montana elk population map 2020

Recent buck harvest in the Horse Prairie/Bannack area continues to improve over the lows observed in the mid-2000s. Definitive information concerning the causes for declining pronghorn numbers and fawn production is lacking. This map has many improvements over the original Hunt Planner map and will continue to be improved throughout the 2020 hunting season. Pronghorn surveys of HD 321 showed some decline relative to two years ago. Yellowstone elk populations have dramatically risen and fallen in recent decades, but researchers are arguing over the impact of wolf predation on elk. Antelope hunting districts managed by the Butte area wildlife biologist are surveyed every other year. The new application deadline is April 1.. Hunters play a key role in successfully meeting the objectives of the shoulder seasons. Jay Kolbe, FWP Wildlife Biologist based in White Sulphur Springs reports that mule deer in his area are still recovering from significant declines seen about 10 years ago. In HD 410, where there was less landowner participation in the late shoulder season, there were only 31 cows taken during the shoulder season compared to 444 during the archery and general season. The survey’s confidence interval is plus or minus 3.5 percent. Hunt; Fish; State Parks; Activities; Conservation; Education Mule deer hunters should plan to go high in the mountains for the best opportunity at bigger bucks. Testing for CWD is voluntary, and harvested animals can be checked at the Libby Special CWD Hunt Sampling Station (Montana Department of Transportation shop on US Hwy 2, mile marker 35) during certain days of the week. Whitetail populations are also about average. Hunting is limited to a few hunters who received a license through a special drawing. Montana’s Block Management Program opens more than 500,000 additional acres of private land to walk-in public hunting in the region, which is home to the highest concentrations of elk in the state, produces huge bulls, and is responsible for approximately 50 percent of the state’s elk harvest each year. Last winter’s mostly favorable weather conditions led to good survival rates among deer, elk and antelope, although populations in some areas are still recovering from severe winters in the past. The Missouri Breaks (HD) and Custer Forest Elk Management Unit (HDs 702, 704, 705) remain the two “core” elk populations. In the Sweetgrass Hills, elk numbers remain well over objective, giving hunters opportunity to harvest antlerless elk. Email:, Headquarters Office Recent pronghorn surveys in HD 300 and HD 329 show continued population declines. Lonner’s recent winter/spring survey data portray just over 1,100 observed elk with fair calf recruitment into the population. Again, those wishing to harvest an antelope in southeastern Montana, especially a doe or fawn, will have the greatest opportunity in the southern portion of the region. Near the Sweetgrass Hills, antelope are well under long term averages, resulting in no increase in license numbers, but sufficient to provide good hunting opportunities for those fortunate enough to draw a license, especially in the southern half of district 401 on private land where permission to hunt from the landowner is required. These sorts of distribution changes are a continuing challenge for elk management and for hunters looking for opportunities to harvest elk. Therefore, clearly defined fundamental objectives for what shoulder seasons are meant to accomplish were developed along with performance criteria to evaluate the effectiveness of a season in achieving those objectives. Click the button below to open and explore the new FWP Hunt Planner map. Preference points must be earned and moneymust be spent. If dry conditions continue through the fall, hunters should expect difficult elk hunting and average to below-average harvest. These native elk were eliminated before the 20th century. Hunting in Montana is an experience unlike any other in the lower 48 states. Hunters will need to obtain private landowner permission to access many of these elk. A thorough evaluation of shoulder seasons will occur after the 2018-2019 season, after three hunting seasons. Not wanting to wait until fall 2017 to begin, the Commission and FWP instituted a “Pilot Project” in five hunting districts to see how shoulder seasons might work. Elk surveys in the Missouri River Breaks in 2020 found similar number of elk compared to the 2018 survey, which is around 15 percent below the long-term average. These declines are associated with similar declines in fawn production. Hunters may hold up to three antelope licenses in a given year, only one of which may be an either-sex license. 