instacart shopper taking too long

I do this on the side while growing my business as a real estate agent, but I would love to consistently put in anywhere from 20 to 30 hours per week, which I used to. Anonymous wrote:This has been my experience too, OP.They are much worse than your average shopper at WF, if you can believe that. The total showed to me was $13.94 however this includes a $2 tip (I am leery that two orders came with a $2 tip even but that’s another battle). The unfortunate truth is when instacart eventually fails it will hurt the underpaid shoppers and clients who absolutely need the delivery service (such as disabled customers) the most. The agreement says, in part, that the shopper is: Customers have three days to adjust tips and the drivers regularly get tips removed for things out of our control (say I had gotten lost to the first house, gotten stuck in traffic, or the store was out of several of the items the customer wanted). Nothing gets squashed. Here (and here) is an example of an order I declined yesterday — Instacart expected me to pick up two orders in Puyallup (the first order was over 25 items) and deliver the first one in Federal Way and the second one on the way back from Federal Way to Puyallup. If I am in preferred zone I can sit at home when there are no orders. In the past month I have gotten MAYBE 5 orders show up. On top of all of this we now have proof that instacart is adjusting our wages to be lower if there is a tip included up front instead of the tip being on top of our base pay (and there have been questions raised by customers and drivers on if they are doing even worse than that and actually pocketing some which is against their public statements and our contracts). A large number of Instacart shoppers are in agreement that the extra job opportunities are a good thing. Answered March 24, 2019 We also have unattainable bonuses that are borderline false advertising. Instacart's Twitter feed is rife with complaints from customers accusing personal shoppers of stealing their groceries at … And even for my best week I had 45 hours online and 20 hours active. I wrote a little email explaining my system, not necessary, but I'm in the deep South so I wanted to stress a few things. My behavior here may not be perfect, but the point is: it hasn't changed. The suggested tip for these orders is only 5% (and I can not fathom why instacart would encourage that percentage to their customers when the industry standard is 20%. As for the weather, maybe you're right. We are very much told how and when we will work. Visit Instacart’s site for more information about I also said I don't need or like the insulated bags and felt my system more effective. Being an Instacart shopper wasn't anything like being on Supermarket Sweep and my own groceries weren't free, but I still skipped the long line. So the only way to get back on track would be by regaining access to EA, which sounds tough atm. In the past month I have gotten MAYBE 5 orders show up. Not long ago, an Instacart employee who was standing behind me in the checkout line started complaining loudly that it was taking too long and telling the cashier and customer ahead of me to hurry up even though they were moving along just fine. I feel as though that's due to IC becoming more and more mainstream. (here are the receipts for this interaction — one, two, three, four. Instacart claims they are an industry leader however they did not prepare for this Saturday evening + super bowl preparation rush. Take Advantage of the Opportunity to Get Help to Your Car. Find 2,299 questions and answers about working at Instacart. What are the delivery hours? Instacart shoppers can work part-time or as gig workers. :). 5.1. We want to work hard and feed our families just like everyone else in the community. Speaking of app issues — today was the day before the Superbowl. Instacart shoppers can skip lines to ensure they meet delivery times. We take this work seriously and give it all of ourselves like we would with a typical job. Perks of the job. But it won’t be the end all to solve instacart’s many issues. Hell, I got on that at exactly 9:30 AM last Wednesday, but my positions were still in the high tens and low twenties, which does not help me at all. Can anyone confirm this is true? I will continue doing app work — even through instacart — for some time. Many of them tell me about their day or let me pet their dogs. Physical requirements: Instacart shoppers need to be able to lift 50lbs or more with or without accommodation, and Shipt shoppers must be able to lift 40lbs. Try it today! Things don't slip and slide and nothing falls out and I usually rebag anyway from the store. We appreciate your orders! If you are only dealing with a few items, it won’t be worth the trouble. See terms And one last PSA while I have your attention — We love when you give us delivery instructions! I've been working for Instacart as a full service shopper for 2 years. I also think they just have less business as it warms up - people are more likely to go out and do their own shopping versus staying in when it’s cold. Bring those up, refill by transfering ice chest frozen food into them. However instacart adjusted the orders I was able to get in that time so that she would not be eligible. If this was a simple glitch or “1 in 100,000” I would not have my own