apea predictor exam test bank

8. She is seeking advice from the nurse practitioner about becoming pregnant. Why is it important that a post-menopausal woman with an intact uterus receive combined estrogen-progestin hormone replacement therapy rather than estrogen alone? The infant was diagnosed in the nursery with trisomy 21. A. C. “I do not need to be weaned off my anti-depressant medication.” D. “It’s OK if I skip my medicine every once in a while.”. B. late menarche (after 15 years- of- age). She is 5 feet 7 inches tall. “A weight gain of approximately 25 pounds is ideal for mother and baby.” C. “It doesn’t matter how much weight you gain or lose as long as you eat a well-balanced diet.” D. “Just try to limit your weight gain as much as you comfortably are able.”, When, in childhood, do the frontal sinuses usually present? Live NP Review Course Schedule - APEA Offer www.apea.com. There is absence of purulence, erythema, and swelling. A. A report of dyspareunia C. A complaint of low back pain D. A yellow vaginal discharge, 67. 72. Absence of 3 well-rounded daily meals B. C. with oblique views. B. adolescents and adults understand the principles of contamination and transmission of micro-organisms. An 8 year old presents to the health clinic with history of acute onset severe sore throat and respiratory rate 34/minute in the last 30 minutes. There are no other remarkable findings. A nurse practitioner has recently been hired to work in a fast track facility. Primary prevention of human papilloma virus (HPV) infection requires educational efforts directed toward A. receiving annual screening examinations. Educating parents to avoid putting their children to bed with a baby bottle? He denies dysuria. She reports improvement. A NP is holding a prenatal nutrition class for a group of patients. Which of the following is NOT associated with this diagnosis? Physical examination is negative except for left eye lacrimation. C. phenylalanine. C. treatment by a pediatric psychiatrist. The mother of an 18 month old child is in the office. 200 kcal per day. An 18 year old mother who is breastfeeding her 2 week old infant, expresses a concern about how much milk the baby is getting. B. 70 year old male C. 35 year old white divorced male D. 42 year old single mother. The mother is concerned that the child has measles. C. occurrence-based policy. C. a sudden rise in blood pressure due to overly efficient vasoconstriction. Practice Exams provide candidates an opportunity to familiarize themselves with the format of the test questions on the AANPCB Certification Examination. B. Her symptoms are relieved by sitting and elevating her legs. 76%. Which agent is most effective for the treatment of nodulocystic acne? This lesion is a precursor to: A. squamous cell carcinoma. There is central clearing in the lesion. 111. C. first full term pregnancy after 30 years- of- age. 90. An infant with hyperbilirubinemia should not be breastfed. She should receive prophylaxis on the day of her dental cleaning. C. an oral corticosteroid and diazepam (Valium®). C. the problem will recur unless the patient remains beardless. C. ask her to talk to her friends about immunizations. This clinical presentation most likely reflects A. pernicious anemia, due to insufficient intrinsic factor. A patient taking a thyroid replacement preparation C. A 40 year old male with unexplained tremors D. An elderly female with recent onset of mental dysfunction. B. Nits that fluoresce white and gray. Which of the following diagnostic tests would be most useful A. The area is red, irritated, and there are small breaks in the skin from scratching. The infant is nursing 6 times per day. A. levonorgestrel (Norplant®) B. What is this patient’s diagnosis and treatment of choice A. Impetigo, treat with either topical or systemic antibiotics B. Ecthyma, treat with either topical or systemic antibiotics C. Erysipelas, treat with systemic antibiotics and steroids D. Folliculitis, treat with systemic or topical steroids. A. He says it started about one hour ago and has rapidly gotten worse. D. a right to die statement. D. avoid beginning any new exercises until after delivery. B. mental impairment. Which of the following is NOT a goal of treatment for the patient with cystic fibrosis? D. A test of high sensitivity will fail to determine a finding in many patients. 