blue kote for chickens egg withdrawal

Add Ins. Change ), You are commenting using your Google account. Blu-Kote CANNOT be shipped outside of the USA. The withdrawal period is the time between when the last dose of a drug was given and when the level of drug residues in the meat, milk or eggs falls below the maximum allowable limit. Green- and blue-colored eggs will differentiate your eggs at local markets and will get customers’ attention, as these eggs are very rarely found in stores. It also goes beyond the health issues of our livestock to the bigger picture of human health. 0 comments on “ Blue Kote ” Leave a Reply Cancel reply. Change ), You are commenting using your Twitter account. And the story for the eggs was pretty much the same. I think the egg is okay to eat but I just wanted to check. Common Egg Withdrawal Times in North America. Search for: Menu Search. My goal was to cut my chicken feed bill by 80% or more. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. Everything You Need To Know About Small Flock Chickens & More. One bare spot was around her vent and when she laid an egg soon after I applied Blu Kote there was a little bit of the purple dye on the shell. There are two main reasons why this withdrawal time cannot be directly extrapolated to eggs from backyard chickens. Fenbendazole (brand names Panacur® and Safe-Guard®) is a benzimidazole anthelmintic used 'off label' to treat a variety of intestinal parasites (e.g., roundworms, flukes, certain types of tapeworms, and Giardia) in pet poultry. by Bitchin' Chickens. Bitchin' Chickens. While Easter Eggers do carry the blue egg gene, not every hen will lay colored eggs. I have an Easter Egger who was having problems with losing feathers due to picking done by other hens. Naylor Active Ingredient(s): Sodium propionate, gentian violet, acriflavine, in a special base of water, urea, glycerine, isopropyl alcohol 32% by volume. cattle sheep, goats) but not others (i.e. Just because a product works doesn’t mean that there aren’t health risks involved with its use – and often in practice, misuse. Ingesting drug residues can lead to allergies, cancers, antibiotic resistance and other negative health impacts. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Various countries have their own rules about approved products and withdrawal periods. And yes, if you give your hens non-organic feed or antibiotics their eggs are no longer considered ‘certified organic’. - Statement found on a Facebook chicken group posted on May 5, 2015. ( Log Out /  A quick-to-dry wound antiseptic and fungicide. Medications given to a hen means her ovary, follicles and oviduct have been exposed to that drug, and there is the potential for drug residues in her eggs. Thank you. Blu-Kote Myths and Facts. I have to admit that I’m also guilty about offering my two cents in a gesture of trying to help. It covers the wound with a deep, penetrating coating to promote clean, rapid healing. Because chickens are known to peck at anything that's red in colour, this works by covering up the red of a wound and turning it that purple/blue … Blu-Kote Wound Dressing. Understanding how an egg is made will give you some insight into how, and where, drug residues are most likely to occur. As far as the active ingredients (Sodium Propionate 9.1%, Gentian Violet 1%, Acriflavine 0.15%)...I’ve worked with Gentian violet before at an animal hospital, we used it … Some products can be purchased through your vet or local feed store. Dr. Naylor Blu-Kote Indications. Everything You Need To Know About Small Flock Chickens & More. Menu. Change ). I have an Easter Egger who was having problems with losing feathers due to picking done by other hens. chickens). Many folks are upset by the limiting of poultry medications – ones they’ve previously used and know might help their flock. Or visit our Learning Center for articles on How To Raise Chickens. I have a few pet peeves: one of them is the misuse of antibiotics and medications and another is folks giving well-meaning, but misguided, advice. That doesn’t necessarily mean they’re ineffective or unsafe for use in chickens, just that they haven’t been studied and if used on birds would be referred to as ‘off-label’. Dr. Naylor's Blue Kote 4oz. Why is there no withholding time for Tylan? For all we know, Blu-Kote is perfectly safe to use on chickens. Naylor Active Ingredient(s): Sodium propionate, gentian violet, acriflavine, in a special base of water, urea, glycerine, isopropyl alcohol 32% by volume. Medications can be deposited in either the albumen (white) or yolk. Administer 1 hour before or 2 hours after feeding milk or milk replacers. The two-week Food and Drug Administration approved label withdrawal time for