similar screencaps and stories — nor would majority of the local people driving for instacart. Even in light of new information I still strongly believe in the 22 cent movement and the 2/22 strike. Less on waitlist is less to compete with though and gives you an idea on how many more shoppers there are than are needed. But there's something else happening, too. I got them before I went on my first shift (which was a crappy one, btw). Instacart offers $25 stipend for shoppers who take the COVID-19 vaccine. I could in turn be quicker, more efficient, and offer better customer service which would eventually earn instacart more money. Lost profits is a great way for us to be heard. Instacart will be unable to change our base pay based on a tip of that size. Perks of the job. When these shoppers reach out to instacart to remove it they are told doing so will end their hours. Most agree that this is a good side-cash option for students and that no changes to the hiring process should be made. That is not justifiable. and that she was lying and had accepted it and changed her mind (again, to an order she had already declined twice. Sounds a bit familiar doesn’t it?). If you have friends who want to get paid to shop, Instacart will pay you to refer … By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. At a few grocery stores, the bagger will offer to help take your items to the car. How long does it take for an Instacart customer to decide how much a tip a shopper should receive? Out of that, things were fine for about three months. Well, I think it only made up about 10% of my orders or so, seeing as only one of my three zones even had access to WF - and only two stores in total. I will then work several apps throughout the weekend (I am expecting Sunday to be busy for the big game). This lawsuit even included issue with pooling tips. I am writing this in response to this petition (which I have signed and you should as well!) Every single order should have itemized pay that we can understand and it should be consistent throughout the zone. I am encouraging all other instacart shoppers to strike on 2/22 in conjunction with the 22 cent movement. This works for my life right now and allows me time to parent my child when he is sick or to volunteer. While being rich is not inherently a bad quality in a person it is a moral issue when it is on the backs of a low income workforce (and as I said — many of us have health problems, disabilities, or are single parents). Wait for your Instacart Shopper Dashboard to change to become a map. So I’ve seen a few people saying on here how Instacart is getting rid of in store shoppers well that’s not true. God bless you and keep you and your family safe. And how can I tell the difference between those and the other ones? They claim this is a glitch that is few and far between. Do You Have to Pursue a Career in Your Major? I was consistently making 450 a week EASY shopping in 4 zones. I must have lost the status a couple of weeks ago, though, because they just weren't offering me any houre anymore. Maybe it’s just that slow. Is there a way for me to escape this slump? We are unable to choose to not work with customers who have made us uncomfortable. This is why instacart needs to improve in the mean time. Your first Delivery is free. Switching from Factory Worker to Freelance Developer at 50 Years of Age, How I Found A Software Development Job in Japan Without Experience and Without Speaking Japanese, My Bully Boss Tried to Kill My Confidence; Instead He Taught Me How to Be a Better Person. I had made an agreement with the friend who referred me that I would try my best to earn her it and we would split the profits. Still not one has come in today. Without any orders many of us would not have the ability to earn an income at all. For example our referral bonus is over $1000. There are other grocery shopping apps available however many of them aren’t yet available in the same markets, have much higher pricing, or have similar low pay issues. Instacart no longer claims that full-service shoppers can expect to earn up to $25 per hour, although this may be achievable during peak shopping periods. And the people appear to be pretty bold, too. There’s no way for us to prove issues like this but in online spaces where gig workers are we know it is too common to be a coincidence (or a “glitch”). This weeks hours are 17 in crappy zones because I didn’t have EA. But a quick look at reddit (where thousands of instacart shoppers tell their stories) says this is much more than a one off. As well as charging customers for more items than they received (which it is very easy to blame the shoppers for when we are instructed to not give customers their actual store receipts). The site actually crashed preventing many users from ordering — while several workers (myself included) were sitting outside grocery stores for hours waiting to do that work once again leaving us with an unpredictable amount of work and pay for the hours worked. I'm not holding my breath. I was wondering too if anybody else was getting these notes. Once I pick my son up from school I will be driving him north for his dad’s weekend. This included a gas incentive (which instacart loves to act as if they are giving us something great with) for 4.5 miles (again we have regular glitches on this in the app — just to the