tortoise urine brown

While the most common smell is a pungent ammonia odor, some people report that their urine … In a well hydrated tortoise these urates are secreted normally when urinating. Do not soak if your tortoise has surgery unless recommended by your veterinarian. If it is white or off-white and "cheesy", it is normal. The Long Beach Animal Hospital is one of the few places that attempts to anesthetize reptiles for surgery. This tortoise makes an excellent pet because of their unique personalities and ease of care.. However, if you do decide to adopt this pet, you are making a lifelong commitment. Thrombocytopenia causes bruising, frequent nosebleeds, and tiny red dots that look like a rash. After standing no crystals of urea could be found on microscopic examination. This usually takes many flushings with sterile saline. Urea seems to be wholly wanting in the urine of the tortoise. The bottom of the shell (called the plastron) is cleansed thoroughly. A sulcata tortoise should poop every two or three days. While all of this was going on the piece of shell that was removed at the beginning of the surgery was kept moist by wrapping it with sterile gauze soaked with saline. Taking pyridium causes red-orange or brown urine, headache, upset stomach, and dizziness. What it looks like when the suturing is complete. I have a 5 year old female horsefield tortoise and recently her urine has been yellow and only small amounts of feaces. The problem can even progress further, and some tortoises can succumb to the bladder stone. They are curious, outgoing, and courageous!. While normal, healthy tortoise poop is usually brown or a greenish-brown, the color depends … However, if it is healthy feces, it should be some shade of brown and be fairly solid. We flush and suction simultaneously. Medication itself can temporarily change the color of the solids in urine to a "yucky" brown. I bathe all mine every otherday. In supplying them with a pile of readily accessible kitchen food you are doing a lot of harm. In this case we need to break the stone into smaller pieces. Inorganic constituents. JavaScript is disabled. 3816 East Anaheim Street Long Beach, CA 90804, Animal Emergency Long Beach, Cats & Dogs Animal Hospital, Veterinarian In Long Beach Ca, Monday - Friday 7:30AM - 10:00PM If your tortoise is leaving behind dark yellow-brown or greenish-yellow urates along with its waste, this can be a sign of liver disease and you should take your tortoise to a medical professional to be screened for health issues. A healthy turtle/tortoise produces quite firm, well-formed feces.If they contain undigested food or are runny, then the possibility of parasites should be ruled out by analysis of a stool sample by your vet.If this isn’t the case, then a low fiber diet is the likely culprit. We try to place most of the suture in the outer layer of the bladder, called the serosal surface, for this reason. When we suture the urinary bladder back together we try to minimize the suture going into the lumen of the bladder, where it can cause more irritation to the already inflamed bladder. Keeping it in a small area can inhibit its activity and potentially lose this advantage when exercising. Periodic soaking is recommended. brown stain left when urine dries There's a brown stain left when urine dries. Anything else i could do? They generate urate based on the amount of protein in their diet, ideally, a tortoise should be fed a low-protein diet because too much protein can lead to a condition called pyramiding. The other method to make a diagnosis, and usually more reliable method, is to take an x-ray.
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