Wazine® is specifically for meat, not eggs, and only for chickens (and turkeys) to which the drug is administered according to label instructions. Treat ringworm. This is not sustainable. Ameraucana chickens produce green and blue colored eggs that are reminiscent of an Easter Egg hunt, which is where they derive their unique nick-name. It is extremely effective at killing bacteria and closing up external wounds. Join BYC FREE here to see fewer ads, post questions, upload pics, & more! Fenbendazole (brand names Panacur® and Safe-Guard®) is a benzimidazole anthelmintic used 'off label' to treat a variety of intestinal parasites (e.g., roundworms, flukes, certain types of tapeworms, and Giardia) in pet poultry. Search for: Home; About; Contact; Blue Kote. Blue Kote . But I’m also that person who’s not afraid to eat eggs from chickens who’ve been given medicated feed There seems to be a feeling that the government, in trying to regulate pharmaceuticals, is acting as Big Brother taking away our decision-making rights and our access to products that used to be available in feed stores. It has been linked to cancer in lab rats, but hasn't been studied at all as far as poultry or the eggs those chickens lay. Company: H.W. Whether the chicken caught on something or was attacked by a […] Search for: Menu Search. "Blu-Kote" We love Dr. Naylor Blu-Kote! Menu. The last thing a vulnerable bird needs is to be given  everything but the kitchen sink: vitamins, wormers, dusting powder, apple cider vinegar and/or antibiotics, with the hope that perhaps one of those remedies might be effective. I would add Elektor PSP to the list that includes Withdraw Period as it seems to be frequently used mites treatment. Personally, I believe someone is being malicious - seeing how far they can spread this falsehood. We will be first time chicken parents next week and excitement and nervousness are mixed together! ( Log Out /  There are good reasons for limiting access and setting guidelines for various veterinary drugs. In pullets, soft shell eggs sometimes happen with her first egg – the pullet’s system just hasn’t kick started correctly, but it will soon catch up. Change ), You are commenting using your Facebook account. If I had a dollar for every time I saw people advising the use of antibiotics and other medications – some of which are not considered safe for use in chickens, and others outright banned – I’d be rich. Zero-day slaughter withdrawal in swine. Wear gloves while using this product. A quick note about egg color to clear up any confusion or misconceptions. Thanks for the quick response! One bare spot was around her vent and when she laid an egg soon after I applied Blu Kote there was a little bit of the purple dye on the shell. There has been a lot of talk about Blu-Kote and lifetime egg withdrawal in the Facebook chicken groups, and much is misinformation. When drugs are given to animals a small part of the drug ends up in their meat, milk and eggs, which gradually dissipates over time. Before I write about health issues or recommend a course of action I endeavour to get that information from reliable sources (i.e. Close. One study found that the maximum amount of permethrin in poultry meat peaks one day after treatment and in eggs 7 days after treatment, and in both cases gradually diminishes. For the effective treatment of fungal infections, surface wounds, cuts, galls, hoof-foot and pad sores, chafes, abrasions, moist lesions, itchy fungus eczema and sores on horses and dogs. Blu-Kote Indications As an aid in the treatment of surface wounds, cuts, galls, hoof, foot and pad sores, chafes, abrasions, moist lesions, itchy fungal eczema. Blu-Kote works well on chickens or other birds who have been pecked. For the effective treatment of fungal infections, surface wounds, cuts, galls, hoof-foot and pad sores, chafes, abrasions, moist lesions, itchy fungus eczema and sores on horses and dogs. Thank you so much for this valuable information I will do some research through the DVM also. 1. :)Jen. Home; About; Contact; Search. Some of these recommended periods are probably longer than necessary, but err on the side of caution. Traces of permethrin were still detected in egg … Blu-Kote is a quick-drying, protective wound dressing to treat ringworm, skin abrasions and surface wounds. But I’m also that person who’s not afraid to eat eggs from chickens who’ve been given medicated feed Mom is approximately 3 years old and baby is 14 months (came from a fertile egg purchased when broodiness set in). I honestly had very minimal clue on withholding periods so thanks again xx, So what are you doing with chickens that you have previously treated with blu kote? Muscovy are confused and giving me mini