first home from the store was over 12 miles). I was consistently making 450 a week EASY shopping in 4 zones. We need a better app and support team. And you are fortunate they don’t have that where you are. Once we deliver you can change the tip amount in the app or tip in cash. You DO NOT HAVE TO HAVE THE BAGS THEY CHOOSE, but a lot of ppl pick some up at Wal-Mart for $5 ea. I have to schedule in the first few minutes that access is opened. Everyone who lives in the Seattle area knows that after 3 pm (when this order was offered) highway traffic can add an hour or more to these moderate time estimates. I recently had a surgery that took me out of work for two months due to a lifting restriction (with no sick leave even with Washington’s new laws based on that because I am not an “employee”) and am trying to pay back bills — even with all of these hours working it is very difficult when some of the apps are paying under minimum wage or making us live solely off of tips. ... through the shopper app so that customers can track their orders. Along with the “raise” Instacart has just come forward denying that they lower batches based on tips and even denying that shoppers are making 30%+ less than they were before November. Our districts are large and with regular app glitches and penalties for declining orders we can end up working for well under minimum wage with large drive times. Instacart Shoppers pick, check out, and pack specific items on a customer’s shopping list and then deliver the order directly to the customer. Mind you, this is around the same time I'd pick them up earlier this year. It really does deeply hurt my heart that these are the exact people in my community being misled and potentially ripped off by instacart which is why I want the company to make changes. To fulfill an order, a shopper needs to drive to the store, picks groceries and drives to the customer location to make the delivery. A store may not have half the stuff that the app says it does and customers are getting upset because it’s taking so long and because they’re not getting half the stuff they ordered. In order to optimize shopper routes, we need to know how much time a shopper will take to deliver a given order. None of the other apps I am on treat me like every single issue is my fault and that I am “unreliable”. Many of my customers are disabled, elderly, have new babies, have the flu, don’t have a car, or work strange hours. The shopper support we do have is usually a time consuming event with inexperienced workers who give inconsistent answers (I suspect low wages and a poor environment in our call center as well resulting in a large turnover) — and then we get penalized for taking too long on a shop while we were having checkout issues and on the phone with support for over 10 minutes. I am not sure how many instacart shoppers there are total (and it is an ever changing number) but there is a lot of people in every state (and Canada) they are active who is living with this kind of treatment and pay. At what point do we quit giving this company chances? If you don't have any you need to show you use hard ice chests and other things similar to theirs. Yet another way you can work to save time during your Instacart shopping trips is by getting help when you need it. They need the flexibility that the gig apps offer. They can absolutely afford to run an ethical business that will work for the long term — but we need the help of our customers to ensure they are pushed to do so. Cookies help us deliver our Services. I live in an On-Demand zone and we used to get at least 5-7 offers a day but this week it’s been one or two for the whole week. With this amount of control we really should be considered employees (which would entitle us to consistent minimum wage and the state appointed sick leave) instead of independent contractors or we should actually have the flexibility that instacart advertises. I honestly am not sure what the solution is or where all of this service should go instead of instacart long term. We are penalized for everything (like ending our shift early to get sick kids from school even when my district regularly has 15–30 people wait listed for hours who would happily pick up the shops). Here are some other options in Whatcom County ... the national growth for Instacart makes it clear why it can take up to a week for deliveries. About 1/3 of my orders were from there so now I expect it to slow down for all of us in my zone. Clearly hush hush lawsuit settlements and putting a pretty face to the media have made sure that these long term issues are continually swept under the rug leaving instacart to get away with keeping poor workers poor and misleading their customers. Instacart shoppers are bound by its independent contractor agreement. EDIT: I do own the insulated bags. On the waitlist, it doesn’t matter what number you are, they send out notifications to all at the same time and first to sign up gets the hours. To this shopper alone this has happened three times in the last week but she is far from the only shopper who has dealt with this (and some of them who noted this issue have not shopped for instacart since the pay decline in November meaning this is a long term problem). I asked chat for the link. I will then work the lunch rush with restaurant delivery. If we can not deny work (particularly