do tortoises pee a lot

Thanks. The House passed a defense authorization bill in May including a rider that would delist two endangered The Galapagos tortoise shell is not solid. Uric acid is the end product of protein metabolism. she saved them, what to do next, advice? Like many pet reptiles, Greek tortoises prefer not to be handled by humans. When holding a tortoise it should feel solid rather than light. No....turtlles and tortoises can urinate seperatly,. The girl at the store laughed at me. It is true, it squirts out like a geyser. How worthwhile is heart treatment in India? If you’re needing to pee too often, and it’s happening all of a sudden, it could mean you have a urinary tract infection, says Partha Nandi, MD, a gastroenterologist and internal medicine physician in Detroit, Michigan, and the author of Ask Dr. Nandi. Now you need to go again. ... a lot of damage can be done to the body, especially the kidneys. A tortoise will generally only sleep when there's no UV lighting on, or if the sun's gone down (if he's kept outside). Frequent urination means having an urge to pass urine more often than usual. 4 Answers. Your Tortoise's UV lighting should be on for 12 … Death toll rises for World Cup workers in Qatar, Kaley Cuoco recalls moment co-star quit 'Big Bang', Woman's tattoo takes on new meaning amid pandemic, Christie turns tables on Dems: 'Science is on our side', Billionaire on why Costco presents danger to Amazon, Sheriff: Tiger Woods crash ruled 'purely an accident', Experts give long-term effects of COVID-19 a name, 'Mom' fans petition to save show from cancellation, Sheep rescued in Australia lugging 78 pounds of wool, Return to normal life likely for Woods, golf less so. This isn’t something that just tortoises do. I do understand what it is and I am aware that from when I got Willie the urinate has changed from hard and gritty to the creamy stuff( sorry) he is defiantly more hydrated now trust me before I or him he was living in dessert conditions and I'm pretty sure had never seen water.. Mary, I had to laugh because I remember about a year ago, way before I found this forum, I called the pet store where I bought Stewie worried because I saw him "pee" for the first time. When humans go to the bathroom, we have to expel nitrogen. Relevance. What should I do about my Bearded Dragon.n? in weight.They are extremely long-lived animals; estimates for wild tortoises range from 40 - 60 years, while tortoises in captivity can live more than 100 years. Urates are usually white to light yellow in color. And HUGE plus side: they don't even smell! The first thing to know about tortoise waste is that what you might suspect is poop might actually be pee. Depriving the tortoise of water will result in urates being accumulated - often to dangerous levels. 6. JavaScript is disabled. Do not be alarmed if you notice that your tortoise urinates and/or defecates while soaking, as the warm water will frequently stimulate them to void. The amount of white stuff is a discharge of excess minerals, salts, and calcium. In my experience with livingstone, the more calcium I added to his diet the more frequently there would be an emission of urates. The amount of urate present in urine varies depending on diet and water intake. You went to the bathroom to pee just a few minutes ago. Still have questions? Tortoises are super harmless! Although these animals are very heavy, … When hey have a chance to drink long and deep, they will- then they will indeed urinate rather freely- but not in what would be called 'great volume'. Tortoise bladders are like canteens; they store water, then reabsorb it directly from the bladder when fresh … This means your redfoot tortoise will need to get most of the calcium and D3 from diet rather than … Waking a tortoise from hibernation is an area where you must be really careful and precise. Tortoises (with the exception of Giant Tortoises) do not require very costly upkeep at all once acquired! I used common sense and summarized that I should cut back and try to balance the calcium in his diet. You have a UTI. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Always before I had just noticed the urates and never any liquid. It can disrupt one’s normal routine, interrupt the sleep cycle, and it can be a sign of an underlying medical condition. Uric acid and urates are relatively insoluble and crystallize into small chunks that are passed with the urine. 