heart attacks with their mismanagement, Snowy Woods ~ *WOLF ROLEPLAY* (by cluckmecoop7). Amanda is a self-sufficiency farmer and beekeeper, operating a small apiary consisting of three beehives on her farm in Wisconsin. For fast, safe healing of lacerations, wire cuts, scratches, burns, chafes and other superficial wounds, thoroughly clean the wound area, and apply Red-Kote once or twice daily. by Bitchin' Chickens. I know about the withholding time for the fenbendazole but I’m curious now about other meds. The Cause Of The Stains. Also, some reading I have done suggests these hens are no longer considered organic egg producers. Do not administer to chickens or turkeys producing eggs for human consumption. Thanks Claire for sharing your knowledge on many poultry related issues! There is no withdrawal period for (Spinosad) Elector PSP. There has been a lot of talk about Blu-Kote and lifetime egg withdrawal in the Facebook chicken groups, and much is misinformation. The blu-kote, also a topical antiseptic, (though not as powerful) has the added benefit of darkening red skin which reduces pecking. Details Health and Treatment 16 June 2019 For minor wounds on the skin, comb, wattles, or feather shafts, we spray with Blu-Kote. The aggressor is the “mom” of the victim. You can add many items to your DIY Blue Kote. Company: H.W. Blue egg layer chicks for sale : Page 1 of 1 Filter by week available: ... ©2005-2021 MY PET CHICKEN, LLC. Turns out, it’s a genetic anomaly caused by a retrovirus between 200 and 500 years ago.Chicken breeds that lay blue eggs possess a gene called “callee oocyan” that is responsible for the coloration of the eggs. Why Are Some Chicken Eggs Blue? We keep at least 1 can at the farm at all times. Blu-Kote stays on well and helps to heal wounds fast. The blue-colored antiseptic wound spray has an unpleasant taste to help prevent cannibalism in poultry. Everything You Need To Know About Small Flock Chickens & More. How were BYC project managers and staff made. Good for cuts and (pox) sores, bumblefoot, cannibalism (chick anti-pick) etc.. Many drugs are recommended for use in some species (e.g. US chicken lady here who has used blu kote just for pecking twice in total…(it says on their website that it can be used for that) The blue-colored antiseptic wound spray has an unpleasant taste to help prevent cannibalism in poultry. The wound dressing has been a top choice in first aid for poultry keepers and livestock owners for years. I also suggest that folks obtain a correct diagnosis and treatment plan from someone with medical training and know-how. If you find a bleeding chicken in your coop, or if you suspect a chicken’s skin has been cut or torn, it’s important to treat the bird quickly. March 1, 2020. If you do have a chicken with a wound, then topical analgesic and antibiotic creams can be used. Includes hard to find info and answers many questions on this subject. A milk discard period has not been established for this product in lactating dairy cattle. I wasn’t aware of Poultry DVM so thanks for that. Thanks for teaching us about withholding times. Dr. Naylor Blu-Kote Indications. Poultry DVM). 5oz. There just isn't enough research to prove or disprove any risks. I think the resistance to consulting with a professional or following regulations runs deeper than cost or availability of trained vets. Fenbendazole can be administered to each chicken orally by syringe, or added the flock’s drinking water source. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. I do have a bit of a bully hen – but I only have TWO chickens. Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. The two-week Food and Drug Administration approved label withdrawal time for Wazine® is specifically for meat, not eggs, and only for chickens (and turkeys) to which the drug is administered according to label instructions. Comments 0. Preface The United States National Residue Program (NRP) for Meat, Poultry and Egg Products: Residue Sampling Plans (traditionally known as the Blue Book) summarizes the process of sampling meat, poultry, and egg products for chemical contaminants of public health concern used by the Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) to conduct the NRP. The egg withdrawal period for enrofloxacin (Baytril) is six days after cessation of treatment. Poultry DVM and your article is a wonderful help. I treated her small beak cuts with Blu Kote. JavaScript is disabled. No withdrawal period is specified. Blu-Kote - 4 oz. Can you eat the eggs if treating hens with Blu-Kote? I understand the desire to help fellow chicken keepers in crisis, but we are often doing them, and their birds, a disservice. Adding the shell is one of the last steps a chicken takes to