work that we feel the wage is not worth us doing) without penalty we are employees more than we are contractors. ... Make money with a side gig and learn how long it will take … When shoppers end their hours early they get penalized with what instacart refers to as “a reliability instance” which requires thirty days of work to dissolve. A large portion of my small pay goes back into car maintenance, insurance, and gas. We should be able to take breaks without punishment. I bought my insulated bags first thing after signing up. What To Do When Someone Pisses You Off At Work, Employees Should be the Foundation of Your Company. This is why we built a model to predict delivery times. I can say the past week or so has been unusually slow with the exception of yesterday when they asked me extend my shift four times which I said yes to each time because I was short EA hours ( got enough now). And if not, how am I supposed to go about letting them know? How long does it take to sign up for Instacart? If instacart puts their profits back into the workers and the app it will pay off for them. Many orders will be late or cancelled which will cause frustrated phone calls to the company. While they once provided decent earnings ($35–70 per order) their new pay structure and promotion of their yearly membership has shoppers making significantly less. Instead help us to hold instacart accountable and demand changes. Repeated reliability instances cause us to get worse or less orders sent to us and can result in termination as a shopper. Interestingly enough instacart has already been in court for the employee vs contractor issue (in March of 2017 they settled a lawsuit at $4.6M. Very easy, less than 10 minutes. The typical delivery hours are between 9 am and 10 pm. This morning, I turned pics in of the bags I use for shopping for customers and they accepted that and also said I was good to go! While we are technically independent contractors (which is how instacart gets away with low pay, not paying L&I if we are injured on the job, no healthcare, no sick leave, no money pulled out for taxes, etc) — we are treated as employees more so than with any other app. If you sign up to become an in-person shopper, you’ll need to wait for your background check to clear, which can take up to one week. I used to get my first shift between 7:30-8:00 but for a few weeks it’s been coming around 9:00. I started as a disenfranchised gig worker before becoming a small business owner and am now a coach to help others starting their own delivery businesses. Please do not boycott instacart. Anyway, I do have the insulated bags, which I purchased through Instacart itself, so that couldn't be the issue in my case. So maybe that wasn’t the reason. however I am not officially affiliated with Working Washington and am speaking on my own accord. Nobody should be working several hours for less than half of minimum wage particularly with this level of control by the company. While all of these apps have their own shortcomings instacart is the most barbaric of them all. After that, it’s up to you to schedule your onboarding session. :(. Where I am you have to have EA to get any decent hours at all. [Top part is the background to my complaint. What has changed, though, is the fact that the waitlist positions used to be anywhere from #3 to #9, but now they're anywhere from #20 to #38 or so, which basically never opens up. In contrast — My base pay for delivering restaurant food is $6.50 per order with bonuses and tips on top of that for much less work (I am not actually in the store shopping for up to an hour and the delivery distances are shorter). Another factor might be losing Whole Foods. We are asking for a more transparent and reasonable pay which would benefit us and the customers as well as asking for more consistent pay and flexibility. If you are a shopper what I suggest you do is use the “go online” option (versus picking up hours) and then decline all orders for that entire day. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, More posts from the InstacartShoppers community. Then I sent pics and he wrote back saying I was good to go and would now start receiving batches and make money. I love the different scenery and people I see every day. If a tip was removed after the service was provided my original base pay would not be adjusted back up. I have three zones I am willing to shop for (others are either an hour away or close to zero free parking, so I avoid those). Alora Deising-Eovaldi on May 22, 2020 at 8:35 pm I love that this service exists for them. Place an Instacart order. It just reiterates that instacart does not see their drivers as human beings and they are encouraging their customers to not as well.) You'll find a question and a very short TL;DR at the bottom.]. I would work 24 hours without a single order — while my friend in the same district who usually is swamped with instacart alone and regularly does double orders was on vacation. We should be able to decline orders without punishment. There is an assumption that people who do gig work do so to make extra money “on the side” but the reality is most of us do this in order to survive. Welcome to the best subreddit for Instacart Shoppers to discuss everything related to independent contracting for Instacart.
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