john poulos soros

John Poulos is the founding President and CEO of Dominion Voting. Today, John enjoys spending most of his time soliciting and listening to feedback from clients, stakeholders and employees. 941,000 Trump votes deleted. Same Game. It was funded by money from Venezuela and Cuba and China has a role in it also…We have staggering statistical evidence. These errors can always be identified and corrected because every tabulator prints a paper totals tape showing how the ballots for each race were counted. Even if the error had not been noticed and quickly fixed, it would have been caught and identified. As a U.S.-owned company, we currently provide voting systems and services to jurisdictions across 30 states and Puerto Rico.”. But after announcing the opportunity for a reset, Trudeau has been gaslighting Canadians. This first of two videos shows the weaknesses of the system and the ways in which an unscrupulous election official may alter ballots with virtually no chance of being caught.”, Asked if that is also possible in our county Konopasek responded, “I watched most of the videos. As soon as the states stopped counting “the most egregious problems occurred,” Powell claimed. Increasing the scrutiny, it has also worked with firms tied to George Soros and Robert Mueller and gets some components from China. "The voting systems that we produce provide high assurance that election outcomes are accurately and reliably tallied," Poulos said in his written testimony. He is a youth hockey coach and a mentor to young aspiring business students. Shiva Ayyadurai, as well as software engineer, data analyst and elections commissioner Bennie Smith and Phil Evans, an inventor, engineer and data analyst. Powell and the Trump campaign have not proven her claims with evidence. This is the information the company gives about its work in key battleground states that were helping determine the presidential election: Michigan: “Ranked the #1 system by a state review panel in 2018, 65 of 83 counties have chosen Democracy Suite.”, Georgia: “2020 statewide voting system rollout, with 33,000 ImageCast X BMDs, serving 159 counties.”, Arizona: “Serving 2.2 million Maricopa County voters with Democracy Suite 5.5 paired with the ImageCast X, ImageCast Precinct, and ImageCast Central.”, Nevada: “Designed for its Clark County debut in 2017, the ImageCast X with VVPAT now supports 16 of 17 Counties.”, Dominion’s website says: “Recognized by Deloitte as one of the fastest-growing tech firms in North America, Dominion provides the highest level of election support services available. Dominion Voting Systems is an election services company from Canada that is responsible for the technology used to count votes in many of the close battleground states in the 2020 presidential election. A 2019 report by the Brennan Center for Justice highlighted a lack of vendor oversight, raising Congressional concern about voting machines in general, according to The Associated Press. “Bi-partisan experts, Federal, State and local election officials as well as the US the Attorney General and Department of Homeland Security announced the most secure election in recent history.”. ORGANIZATIONS FUNDED BY GEORGE SOROS AND HIS OPEN SOCIETY FOUNDATIONS. Dominion_2ndAmendment_022520, Dominion Contract_030118 The secondary card is retrieved from all scanners. Former President Barack Obama gives an elbow tap to Democratic U.S. Senate candidate Jon Ossoff during a Drive-in Mobilization Rally to get out the vote for Georgia Senate candidates on November 2, 2020, in Atlanta, Georgia. It is estimated that 100 women will directly benefit from election technology skills training per pilot election. The county received updated programming from its election programming vendor, Election Source. Konopasek was asked if that clause is also in the Contra Costa County’s contract with Dominion. Konopasek responded with an explanation of the ballot and vote counting process in Contra Costa County. Its directors were listed as Hootan Yaghoobzadeh of Staple Street Capital, Stephen Owens, also of Staple Street, and Benjamin Humphreys. Dominion defended its work in Georgia, writing, “The Georgia Secretary of State’s office continues to publicly affirm that there are no widespread issues.”, According to Politico, the companies use “voting machines made by Dominion Voting Systems and electronic poll books … made by KnowInk.”, The companies “uploaded something last night, which is not normal, and it caused a glitch,” said Marcia Ridley, elections supervisor in Spalding County to Politico. She said Dominion has “been used all over the world to defy the will of people who wanted freedom.”. – In 2009, Smartmatic licensed Dominion machines for use in the Philippines. According to Center Square, the company “was rejected three times by data communications experts from the Texas Secretary of State and Attorney General’s Office for failing to meet basic security standards.”, Florida certified the company but noted some issues, including that the hyphen in “write-in” did not display properly on the precinct tabulator tapes, an issue the Bureau of Voting Systems Certification said did not affect voting machine operations or the scanning or counting of votes and was “of low impact and severity.”