produce eggs, and sometimes, for a variety of reasons, that step is skipped. Medications need to be used properly (for the right diagnosis, the correct dosage and the full regimen) or our birds can also develop resistance to the drugs that might help them. ph-200 Blu-Kote - 4 oz. Blu-Kote is the most well-known and well used of all the anti-pecking products and is an antibiotic. I would have no reservations about eating that egg. Both are permanent stains, which is one more reason to have those disposable gloves on hand. If you want a guaranteed a blue egg layer, you’ll need to purchase a chicken specially bred to lay blue eggs. Would you still use the chickens for eggs though (since there was no withdrawal stated)? Hi, I decided to give the Blu-Kote a try on my girl's udder lesion. Emergencies / Diseases / Injuries and Cures, Safe to eat eggs when using no-peck lotion and blu-kote. ( Log Out /  Can also be used as a treatment for bumblefoot in chickens and prevents group pecking. I treated her small beak cuts with Blu Kote. Canada-wide shipping from Nanaimo B.C. Excellent read. Dr. Naylor’s Veterinary Blu-Kote is a fast-acting, quick-drying, spray-on germicide and sealant. Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window),, Follow Bitchin' Chickens on, Having Chickens Is A Great Way To Meet Your Neighbours, Oxytetracycline in water (800mg dose): 14 days for personal consumption; 8 weeks for sold eggs (approved in Canada, not USA), Permethrin (Permectrin II, ProZap): no withdrawal, Piperazine (Wazine) no withdrawal; approved in Canada and Australia, not in USA, Tylosin injectable (Tylan): recommended 8 weeks due to lack of studies, Piperazine (Wazine): no withdrawal (approved in Canada and Australia, not in USA), Tetracycline in water (Duramycin 10): 14 days; 8 weeks for sold eggs, Fenbendazole (Safe Guard, Panacur)  Not approved in Canada, approved in the USA, UK & EU, Pyrantel: recommended 8 weeks due to lack of studies, BluKote Antifungal Spray (recalled in Canada as of June 2019, no information on withdrawal period), Metronidazole (Flagyl) and other drugs in this family (Nitroimidazoles), US Food Residue Avoidance And Depletion Program, Photo Credit: Egg Zero Withdrawal Period: Elsitioavicola. Blu-Kote works well on chickens or other birds who have been pecked. Facebook farm groups are full of both. March 1, 2020. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Blu-Kote Indications As an aid in the treatment of surface wounds, cuts, galls, hoof, foot and pad sores, chafes, abrasions, moist lesions, itchy fungal eczema. Sorry for the long post and thanks for any help! BLU-KOTE is a germicidal, fungicidal wound dressing and healing aid, effective against both bacterial and fungal infections most common in skin lesions of domestic animals. Approved Products for Laying Hens. A livestock animal or its products are not considered entirely safe for human consumption during the withdrawal period. Contents may stain your skin. It also stains the wound purple. It also stains the wound purple. Search for: Home; About; Contact; Blue Kote. Great article. Do not administer this product with milk or milk replacers. Cannot ship by air. It is already on the list. It is primarily used as an anti-fungal. I’ve seen people use raw honey, herbs, witch hazel and essential oils. Close. And any suggestions for extreme pecking? Apply your DIY Blue Cote to your chickens injury and let dry. I just ended a treatment of tylan in the water of my small flock of 12 that free range, and dewormed with fenbendazole after a fecal analysis, all prescribed by my veterinarian. We use it on horses and cattle for scrapes, scratches and cuts. As far as the active ingredients (Sodium Propionate 9.1%, Gentian Violet 1%, Acriflavine 0.15%)...I’ve worked with Gentian violet before at an animal hospital, we used it … Chicken skin is thin and tears easily, and bleeding wounds are very attractive to other chickens. I like to keep my recipes simple and sweet but there are other options. Blu-Kote Myths and Facts. Thank you so much for all the useful information. Caring for Easter Eggers In birds, the blue color and flavor of the substance is a deterrent which prevents other birds from seeing the injury (it's dark blue), and if they peck it there is an unpleasant flavor. Fenbendazole can be administered to each chicken orally by syringe, or added the flock’s drinking water source. For every member who posts symptoms of their sick chicken there are numerous responses offering diagnoses, treatment regimens and pharmaceutical remedies –  often conflicting and confusing. Blue Egg Layers. I did reach out to the manufacturer as well but just educating myself! Sometimes a hen will lay a tan or brown egg. Remember