what is brain fog reddit

I had make major lifestyle changes in terms of exercising 5 times a week to incorporating more vegetables and fruits, to replacing red meat with more poultry/fish meat but it still felt the same as before. So many diets and supplements. Interesting! I immediately started the plant paradox diet from Dr. Gundry (which cuts out all the high risk foods)- if you listen to his book and another book called longevity paradox a light bulb will go off in your head. As of July 2020, I had a brain MRI done and it came back as “normal,” and ANA, ESR, CRP labs, which were deemed “normal” as well. I do felt extremely sleepy for no reason which I had on multiple occasion tried to resist with my willpower but failed. My life has been torture for 2 years as my brain fog giving me all these symptoms like super tight chest (stress response of some sort) and just some other symptoms which is really hard to explain. He experiences a 'constant cloud' over his brain and never has any mental clarity or a clear head. Cookies help us deliver our Services. You need specialized medical care outside of insurance and FDA approval if you're going to treat off research papers, unfortunately. Brain fog is a common symptom of depression. Neck issues (CCI/AI) also can cause immune overresponses, including thyroid issues. But I know inflammation is a common cause. Not pregnant/never was pregnant/not trying to get pregnant. They aren't perfect, but they are a bit more willing to go into the wild west. Subclinical or mild overt thyroid disease (usually hypothyroidism). I'm not sure how ibuprofen would be helping you if this were the case, but it may be reducing the inflammation that promotes occult tethered cord, or just reduces brainstem swelling that contributes to brain fog. When you have fibro fog or brain fog, you feel like information is just out of your reach. BPC-157 is probably a decent option to consider? It’s arguably the most frustrating symptom of Fibromyalgia, chronic illness, and chronic pain. I am getting desperate right now. The treatment for brain fog depends on the cause of why it is occurring.Raising the number of hours of sleep might slightly shut out brain fog symptoms. Fixing brain fog is not simple, given the range of potential causes. We welcome any contribution to this subreddit, each of us would love to hear your story, and hopefully we can offer you a step closer in your own recovery journey. During that anxiety period the fog slowly emerged. You would also probably feel awesome on antibiotics, if that were the case (but antibiotics are terrible for you.) (*I don't like dairy btw). Wow thank you. Inflammation and oxidative stress cause brain fog by damaging the limbic system, a connected set of brain regions that affect cognition, emotions, and energy levels. This included more vegetables, added inulin, added green banana, holigos, galacto and xylo saccharides and stayed the course. I'm really clueless and tried so many things. In my personal experience, steroids did not help with the brain fog while large sustained doses of NSAIDs did. Brainfog is a symptom of a deeper condition that has troubled the creators of this subreddit personally. My thyroid U/S in 2014 revealed: 1) heterogeneous thyroid without discrete measurable nodules identified. I'll have to research that since I've never heard of it. Although Brain Fog is not a recognized medical condition, it's a term that I’m starting to see more and more frequently. When I take ibuprofen, however, my symptoms and speech impairments are temporarily alleviated. Brain fog can be relatively mild to the point that it doesn’t severely hamper one’s cognitive performance, but in some cases it can be moderate or severe. I had to quit university, and also my job. 2) hypoechoic structure just inferior to the right thyroid lobe (which could represent an enlarged lymph node or possibly a parathyroid adenoma). The cause was all microbiome, I did their gut zoomer and all their food zoomer tests and found tons of allergies and lectin sensitivities- all grain related. Even though I can acknowledge this, it's still hard to find any root causes. According to the published article “A clinical approach to diagnosis of autoimmune encephalitis”: Steroid-responsive encephalopathy must have detectable levels of antithyroid antibodies in the body and the diagnosis can be made when all 6 of the following criteria have been met: Encephalopathy with seizures, myoclonus, hallucinations, or stroke-like episodes *Do my speech/neuro symptoms fulfill this category? I'm thinking I got some sort of weird burnout in my brain or something. I'm also wondering about immunosuppressants versus immunomodulators? Hello, I have the same symptoms as