2300 Lake Elmo Drive White-tailed deer densities continue to remain stable across the region. “We’ve had good precipitation again this year, although the summer has been hotter and drier than the last couple years, but still mule deer look to be in good shape with respect to fawn production and survival,” she said. “Herds in central and eastern Montana were hit hard by harsh winters in the late 2000s and early 2010s. If the performance criteria are not met after three years, the shoulder season would not be proposed to continue. Watch videos, see the latest gear and more. The last eastern elk was shot in Pennsylvania on September 1, 1877. Following the 2019 hunting season, elk populations in the Tobacco Root (HDs 320 and 333) and Gravelly (HDs 322, 323, 324, 325, 326, 327 and 330) elk management units remain above management objective. Bull hunting is by permit only in HDs 700, 702, 704, 705 and the far western portion of 701. High deer numbers can mean inadequate winter browse and thermal cover, and harsh winters can compound this effect. Shoulder seasons will vary in timing and function from hunting district to hunting district. Deer numbers in HDs 390 and 391 have been down from long-term averages, particularly on National Forest land, with numbers being better on private land. Region-wide, doe/fawn licenses (007-30) remain relatively low at 1,500, where they have been since 2016. Human Relationships. The Block Management Hunting Access Guide and maps for lands enrolled in the Block Management Program will be available beginning mid-August, either online or upon request, in accordance with regional directions in the Hunting Access Guide or on the website, from FWP regional and area offices. Post-season 2019 counts in the Pioneer Mountains elk management unit (HDs 329, 331 and 332) were lower than last year and slightly below management objectives. The interactive Hunt Planner map allows users to look at information for various species, including hunting districts and regulations. Lonner reports continued improvement of overall antelope numbers for districts 440 and 444, although some areas are doing better than others. Hunters will need to look at the specific Block Management Area maps and the chart in the Block Management Hunting Access Guide to determine when public elk hunting will be allowed on a specific BMA. Elk numbers are slightly below average in the Little Belts (hunting district 413). Glasgow, MT 59230 Shoulder seasons over the past few years achieved their desired effect in many places, which means that elk regulations were adjusted this year to shorten or remove shoulder seasons in many districts. Hunters interested in hunting elk on Block Management Areas during elk shoulder season dates prior to the general firearms hunting season are advised to check the particular Block Management Area on which they plan to hunt on a daily basis to determine if a Block Management Area fire closure is in effect. See regulations to determine which lands the general elk license is valid for during the archery and general seasons. Montana Field Guide contains a wealth of information about Montana's diverse species. In HDs 445, 446, 449, and 452, where there was good landowner participation, there was a very good harvest of bull and antlerless elk during the archery and general seasons and 611 antlerless elk taken during the shoulder season, increasing the archery and general season harvest by 72%. While no survey was completed for mule deer this spring, given two years of poor fawn recruitment, overall numbers are expected to be low for the area compared to past seasons and likely still below the long-term average. Normally the application deadline for special draw deer/elk and nonresident combination licenses was March 15, but for the 2020 season, you now have an extra two weeks (17 days) to submit your application! CMR has changed operations as of 4/20/20 in response to the COVID-19 outbreak. Shoulder seasons are performance-based, meaning that certain criteria for timing and number of animals harvested must be met, as stated in the shoulder season guidelines. Missoula, MT 59804 Outdoors New study finds surface disturbance can limit mule deer migration Biologists observed lower-than-expected fawn production in antelope HD 371. FWP can help. To ensure this standard of broad and diverse collaboration is met, the commission shall review the nature and amount of landowner and hunter support when considering any shoulder season proposal under this guidance. White-tailed deer numbers remain strong in the area, especially along river corridors and in agricultural grounds, with spring 2020 observed numbers in the lower Sun and Teton rivers at 47 percent and 23 percent above long-term averages. Colorado Parks and Wildlife is a nationally recognized leader in conservation, outdoor recreation and wildlife management. Along the northern Rocky Mountain Front, biologist Ryan Rauscher reports that elk numbers are generally above their long-term average, with bull to cow ratios