best star force field maplestory m

CVonBon- Must say, in my experience this was the most difficult. Some can be quite useful though, although they are relatively rare and usually don’t come from opening nodestones. a So far, only Manji in the Legends Return can exceed this limit through unknown methods, else there is no way to increase this limit. u Mastery is the weapon proficiency which allows more consistent damage. Mesos drop at a 6x higher rate in meso. Having 3L 17* gear should get you into just about any raid party you want, everything up to and including HLucid (if this isn’t the case please let me know). Superior Items, such as Tyrant gear cannot be transfer hammered. 17-25 stars has no safeguard option and you’re at RNG’s mercy. Expires 7 days after obtaining them, tradable within account, the buffs will stack in inventory and only take up 1 slot. This is a guide designed for GMS only. l This is because your second and third lines can be rare/epic/unique tier, however your first line is always guaranteed to be legendary so you can guarantee a good second line and then use honour exp to get a decent first line, even if it isn’t perfect. The rest of your potential scrolls can be used on any BiS (Best in-slot) gear that you have, such as superior gollux equipment if you’ve been getting Hellux carried or event rings that are often found in event shops. A bait in the map has been taken within the past 5 minutes. m The Additive line will multiply the base EXP by a total of 23% before rounding off it. If you need to, pick up some Ginger Ales from New Leaf City which restore 75% HP/MP per chug. Nox(Sam) is a legend so use this:, There is a very helpful post by /u/Ekanselttar, it’s linked in the Credit section but I’m going to add little bits of information from my own experience for the bosses I’ve done, Zakum- Recommend level 100/4th job just to do it, notes for the fight can be found in ‘Training guide’ section. B If the map requires a certain Star Force, if you did not meet the requirement your damage dealt will be reduced accordingly based on how far away are your Star Force from the requirement. If you have any leftover, feel free to scroll any Pensalir gear you have to epic and your Utgard weapon if it isn’t already. In that situation, Star Force Field is the best way to go. Drop gear is an essential part of progressing at Arcane River, as nodes literally double your damage. Not recommended if you have high ping, as an australian player myself Lumi’s are heavily gated by ping, I was making 580-600m/hour instead of higher than that because of the tp delay With the Kishin nerf, lumi is now a mid-tier farmer as it is harder to maintain 100% door uptime due to lowered spawn rate and makes around 500m per hr. u Otherwise solo easy/normal gollux and use the cracked/solid set of Gollux accessories as placeholders. Authentic Force can be obtained from Authentic Symbols. D i Reboot World Monsters will drop 5 times (6 times in GMS Reboot) the amount compared to non-Reboot worlds. {\displaystyle ActualDamage\times Skill\%/100\times (1+TD\%/100)\times (1+Final\%/100)}. The following effects can be increased up to +100%. The effects below can increase mesos obtained unconditionally, but up to the overall limit of +300%. Explorers need to do the Explorer’s Book questline to obtain it at level 100. when you hit endgame, a 48/6% flame will be the same value as a 108 stat flame. ) Firstly make a Kanna and level to 149. % P1 can be buggy as hell, so dont feel bad if you fail a run here and there (teleporting lazers, portals not working, lasers speeding up forever). However each class has an ideal trinode, which is a boost node that improves the damage of 3 desirable skills. You should be able to achieve this range with your 5 boss set accessories + a full set of Pensalir gear you should get from grinding to 150. 1 i believe you know the star force which is the collection of maps with the best experience in the entire game. Potentials are basically bonus stats that you can get on items. The starting SP will be automatically invested as such. Then you can get another 20% meso from rerolling your inner ability to get a prime legendary meso line. You can only get a maximum of 5000 points per day, per character. (Timer will reset to 0 after taking the bait even though there are still baits in the map), Cursed Rune Stage 1 (5:00~9:59 after rune/bait spawned): -50%, Cursed Rune Stage 2 (10:00~14:59 after rune/bait spawned): -65%, Cursed Rune Stage 3 (15:00~19:59 after rune/bait spawned): -80%, Cursed Rune Stage 4 (20:00 and beyond after rune/bait spawned): -100%. However because it is an event-exclusive item, it is perfectly fine to cube your Ghost Ship Exorcist badge to legendary and cube it for 21% stat, however if you’re trying to min/max you damage you should definitely get the Sengoku Hakase Badge. 110-125 Toy Trojans/Robos/Master Robos at Apparatus Room, Ludibrium, 120-145 Starforce (28*) Gatekeepers near papulatus at clockertower bottom of Ludibrium, 125-140 Moon Bunnies, one map left of Korean Folk Town, 125-140 One map left of moon bunnies- around the pond, 130-140 Jars at Herb Town, Captains/Krus in Mu Lung pirate ship, 140-150 Yellow Goblin Kings, Leftmost map of Korean Folk Town, 140-170 Temple of Time Questline (required for fifth job advancement), 150-160 Mantises at Stone Colossus (Southmost map of Leafre), 150-170 Coffee Grinder, Kerning Tower Floor 2 rightmost map (This requires 80* starforce, so if you don’t have enough star enhance your Pensalir gear until you have enough), 150-170 Any other Kerning Tower map that suits your classes mobility (most have really good burning), 160-170 Inside the Stone Colossus 2,  requires prequest, 170-180 Corridor HO3 (If you have enough starforce). k Many new class chains exist now, however the explorers are still great characters to play, as many