144. His blood pressure is 130 75 mmHg. She holds the arm in flexed position against her body with the opposite forearm and hand. B. usually diagnosed on clinical presentation. D. A 29-year-old with untreated Cushing’s disease. Now we are onto something. C. decreased reflexes, strength, and sensation in the lower extremities. A 17-year-old female is diagnosed with secondary amenorrhea. An urgent call is received from a patient’s wife who states that her husband is having chest pain unrelieved by three nitroglycerin tablets. C. malignant melanoma. A. 3) Then I went to APEA. What is the likely cause of this patient’s chest pain? B. The nurse practitioner is accurate when she tells the patient that a diaphragm A. with a flat spring type is easier to use. A 55 year old male patient complains of blood in his urine for the past 2 weeks. Varicella 2. Stop the doxepin (Sinequan®) and initiate fluoxetine (Prozac®). B. The infant has at least 6 wet diapers per day. A 30 year old male patient started taking bisoprolol (Zebeta) for hypertension 3 days ago. D. practicing safer sex. D. administer the rubella vaccination after a negative pregnancy test and advise her not to get pregnant for at least 6 months. 73. B. self-examination to detect the signs of infection. B. the same time for boys and girls. The result of the Weber tuning fork test is lateralization of sound to the right ear. 147. She says, “I don’t remember ever getting that shot.” She has negative serologic evidence of rubella antibody. 8 months C. 1 year D. 1 ½ years. C. elevate her legs periodically. Screening for anemia with hemoglobin and hematocrit is recommended for high-risk infants between 6 and 12 months-of-age. D. Apprehension about competitive situations has little effect on performance. What is the most likely cause of these problems A. Congestive heart failure B. Varicose veins C. Deep vein thrombosis D. High sodium diet, 137. The NP is discussing contraception options to be used during lactation with a 24 year old pregnant patient. Offer nicotine replacement only to those smokers who are unsuccessful after 3 attempts to stop smoking. Obtain a thorough history and physical, and check serum cortisol and ACTH levels. The treatment of choice for chronic bacterial prostatitis (CBP) is A. erythromycin 4 times daily for 7 to 10 days. C. adequate glucose control in the last month only. D. universities providing graduate education. The most likely diagnosis is A. transient monoarticular synovitis. D. Offer nicotine replacement only to select populations of heavy smokers with a long history of smoking. A. 87. Patients who have been diagnosed with malignant melanoma should be taught A. that only raised lesions need to be evaluated. D. cafe au lait spots. A. Zinc oxide B. Benzophenones C. Para-aminobenzoic acid (PABA) D. Lanolin, The parents of a 2 year old report that she is not saying any words, but makes sounds, babbles, and understands simple commands from her parents. Apea test bank. Which patient statement indicates a correct understanding of depression A. B. begin any exercise program that she might enjoy. D. dependent on cessation of (NSAID) use. A. Thiazide diuretics B. Potassium-sparing diuretics C. Loop diuretics D. ACE inhibitors. A 24 year old female insists on having a screening mammogram. What is the most likely diagnosis A. Peritonsillar abscess B. Thyroiditis C. Mononucleosis D. Epiglottitis. D. suplemental policy. She asks for a “strong” cortisone cream so the eczema will clear rapidly. B. leads 1½ hour aerobic dancercise classes 10 times each week. D. apply moisturizing lotion. D. more symptomatic during ovulation. A 15 year old pregnant patient presents for her first prenatal visit. Which of the following must be present for the diagnosis of bacterial vaginosis A. D. gastroesophageal reflux (GERD), 126. C. are macrosomic. B. reassure the patient that this lesion is not suspicious for pathology. The Online Testing Center breaks down your results into knowledge areas and testing domains to let you know exactly where you stand. The most likely diagnosis is: A. radial tunnel syndrome. A third-grader presents with several honey-colored crusts on her face and back of her neck. 110. 