at or near average. While the Devil’s Kitchen Working Group is not the only possible manifestation of diverse and significant support, it does represent the intended level of collaboration and is identified here as a standard against which other collaborations/support will be measured. Exclusive Discounts for RMEF Members, avoid vehicle use in areas with dry grass in the median, use caution when parking in areas with dry vegetation, report smoke or any signs of fire to local officials. Buck harvest was 5 percent above long-term average last fall. It is important for hunters to note that there are no elk shoulder seasons in any of the Region 7 hunting districts. Fawn production counts are highly variable but do show an increase over time in HD 301. Hunters are reminded to check the regulations as only antlered bucks may be harvested in Region 1 and there are areas in HD 103 and HD 109 that require a permit to hunt mule deer. Location: Wolf range in Montana is shown in purple on the map. Wolf license costs were reduced for the 2020 season. Hunters will need to look at the specific Block Management Area maps and the chart in the Block Management Hunting Access Guide to determine when public elk hunting will be allowed on a specific Block Management Area. During summer surveys, biologists observed over eight antelope per square mile in the very southeast corner of the state, which transitioned to approximately three to four antelope per square mile in the more northerly portions of HD 705, and fewer than two antelope per square mile throughout most of HDs 700, 701, 702 and 703. However, the population remained above the long-term average. View District Details View Map . Recovery and … The 2020 survey showed white-tailed deer density averages of 10.6 deer-per-square mile across the trend areas, which is right at the long-term average of 10.7 deer-per-square mile. Additionally, some whitetail B licenses may be available in surplus. White-tailed deer numbers have been on an upward trend in general, but previous hard winters have dampened fawn survival. White-tailed deer populations in the Ruby Valley increased from two years ago. Click on the links below to see the performance criteria for elk harvest in the hunting districts where there were shoulder seasons. The mild winter in 2020 was a welcome relief and fawn production looks good this summer. Shoulder season success will depend on landowners, hunters and FWP working closely together in a cooperative and respectful fashion. Antelope numbers were up in antelope HD 340 and down slightly in HD 339. Idaho – 1995 elk population = 112,333, 1995 elk harvest = 22,437. The overall performance of the shoulder season in each hunting district will be evaluated and a decision made as to whether to continue the shoulder season or not. If a shoulder season in a hunting district does not meet the performance criteria, FWP would not propose to continue the shoulder season. Antelope numbers were down in HD 313, and the license quota was reduced in order to maintain a conservative harvest opportunity while continuing to allow the population to expand. Spring mule deer counts in the East Pioneers (HD 331) and Lima Peaks (HD 300) were higher in 2020 than the previous year. Some cooperators who enroll land in the Block Management Program have chosen to allow public elk hunting ONLY during the archery only and general firearms hunting seasons. In order to take advantage of better populations in the southern portion of Region 7, a newer opportunity is the 799-30 doe/fawn license, which is valid only in HDs 704 and 705. The majority of pronghorn in the hunting district will be found in the southern half of the district between Sheridan and Virginia City. For more information, visit The spring surveys conducted by Region 7’s four area biologists indicated buck-to-doe ratios remain at a strong 37 bucks per 100 does. Following decreases in moose harvest in Hunting District 105, FWP reduced the total number of licenses available to 12. Buck to doe ratios are considered good at 24 bucks per 100 does. 2. 4600 Giant Springs Road But there is concern that offering shoulder seasons without any sideboards could lead to de facto privatization of wildlife and facilitate exclusive use of a public resource. “Abundant precipitation last year made for good forage conditions and deer going into winter in good body condition,” said Wildlife Biologist Melissa Foster. “Whitetails counts were overall 11 percent above last year, but trend areas in different parts of the region had mixed results,” Foster said. “Whitetails in core river bottom habitat were generally well above long-term average, whereas whitetails in upland agricultural/brushy habitats were right at long-term average or a little bit below long-term average. Overwinter calf survival was also good, resulting in good recruitment into the