That’s information they can relate to. When creating your website’s About Us page, look upon it as an opportunity to begin building a relationship with prospective customers. If you’re struggling with the words, hire a freelance copywriter to assist you. If set up correctly, this page will attract relevant writers to your blog and generate free content offers on a regular basis. The same goes for your blog. Telephone: 202-479-3000 TTY: 202-479-3472 (Available M-F 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. eastern) For technical questions or to … In fact, 72% of people say positive reviews make them trust a business more. Someone who wants to do a thorough job of getting to know you may be willing to check out your social networking pages on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram or even YouTube. Another client, a manufacturer of plastic containers used to deliver fresh water to people in crisis, was instrumental in rescue efforts in Haiti after the earthquake in 2010 as well as more recent disasters. What matters to you. For the camping goods company I mentioned earlier, a photo of the husband, wife and their little boy hiking was a perfect fit for their About Us page. Analyze their About Us pages to see what works and to get ideas that you can apply in an original way (don’t copy!) Think of your meetings and phone calls with customers. Create a link for customers to write reviews. There’s nothing wrong with looking at how other businesses present themselves. The company tells that story and includes photos, as well as references some of its current charitable endeavors in Africa, on its About Us page. Promote these pages in your About Us write-up to give the prospect a chance to see additional dimensions of your personality or your company’s. But they also don’t want to bore the reader with a long, detailed resume. Find out how to syndicate your content with B2C, How to Build a Social Media Governance Policy, Image: 100 Powerful Marketing Words to Boost Your Brand (and 75 More to Avoid Like the Plague), Image: Everything You Need to Know About ATL, BTL and TTL Advertising. Thanks for your feedback, it helps us improve the site. We will look at inspiring About Us and Shipping Information page examples and templates to help you write your first one. Tell its history and what the name means to you today. You can show them where you started, how far you have come, and everything your business has accomplished along the way.”. On his About Us page, we wrote about his love for flying, which was second only to his love for gourmet cooking. They seek answers to questions like these: Use your About Us page to introduce yourself to your site’s visitors. People want to connect with other people. Professional Copywriter (407) 578-5528. A key function of your About Us page is to inspire trust in your company. Remember the movie “Castaway” and Tom Hanks’ efforts to deliver a FedEx package? (Looking for a copywriter who can compose your About Us page? They’re trying to determine if they can trust you. SEO writers use a variety of methods known as search operators to find guest blogging opportunities. Ask someone who doesn’t know your business to read your About Us page. Because emotions impact the decision-making process, your About Us page is the best place to share your brand’s values. Editorial Guidelines. Blank page to write a letter I don't have Office 365 or Microsoft Word. Whenever you land major customers, add expertise and capabilities, enter new markets, open new locations, etc., update your About Us page. Showcase the exciting personality of your business and the people behind it. Ben Sailer. Because a lot of people go to his website to find out how to actually write an About Us page. You also don’t want to sound like you’re boasting. Empathize with blog authors and really think about what they will get out of contributing to your blog. If you belong to any professional organizations in your industry or in your geographic area, such as the local Chamber of Commerce, include their symbols. This doesn't necessaril… Write for us. How satisfied are you with this reply? Include your real photo and also pictures of your employees with products if appropriate. This article originally appeared on Elevar Media and has been republished with permission.Find out how to syndicate your content with B2C, I connect businesses with target audiences through custom-curated news, resources & information. We included a photo of the founder wearing her baker’s hat and apron, making bread in her shop, flour and eggs visible on the table in front of her. What will they best be able to relate to? Use subheads, images, lists, blockquotes, and other structural devices frequently. They could relate to the owners and appreciated their sincerity. Writing this page isn’t the easiest thing to master, but it’s possible once you understand the essential elements that must be included. Your About Us page should be more than a corporate resume. An About Us page helps your company make a good first impression, and is critical for building customer trust and loyalty. We publish: ... please let us know! What Your About Us Page Should Convey Full Snapshot of Your Business. Manage your reviews. Be sincere and personal as you tell the story of your brand. Keep tweaking it to make it better. Here’s how to write an ‘About Me’ page you can be proud of. In fact, they’re more interesting if they’re not. The "About Us" page is a way to earn trust and there's no quicker way to lose that trust than to be caught lying to the public. When you do something, if you’re doing just enough to check it off your to-do list, of course that’s going to show. We pride ourselves on our reputation for producing only the highest quality tech content. They want to peek behind the curtain and see if your company is one they’d like to do business with. The “About Us” page is the place to … This is the place on your website where you can explain what your business is about and share company details, history, achievements, and more. Do you have a voice? One of the most well-known search operators is the “inurl:write-for-us” search string. The video doesn’t have to be long — you can say a lot in 60 seconds — and it doesn’t have to be shot like a major motion picture with award-winning cinematography. Write as if you’re speaking to an individual, not a company or group of people. A photo that shows you in your work environment adds visual proof of your professionalism. People will read a long About Us page if it’s well-organized and interesting. Helps the reader visualize your situation, Simplifies a complex thought by providing a relatable example, Personalizes your copy and makes it unique to you, Gets your point across in an interesting way. Nobody wants to read an About Us that is the equivalent of a resume. So you’d better make it good. Apply that winning technique to your About Us page and you’ll forge a connection with your visitor. Write For us Menu. Your comment may not appear immediately. As you write your About Us page, think about connecting with your visitors, much as you might if you were meeting them in person. Session cookies are used to store the information in the web pages and … Here's how to take yours from bad to good. For example, explain why people should do business with you. Through your short URL, Customers can leave reviews and view your Business Profile. Write for Us! Don’t be afraid to show your personality on your About Us page. As far as your visitor is concerned, he or she is the only one reading your About Us page and the only one with whom you’re building a relationship. Every conversion is an indication that trust has been won. After reading your about us page, visitors should have a full understanding of what your brand is all about. How to Write the Best About Us Page With 50 Examples and a Template 72. It should describe who you are. step one: write your proposal. If you reference specific products or services, link to the pages where they’re described in detail. Use your About Us page to establish a rapport with your customers. You want it to always be an accurate, current portrayal of your company.