45. Which of the following is NOT a risk factor for a transient ischemic attack (TIA)? Advanced practice registered nurses who have completed an approved educational program prior to implementation of graduate level education are considered to have met the requirements for advanced practice registered nursing. It is important to note that performance on the practice examination is not a predictor of whether a candidate will pass or fail AANPCB’s competency-based certification examination. C. nulliparity. Constipation has become a significant problem, even though the patient has been vigilant about maintaining adequate hydration and uses bulk laxatives frequently. C. recovered hepatitis B infection. The mother of a 2 year old uncircumcised male patient is concerned that she cannot retract the foreskin over the glans penis. A 12 year old has a fasting serum cholesterol of 190mg/dL (4.94 mmol/L). She is currently taking an oral contraceptive. The child’s caregiver called today to report that the ear pain has continued and his temperature remains at about 100F despite using ibuprofen. Multiple sclerosis (MS) B. Parkinson’s disease C. Diabetic neuropathy D. Huntington’s chorea, 53. D. apply light palpation to facilitate drainage. C. A daily 6-hour nitrate-free period is important to prevent tolerance. The nurse practitioner would most likely diagnose A. chronic hepatitis B infection. 129. B. C. a high potency cortisone cream is not recommended for use on children under 3 years-of-age. B. stress incontinence. B. subluxation of the proximal radial head. The nurse practitioner prescribes erythromycin and tells the patient A. erythromycin may upset his stomach, so it should be taken with food. D. Nitrate-free periods present a potential for developing nitrate intolerance. B. C. an ophthalmic antibiotic ointment, eye patch, and ibuprophen. . D. a PAP smear to determine degree of cervical dysplasia. The parents are not concerned. D. annual lipid profile. Apea test bank Apea test bank. A 30 year old female with unintended weight loss B. The most reliable diagnostic indicator of gout is: A. monosodium urate (MSU) crystals in the synovial fluid. A 35 year old female with a history of mitral valve prolapse is scheduled for routine dental cleaning. 1, 2, 3 B. We will treat the symptoms.” D. “This is highly unusual to occur in both of you. What is the most appropriate initial action for the nurse practitioner? Taken without progestin, estrogen is less effective in relieving vulvovaginal atrophy. A 19 year old pregnant patient, at 20 weeks gestation, complains of pain in the right lower quadrant. “I must remain on medication for about 6 months since this is my first episode of depression. Which of the following conditions requires partner treatment? She gives a history of having a hydatidiform molar pregnancy 2 years ago. Which outpatient laboratory measurement best measures the therapeutic effect of warfarin A. 12 Noon and 2 PM. A 26-year-old female is informed that her pregnancy test is positive and that her due date is in approximately 8 months. The nurse practitioner is accurate when she tells the patient that a diaphragm A. with a flat spring type is easier to use. 76. Purpose: The purpose of this assignment is to identify the student’s potential weaknesses for the future national FNP certification exam and NP practice. “Take a daily aspirin because there are numerous studies which support that people who do not have heart symptoms benefit from one aspirin per day.” C. “Do not take a daily aspirin as there is insufficient evidence at this time for primary prevention of heart attack in people without heart symptoms.” D. “Do not take a daily aspirin until you reach 55 years-of-age.”, 38. D. peaked T waves, tachycardia, and elevated CPK-MB and LDH, and cardiac Troponin I. Untreated infection with human papilloma virus (HPV-16) increases the female’s risk for: A. pelvic inflammatory disease. The child cried at the time of the accident and is complaining of pain now. D. to take his pain medication as prescribed. C. Sensitivity relates to the reliability of a technique to successfully rule out a finding. Fatigue and weight loss C. Serum pre-albumen level D. Elevated serum BUN and RBCs. Services in short-stay skilled nursing care facilities C. Physician and/or APRN provider services D. Lab and x-ray services. 109. 146. 141. American Association of Nurse Practitioners. Her urine pregnancy test (UPT) is negative. D. alcohol and licorice. C. inhaled Beta 2-agonist. HBV A. Which drug class below is MOST effective in alleviating rhinorrhea associated with the common cold A. Antihistamines B. D. Asian infants. 