population. The 2018 winter elk population estimate of 287,000 elk is just over the sum of Colorado’s individual Herd Management Plan (HMP) population objective ranges for elk statewide of 233,000-282,000 for all 42 elk … This is part of an effort to improve public understanding of public lands travel routes. Within hunting district 444, strong buck numbers and fair to good fawn production led to an increase in either-sex licenses for the first time in several years. (Photo source: Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks), When it comes to long-range shooting and hunting, a new cartridge contender has made its debut. As a result, early and late shoulder season hunting opportunities will also be available for this hunting season. Overall numbers should be similar or slightly higher than last year. However, multiple cooperators have decided to include their lands in the early and/or late elk shoulder seasons. Mule deer numbers in hunting districts 502, 510, 520 and 575 – mostly in Carbon and southern Stillwater counties – are at record lows. This year HDs 341, 350 and 370 were flown. A shoulder season in no way grants anyone permission to hunt on private land. Hunters should not expect shoulder season hunts to be easy. The hunt planner interactive map is a great way to access our block management information, so if you’re planning a hunt in a certain area, you can see if there are Block Management Areas available to expand your opportunity. Be the first to hear about our latest news and events. However, counts remained slightly above the long-term average. It needs to be well understood that this was not a full-blown shoulder season because hunters and landowners did not have time to understand or even try to meet evaluation criteria, it was already October so there was no opportunity for an early season, plus hunting was already in full swing with the archery season and rifle season to open soon. Mule deer populations are high across the region but vary depending on the hunting district. Winchester Ammunition offers bullet options in the new the […], Biologists need reliable scientific information to make sound wildlife management decisions, thus ensuring the future of thriving populations. Fax: (406) 228-8161 This fall season, FWP is asking successful bear hunters to voluntarily submit a bear tooth of harvested bears to FWP. The primary purpose of elk shoulder seasons is to reduce elk populations in areas that are over population objective as outlined in the Montana Elk Management Plan. Bull hunting is by permit only in HDs 700, 702, 704, 705 and the far western portion of 701. Change in Operations, April 2020. These transplants were great successes, enabling Arizonas elk population to grow to approximately 30,000 to 35,000 post-hunt adults. It is a second opportunity license that is available only to those hunters who drew a 007-20 and/or 007-30 antelope license (which are valid in all of Region 7). Landowners within the designated shoulder season districts with elk on their property can expect calls from hunters looking for opportunities to hunt. As always, hunters need permission to hunt on private land. There should also be an increase in the number of yearling bucks on the landscape. OR: Other shoulder seasons not subject to the above harvest criteria are allowed if they are consistent with the fundamental objectives and have broad, expressed support from landowners, sportsmen, FWP and the commission. Recruitment is still good, averaging 53 fawns per 100 adults.”, “All in all, I’d say whitetail numbers are about average for our neck of the woods, and as is typical for whitetails, numbers are booming in some spots and down in others, on a very localized scale,” she said. Based on limited ground observations and last fall’s harvest data, it appears that mule deer numbers remain slightly below average in the Boulder River area and north of the Yellowstone River in hunting districts 570 and 580. In some districts the shoulder seasons will start as early as Aug. 15 and go as late as Feb. 15. The West Pioneer (HD 332) has seen a reduction in buck harvest over the past two years, similar to lows seen in the mid-2000s. MONTANA FISH, WILDLIFE & PARKS MONTANA FISH, WILDLIFE & PARKS . As with most years, overall elk hunting success is expected to be influenced by snowfall. FWP received no reports of widespread winterkills of deer. “Deer should again be going into the hunting season and winter in good body condition.”. Fax: (406) 542-5529 “Hunters will find better densities and good public land opportunity in this remote portion of Region 7.”