1. Though tortoises are complex creatures shrouded in mysteries, figuring out how they’re feeling is a lot easier than people think. Sexual maturity has more to do with size than age. Although this will vary by tortoise. Thanks again for any information on his matter... ( Willie is a 6 year old he/ she) lol! I am just wondering if it's ok that he is not expelling any white stuff. When the tortoise urinates, it will pass the liquid urine and the semi-solid urates at the same time. They won't ditch you after just a few years. Luckily most tortoises don’t have to do … Urates are a water-saving strategy that mammals like us do not use, because we excrete urea instead of uric acid, and urea must be more dilute than uric acid in order to be safely excreted. Reptiles don't urinate and deficate seperately. He is acting fine , eating great and doesn't seem in distress at all. how often do Russian Tortoises poop? Kobe logo? Some tortoises might even bite if picked up. She had 4 Turtles and once she brought one in. turtles "pee" (actually it's not urine, it's just water from their anal bladder that stores water to help the females lay eggs and also helps turts breathing under water) because they are scared. turtles that are used to … The Carapace The Plastron The Eyes The eyes of the tortoise should be clear and bright and there should be … my sulcata, and red eared sliders pee when you pick them up. Should a tortoise have urinate in the urine? as a hatschling they might pee too, but the bladder is so tiny that you wouldn't realize they are peeing. Tortoises from dry habitats urinate very little and not often, and mostly in what is more of a slime than a puddle. One NBA star wants it to happen. But yes it's a lot when she does it. I know he is urinating but it hardly had "white stuff". I had read the first before I posted my thread but had never seen the second. Hydration is very important, doubtless you know that already, but daily warm bathes are the best thing ever for a tortoise. Get your answers by asking now. So what I do is keep feeding him regularly but adding calcium on different days hap hazardly through the week. They are not “basking” species, per se, although they love a warm sunbeam as much as the next cold-blooded pet. However, in captivity, tortoises tend to grow faster and mature earlier. What’s going on? Like a hamster's cage, … During a summer rain tortoises will often drink and urinate simultaneously. When tortoises have water available at all times, they may drink smaller, more frequent amounts and urinate smaller, more frequent amounts, which does not result in urates being purged. Favourite answer. I know he is urinating but it hardly had "white stuff". Distinguishing Between Poop and Pee. Do tortoises urinate when scared? Handling is very stressful for tortoises, and it can have a negative impact on their health. Females can lay eggs at around 14cm straight carapace length (SCL); however, breeding very young or … The tortoise does not always need to actually drink while soaking in order to hydrate itself. My YBS turtle basking platform is peeling and turning the water green.  Is this a common problem?  He loves it - a fix or just toss.. Put it this way, tortoises would be very happy if they had the brain capacity to indulge in water sports. Note: it's not "urinates." Rather, the urine of tortoises from arid or semi-arid climates, as well as that of many birds, contains uric acid, which is the same as urate. LOL....I am agreeing with Tom....the more hydrated the less urates you will see....and go ahead and fall in love with Tom .....he can handle it. 5. If your tort's sleeping a lot in the day, check out the above section. Your actions affect your tortoise and what you do will impact the tortoise's ability to live to its full potential, which can be 50 years or more. Reptiles also have one more type of excretion product, called urates or uric acid. This is also something that a lot of other reptiles do, including bearded dragons, turtles, some snakes, and several other lizards. Join Yahoo Answers and get 100 points today. Please do not put your tortoise in the water. It went normally less than 1 ounce for sure. Tortoises from dry habitats urinate very little and not often, and mostly in what is more of a slime than a puddle. Im not sure but in Middle School I had a teacher that taught sience. Source(s): My daughter volunteers at a local reptile rescue center and has brought home dozens of rescued reptiles over the years..including turtles and tortoises..we've seen a lot of "white stuff"..LOL! There is no risk of being injured by the average pet tortoise! In the wild, a female tortoise will not lay eggs until around 15 years of age. In your case, here are some of the reasons you might be peeing a lot more than you want to be—and what you can do to fix your pee problems. Desert Tortoise Care Sheet - California Turtle & Tortoise … the white chalky stuff is just urates which is what a tortoise wees out, a tortoises wee is a uric acid not urine like we produce, it is normal to have some white chalky stuff in a tortoises wee so you don't need to worry too much, a tortoise does not need a bath every day and horsfield tortoises do not like water so … ... tortoises often only urinate when it is raining, as that is the time when they know they can replace the lost fluid. Glad I am not the only one who worries about things like that. Tortoises are 'programmed' not to use water in the bladder to eliminate these unless replenishment is available.
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