. The site reported that poll workers were advised “to stop using the markers in favor of black pens packed in their equipment bags as a backup in case the Sharpies ran dry or extras were needed. It’s not uncommon for major companies to try to curry favor with political leaders on both sides of the aisle. Dominion Voting Systems: Glitch, Clinton Tie Cause Scrutiny in 2020 Election, Copyright © 2021 Heavy, Inc. All rights reserved. “Part of the communications protocol that we used in that system was an off-the-shelf piece of software. (Video Part 1 and Video Part 2), Douglas Now, the newspaper and website based in Coffee County, GA, which posted the videos, commented on the test of the system, “The Dominion voting machines that Georgia and several other states use are unsecure and open to manipulation during the counting process. Jefferson County started using Dominion systems and “poll workers reported problems with Sharpie markers bleeding through the paper ballots and causing them to be rejected,” reported in 2019. … We saw that component malfunction and we shut it down,” he told the publication. The container is returned to the Elections Division on election night, the CF card is removed and the results and logs from that CF card are uploaded to the voting system. Former special prosecutor Robert Mueller works for that firm. … The industry is dominated by three firms that are moderate in size and neither publicly nor independently held, limiting the amount of information available in the public domain about their operations and financial performance.”, The study continued, “The seller side of the election technology industry has come to be characterized by a consolidated, highly concentrated market dominated by a few major vendors, where industry growth and competition are constrained.”. You can read the statement of that national coalition here. According to Politico, a “technology glitch” halted voting in two Georgia counties on Election Day because a vendor uploaded “an update to their election machines the night before.”. It’s not unusual for big firms under the Congressional microscope to hire people or firms with ties to other power players; Dominion has ties to the Clinton Foundation. Specifically, the examiner reports raise concerns about whether the Democracy Suite 5.5-A system is suitable for its intended purpose; operates efficiently and accurately; and is safe from fraudulent or unauthorized manipulation. James Hoover is a founding Vice President at Dominion Voting. She said some governors and secretaries of state bought into the Dominion systems. He met James Hoover during a previous business venture in Silicon Valley where, together, they established an ambitious goal: to build a voting system that was so transparent even the most skeptical critic would have confidence in its accuracy. She is an elected member of the American Law Institute, and the past president of the Bar Association for the Fifth Federal Circuit and the American Academy of Appellate Lawyers.”, Her website says she “established her firm, dedicated to federal appellate practice, in 1993. After election night the ballot images from the CF cards are transferred to the voting system and stored along with the results and logs. They can be viewed here Dominion Contract_030118 and here Dominion_2ndAmendment_022520, Approved by Canciamilla and Supervisors, Contract Increased This Year. According to Politico, a “technology glitch” … The third largest provider of election systems technology is Austin, Texas-based Hart InterCivic, which has a regional office in Sacramento. Wood published a link to a Securities and Exchange Commission filing, showing Dominion Voting Systems’ parent company receiving $400 million dollars from a Swiss bank subsidiary. Therefore, the Democracy Suite 5.5-A system and corresponding hardware devices do not meet the standards for certification prescribed by Section 122.001 of the Texas Election Code. Furthermore, NTD’s article reports, “…a closer look into the (UBS) New York subsidiary shows that among four of its board members, who are appointed by shareholders, three appear to be Chinese. Santa Clara County Elections also uses the Dominion Voting Systems technology. Dominion is an entirely separate company and a fierce competitor to Smartmatic. Special Report by WorldTribune Staff, November 6, 2020 A reported glitch in the software of Dominion Voting Systems equipment saw 6,000 votes switched from Republican to Democrat in Antrim County, … The Media Research Center chronicled back in 2011 how Soros has ties to over 30 news outlets in the mainstream media. While the machines used by Contra Costa County are not connected to the internet it was learned by the Herald that flash drives are inserted and removed from the voting tabulation machines. Dominion Voting Systems Corporation was founded in 2002 in Toronto, Ontario, by John Poulos and James Hoover. Other articles say Poulos and Hoover are the co-founders. READ NEXT: What Is Kamala Harris’ Ethnicity? We reached out to the company to see if it wants to make comment on Powell’s claims specifically. In 2018, Dominion announced it had been acquired by its management team and Staple Street Capital. Its founders are President and CEO, John Poulos and James Hoover. The Maricopa County Board of Supervisors wrote a letter to voters on November 4. The first contract for over $4.1 million was signed by Konopasek on March 1, 2018 and Contra Costa purchased the Dominion technology and used it in the elections, that year. According to the AP, “the chairman of SmartMatics and the SGO Group, Mark Malloch-Brown, serves on the Open Society Foundations Global Board — founded by George Soros.” Smartmatic has previously had some involvement in U.S. elections, according to AP. “The ICE Scanner uses a Compact Flash Card (“CF card”) that contains the parameters for the election and polling site, it also stores the scanned ballot images from voting. According