even if it means we have to register our animals, “Heaven goes by favor. We will continue to fight for the day when puppy mills are wiped out forever and we no longer have to publish a Horrible Hundred report. The 100 Worst Puppy Mills in 2018 – The Horrible Hundred (including 6 in Nebraska) By Eric Forrest on June 2, 2018 Tweet; Pin It; Each year, the Humane Society of the United States, as part of its campaign against puppy mills, publishes its list of the worst 100 mills in America. You could be supporting cruelty like this. !!! The organization believes there are up to 10,000 puppy mills in the country. SUBSCRIBE NOW. But because puppy mills sell to pet stores and via websites across the country, puppies from breeders included in the Horrible Hundred report are distributed throughout the country. Will continue our search for a puppy elsewhere. Message and data rates may apply. COLUMBUS, Ohio - The Buckeye State again is ranked high among states on the "Horrible Hundred" list of puppy mills. The USDA must be aggresive in finding the breeders who are not following the rules. An “AKC-inspected” breeder in Missouri has dodged 35 state inspections and was repeatedly found with sickly and gaunt dogs (Corey Mincey/ Puppy Love Kennel); she is currently being sued by the state attorney general, but meanwhile she’s still offering puppies for sale online. Buying a puppy online or from a pet store? Enter your email address below to receive updates each time we publish new content. along with dozens of other dogs rescued that day who were put up for adoption. May 14, 2019 – For the seventh year in a row, the Humane Society of the United States has published a list of 100 problem puppy mills and puppy brokers in the United States. And a proposed USDA rule would prevent breeders with uncorrected violations, or those who have had their licenses revoked, from obtaining a new license. Any pet found malnourished, sick, hurt or dead, fine them big time. Unforgivable. Six Pennsylvania dog breeding businesses have made it on the list of the Humane Society of the United States’ "Horrible Hundred." Increasingly, it seems, the USDA has assumed the position of adversary rather than an ally in the fight against puppy mills. Read what veterinarians have to say about pets and the coronavirus, Investigation finds online wildlife killing contests are thriving during pandemic, Three Montana lawmakers declare war on wolves, bears and other carnivores with flurry of bad bills, Undercover investigation lays bare extreme cruelty in Indiana and Texas wildlife killing contests. In this report have a connection to the American Kennel Club. I was specifically looking for info on Greenfield Puppies. It is not a list of all puppy mills, nor is it a list of the worst puppy mills in the country. The information in this report demonstrates the scope of the puppy mill problem in America today, with specific examples of the types of violations that researchers have found at such facilities, for the purposes of warning consumers about the inhumane conditions that so many puppy buyers inadvertently support. A Missouri puppy mill owner in Elkland was cited twice in late 2019 for animal care violations by the USDA. © 2021 The Humane Society of the United States Privacy Policy & Terms. Their past Horrible Hundred reports have garnered widespread awareness about cruel conditions at puppy mills, which are large pet breeding operations that focus on profit over animal welfare. Better Business Bureau Accredited Charity. We need to stop puppy mills. Running, Missouri has the largest number of puppy sellers on the list. A LIFETIME OF HORRIFIC’ CRUELTY’ & SUFFERING OF CREATED COMPANION’S IS UNCONSCIENABLE & CRIMINAL’! It is a solvable problem, it may take a year, maybe two, but it should be the goal if you are truly wanting to help dogs otherwise it becomes a joke. As a consumer, you can do your part by not buying puppies from pet stores or online, or from any breeder who won’t meet you in person and show you the conditions in which a puppy was raised.
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