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609 Nichols Major C Watts, Derbyshire Regiment, as station staff officer, Mooi River and Volkrust, and latterly as commandant, Volkrust. 310 Smith Hall East Yorkshire Regiment (2nd Battalion)-Privates M H Holmes, S Martin (promoted Corporals); for gallantry near Bethlehem, May 30. Ph.D. - Massachusetts Institute of Technology & Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution The " Princess of Wales" and "Maine" were fitted put and maintained by the splendid generosity of private individuals, the former by the Central British Red Cross Committee for HRH the Princess of Wales, and the latter by a committee of American ladies. Yorkshire Light Infantry-Lieutenant Colonel Barter rendered invaluable assistance to brigadier. 540-464-7206 Assistant Professor She is currently revising her dissertation “Confronting the Communist State: The Chinese-Vietnamese Land-Maritime Border during the Cold War, 1949-1979” for publication and serving as a member of the Society for Military History 2019 Conference Program Committee. Imperial Yeomanry (3rd Battalion)-Quartermaster Sergeant Spooner, volunteered to carry a message to picquet through Boer lines, and managed to get through though challenged by sentry on the way; this message enabled two picquets to be withdrawn. While deployed, he was assigned to Joint Special Operations Task Force Philippines as the sole corpsman at a remote detachment site. 6th Battalion-Captain E V K Applin; Quartermaster and Honorary Lieutenant A W Smith; Colour Sergeants H Thompson, A Archbold; Lance Corporal E Wilson. She is also a former adjunct faculty member for Dabney S. Lancaster Community College where she taught Information Technology Courses. 540-464-7045 floydcm@vmi.edu, Publications Manager Brevet Lieutenant Colonel (local Colonel) E H H Allenby, CB, 6th Dragoons, has proved himself a popular and capable cavalry brigadier. Bio. Ph.D. - North Carolina State University Her university-level teaching experience includes lecturing in Introductory Art History course as well as leading seminars in Contemporary, Eastern European, Soviet, and Post-Soviet studies. Bio, Associate ProfessorEconomics and Business, Professor Royal Engineers-Lance Corporals Sargeant, W R Willis (promoted Corporals), M J Sweeney. In 2010, COL Brannon was assigned to HHC Brigade, 4th Brigade Combat Team, 82nd Airborne Division at Fort Bragg, North Carolina where he served as the Brigade Operations Officer. M.S. Devon Regiment (2nd Battalion)-Major (temp. Durham-Major J Gowans; Company Sergeant Major O'Neill. Department Head sadlerwa@vmi.edu After receiving his wings, he reported to VP-30 for fleet replacement training in June 2015, after which, he received orders to VP-10 Red Lancers stationed at NAS Jacksonville. 202 Admissions Office Imperial Yeomanry (62nd Company)- Sergeant A Smith; good service near Harrismith, Orange River Colony in June (mentioned in AO). During his military career, Col. Gray exercised executive leadership in command and staff positions of increasing responsibility across the globe. 10684 Gunner J McCarthy (promoted Corporal); on game occasion, finding that a man had been left wounded in retirement of party to the kraal they held, went out under close fire and brought him in; later, volunteered to go eight miles to nearest post to fetch assistance, and got through. Lieutenant F Rainsford-Hannay is a young officer, who has, on several occasions, proved himself to be cool and reliable. Colonel Morgan's arrangements for it were admirable, and will, I hope, be made a model for use on any future compaign. Private Crook (promoted Corporal); took up horses under heavy fire. He serves as chair of the Institute Planning Committee, composed of senior VMI executives who issue policy guidance and provide advice to the Superintendent. Company Sergeant Major J Smith, 17th Company, Sapper F Trask, 37th Company; coolness and gallant behaviour when making sandbag wall across railway bridge at Langerwachte Spruit, February 23, under heavy fire. 618 Nichols In 1985 he moved to the Electrical Engineering Department as an electronics technician. Royal Scots (1st Battalion)-Captain A J G Moir and 2nd Lieutenant P C Dalmahoy; for conspicuous gallantry in leading attack on Boer position at Bermondsey, East Transvaal, May 16; were wounded three times and twice respectively. Upon obtaining his professional engineer's