to, “He is a youth hockey coach and a mentor to young aspiring business students. James works closely with Dominion’s client services and sales teams, and along with Dominion’s engineers, he applies the company’s talent and leadership to answer customer needs; continually improving and enhancing Dominion’s innovative products and services. Dominion has ties to the Clinton Foundation. Additional information was shared with him, as explained by MIT educated Dr. V.A. Brownstein Hyatt Farber and Schreck lobbyist David Cohen, “who lobbies for Dominion Voting Systems on issues related to election security and monitors federal legislation for the company,” gave Republican Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s campaign $2,000 in March, Truthout reported. According to a report on NTD news, a 2019 agreement between Santa Clara County and Dominion shows the system allows staff to adjust the vote tally based on a review of scanned ballot images. However, problems arose with the felt-tip pens in 2019 in Pennsylvania. He is happiest when spending time in Dominion’s offices after hours watching that feedback come to life in Dominion’s exciting and innovative next-generation products. In addition, a report by The Spectator claims, “All major voting machine vendors, including Dominion, have this feature. On November 6, Deadline reported that Kennard was named to the board of WarnerMedia parent AT&T, which owns CNN. The company linked to a statement from local officials. Dominion Voting Systems is under scrutiny due to its presence in battleground states like Michigan, Georgia and Arizona and ties to Clinton and Pelosi. This entry was posted in 2020 Election and tagged Center for American Progress, Dark Money, Democracy Alliance, George Soros, Joe Biden, John Podesta, Open Society Foundations. Other Affiliations. The decisions are added to the audit log of each ballot image along with a user and date/time stamp.”, A copy of the complete Contra Costa County has with Dominion Voting Systems was requested on Thursday, Dec. 3. Weighted Race Algorithm That Transfer Votes from One Candidate to Another, Konopasek was asked if there is a weighted race feature in the software that Contra Costa County uses, as has been discovered in the Dominion software, elsewhere. Every tabulator recorded ballots correctly but the unofficial reports were erroneous. States using Dominion Voting Systems switched 435,000 votes from Trump to Biden.” He provided no evidence. Fact Check: The viral post, shared over 11,000 times, claims to list the allegedly dubious family ties among various Democratic figures: California Gov. Delta Conveyance Project – tunnel moves forward – Part 2: Stakeholders & Opposition, Antioch’s plans for $60 million Brackish Water Desalination plant move forward, Contra Costa Health Officer shortens quarantine period to 10 days, Antioch man charged with distribution and aggravated possession of child pornography, organizations connected to billionaire George Soros, January 2020 analysis on the Washington Times website. The updated programming correctly updated the election software for the county. Although its headquarters is in Denver, Colorado, according to a form filed with the State of California in 2014, Dominion was first formed in 2003 in Toronto and then in 2009 in Denver. Democratic Party: Soros’ funding activities are devoted largely to helping the Democratic Party solidify its power base. Video of his testimony can be downloaded here. I co-founded the company in 2003 on three basic pillars: security, accessibility and transparency. “Dominion has no company ownership relationships with any member of the Pelosi family, the Feinstein family, or the Clinton Global Initiative, Smartmatic, Scytl, or any ties to Venezuela. – In 2010, Dominion purchased certain assets from Sequoia, a private U.S. Company. They claim their analysis of the Michigan election results show “a computer algorithm that linearly transferred the votes from Trump to Biden.” It’s the same pattern found in Pennsylvania, according to a report by the Gateway Pundit. Penn Wharton study chart on election systems companies’ share of U.S. market. President Donald Trump has also made claims against Dominion, writing on Twitter, “Report: Dominion deleted 2.7 million Trump votes nationwide. People who voted by mail could use sharpies, or blue or black pens. One issue unearthed: “Commands to add, update and delete existing database records lack enclosing transaction logic which may affect database contents and may possibly result in database integrity and other corruption issues.”. The company has used lobbying firms that employ lobbyists with ties to major figures like Georgia’s Republican governor and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi…it has also worked with firms tied to George Soros and Robert Mueller and gets some components from China. -Former President Barack Obama (R) gives an … John Poulos is the founding President and CEO of Dominion Voting. Dominion’s spokesperson “said the company had to replace only 20 components for 30,000 machines” in the Georgia primary, calling it “a very low number for a statewide voting system rollout across 159 counties.”, The Times reported that some Democrats in the Georgia Legislature opposed purchasing the system but there is “some evidence that heavy lobbying and sales tactics have played a role in their adoption in Georgia and elsewhere.”