saturn in 12th house karmic debt

Key two is Saturn. You don’t like to be overwhelmed with feelings, so there is a tendency to suppress what bothers you. ... Intercepted planets can indicate a karmic debt or lesson to be learned. It’s a great help for these people to be given considerable responsibility as the faster they learn that they can actually cope, the faster they will heal. These people they meet in groups and with whom they form friendships might be people they knew in previous lifetimes. Saturn Retrograde Transiting 2nd House Thoroughly accurate and a no nonsense approach to help us with the understanding that our signs provide and then some. We know Saturn as the task-master of the astrological planets. Saturn is karmic debt of our life. This fear leads to feelings of insecurity, lack of confidence or courage, shyness, awkwardness, and an inability to assert oneself. It may indicate an abuse of will in a former lifetime, and this is being balanced by frustrations and delays in attaining one's goals. Resulting in lessons about what is of true value in life. I learn a lot. If there are no planets placed in the 12th house, it is empty, then you do not have significant karma connected to this house. You bring me peace when I need it. Optional ... Saturn in 12th House. This position also may indicate working with a friend. Saturn retrograde is therefore a good period in which to try past life regression therapy, or to undertake counseling for anything which has negatively affected you over the previous year. I live in the mountains of Blue Ridge Georgia and God really helped me locate this beautiful home - one level with a very long driveway. Loving your posts. ps. When Saturn goes through a retrograde motion, that energy is inwards focused within us, rather than outwardly focused on the world. Resulting from an experience of scarcity in a past life or in early childhood. Or the individual might be betrayed or let down by a spiritual leader or religion. I got greater knowledge out of the way you put every aspect in a way I was able to grasp a good look at a bigger picture of what is "blowing in the wind these days!"? They will work hard to avoid these possibilities by paying their dues to society and serving those whose condition they fear most. Thank you so very much. So much insight and accuracy. More the point, however, it’s a period when karma becomes important. The fear may be rooted in a past life experience of suppression of creativity or the person may have misused their power of self-expression. Saturn in the fifth house indicates the person has fear of self-expression. Planets in the twelfth house are hidden from you: this house is foggy and mysterious, operating quietly and often without you noticing it. This may have left these people emotionally hurt. Having thought about that astrologer's comment quite a bit since first hearing it, I've come to believe there is indeed something unique about Saturn as representing an especially … In almost every case, it develops compassion and an appreciation for the importance of family and of properly caring for family.This side of life might have been neglected or undervalued in previous lifetimes. Many feel disillusioned by the faith in which they were brought up. It may be due to hurt or get hurt in a past life from a partner or early in relationship with someone. On the positive side, natal Saturn retrograde individuals are often wise beyond their years, and considerably more in tune with their karmic destiny than others. You are a professional so are prepared. Thank you. Karmic Debt: Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune, & Uranus in the 12th House Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune, & Uranus in the 12th House Understanding which planets are in our houses is essential, we can understand why we go through certain obstacles in life and understand what it … They could be excellent communicators, and can work in the teaching profession. We use your name to help us deliver a more personalized astrology reading. These are the crises and pain in life we must face and try to learn the lesson of Saturn. Expect to process some deeply held emotions, especially those regarding your past or any trauma you’ve experienced. Or misuse or abuse of power in a former lifetime and they need lessons to correct this. Resulting in emotionally cool and distant family members. Look at your financial woes through a karmic lens. It is the boss of workplace, challenges, lesson of life, old age. Your predictions have been on target the whole way through, although I missed a few and was a little bit too late before it resulted like it did. An absolute delight and an honour to have such a radiant soul be willing to share the knowledge. We will only use your email address to send you the horoscopes, and we make it easy for you to unsubscribe from any of our mailings at any time. Then examine the owner planet to know how you use the mysterious energy of the 12th house in your life. Kelli has the extraordinary ability to assess each person and their particular charts and explain how and why astrology works and how it can help us in our day to day lives. This is the best and most accurate astrology readings I've found. If your Saturn is in the 12th house, then you are dealing with a karmic loss of some kind. KARMIC PAST LIFE REPORT: by Terri Rohde. In traditional astrology, the Twelfth House represents your self-undoing, hidden matters and the subconscious process. Spend some time questioning your own beliefs. Venus and Jupiter or Saturn in the 12th may create too much extravagance or overspending to create enough peace to continue on the spiritual path. If you find these similarities in your life related to Saturn in your chart, then you have a karmic backlog and you need to understand what Saturn is telling you. Limitations, frustrations, and discontentment with work are common. I listen every morning. Saturn Retrograde Transiting 3rd House I believe She will enjoy your sauce of Astro-muse. Which is usually shown by insufficient emotional support from the parents and from family members. When im perfect then l can be negative but im not perfect so please keep up your fantastic work! If someone in a bad situation is due to their own ignorance, not due to someone else. They need to establish organization and a routine in their lives and learn to embrace even the most ordinary work. Spend some time thinking about how you react to things you cannot control, and how this is affecting your mental health. Their desire to serve in these areas also