rabbit sneezing when eating

If your rabbit has a URI, early and aggressive treatment will be needed to prevent the infection from spreading to the lungs and other parts of the body. Sneezing is a common reaction among animals to a blocked airway. Is My Child Too Young? A rabbit diarrhea home treatment is to change their diet. If the sneezing is accompanied by any nasal discharge (snot), that is a sign that your rabbit is developing snuffles. Hello all! 12) Do Rabbits Sneeze and Cough? My Rabbit Isn't Eating; Spay Neuter; Birth Defects; Sneezing; Wry Neck; Grooming; Wry Neck Survey; Reader's Coments on Wry Neck; Nutrition. Sneezing … when I look at her nose lately though, that is a whole nother story. According to Veterinary Microbiology, rabbits do sneeze when they have a respiratory infection. It is a reflex which shoots air through the nose in a bid to clear it. A tiny sneeze in a rabbit can progress to a major respiratory problem and possibly cause other health issues. My rabbit, of 1 year, has always had a little bit of a sneezing problem. While it is perfectly normal for your rabbit to sneeze occasionally due to dust or allergies, you want to be on the lookout for any excessive sneezing. Does the rabbit have a cough as well? The symptoms, signs and types of stertor and stridor depend on the underlying cause and severity of the condition. Coughing is the same, but for the throat. If your rabbit has diarrhea but is still eating, treat them as a sick pet. My rabbit is congested, sneezing, clear drainage from nose, wheezing when breathing. ... NO discharge from nose, eyes, eating drinking and pottying just fine. Veterinarian's Assistant: I'll do all I can to help. Sneezing. Although eating is a good sign, if your bunny has diarrhea, it can quickly lead to dehydration if left untreated. The only other thing I've noticed a little is that he doesn't seem to like his face or cheeks touched too much. Does this wheezing happen all the time or only sometimes? Other typical signs for rabbits suffering from stertor and stridor include: Sneezing What do Rabbits Eat? When determining if your rabbit is eating enough, if your rabbit is going 4-6 hours without eating, this may be an indication that he is not feeling well and may need to be seen by a veterinarian. Rabbits sneeze if they have allergies, a respiratory infection or dental issues. Watery eyes Rabbits can suffer from infections of the upper respiratory tract (the sinuses and other parts of the tract that are not actually parts of the lungs), and this is usually manifested as runny nose, runny eyes and sneezing. Rabbit sneezing/gagging nursegirl6572. It’s hard to diagnose which one is causing your rabbit to sneeze. Diarrhea, but Still Eating. I get asked by people all the time about rabbits sneezing. Willow Treats; Whole Grain Conditioning Mix; Feeding Your Rabbit; Bunny Basics. Rabbits can suffer from sneezing, runny nose, and runny eyes, but fortunately, your bunny cannot contract a human cold, as the viruses that cause such misery in humans are not contagious to rabbits. His behavior is pretty much the same. It looks like there is a sort of crust that is … For example, an extremely stressed rabbit or a rabbit with a lowered immune system may sound excessively hoarse while breathing. Causes of Appetite Loss in Rabbits. eating but not fluid. So, why do rabbits sneeze so much? Unlike a human cold, which is caused by a virus, rabbit … If your rabbit sneezes an off colored discharge, he’s got an infection.
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