that all pesticides, wormers, medications and antibiotics have some negative health impacts on our birds. The drug has no veterinary licence for poultry but quite a lot of research has been done on it and the related ciprofloxacin. BLU-KOTE is a germicidal, fungicidal wound dressing and healing aid, effective against both bacterial and fungal infections most common in skin lesions of domestic animals. So I started exploring ways to cut feed costs and ended up on techniques that not only eliminate feed costs, but also provides a far higher quality of feed! DIY Blue Kote For Chicken Wounds - My Homestead Life on November 7, 2017 at 7:08 pm […] your chicken is at the bottom of the pecking order, you have an aggressive rooster (read about what to do with a rooster here), one day you will have to treat a chicken injury. My main concern is...I was doing some research to look up more information on Blue Kote, and some people were saying that once you apply the spray, you can no longer eat the eggs your chickens produce. Here’s a link to a local resource: Veterinary Meds and Farm Supply BC provides licensed sales of livestock health care non-prescription medications, vitamins, supplements and natural products. The albumen in an egg is produced within 24 hours after ovulation so the potential for persistent drug residue is less than that for the yolk, which can be exposed to drugs for longer as it develops over several weeks. ( Log Out /  With the increasingly popularity of small flock chickens we’re also seeing a greater interest and commitment to treating them for a host of illnesses. Learn how your comment data is processed. Blue Kote . spray can. Common Egg Withdrawal Times in North America, Not Approved (allowed only by veterinary prescription, even when available over-the-counter), Strictly Prohibited (Lifetime Withdrawal). If people develop antibiotic resistance then resistant bacteria in humans can cause diseases which are difficult to treat. I think the egg is okay to eat but I just wanted to check. Blu-Kote is an antiseptic spray that does two things: it prevents infection and contains a blue dye that masks blood, preventing any further pecking. I’m not sure why there are recommended withholding periods for some antibiotics and not others, but I’ll do a little digging to find out. Use them properly and prudently. Dr. Naylor's Blue Kote pump spray 4oz. Bitchin' Chickens. Home; About; Contact; Search. Generally those products would have little or no data on optimal dosages and side-effects, as well as safety and withdrawal periods for chickens. Excellent article!! Yes you can at the egg inside of the shell that has the blu kote stuff on it. Developed during WWII under the name “Wound Heel,” Dr. Naylor’s Red-Kote has a new title but remains a staple among farmers, equestrians and pet owners. This one is totally worth a read! Is that correct? Should we withhold anyway? You are using an out of date browser. ... Blue Kote . I also recognize that health issues often occur at inopportune times (late at night or on the weekend) and many people don’t have easy access to, or can’t afford, an avian veterinarian. You can use Stop Pick or Pine Tar to discourage pecking. Comments 0. When we overuse or misuse pesticides, wormers, antibiotics and other medications pathogens can develop resistance to those products in future. Available in convenient aerosol spray. "The egg withdrawal period for Wazine is two weeks." Treat ringworm. 0 comments on “ Blue Kote ” Leave a Reply Cancel reply. And as the Dr. Naylor rep pointed out, in several decades, there has not been a single problem linked back to the use of Blu-Kote in poultry. I use a Q-Tip to apply the Blue Kote to the injury. Blu-Kote is an antiseptic aerosol/spray/daub used to treat injuries. BluKote was pulled from use in chickens in Canada as of July 2019. But first – do you know WHY some backyard chickens lay blue eggs?. Personally, I believe someone is being malicious - seeing how far they can spread this falsehood. Some countries have different rules for the same products. It may not display this or other websites correctly. Details Health and Treatment 16 June 2019 spray Good for cuts and (pox) sores, bumblefoot, cannibalism (chick anti-pick) etc.. Dries and disinfects the wound to help it heal fast, kills bacterial, virus, fungus, and also repels insects. US chicken lady here who has used blu kote just for pecking twice in total…(it says on their website that it can be used for that). I applaud folks who care about the welfare of their birds, but it often means obtaining a diagnosis without training or real understanding about chicken illnesses and the drugs used to treat them.
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