license (PE), he went to graduate school at Virginia Tech to earn his Ph.D. in Civil Engineering with an emphasis in structural engineering. Gorringe's Scouts-Corporals G Atherson and A Spurl-ing (promoted Sergts. Before joining the faculty ranks at VMI, she taught courses and conducted research at the University of Montana, University of Texas: El Paso, and Roanoke College. GFC Intelligence-Troopers E Maasdorp, E Currie,. pinkhamdj@vmi.edu, Maintenance Supervisor Captain Steven Thomas Beck was born in Havelock, North Carolina, and was raised in Patuxent River, Maryland. Trooper Hipland (promoted Corporal), on same occasion, though wounded, rode back to cover retreat of another man. 225 Post Hospital Staff Captain H Gogarty, Royal Scots Fusiliers; Lieutenants A W Tuffnell, Royal West Surrey Regiment; R Munro, 2nd Battalion Devon Regiment; Captain J Tredgold, ASC, Royal West Surrey Regiment (2nd Battalion)-Major W S Burrell (commanding); Captain L D la Mare, 1st VB; Colour Sergeant J Robinson; Private T Hatherell. She obtained her doctorate from Stanford University in 2016. Mounted Infantry-Capt J F Waterlow, 2nd VB Royal West Surrey Regiment; Lieutenants C H W Wilson, 2nd VB East Yorkshire Regt; E Q Con-cannon, 16th Middlesex VRC; B Moeller, E A Manisty; Sergeants S G L Bradley, H O Buckle, P Gar-rard, W J Park, T W Vine; Corporals P C Cooper. Essex Regiment (2nd Battalion)-Lieutenant Stirling, Private Bright. 2nd Life Guards-Lieutenant C Champion-de Crespigny, when in command of a patrol on January 19, showed great gallantry, and an excellent example to his men, in bringing wounded men out of action. He served as the Ground Training Officer before joining the “Black Knights” of HMM-264 (Rein) where he served as a Schedule Writer aboard the USS WASP during OPERATION RESTORE DEMOCRACY in Haiti from Aug to Oct 1994. 306 Construction Office Western Province Mounted Rifles-Captain R M Bertram; for his very gallant defence of Tontelbosch Kolk, Cape Colony, from November 25 to December 3. After completing T-34C and TH-57 training in Jul 1993, 1st Lt. Streeter joined HMT-303 at MCB Camp Pendleton, CA for AH-1W training. Environmental regulations and the flow of FDI: The Pollution Haven Hypothesis, A radially-symmetric, octopedal robot for investigating computational intelligence methods. Captain B E A O'Meara performed duties of garrison adjutant and quartermaster with much zeal and energy; has rendered valuable services. 502 Cocke Hall Ph.D. - Clemson University Col. Ticen’s graduate work focused on the use of myth and epic in the works of James Joyce, Salman Rushdie, and Derek Walcott. bartleykd@vmi.edu, Director, Cocke Hall Middletown: Wesleyan University Press). He has acquitted himself well and to my satisfaction. hayslettal@vmi.edu, Instructor Specialty: Organic Chemistry ellwoodmt@vmi.edu, Financial Management Analyst Army Chaplain's Department-Reverend W B L Alexander, Reverend A W B Watson. Acting Bombardier H Cook (promoted Corporal); seeing men and horses at gun shot down, on his own initiative, unlimbered wagon which was about 100 yards in rear and with the help of Drivers G Lillie, J Saunders, E Lloyd, T Hopkins (promoted Bombardier) took limber up, but before they reached gun, they and all their horses were shot down. Major G Heath, in charge of Balloon Section, is a bold and enterprising aeronaut, and rendered useful service; the constant watch which he kept on enemy's movements being a source of much disquiet to them. Royal Berkshire Regiment (2nd Battalion) (Volunteer Company)- Captain P Alleyne, near Potchefstroom, on May 4, hearing that enemy had arranged to destroy line, and not considering ganger sufficiently reliable, went out himself at dawn on the trolley to explore the line. On night of May 18, a party of Boers tried to cross line, but was driven back by fire from blockhouse; Corporal Wale seeing them retiring followed them up with six men, and by volleys caused them to abandon a waggon and a large quantity of stock, which he guarded till daylight and then brought in. During his career, Staff Sergeant Rivera served as a Petroleum Heavy Vehicle Operator, Postal Sergeant, Human Resources Sergeant, Squad Leader, and Unit Armorer. Bio, Photographer Assistant Professor As an Army Environmental Engineer, he conducted extensive drinking water and wastewater system characterizations and public health threat assessments throughout the U.S. and overseas in Macedonia, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Italy, Germany, and Norway. From Sir G White’s despatch, March 23, 1900. East Kent Regiment-Brevet Lieutenant Colonel C B Vyvyan; Major G V Dauglish; Captains A G Trollope, H Pindlay; Lieutenant E A Brackenbury (Volunteer Company); Sergeant Major A Burton; Colour Sergeants P Ralph, A Hughes; Corporals F Hayward, G Thomas; Private A Lewis. 