is tortoise urine dangerous

Tortoise urine contains urates, which usually look like grey cottage cheese. Bathe your tortoise on a regular basis to help keep it well hydrated. In captivity, a similarly hot and dry environment must be provided year round. The various wildfires that affected the region caused the tortoises to suffer from heat stress, which causes their urine to pass in clots, Hudson said. But the best advice is to see a vet to be sure. Hydration soaks are one of the most common ways to treat dehydration in tortoises. What does this mean and what should I do? In captivity, a similarly hot and dry environment must be provided year round. While they can tolerate some … Comments for tortoise pee. urinate 1-2 ml a day. pink urine by: Anonymous Pink seems dangerous to me. Keeping two or more female tortoises … The smaller the tortoise, the more dangerous they are, as such animals have far fewer reserves than larger ones. They are able to store water in their urinary bladder and significantly increase their body weight when tanking up after a good rainstorm. Is this legal? It can be found in California (Mojave Desert), Mexico (Sonoran desert), Nevada, Utah and Arizona. If you see a tortoise in the wild, it is important not to pick it up. Sulcatas are voracious, if not always smart, eaters and will ingest anything small enough and colorful enough. Tortoises are not very prone to digestive upsets but it pays to take care of their diet and if you remember just a very few basic things then they should have no problems. Toxins build up … Click here to add your own comments . Return … Dehydration is more dangerous than a brief pause in eating. With a natural diet, they are rarely in danger of overcharging their urinary excretion system with excess calcium (Leon et al., 1979). Therefore, in the natural environment, these tortoises rarely experience high levels of calcium in their small intestines – which would otherwise be excreted in their urinary tract. This is one reason why so many tortoises used to die during hibernation. If it goes on long enough, they will also lose weight. How often is "normal" ? Tortoises do not have very fluid urine like other animals, but excrete urates in an almost solid form. my tortoise peed on my lap should i worry? Given the relatively cheap cost of purchasing the tortoise itself, it may or may not be surprising to learn that commercially available tortoise enclosures and tortoise tables often cost more than you might pay for your tortoise; with some enclosures costing upwards of ($200) £150. I gave him woodchips to lie in and he was all wet this morning. And you need to be careful to keep the right male-to-female ratio. A danger, then, in captivity is that too much water may be given or made accessible which may lead to health problems including skin and shell infections and kidney problems. The danger of allowing this in the drier home environment though, is the risk of build up of urates which could lead to bladder stones, which is why it is important to keep the substrate watered - not soggy … Desert tortoises also dig depressions in the earth to catch rainwater. A danger, then, in captivity is that too much water may be given or made accessible which may lead to health problems including skin and shell infections and kidney problems. If this is the case, extra long and more frequent soaks in warmer water may be needed. White or thick urine, or less urine than usual; Muscular tissue that feels loose or baggy ; Reptile veterinarians report that dehydration is extremely common–it actually affects the majority of tortoises! There could be blood in the urine. But first, the biggest question: Do all tortoises carry salmonella? How often and how much should I feed? we was at the other side of his area from the water so it wasnt that. Steps, dogs, raccoons and children are among some of the dangers that must be guarded against. A cat can be dangerous to a tortoise. Gopher tortoises are the only tortoise found in the southeastern United States and are easily distinguishable from box turtles (the only other terrestrial turtle in the region). If they never encounter each other, they won’t ever fight. There is not far to go from this crystalline substance to a kidney stone and so if the tortoise becomes dehydrated, it can be serious very quickly. Desert tortoise is a type of tortoise adapted to the life in extreme, desert conditions. Desert tortoise – 1 – 2 minutes; Snapping turtle – 20 – 30 minutes; Red-eared slider – 20 – 30 minutes; Map turtle – 20 – 30 minutes; Green sea turtle – 7 – 10 hours ; Leatherback sea turtle – 7 – 10 hours; Kemp’s ridley – 7 – 10 hours; Olive ridley – 7 – 10 hours; How long can Red Eared sliders live? Tortoises will drink water when it is available during infrequent rains, but when water is not available, they rely on water stored in the bladder. Always be sure to call your vet if you're ever in doubt. I'm annoyed as I don't see what the harm is in having them in your yard. Desert tortoise inhabits areas covered with creosote bushes, rocky canyons, semi-arid grasslands and hillsides. Constipation is usually because the tortoise is dehydrated, diarrhoea is often because it is suffering from worms or has had too much fruit in its diet. Some urates are fine, but if they're large or hard, your tortoise may be dehydrated. So, have a home for your tortoise that your cat can’t … Agassiz’s desert tortoises have a high domed shell, which is usually brown in adults and dark tan in younger adults. Unlike mammals and amphibians, reptiles are known to remove some of their bodily waste through uric acid as opposed to urea (or urine). Tortoises do not bask on the bare open ground. One of the worst outcomes of dehydration with tortoises is the accumulation of solidified uric acid inside their urinary system. Before you want to have this pet tortoise, you should think about the tortoise housing and tortoise food. They simply ran out of energy reserves, or suffered dehydration. Tortoises with kidney disease are often sluggish and clearly generally unwell. Signs a tortoise has kidney problems. The reason that tortoises do this is because in the wild they do not chance upon water every day and so hold onto urine until they get an opportunity to replenish water supplies. I tried tomatoes, carrots, broccoli, lettuce etc. That applies mostly to baby tortoises, which are vulnerable because their shells haven’t fully formed. Healthy tortoise … Also, is it dangerous for him to eat his woodchips? also is urine dangerous as in toxic or anything? Hydration Soaks. He likes only chopped cucumber. Unlike the California desert tortoises, the sulcatas do not hibernate. Not all tortoises carry salmonella but they are all likely to carry it. May 02, 2010: desert tortoise by: Anonymous only feed any food to your tortoise in moderation, if urine keeps at a unusual color you will need to see your Vet, notice if there are any other changes as well. Never house two male tortoises together. Being relatively long-lived animals, they can reach an age of up to 100 years under normal conditions. The reason for this is due to the bacteria in the digestive tract of the tortoise. The tortoises can increase their body … Some tortoises will drink in the bath water while others will choose not to but do give your tortoise time to take a drink and rehydrate. Wild goats and pigs pose a danger to the tortoise as they feed on the vegetation cover and the nests become accessed easily. Also how do I know if my tortoise is eating enough? Tortoises need regular access to a dish of fresh water, in addition to forced soaks, or baths, to maintain proper hydration. Keep Your Cat and Tortoise Apart . And avoid keeping only one female and one male together so the male does not become overly aggressive. You should also avoid combining tortoises of very different sizes in order to prevent dangerous confrontations between them. They are a moderate-size turtle, averaging 9-15 inches in length, and are characterized by their strong, stumpy feet that they use to dig their extensive burrows (averaging 15 feet long and 6.5 feet … Do not attempt to treat your animals yourself. Tricia in Belleview. If you think this is a possibility, let your tortoise have a long bath, and then increase the frequency of his baths. but he don’t eat at all. A well-hydrated, well-fed tortoise should show little urates. Dehydrated tortoises often have sunken eyes, and their skin will be less elastic. ... preservatives or colors are particularly dangerous to their health. Eye infections: This should be suspected if there is any swelling, reluctance to open eyes or discharge. There is also the danger of introducing diseases to local populations, which may become exterminated because they are not resistant to the pathogens. Tricia, Tortoises are legally protected by the State and are also a Candidate for federal protection under the Endangered Species Act. be quickly filtered from the blood into the urine, a process that requires copious amounts of water to keep the blood ammonia concentration diluted to levels tolerated by the brain, or converted to a less toxic compound that can be tolerated in the bloodstream, which requires more energy. You may want to have a Galapagos pet.tortoise is the world’s largest and heaviest tortoise. Couch grass (Cynodon