. In addition to a good bull harvest, the total all-seasons-combined harvest of cow elk was about twice what it had been in any of the previous five years. Montana is the destination for spot-and-stalk spring bear hunts in the lower 48. For questions about elk shoulder seasons, call the number for your area below: “Performance-based” shoulder seasons were put in place to reduce elk populations in areas that are over population objective. Archery antelope hunters targeting water holes should expect fewer encounters since there are more options for critters to water. They’re happy to help and can often get you pointed in the right direction with just a few simple tips. Colorado’s elk population peaked at 305,000 in 2001. Fax: (406) 761-8477 Everything you need to plan your Montana hunting trips for 2020. Email:, Headquarters Office For information on hunting safely in grizzly country, please visit Hunters can generally expect to find average or slightly above average numbers of most big game species along with good hunting opportunities in north central Montana during the upcoming hunting season. According to the National Shooting Sports Foundation, excise taxes on ammunition, […]. The 2019-20 winter was lighter than in 2018-19, so ungulate survival was generally robust in the Bridger, Gallatin and Madison ranges (deer and elk HDs 301, 309, 310, 311, 321, 360, 361 and 362; and pronghorn HDs 311 and 360). Fax: (406) 257-0349 These guidelines were developed to improve elk harvest and bring elk populations into objective. In 1913, 83 elk were translocated from Yellow National Park into Cabin Draw near Chevelon Creek. However, hunters must be mindful of fire danger and of private landowners who are facing grass shortages, poor crop production and fatigue from monitoring for fire. Here are a few things hunters can do to show respect for private landowners during this dry season: Northwest Montana experienced a mild winter last year, which resulted in good adult and fawn survival for white-tailed deer. An elk taken by a Montana bowhunter this past season was the largest ever taken in the state and the largest recorded in the U.S. in 48 years — and it could yet turn out to be a world record. This fall, hunters without game will be directed to quickly move through FWP check stations. Please look at the website for the most up-to-date information on surplus licenses. Although fawn numbers appear to be down slightly, mule deer populations remain above average overall. There were often over 500 calls per day in addition to the hundreds of people walking in, and we couldn’t handle them all. Hunters can typically use their general season elk license, antlerless elk permit or an elk B license, depending on the hunting district. In 2016, deer reached the highest density recorded in the past three decades. There will be no CWD checkstations operating anywhere in FWP Region 4 during the 2020 seasons. Two other translocations of elk followed in the 1920s. Billings, MT 59105 Please check for details. Despite good numbers, wolves can be difficult to find and often move long distances. Near Great Falls, biologist Jake Doggett reports that elk are doing well in the Highwood Mountains and Devils Kitchen areas, where numbers remain above long-term averages. Likewise, hunters have a responsibility to be respectful of the land they hunt on and to be courteous with and respectful of landowners. Hunter success will continue to be influenced by snow accumulations that are sufficient to induce elk migration to accessible areas. In many hunting districts, however, access to private lands can be difficult, which can affect hunting success given landownership patterns and distribution of elk. Overall, elk numbers should be similar to last year. And, as always, you can contact our helpful staff at any of our regional offices around the state. Office Hours: Monday - Friday, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Headquarters Office And […], Two new reports highlight how hunters continue to generate significant funding for conservation work. In areas where surveys were conducted, elk calf recruitment was higher than it has been in the last three years. A survey questionnaire was mailed to over 5,000 households randomly selected from across Montana, and 1,783 adults responded between November 2019 and January 2020. Phone: (406) 228-3700 In February 2019 North Dakota Game and Fish Department teamed up with University of Montana researchers to collar 90 elk to better understand elk … Post-hunting season classification surveys show above-average buck-to-doe ratios in recent years in the East Pioneers, Tendoy Mountains and Lima Peaks (HDs 331, 302 and 300). These deer are found primarily on private land, so landowner permission will be required to get to them. If harvest criteria have not been met due to clear and widely accepted extenuating circumstances (e.g., weather, forest fire, etc. The mild winter resulted in increased adult and fawn survival of mule deer. Email:, Headquarters Office New for 2020, Montana's application deadline has changed.
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