540-464-7212 Conductor J Marais (promoted Head Conductor); for gallantry and coolness in action at Bushman's Kop, April 14. Royal Army Medical Corps-Major B Caldwell; for good service 'in attending to wounded under heavy fire in attack on Colonel Firman's column, December 25. leechhc@vmi.edu, Assistant Marine Officer Instructor First Lieutenant Beck was then requested by name to support a CENTCOM initiative in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia where he served as a Current Operations Action Officer and a Watch Officer. Mullins, T.H. In August 2009, HM2 Foote deployed in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom. 540-464-7449 Private Thurlpw (promoted Corporal); conspicuous for his energy in turning round wagons of convoy under fire and sending them to the rear. 62nd-Trooper J C Sales; on October 2, his horse shot and leg badly injured, when called on at close range to surrender, refused, and eventually got away with his arms (promoted Corporal). 540-464-7123 He frequently leads VMI study abroad programs to Budapest, Hungary, and he recently completed a semester as a visiting Fulbright Scholar at the National University of Public Service there. My goal is to apply fundamental knowledge about plant chemistry to the genetic engineering of a dual-use food and fuel crop plant to be cultivated on the same plot of land. SFC Donald Bryan is originally from Buchanan, Virginia. hallnl@vmi.edu, Director, International Programs campbellsw@vmi.edu, Unix/Database Administrator 305 Smith Hall Ph.D. - University of South Carolina Royal Engineers-Lieutenant Colonel W F H Stafford; Majors F G Bond, W H Turton; Captains A J Craven, G A Travers, J S Fowler, DSO. Sergeant Cook, specially recommended for clever and plucky scouting and for gallantry in action. Lieutenant Bruce-Carruthers; in command of a detached party, fought till all were killed or wounded. Ph.D. - Texas Christian Univeristy 5th Regiment Mounted Infantry-Lieutenant Colonel E Bainbridge, East Kent Regiment. Royal Army Medical Corps-Major H G Hathaway has been attached to my staff since my arrival at Naauwpoort; he has been unremitting in his attention to the sick and wounded; he has on several occasions and at critical times carried messages to commanders of units in the ield, and his services have been most useful, From Sir R Buller’s despatch on the withdrawal, January 30:-. Corps of Guides-Lieutenant Boss; Trooper Newton. From Colonel Manners-Wood's despatch, April 3:-. Major W R Edwards, IMS, took over medical charge of the Headquarters Staff in March, 1900, and performed his duties most satisfactorily. Lieutenant and Quartermaster P Moran; on same occasion,, seeing party of enemy creeping up under cover of a donga, headed the cooks and invalids, attacked, and drove them off. Mr F Wblteley'g (Mayor of Mafeking) services were invaluable; in a most public-spirited manner he took up, at my request, the difficult task of arranging for the feeding and housing of all lie women and children, and carried out their management with marked success; he was much assisted by Mr Rowlands, who gave up his house, garden, water supply, etc, to be used by the laager. 301 Shell Hall Lieutenant C Lowther and Trooper Hurst, 24th Company, Trooper Elce, 23rd Company, and Trooper Matter, Paget's Horse, brought in Lieutenant Lethbridge, Paget's Horse, and Trooper Park, both severely wounded, under a very heavy fire. 215 Carroll Hall 540-464-7465 540-464-7492 540-464-7574 Lieutenant Colonel R Mapleton, Royal Army Medical Corps, in charge of Intombi Hospital Camp, was placed in a most exceptional position, in charge of a neutral camp, where maintenance of discipline in the ordinary way was impossible, but in face of all difficulties he did everything possible to maintain sanitation of the camp and to ensure the well-being of sick and wounded. 