OP but I also have chronic constipation. What other anti-inflammatories have you tried? I'm no longer taking either because the only thing that helps me are anti-inflammatories. Get Gundrys books and read them- there is no reason why my recovery I had can't be your recovery. Symptoms: head pressure, blurry/hazy vision and loss of focus, soxial anxiety, situations sometimes feeling kind of surreal, overthinking, feeling distant. I know that long-term steroid can have negative side effects. I’ve tested negative for allergy testing in 2014. I quit my athlete career and I'm making sure that I eat enough, so this is not a problem for me anymore. There's not much research on this subject, and how I would love to start my own research study, but I'm trying to figure out ways to prove my hypothesis that inflammation is a cause of brain fog and that elevated biomarkers could be proof of that. So would it be possible that my mind reacts to stressful situations by kind of shielding me off from the things around me and thus causing me to experience these various symptoms? If it's dysbiotic, a carnivore or even low-fodmap diet may provide relief. It’s involves memory problems, a lack of mental clarity, and an inability to focus. *I do have this, Normal brain MRI or with non-specific abnormalities. These drugs do nothing for systemic inflammation and mainly target peripheral inflammation. Many AD patients take NSAIDs for years upon years, so they can be safe is used cautiously and correctly. Brainfog is a symptom of a deeper condition that has troubled the creators of this subreddit personally. Anybody here that have had the same symptoms, please reach out if you have time. Nonetheless, it’s not easy for everybody to achieve but is an easy solution that does not ask for any medication or add-ons to cure. This may seem like a high amount, but its standard for a systemic inflammation medical problem (see drugs.com for proof). Prebiotics and polyphenols is absolutely the most healing protocol I've ever done in my life. Finding the answer requires some detective work. My rough interpretation of the pathophysiology that's going on is diagnosis E06.3: anti-thyroglobulin antibodies and anti-thyroid peroxidase antibodies = (autoimmune) lymphocytes --> high/abnormal (autoimmune) lymphocytes = autoimmune disease --> treatment of autoimmune disease = methotrexate or corticosteroids. I know this is a lot but everything comes from your gut, when you feed them (good bacteria) first and they become your priority your life will change. Wow you're amazing, thank you so much! The site may not work properly if you don't, If you do not update your browser, we suggest you visit, Press J to jump to the feed. I experience these debilitating symptoms most of the day, every day. We welcome any contribution to this subreddit, each of us would love to hear your story, and hopefully we can offer you a step closer in your own recovery journey. A poster to one of our forums , Recoverandheal, has a two-and-a-half-year history of mild pressure in the head and what he describes as 'brain fog'. Ibuprofen also has an effect on the microbiome. If it's CCI/AI, your MRI might show the top of your neck and you could look to see if your Grabb Oakes and other measurements are off, as a starting point for diagnoses. But there are some things that can help and can also protect our brains as we … By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. *I do have this (normal MRI), Presence of serum thyroid (thyroid peroxidase, thyroglobulin) antibodies. Are hormonal imbalance, leaky gut health or autoimmune disease associated with one another? I've been doing so much research but there's only so much I can do by myself. I might see if you can dig back a little further to the cause. Since ibuprofen has been the only thing that has given me temporary relief, I was wondering about trying a short-term immunosuppressant to help put my symptoms in remission. If you really believe you have an autoimmune disease, then you most likely will need the big guns...biologics. Give adequate warning with the recommendation of any drugs, Looks like you're using new Reddit on an old browser. I started to feel better, we did a 3 day course of 500mg Flagyl which was specific to the Prevotella and then followed it up with the diet now focused more on feeding the good bacteria with prebiotics. There are some treatments that can help with brain fog… Clearly you're smart and onto something. When I get a brain fog "flare," my symptoms cause me feel almost unconscious even though I'm awake, severe fatigue, slurred and jumbled speech, thyroid pressure/pain, and repetitive yawning. I'm not a doctor, but I know that brain fog exists and it's not a psychological