plugy swap page

Add command /deletepage : Delete current page if empty. This may be a "feature" and not a bug, but I cannot be certain. Add localizion in Russian and google traduction for not translated language. Hello guest register or sign in . 2 posts • Page 1 of 1. Our smart decision-making engine will give the visitors personalize styles based on their behaviours on your website to give them a pleasant experience. - Click on page stash name to change index type. cant even change window resolution. ... plugy 10.00 is garbage. I think if you omit the page number the current one will be used. Plugy App is one line of javascript code which you can add to all types of websites, CMS, and html page. - Shared storage space in the stash (up to 4,294,967,296 shared pages too!) If you change any setting that I have changed back to the original value, PlugY will load. This Group for the people that have swapped a ZS190 to a mini bike. PlugY, The Survival Kit v10.0 addon - … (thanks to L'Autour) Add an option in PlugY.ini to select shared stash (instead of personal one) on character loading. - Shift + click on page stash name to rename it. So she will see we have a great community around PlugY. Top. - Enable automatic stash page naming. ***** PlugY, The Survival Kit v10.00 is out ! - Local World Event and Uber Quest for singleplayer and multiplayer off-realm ! - Rename /swap command to /swappage. - Enabled the ladder only runewords out of realms. Here is my modified PlugY.ini. - Increase the maximum length of stash page name from 15 to 20 characters. /toggle page : Swap the content of current stash page with the content of another page in opposing stash shared/personal (space not mandatory) (MultiStash activated). - Fix minimum SOJ sold value for the World Event. /swap page : Swap the content of current stash page with the content of another page (space not mandatory) (MultiStash activated). Features list ( you can enabled/disabled all features like you want) : - Infinite storage space in the stash (up to 4,294,967,296 personal pages!) /dlm : Toggle always display mana and life mode. Add command /insertpage : Insert a new page after the current page. if you are using PlugY v10.01 or newer you can use the chat command "/toggle x" where x is the page number you want to swap between personal and shared stash or vice versa. PlugY, The Survival Kit is structured as options that can be enabled or disabled by editing the configuration file. - Optimize PlugY time loading and infinite stash time loading. Basically it allows all sorts of things like infinite stash, shared stash among characters, and more. -your PlugY needs to be in your DiabloII\ProjectD2 folder, however your save files are in DiabloII\Save -be aware, if you already played singleplayer to take the items of your stash into inventory, plugy stash will only take the upper 10x10 filled stash ... Could swap for 40/9 Str jewels. - Rename /toggle command to /togglepage. Here is the original PlugY.ini that comes in the downloaded zip. - Fix crash of /swappage command when the target page wasn't created. - Change stash page color dependings of indexes flags. Googled Yohann, but only got a features page, no explanation on troubleshooting missing features. please share experiences and growing pains to make this group helpful. 2 years ago. - Now, the PlugY folder must be in the same directory as PlugY.ini (so in the mod folder). - Fix possible crash with stash name allocation. ;) Features - Infinite storage space in the stash (up to 4,294,967,296 personal pages!) I've googled the install PlugY 9.00 but never found the answer to why I have buttons to flip through character stat pages, but no buttons for stash pages, just the default small single page inventory. We run …
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