. She represented the United States in 350 criminal appeals, and represented private parties in another 150, all resulting in more than 180 published decisions.”, The bio continues that she “was the youngest Assistant U.S. Attorney when she began practicing. For instance, at the time of the MRC report, the Soros-funded Pro-Publica’s Journalism Advisory Board featured the … Konopasek responded, “I signed the contracts because I am one of the Clerk-Recorder’s authorized designees.”, Asked who approved the contracts, he responded, “The contract was approved by Joe, the CAO (County Auditor-Controller), County Counsel, and the Board of Supervisors in a public meeting. A former ambassador named by former President Barack Obama sits on the board of a company that acquired it in 2018. Gateway Pundit – by Jim Hoft. According to Access Wire, “Dominion entered into a 2009 contract with Smartmatic and provided Smartmatic with the PCOS machines (optical scanners) that were used in the 2010 Philippine election, the biggest automated election run by a private company.”, Problems arose with source codes, according to ABS CBN News. The upper portion of this page is devoted to organizations that are funded directly by George Soros and his Open Society Foundations (OSF).The lower portion of the page focuses on organizations which do not receive direct funding from Soros … “Dominion Voting” is listed as a $25,000 to $50,000 donor to the Clinton Foundation in 2014 by The Washington Post. The scanner, and cards, are tested and the test results are reset. What are the company’s ties to the Clinton Foundation? Dominion is orange in this Penn Wharton map: According to the company’s website, Dominion serves more than 40% of U.S. voters, including customers in 28 states and Puerto Rico and nine of the top 20 counties. Another question asked of Konopasek was will the county consider purchasing equipment from an American-based company to avoid concerns about using equipment from a foreign-owned company in U.S. elections and something different with all the flaws discovered with the Dominion technology. The company develops proprietary software in-house and sells electronic voting hardware and software, including voting machines and tabulators, in the U.S. and Canada. John Kerry’s State Department put out a call in November 2016 for a contractor to “build a network of civic activists throughout Ukraine.” Secretary of State Kerry, whose stepson Chris Heinz was business partners with Ukraine scandal figure Hunter Biden until 2015, made trips to Kiev, Ukraine in March 2014, February 2015, and July 2016. Results from Dr. Ayyadurai’s analysis. Dominion Voting Systems is a company from Toronto, Canada, that has headquarters in Denver, Colorado, and is one of three major firms providing voting machines in U.S. elections. Smartmatic, a previous owner of Sequoia, pursued legal actions against Dominion. Poulos and the CEOs of other voting systems companies said they welcomed more federal scrutiny. One of them is Ye Xiang, a Chinese national who also served as a board member of Beijing’s based UBS subsidiary. Asked if any of the Dominion equipment is connected to the internet or accessible by computers in the county or elsewhere and could that equipment be hacked and votes switched either in the county elections office or remotely, Konopasek responded, “No devices in the voting system network are connected to the internet or any county computer. Ties to Clintons, Pelosi, and McConnell. A screenshot from the Florida report on Dominion. After discovering the error in reporting the unofficial results, the clerk worked diligently to report correct unofficial results by reviewing the printed totals tape on each tabulator and hand-entering the results for each race, for each precinct in the county. The New York Times reported in June 2020 on issues in the Georgia primary. Dominion Voting CEO and President John Poulos said, "Our senior management team is extremely pleased to partner with Staple Street Capital, which has a … UBS is the first foreign bank that’s allowed to have a fully-licensed securities joint venture in China’s very restricted financial market.”. Election day poll workers verify this seal is unbroken prior to voting. Issues have arisen in some of those states, such as Michigan and Georgia, propelling Dominion into the spotlight. Rather than answer the question, he responded, “Dominion is a US Delaware Corporation headquartered in Denver. “Sharpie pens are safe and reliable to use on ballots, and recommended due to their quick-drying ink,” Dominion wrote in a news release. The secondary card remains sealed in the scanner in case the primary card is damaged or will not properly upload. Dominion does not use Smartmatic software. When the software was reprogrammed, the County also had to update the software on all of the media drives that are placed in tabulators to ensure tabulators communicate properly with the election management system. Votes cannot be ‘switched’ remotely. After Antrim County initially programmed its election software for the November Election, the county identified in October two local races where the ballot content had to be updated. All public record, in plain view and according to the book.”. James holds a Master of Science (MSc) in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Alberta. He is an active member of YPO, and part of an alliance of Greek-Canadian entrepreneurs who share a common goal to preserve their heritage.”. As a U.S.-owned company, we currently provide voting systems and services to jurisdictions across 30 states and Puerto Rico. Coupling this challenging objective with a culture of honesty, hard work and partnership in customer success has formed the foundation of Dominion’s success.
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