1 year earlier in boys. 122. I finally understood that the APEA Predictor Exams offered much more than other companies Practice Exams. A. D. emotional stress resulting in hypertension, tachycardia, and increased venous return. Serial quantitative beta-human chorionic gonadotropin levels B. Qualitative plasma estradiol levels C. Plasma dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate (DHEA-S®) levels D. Qualitative plasma human chorionic gonadotropin levels, 105. What action(s) should the nurse practitioner take A. Easy to Use! A. All pregnant women should be counseled and encouraged to be tested. MMR 4. B. Encase the child’s mattress in a sealed vinyl cover. Her laboratory tests demonstrate positive HBsAg. C. Remove carpeting from the child’s bedroom. D. increases the risk of sexually transmitted diseases. D. miconazole nitrate (Monistat®) ointment applied to the lesion 4 times a day for 10 days. Nurse Practitioner Test Question Bank . C. age 65 to 70 years. D. Stop the doxepin and initiate trazodone (Desyrel®). D. gonorrhea. D. a beta-adrenergic blocker (beta-blocker), demonstrated by research to be the most effective first-line treatment for all ethnic populations. The groove of the metacarpophalangeal joint can be palpated by having the patient: a. Flex his hand 2. A mother with flat or inverted nipples may be able to breastfeed. B. individual policy. D. "This is unacceptable, but inappropriate to treat because of her age.". Improved lipid profile C. Weight loss D. Migraine prophylaxis, What is the recommended timing for gestational diabetes screening? The nurse practitioner is very concerned about the patient’s half-a-pack per day cigarette smoking habit and correctly tells the patient that half of the babies born to women who smoke: A. have pulmonary complications in the neonatal period. She does not need prophylaxis for any dental procedures. B. excessive worry about several areas of one’s life. B. ovarian cancer. A. A 35 year old male presents with a severe unilateral, headache over his left eye. She is not able to supinate the hand. This finding indicates a A. conduction problem in the left ear. The child’s history is positive for fever and pharyngitis for 2 days. C. measles usually occurs in young adults in the 2nd or 3rd decade of life. She is 5’4″ and weighs 105 pounds. D. insist that the victim leave the abusive environment immediately. 119. This patient’s hypertension is categorized A. I attended Fitzgerald's live 3-day review course back in September, purchased the AANP practice exam, Apea Q bank (1 month subscription), purchased two predictor exams from APEA and reviewed Leiks FNP review book. On physical examination, her uterus is approximately 24 week gestational size. The leading causes of morbidity and mortality in postmenopausal American women are cardiovascular disease, osteoporosis, and cancer. C. to conduct weekly skin self-examination. Betty strongly encouraged me to not try and test again until I could score a 70% or greater on a Predictor Exam. B. received a blood transfusion in 1982. D. Establish a consistent schedule for meals and allow the child to participate in meal planning. 64. On examination, the nurse practitioner finds bilateral swelling and inflammation of the lids and conjunctiva. D. Legg-Calve-Perthes disease. Which of the following is LEAST likely to be the cause of ophthalmia neonatorum A. Haemophilus influenza B. C. syphilis. 64. A. C. Helicobacter pylori. D. prevents infantile colic. A. cervical cancer B. uterine fibroids C. endometrial cancer D. peri-menopausal bleeding, 51. B. Licensure is: A. another term for certification. Strabismus is observed in a 13 month old child. C. certification. 42. D. sudden onset of intense fear or terror. 2, 3 C. 1, 4 D. 1, 3, 4. A. Folic acid deficiency anemia B. 11. Hepatitis B and varicella B. Poliomyelitis (IPV) and diphtheria-tetanus (Td) C. Influenza and measles, mumps, rubella (MMR) D. Pneumococcal and meningeococcal. 96. . C. the practitioner convinces individuals that their beliefs are incorrect. What is the most likely cause of this behavior A. Dementia B. Delirium C. Parkinson’s disease D. Depression. C. 900 kcal per day. D. meclizine (Antivert, Bonine). Hypertension C. Common migraine headache D. Smoking. Older, following the example set by the previous generation B. D. nausea and vomiting. Her symptoms are relieved by sitting and elevating her legs. 19. 