issue and it's not a migraine. I've been struggling with brain fog for about 2 years. Brain fog can have many possible causes, including health conditions like hypothyroidism or depression. This foggy feeling leads to other symptoms of brain fog, including: An inability to think clearly or grasp a thought. (But this isn't a sustainable solution bc it negatively impacts kidneys and stomach.). The bad trip caused me to feel anxiety for about 3 months and I felt traumatized, I was afraid of going insane, never getting my mind back to it's normal state, having fucked up for life etc. With these symptoms, I find it difficult to speak/communicate; I find myself slurring my speech, mixing words up, feeling blank and removed, staring off, not feeling present to even hold a simple conversation, and acute onset of repetitive/excessive yawning that I can’t stop. Brain fog or ‘mental fog’ refers to cognitive impairment caused by brain inflammation. But severe, chronic brain cloud that is not resolved through adequate rest and exercise should not be shrugged off. I am currently taking Holigos and Bimuno and have the best gut health I’ve had in years. I’ve struggled with these symptoms most of my life but didn’t discover until 2019 that these pathological symptoms have a direct correlation to anti-inflammatories. Anyone else?.Brainfog is a symptom of a deeper condition that has troubled the creators of this subreddit personally. How to get tested for them? The fog was most devestating in social situations and at work, when working out, when getting high, when I first started driving I would also sometimes feel brainfog. When you experience brain fog after eating, your brain is telling you that there’s a problem. So I just was wondering if a trial short term corticosteroid could be used to see if it could mitigate the brain fog symptoms. Confusion. I would recommend working with the drs at the Center for Complex Diseases. When I started to have brain fog I would get stronger brain fog in brighter light like at the grocery store, at the mall and also during long periods of time in front of a screen. Most doctors have been ignoring the fact that ibuprofen works for me and they instead resort to prescribing me meds that don't help with my brain fog (ie Adderall and verapamil). My medical history: I’m a 30 y/o female, about 20.8 BMI, with no known allergies. *I haven’t been tested for this yet, Reasonable exclusion of alternative causes, (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5066574/). It has absolutely robbed my life completely. Going on an immunosupressant during a pandemic sure wouldn't be my first choice. Personally, I can be clear as a bell on antimicrobials and a diet with no fermentation or fermentable fibers consumed. This subreddit exists to serve as a community support group to keep eachover strong on the journey to recovery, as well as to serve as a breeding ground for new ideas through community effort. This fed my good bacteria as well and increased my gut diversity back to a normal level. After doing my research I have found that methotrexate is probably a better alternative to corticosteroids. The main question is: what is the pathophysiology of brain fog and how can it be mitigated? Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. I think you should also try another run with NSAIDs, but you need to use the maximum dosage at a sustained length to receive full therapeutic benefit. Also up-to-date on vaccines. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5066574/. Its been 6 months, everything is in remission, my brain fog is gone, the autoimmune condition is negative, the cancer biomarker is negative, my gut issues went away, my leaky gut is down to almost sealed, my thyroid is working again. When I said short-term corticosteroid, I know that it's not a permanent change but it's more permanent than Ibuprofen is. I also added polyphenols, like quercetin, resveratrol, turmeric, and added a product called polyphenomenal from bulletproof. I feel -very- similarly. Brain fog can be the result of mental fatigue brought on by long periods of intense work and/or concentration. November 4, 2020; Posted in Uncategorized; 0 Comments; You might be surprised to find out that researchers have largely given this area of cannabis culture a pretty wide berth. Very interesting, I'll have to research more into all of this. Any experts here able to provide some insight on what type of hormones do doctor focus on testing in terms of checking for male hormonal imbalance? Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts, Usually in remission, brain fog related to gut issues. I have also had a lot of luck with anti-parasitics (Alinia worked better than Flagyl for me). I'm curious if there's a correlation between anti-thyroglobulin antibodies and anti-thyroid peroxidase antibodies and inflammation and brain fog. I've always had these brain fog issues, even when my TSH, T3, and T4 are normal. [Naproxen might be easier since it last 12 hours, so 2x per day at 500mg each.]. I visited multiple doctors (PCP, endocrinologist, and neurologist), however they all dismiss me saying that since my MRI is "normal," I'm perfectly healthy. *I do have these, Absence of well-characterized neuronal antibodies in serum and CSF. My symptoms haven't changed with or without levothyroxine and my symptoms haven’t changed even when I was on the AIP diet for a while (and I also tried supplements for a while: selenium, turmeric/curcumin, multivitamins, prebiotics, probiotics, and omega-3s, which didn’t help me either). ive had serious brain fog for the last 2 years and ive thought it was either due to my concussion or my past mental health issues so i thought i was just a lost cause tbh. However, it's important to note that hangovers are a sign that you’re probably over doing it and should consider cutting down. Cookies help us deliver our Services. This is getting frustrating, although the cpap has improve my sleep quality in terms of being able to sleep comfortably through the night but I am here still experiencing severe brain fog especially after having meals. Anyone else suspect something like this to be going on? Brain fog is a symptom of another medical condition. So they send me away with massive medical bills that I can't afford, without addressing the issue. Many, many patients of AD will tell you that biologics gave them their life back, and many will tell you it helped them immensely with fatigue and brain fog. I try to go back in time to see what went wrong. My doctor helped me and gave me guidance and testing but he did not know what I learned so I was on my own as far as doing this- you'll probably have to do the same but the tests tell you what to do. My advice, try sustained max dosage nsaids for a minimum of two weeks to see if you get sustained benefit. But my consequences of ibuprofen usage made my leaky gut worse, to the point my zonulin and LPS levels were through the roof. Now I would call all of these situations "stress situations". Any someone please advice me on what to do next? Quercetin and turmeric always make me feel better, but resveratrol makes me feel extremely groggy and ‘drunk.’ Isn’t it a bit of a blood thinner? I would love to chat with you some more about this! This is two weeks of consistent dosing in order to achieve maximal anti-inflammatory benefit. If you are worried about your stomach, take one omeprazole daily in the morning. Alone, it isn’t usually a sign that you have another medical condition. It all started when I was an athlete, training all day eating way too little and just f*cking my body up. I'm currently going to a chiropractor to work on my nervous system and spine, as my posture as a cyclist was kind of bad. I know that's getting into the realm of unconventional medicine though. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. My medical history includes autoimmune hashimoto’s thyroiditis (diagnosed in 2013, but lifelong), short PR syndrome (2018), dyshidrosis (all life), stenosing tenosynovitis (needed a steroid injection for in 2015), scleritis/uveitis (since middle school), and chilblains when I was younger. Even though exercising in the morning did help to relieve the brain fog but once I started having my meals, 3/4 of the my days are ruin as I am too fatigue and lengthy. About 400mg will last me about 2-3 hours until it wears off. But sometimes it can be one of several signs of a health problem that needs a doctor’s care. My brain fog just got worse and worse until I couldn't function anymore. I started a leaky gut protocol of glutamine, IGG powder, zinc and licorice 3 x a day. its only been a week so i dont want to get too excited but it feels a lot better! But I'll look into BPC-157, thanks for suggesting. Many with thyroid problems get that from SIBO or dysbiosis which causes leaky gut which allows antigens out of the intestine which the body mounts an inflammatory (mast cell) immune response to. You might feel that the fog surrounds you, is inside your head, or both. I do have abnormal autoimmune inflammatory biomarkers, i.e. I'm curious if anyone else with brain fog has tested for these antibodies? Brain fog is considered a temporary or permanent alteration in one’s consciousness in which it becomes difficult to think clearly and perform cognitively demanding tasks. I can't thank you enough for looking into this too. It’s used as a sort of catch-all to describe a wide range of symptoms. Due