540-464-7240 5th-Lieutenant M W G Corrie; at Vaalkop, October 13, with Trooper Walrond, brought a man out of action from within 200 yards of the enemy. Royal Irish Regiment-Majors H M Hatchell (now retired); A N Lysaght, K P Apthorp, A S Orr, H J Downing; Captain E H E Daniell; Lieutenants E M Panter-Downes, J A M J P Kelly; Quartermaster and Honorary Captain F P Roger; Sergeant Major J Bergin; Colour Sergeants T Mahony (now Sergeant Major), J Reddan; Sergeants H Loney, T McHale; Corporals P Doyle, M Kelly; Lance Corporals J Rathbone, C Beresford, J Dumphy, W Ty-therleigh; Privates T Baker, J Kavanagh, J Kennedy, J O'Neill, J Ryan, W Sweeney. Capt. smytheab@vmi.edu M. R. Varanasi and D. L. Livingston, "A Microprocessor Implementation of a Data Compression Algorithm," Virginia Journal of Science, vol. When reported to Major Marshall, he at once ran out to where the man was, some 80 yards off. His research interests include Arabic language and culture, Arabic dialects, linguistics, pedagogy, second language acquisition, and sociolinguistics. Leicester Regiment (1st Battalion)-Lieutenant B Weldon. Inspector (local Major) W E Ayliff is a brave and efficient officer (wounded November 3). Joyce is available throughout the day or by appointment. M.S. Bio, Associate Professor - University of Virginia Royal Artillery-I again recognise the business-like manner in which Lieutenant Colonel Hall, commanding RA, carries out his duties in the field. Royal Army Medical Corps-Lieutenant J J W Prescott specially mentioned for his care of the wounded in despite of a heavy fire. LT Becker was stationed in Pearl Harbor, HI, and served aboard the USS Cheyenne (SSN-773) for three years. Col. Timmes commanded the U.S. Army Center for Environmental Health Research in Fort Detrick, Maryland, and served as the Director for Environmental Health Sciences and Engineering at the Army Public Health Center before retiring from Active Duty to join the VMI Civil and Environmental Engineering Department. 540-464-7277 540-464-7240 69th Battery: Major F Wing is an excellent officer; keen, zealous, willing and capable; he commands thoroughly well, and gets the best work put of his men; I strongly recommend him to your consideration. Lieutenant Colonel P Lewis, ASC, acted as DAAG (b), and had sole charge of all executive supply and transport arrangements, and usually commanded the baggage column on the line of march; both on the staff and in the field he was admirable, and I strongly recommend him for promotion as an officer of great promise. 540-462-6365 In 1990 he left active duty to pursue his seminary degree and then returned to active duty as a chaplain in 1994. 2006. 519 Scott Shipp Hall Security Sergeant Bio. Corporal J Green, Trooper F Burdett; for gallantry at Sheerpoqrt, November 4. LT Kellner reported aboard VP-10 January 2016 and reported to VMI in February 2019. Captain A Solly-Flood, South Lancashire Regiment, has rendered excellent service, and been of great value as adjutant. West Riding Regiment: 3rd Battalion)-Major H J Johnston; Captain and Honourable Major G E Moke-Norrie; Captain H H Wayman; Colour Sergeant W B Hobson; Quartermaster Sergeant W A Yeoman; Lance Corporal P Quinn. bulger-barnettkd@vmi.edu Colonel W Stevenson, Royal Army Medical Corps, has been PMO with the force, and I desire to draw attention not only to the efficient manner in which he has supervised the working of the corps, bat also to the assistance I have received from him at all times. He has since then commanded a brigade in the Orange River Colony, and has carried out his duties in a soldier-like and efficient manner. Specialty: Structural Engineering He received a Direct Commissioned to the Military Intelligence branch and continued to serve as part of the 104th Training Division. He also serves as an Honorary Research Scholar at the Archive and Public Culture Research Initiative at the University of Cape Town. Johannesburg Mounted Rifles-Captain J Mossop. 16th Bengal Lancers-MajorJ Shea; on August 1 very gallantly led 200 men of South Australians in night attack on Smut's laager of over 300 men, and after hand to hand fighting scattered them, killing 7, capturing 11, of whom Field Cornet Woolmaarans he took with his own hand. He and his wife have been married for 13 years and have two children. dulaneymk@vmi.edu, Writing Center Consultant Captain A H S Hart, East Surrey Regiment, and Lieutenant C Saunders, Dorset Regiment (attached), on two occasions made valuable reconnaissance sketches of important parts of the enemy's position with very indifferent cover in a nullah (down wHich they had crept), from a galling fire. 540-464-7386 Cheshire Regiment (2nd Battalion)-Sergeant Major J Holland; for good service in capture of Boer laager on December 11 and 13, especially on December 13, when he captured two Boers single-handed when far ahead of his men and fired at continuously. Hospitals-The heavy strain on the Army Medical Department was further much relieved by the patriotic efforts of the several committees and individuals who raised, equipped, and sent out complete hospitals. 