25. D. poor glucose control for the last 1 to 3 months. Course Resources: NR 661 Week 3 APEA Module: Dermatology / Skin Disorders - APEA Practice Exam 2. C. fibromyalgia. C. has a history of a neural tube defect in a previous pregnancy. Which of the following patients is at lowest risk for secondary hypertension? What disease process is this type of tremor is most commonly associated with A. D. patient report of pain with the crossed straight leg raise test. A 40 year old presents with a hordeolum. A patient complains of “an aggravating cough for the past 6 weeks.” Which medication is most likely to be causing the cough? B. annual digital rectal examination (DRE) and prostate specific antigen (PSA). B. Allopurinol (Zyloprim, Allorprin) prn acute attack. What is this patient’s diagnosis and treatment of choice A. Impetigo, treat with either topical or systemic antibiotics B. Ecthyma, treat with either topical or systemic antibiotics C. Erysipelas, treat with systemic antibiotics and steroids D. Folliculitis, treat with systemic or topical steroids. 1. B. fava beans. C. olecranon bursitis. A. Anxiety B. Somatization C. Cushing’s syndrome D. Hyperthyroidism, 83. A 50 year old male is scheduled for his annual wellness visit. C. monthly self-testicular examination and annual clinical testicular examination. He reports having 3 attacks of acute gout during the past year. 106. A teenager with allergies C. A child with fresh clots in one naris D. A teenager using a nasal decongestant. 75. B. doxycycline twice daily for 7 to 10 days. How many kilocalories below one’s requirement does it take to lose one pound A. The nurse practitioner accurately tells her that a couple is not considered infertile until there has been unprotected intercourse without conception for what period of time? D. vernal conjunctivitis neonatorum. B. viral conjunctivitis. D. carcinoma of the prostate gland. B. Prescribe long-acting nitroglycerin. C. refer the abuser for individual psychological counseling. B. provide education and recommend beginning the series of vaccines. B. false positive. A young adult female with postpartum depression lasting 2 weeks B. 113. A 30 year old female patient is being seen by the nurse practitioner for the first time. Which of the following patients requires radiological evaluation of a first incidence of urinary tract infection? A. Palpitations B. Nausea C. Diarrhea D. Headache. 2 to 3 years C. 4 to 6 years D. 10 to 11 years. An 11 year old male C. A 13 year old female D. An 18 year old female. Which of the following medications is indicated for primary prevention of febrile seizures? B. resistive ankle exercises, ankle support, and pain relief. A 30 year old orthodox Jew B. What is the most likely diagnosis? B. Sign-up . C. credentialed. D. normal saline drops only; eye-patching is not necessary. B. 28. Which of the following is NOT true regarding the diagnosis of scoliosis in children A. Scoliosis is most apparent during the pre-adolescent growth spurt. B. ovarian cancer. Rheumatoid arthritis Osteoarthritis, 133. A 25 year old overweight patient presents with a complaint of dull achiness in his groin and history of a palpable lump in his scrotum that “comes and goes.” On physical examination, the nurse practitioner does not detect a scrotal mass. Barkley and Associates. C. re-evaluate the lesion in 2 months. A. Gestational diabetes, birth of a macrosomic infant B. Hispanic, African-American, or Native American descent C. Alcohol or other drug abuse D. Obesity, hypertension, hypertriglyceridemia. 53. What is the most common early sign of colchicine toxicity? 81. A. C. false negative. The components of the female athlete triad are A. distorted body image, low self-esteem, and generalized anxiety. The nurse practitioner would appropriately recommend all of the following EXCEPT: A. stool for occult blood annually . A 3 day old infant is brought into the clinic with a history of failure to pass meconium, poor feeding, vomiting, and excessive flatus. A 3 year old child is brought to the health clinic. A 66 year old patient exhibits sudden onset of fluctuating restlessness, agitation, confusion, and impaired attention. A. D. leukotriene receptor antagonist. Central obesity 4. C. reviews evidence for 169 interventions to prevent 60 illnesses across the life span. B. certified. Her mother reports that she has had these a few days and now her younger sister has them also. Partial thromboplastin time (PTT) B. Prothrombin time (PT) C. International normalization ratio (INR) D. Platelet count, 98. B. “Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma has a better prognosis.” C. “With radiation and chemotherapy, there is almost a 100% cure rate.” D. “With surgical treatment, there is a 95% cure rate.”, A patient has developed a blood clot in his lower extremity and is receiving warfarin (Coumadin®) therapy. Which of the following is NOT associated with Type 2 diabetes mellitus? Silver nitrate C. Chlamydia trachomatis D. Herpes simplex. 