to this, I believe that the pathophysiology of brain fog symptoms is due to inflammation. I don't do drugs, smoke, or drink and don't have any tattoos. I experience the same extreme discomfort when I take EPA or drink hemp milk. If you need any help please PM me, I know the pain you are in right now but there is time- you can fix it. I actually agree with your doctor for refusing methotrexate/sulfasalazine. Certain foods, additives, an imbalance of macronutrients, or the amount you eat can all be to blame. What is your opinion of short-term methotrexate or corticosteroid treatment as being viable solutions for mitigation of brain fog? Haven't had antibiotics in many years. (I discovered ibuprofen helps my symptoms accidentally in 2019 when I took ibuprofen to help relieve my thyroid pain and noticed my brain fog symptoms were relieved as well.) Thank you for reading and thank you for any help/advice that you have! Does this fit with what you're talking about? Clinically, memory, focus, and attention problems are called cognitive dysfunction. It’s bad enough to lose control over your body, but it’s maddening to lose control over your mind. When I get a brain fog "flare," my symptoms cause me feel almost unconscious even though I'm awake, severe fatigue, slurred and jumbled speech, thyroid pressure/pain, and repetitive yawning. but with taking iron, i went from like having 60% brain fog most hours of the day to like 20% and it feels so relieving! In many of these cases, getting enough rest is the right prescription. Press J to jump to the feed. With brain fog, even simple tasks can become a challenge. I retest my gut every 6 weeks and follow my progress- its amazing. Brain fog and fibro fog. My inflammation comes on after workouts that are too intense, or after having too much sugar/alcohol/grain. Brain fog is a term that describes problems with focus, memory, logic, and problem solving. Functional medicine doctors may also be curious to partner with you. Consequently, this leads me to feel confident that this is autoimmune/inflammatory based, especially when my symptoms are only temporarily relieved by ibuprofen. I read some great articles on selfhacked.com about it. As far as the elevated inflammatory markers that I have, they are an indication that the body is attacking itself somehow. This is exactly the same thing that happened to me, same relief from ibuprofen. This subreddit exists to serve as a community support group to keep eachover strong on the journey to recovery, as well as to serve as a breeding ground for new ideas through community effort. My brainfog first surfaced mid 2019 after a terrible drug experience. anti-thyroglobulin antibodies and anti-thyroid peroxidase antibodies, for which I’ve always tested positive/abnormally high. My thyroid was exactly like yours when I read your post I just had to reply to you. The following is a list of the possible causes I found for brain fog, and I believe that for most people your brain fog is caused by a combination of at least several of these factors. I had completed a blood test to check for food allergy as well, allergy to dust mile and cheese. I got very sick, I performed a functional neurology test from vibrant wellness (neural zoomer plus) and I had some autoimmunity brain diseases, one was paraneoplastic (anti-hu), I had inflammatory BBB disintegration, Anti Rage peptide, pre alzheimers, pre dementia, all brain swelling related from the inflammation. It means more than you know and it actually gives me hope. No surgeries or major procedures. I want to make it clear I used no probiotics. If you are using Ibuprofen, that is 800mg four times a day for a total daily dosage of 3200mg. Alternatively, you could consider what is CAUSING this inflammation. I don't see why your doctor wouldnt put you on a 6-day dose pack of medrol, the side effects will be minimal and its harmless for the short duration. But my symptoms won't go away. It was literally worse than feeling drowsiness after taking your cough syrup. hangover brain fog reddit. It feels like you’re living in a thick fog that separates you from the rest of your life. These are the only drugs that target specific mediators of inflammation, such as TNF-alpha and IL-6. Can't enjoy anything, I'm suffering all day every day. Is polyphenomenal the best polyphenol product you’ve tried? The gut zoomer showed severe dysbiosis and a prevotella infection, which is a major inflammatory producing bacteria. You may have brain fog if you feel forgetful, scattered, confused, unmotivated, irritable, and tired. i took diclofenac (diclovit) and in my case it made my brain fog noticeably worse. What is fibro fog or brain fog?
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