540-464-7017 6th Dragoon Guards-Colonel T C Porter has frequently been employed as a brigadier and in command of advanced posts; he has always carried out the tasks allotted to him with much skill, zeal, and indefatigable energy. 5th Battalion-Captains M E C Backhouse, H E McCollagh, G A Weir; Squadron-Sergeant. knowlesjw@vmi.edu Sergeant Major E C Mudge, Sergeants H Herbert, H Helland, Corporal J Hopwood are deserving of mention for good work. Royal Scots-Captains H McMicking, DSO, D C H Maclean; Lieutenants H B M Bourne, H L Budge; Sergeant Major A Smith; Acting Quartermaster Sergeants F Prince, Garner; Sergeant H Farquhar; Lance Corporal G McGibb; Private J Heathcote. General Howard brings to notice the services of this officer, who acted as his ADC, and also as brigade signalling officer. KRRC; Captain G Gory, 2nd Battalion Royal Dublin Fusiliers; Lieutenant A Mildmay, 3rd Battalion King's Royal Rifles, have done excellent work throughout and shown great skill, courage, and ability in leading and handling their men. He is also authorized to wear the Air Assault Badge, Senior Parachutist Wings, Ranger Tab, and the Joint Staff Identification Badge. East Surrey Regiment-Captain L G lonides; for fearless leading in pursuit of Boers. In 1991, Lt. Col. Ph.D. - Auburn University Army Pay Department-The work thrown on this department hag been out of all precedent with that which it has ever been called on to perform in previous campaigns; but it has been carried out under circumstances of great difficulty by Colonel W B Wade and his assistants to my entire satisfaction. Adjunct ProfessorComputer and Information Sciences, Police Officer 304-308. “George Steiner on Original Sin, Hope, and Tragedy,” TELOS, no. Royal Welsh Fusiliers-2251 Sergeant Cottrell; for his conduct in night surprise of Boer post near Naauwpoort, July 19, when he commanded one of the two parties. Damants Horse-Sergeant J Carsons, Corporal T Duff (killed), Troopers A Forsyth (killed), R Dunham. 540-464-7132 Her work is forthcoming in the anthology Paperback Writer: Literary Advice into the Twenty-First Century (Palgrave). 6th Dragoon Guards- Sergeant J Blaney; good service in Eastern Transvaal, during Lieutenant Qen. M.F.A. South African Light Horse-Captain and Adjutant W F Barker, DSO, Lieutenant J E Steele; for good service in Colonel Byng's capture of laager at Fanny Home, February 2. 540-464-7218 Royal Warwick Regiment-Private J Hollyoak; at Wit-poort, December 22, two horses having broken away and gone towards enemy's position, he followed them, under very close fire, and got them back. Lance Corporal J T Toohey (promoted Corporal); for good service and capture of two prisoners. 2018 Kilbourne Hall I am much indebted to him for the good service he has performed. Colonel Wanovich relinquished command of the Special Troops Battalion in June 2009 and to attend the United States Army War College in Carlisle, Pennsylvania. South Wales Borderers-Privates B Benyon, A Cox (promoted Corporals); on February 2, during attempt to relieve Modderfontein, volunteered to carry message to general officer commanding though fire was coming from all sides from not more than 700 yards distance. Col. Streeter joined the Naval Sea Systems Command (NAVSEA) in Jul 2015 and served as the Senior USMC Liaison Officer to the Commander of NAVSEA until Jul 2017. 4th Battalion-Captain H B de V Tupper; Lieutenants G E H Sheen (16th Middlesex Volunteers), A Lindemere; Sergeant Major B Burnett; Sergeant T Haynes. Upon graduation, he was employed at VMI as an assistant director of admissions from 2004 until 2009. afrotc@vmi.edu Institute Director of Writing Ph.D. - George Washington University lasisiaa@vmi.edu faustkl@vmi.edu Lance Corporal G Mash; at Slagboom, August 16, for gallantry in helping Sergeant Ward to remove Colt gun under heavy fire from bush on both sides of the road (promoted Corporal).
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