13. Which case of epistaxis should concern the NP most? 10 AM and 12 Noon. MORE+. D. There is no current recommendation for cholesterol screening in children. D. may be aggravated by caffeine or alcohol. Microscopic examination of expressed prostatic secretions (EPS) and post-prostate massage urine is positive for WBCs > 10 to 20/HPF and negative for bacteria. Patient’s should be advised to purchase the same brand name for each of the following drugs EXCEPT A. lanoxin. 43. C. infertility D. cervical cancer. B. fluids and a decongestant. There is no tenderness, edema, or erythema of the scrotum and the scrotum does not transilluminate. Family Nurse Practitioner Exam Questions. 54. The FNP certification exam is a competency-based, entry-level exam that assesses test-takers’ knowledge in a variety of relevant clinical areas, ranging from prenatal to elderly primary care. D. abrupt onset of single joint inflammation and pain. B. orthostatic hypotension. B. A. Testicular torsion B. Epididymitis C. Inguinal hernia D. Varicocele, 63. Skills training and motivational incentives have no effect on memory. Fever > 101F (38.3C) C. Exudative pharyngitis D. Painful rash. A. Anxiety B. Dyspepsia C. Cardiac ischemia D. Costochondritis, Which of the following drugs is considered safe for use during pregnancy? National certification expectations and options; Benefit of the APEA predictor. The nurse practitioner correctly tells him that the pubertal growth spurt occurs about A. B. surgical open reduction followed by pelvic and/or femoral osteotomy. C. 10 AM and 3 PM. 148. 84. Stage 1 B. D. lower socioeconomic group. B. obesity. The typical description of a tension headache is A. periorbital pain, sudden onset, often explosive in quality, and associated with nasal stuffiness, lacrimation, red eye, and nausea. C. distinctive osseous lesions. 1. Which symptoms might she complain of? A 25 year old male with family history of diabetes C. An obese female with recurrent vaginitis D. A 50 year old hyerlipidemic male, 21. The intervention known to be most effective in the treatment of severe depression, with or without psychosis, is A. psychotherapy. A 25 year old female patient presents for a routine well-woman exam. Identify Your Weaknesses BEFORE your Exam! D. plan to address the subject at a future visit. » kaplan secure predictor test 2. B. protection of the testes during sports activities. The AANP exam is a relatively tough exam with a 2019 FNP pass rate of 85%. If you took a University 3P exam, knowledge deficits are identified by scores < 67% in any knowledge area or testing domain. 71. A patient presents to the rural health clinic with severe chest pain. The treatment of choice is A. patching the injured eye only; no medication is needed. D. elevated MSAFP is an expected finding. B. both parents carry the gene. C. mustard greens and collard greens. *By clicking OK and continuing in the current browser you are acknowledging that your exam may encounter issues. 26. Early screening for hyperlipidemia C. Vitamin supplementation D. Exercise. The nurse practitioner removes a tiny spec of sand from under the lid and notes vertical corneal abrasions. 121. A. treat with penicillin. A 38 year old patient is being treated by the nurse practitioner for heavy vaginal bleeding secondary to multiple uterine leiomyomas. Treatment of acute vertigo includes: A. bedrest and an antihistamine. Then choose the QBank that correlates to your knowledge deficits. 1. Studied again, another one, 81%. Certification for nurse practitioners is offered through: A. the American Nurses Association. Which patient would profit most from screening for Type 2 diabetes A. B. process criteria. She complains of “aching legs”. D. malnourishment due to anorexia nervosa. Which of the following is the course of action most likely to be successful A. Which of the following medication classes is considered first line therapy for patients who have chronic heart failure (CHF)?
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