have been revamped with new skills and better kits than old maple. Applied to the entire party in the same map as the party member wearing the ring when a party member equips the ring and is in the same map as at least 1 other party member, regardless of user's leech status. L I’d recommend getting carried through normal Magnus with your guildies because nova gear has a relatively  good drop rate from there and the Mushroom Shrine Tales quest line will take a  solid 4+ hours to complete (trust me, I did it and got the nova cape a couple days after was 100% not worth). This range is easily achievable with minimum effort, just grab a set of CRA gear and a tyrant cape/boots and cube until you have your desired range. Additionally, Star Force Field is open 24 / 7 without the need of buying a ticket. PotentialCDR will apply at the rate of 0.05% reduction for every 0.01 second of cooldown reduction if the cooldown after reductions is 5~10 seconds. i I made this to hopefully stop the flood of “Returning player pls help!’ posts that always seem to flood the subreddit. It’s kind of like regular star force enhancement, but a metric fuckton more expensive and with a much higher chance of failure. s Experienced MapleStory M explorers know sub characters are a must! But how about making certain features more accessible such as turning Hekaton to a regular boss, having more accessibility options for Reward Points, or revisions to Star Force as GMS exclusive. It enables you to teleport to any map where you’ve killed a sufficient amount of mobs/finish the relevant questline in the area. Non Star Force Maps: Snake Area at Mulong *Always choose the 1st few channels and Auto join Party; Armory at Dark Ereve; Rough Wilderness at Twilight Perion a You’ll want to cube these to legendary to obtain 100% meso obtained, each piece will give 20%. Zero will not receive any Hyper Skill SP as they are the Transcendents of Time, so they will receive Transcedent Skills instead of Hyper Skills, which are automatically mastered when certain levels are met for the specific skills. After seeing weekly ‘returning player’ threads, I decided to write this guide in hopes that it can help any players in need who are lost upon returning. a If runes/baits are not taken 5 minutes after it spawn, there will be a final EXP penalty, which is applied directly to the basic EXP. If these classes don’t appeal to you, here are some others that double as good classes to try due to having good/decent link skills/legion effects: Cannoneer, Cadena, Illium, Evan, Kinesis, Mercedes, Hayato, Kaiser, Kanna, Luminous, Mihile, Phantom, Xenon, Wild Hunter and Mechanic, VERY IMPORTANT- If you’re a new player on your first reboot character, don’t open the reboot gift boxes until ~lv150 (explanation below, Ctrl+F Reboot Level Up Gift Box), If you’re an OLD OLD player (pre Big Bang) read the following, if not skip to the section marked post BB player (Ctrl+F POST BB PLAYERS). Basically the same as Damage % but only works on normal monsters. This will be applied after all calculations above as final damage, before adding "DEF to Damage" Inner Ability. See the latest update of MapleStory M version released last January 15, 2021. After that you can get your Arcane Umbra weapon/gear but not many people have time for that. Be wary of the gp requirements/rules. Party up with your friends to battle Cerebes and Bain! 4th job Four Point Assault debuff: +30%~32%, 4th job Reincarnation: +20%~22% when HP is above 14%~20%, 4th job Ahoy Mateys when Jack is summoned: +30%, 4th job Hurricane: limited to 100% during keydown. The base walking speed of all characters. Some fifth job skills are said to be relatively useless, such as Venom Burst for Night Lords. However, arcane force not from arcane symbols are only applied to the penalties/advantages in arcane river maps and nothing else that uses arcane force. Example: 20% hyper passive + 20% 5th job level 40 skill enhancement = +36% Ignore DEF and not +40% Ignore DEF, then the 36% Ignore DEF can be treated as 1 source from the skill. Ignore DEF is non exhaustive and each additional source will multiply on top of one another. Therefore it is best to use projectile-based attacks (such as magic arrows of bowmasters, Bat Swarm of Demon Avengers) or Hurricane-like skills to accumulate combo kill quickly than to kill many monsters at once since the bonus EXP rate simply decreases heavily, assuming kill rate is about the same. Shown Damage is a random number between the upper and lower shown damage range. ->Same as before, but with a bishop/phantom for a party buff called Holy Symbol which improves EXP gain by 50%. Don’t be an ass and ronaldo the platforms because you’ll fuck everyone in your party over if its not available to dodge electric ground. Next, you will want to obtain a clean tyrant cape and boot from Hard Magnus. For each stage you clear, you’ll be granted one coin. no comments yet. After increasing the base total stats by the percentage, the end result is rounded down. However don’t be discouraged if you can’t find ideal boost nodes because they’re relatively rare and may take a while to find. F EXP multipliers & useful tools for training [1011]. Secondary stats barely exist anymore, and as such there is no need to put points into secondary stats. i So for me, I have cleared up to stage 45 and therefore everyday I just clear stage 40->41 and leave to get my easy 40 coins x 3 runs, so 120 coins. It transfers over any stats you get from star force enhancement to your Sweetwater gear while providing an extra star slot. For mounts, the jump height will be fixed to the value stated. 200-210 Stay at FES 2/3 if you’re too weak to train at Arcane River, otherwise go to any map in Vanishing Journey where the layout suits your class and where you can at least 2 hit KO.
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