dactylon ) Eastern ... it is also dangerous for the animals in your care as many drugs can have serious adverse effects. A Tortoise is a land-dwelling reptile of the order Testudines. Click here to add your own comments. If he is otherwise active and eating well then chances are … Tortoises, like their aquatic cousins, the Turtles, have a hard shell which protects their body. Provide a cluster of sturdy, low growing plants they can … Is BPA Dangerous? “When the urine coagulates it gets dark red. They will also lose their appetite and have sunken eyes, thickened urine, dry feces, and dry, flaking skin. Defenders works in western deserts and Florida to protect imperiled species of tortoise. In particular, some scientists are worried about one chemical called Bisphenol A (BPA), which is manufactured and used in polycarbonate plastics and epoxy resins, such as those used to coat metal cans. Reactions: Blackdog1714. The desert tortoise ... A large urinary bladder can store over 40% of the tortoise's body weight in water, urea, uric acid, and nitrogenous wastes. could he have been lying in.. urine? The best way to prevent fighting between cats and tortoises is to stop them from interacting. Luckily, there are several ways to help your tortoise rehydrate. Soak her for at least 30 min daily and take her to an experienced reptile Vet if she still won't eat, isn't passing urine/stool, not active or weak. Leopard tortoise: dark leafy greens, hay, grasses, sow thistle, dandelion and green herbs as treats. Keep dangerous objects out of their area. So, we’re here to tell you the truth about this dangerous bacteria and exactly what it has to do with tortoises. SAN FRANCISCO / Surgery on zoo's tortoise like fixing a surfboard ding / Dangerous bladder stones removed and reptile gets new fiberglass underbelly … Just to check, is it normal for a tortoise to be sleeping in damp? One study of … Tortoises are found worldwide with the most famous tortoise of all, the Giant Tortoise Lonesome George who lives on the Galapagos Islands near Ecuador. A tortoise who is suffering from dehydration will be underweight, lethargic, and inactive. As many already know, the science doesn’t look good for the effects of ingesting plastics and particles absorbed through skin contact. Click here to add your own comments. This is especially important if your tortoise is kept indoors under heat lamps and in enclosed environments. Don't Touch! Joined Feb 2, 2020 Messages 16 Location (City and/or State) … Provide variety and security. Feb 2, 2020 #8 M. molly.watkins New Member. During very dry times, they may give off waste as a white paste rather than a watery urine. You may want to rethink to have a … Without an adequate amount of water, this uric acid buildup can result in an unfortunate, painful disease for your tortoise. Sensible feeding and cleanliness of the environment are the basic … In the past, many keepers used to give hibernation periods of up to four or even five months. While their intestinal flora may be able to digest small amounts of sugar, putting too much strain on them can result in death. When you stress the tortoise or disturb it, it sets up a defense mechanism, so that’s the first thing it does. Is this dangerous for the tortoise or any other animals living in the hole? Unlike the California desert tortoises, the sulcatas do not hibernate. Grasses as for leopard tortoises. Apr 07, 2011: turtle pee by: Anonymous No problem. Just treat it like you would a kid peeing in your lap. You’ll … Sick or Just lazy- Woodchips - posted in Health: Hiya! Thanks in advance for any advice. Is she still active? Darker urine would be an earlier sign. You can read more about dehydration at this site: It’s like white chalky paste.! Still, the good news is this is a one of payment and will serve your tortoise well for as long as they need it. Please do not keep wild tortoises as pets as this is a thoughtless and selfish act. The top shell is called the […] During periods of adequate rainfall, they drink copiously from any pools they find, and eliminate solid urates. My leopard tortoise's droppings / urine is white! The other main cause of death in … 6. In captivity they may live for 30 to 75 years. Desert Tortoises exhibit some interesting social behaviors, including head bobbing when two tortoises … When frightened, especially when picked up, a Desert Tortoise will often void the contents of its bladder, putting it at risk of dehydration. Return to Ask Your Turtle or Tortoise Question. almost 1-2 times in a day.! It usually lives on the altitude of 1000 to 3000 feet, but it can survive even on the … …
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