comes from the compassion that they developed from having been confined, mentally ill, or disable in a former lifetime. Saturn retrograde here can feel like a real challenge to your skills, especially if you’re not able to make as much progress at work as you would like. Since this provides opportunities for self-assertion and gaining confidence. Thank you so much! Love you Kelli! Saturn is often blamed for placing roadblocks in our path – but that’s just this teacher planet’s way of making you step up and take the initiative. Burdened by a lack of resources or sickness, or simply lacking in warmth and emotional closeness. No matter how much money these people have they have a habit of living like rags. It might be the threatened loss of what’s been worked for, and that’s a huge part of the sense of self. He has the lowest Dig-Bala in the ascendant sign. The 12th House represents your 1st House traits from your previous life, which were your personality characteristics and which may be hidden in your current life. However, there’s always a positive with Saturn (even if you sometimes have to look hard for it!). This leaves the individual emotionally wounded and feeling unloved. I can feel it all around me. Once they have overcome their inadequacy, they turn their weakness into a strength and develop many skills. I read the testimonial of a man called William K and i was not out looking at the stars which I should being alone with the deer turkeys and bears I am cautious about the night time. My home is way up in the mountains and it is amazingly God given wisdom that made me buy it for peace and tranquility. Hello, I love the way you present yourself! This is a major slow down in your ambitions and career, but it’s a very necessary slow down which will help you to clear some karma, some blocks and some hang-ups. Hey Kelli, I just love your readings! It is magnetic attention grabbing and fun! Some natal Saturn retrograde people may also struggle with boundaries, finding it difficult to say no to the demands of others. There may be fear surrounding the relationship and a feeling of burden and responsibility. These individuals not only fear sharing themselves emotionally with others but sexually as well. Saturn is restriction, limitations, boundary, delay, frustrations, hard work and labor, service. Saturn in twelfth house people … Thank you again Kelli Fox. Saturn Retrograde Transiting 6th House It can be corrected by involvement with others. Saturn Retrograde Transiting 1st House Which may be either mental or physical from a past life. However at some point in life we need to understand that there is something bigger than us that we can not control and it forces us to face situations like, death of a loved one, a chronic illness, or an excessive amount of responsibility. They tend to form relationships that are restricting, burdensome, disappointing, or unloving. The fearful side of Saturn goes into fight mode to resist this stripping down. Take care. The key is to be humble. This is the most difficult placement for Saturn in the natal chart. All kidding aside, I have sent a subscription of yours to my best life partner (only)! If retrograde planets turn their energy inwards, does that mean that we’re our own worst enemy during Saturn retrograde? Figure out what you really believe and what you’re just clinging to out of conditioning, habit or tradition. The positive words of Wisdom that was confirmed. Ascendant or first house is the house from which we are learning things and experiencing life. Thank you, Kelli, for sharing your gift and knowledge. Some of your beliefs or prejudices are holding you back and this is time to fix that. Work on your relationship. In this life, you hide your feelings of inadequacy by avoiding solitude, putting on a smile to the public. , You are a refreshing energy to be around. I am glad to see you have expanded! Saturn person may help House 2 person secure their financial strategies using practical, conservative wisdom to ensure long range growth. Saturn retrograde in the most spiritual part of your chart is a big deal and can feel very heavy. Dear Kelli - hi! Worries about hidden enemies throwing our sense of safety off. Karmic astrology – Learn more about karmic astrology and how it can help you create the life your soul intended. Saturn in the 12th house learns to let go and surrender our own will to a higher one. Thank you for brining it into another dimension for our Aquarian world. It judges someone's life by judging their karma and gives new life based on their past’s life karma. Such challenges may motivate native to learn the deeper part of psychology and of their own emotional well being. I hope there will be more courses in future with Kelli. The person may have experienced mental oppression, dogmatism, or a restriction of personal freedom in a former lifetime from religious, legal, governmental, or educational institutions or from family members in current life. Try to focus on who you are becoming, rather than on who you currently are. Thank you. Saturn in the twelfth house indicates the person has fear of being confined, dependent, disable, mentally ill, or helpless from having experienced these conditions in a former lifetime or in current life. Thank you as always. Thank you for this service. I have really enjoyed your messages and insights and what's going on right now yes it's a very difficult time one of the most difficult times and I'm only helping I can make it through all this my relationship is awful after 16 years I finally giving up too destructive I deserve better it helps to know what's going on in the universe and how to direct energies I've started astrology for over 40 years should I understand the universe but not always how to direct it keep up the good work hopefully things will get better thanks. In a previous lifetime, or in past lives these people have been outcast by a group or a community or rejected by friends. Saturn is the planet of karma. These people need special understanding and encouragement to build their confidence and help them overcome their shyness and sense of social isolation. The twelfth house is the last house in the chart wheel. I have studied astrology for many years and love the lightning thought processes that Kelli can keep altogether in one session for all of us. A. Saturn in the 12th is traditionally a tricky place for it, a karmic planet in a karmic house. She is the best! Saturn teaches us to give up attachment to tangible things and not to take things personally.
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