A rapid review was conducted by ARCHE to examine the magnitude of association between factors that may contribute to health inequity (summarized by the acronym "P2ROGRESS And Other Factors" in NACI's Equity Matrix, Appendix D) and severe COVID-19. Annual booster vaccinations are recommended, or as recommended by your veterinarian. The key populations for early COVID-19 immunization identified by NACI have been similarly identified by other national immunization technical advisory groupsFootnote 19Footnote 20 and academic groupsFootnote 21Footnote 22 in their vaccine prioritization frameworks. 2017. Everything we know about how viruses grow … The public also benefits from the ongoing work of those who provide these services and could potentially benefit from reduced transmission from frontline workers, which aligns with the principle of beneficence. Include populations from a variety of age ranges in clinical trials (following REB guidelines and, Consider the evidence of inequities related to age when sequencing groups for early immunization, Consider promotion and education activities on platforms that access older adults (e.g. The data were somewhat inconsistent for sex, with most studies showing moderate certainty of no important effect. (see Ethics Procedural Considerations Filter). The figure is organized into four sections. Environics Research. People with underlying medical conditions can receive the FDA-authorized COVID-19 vaccines provided they have not had an immediate or severe allergic reaction to a COVID-19 vaccine or to any of the ingredients in the vaccine. The baby is injected with the DTaP vaccine, which is three inactive toxins in one injection. Individuals who travel internationally for work may have differential exposure. The pandemic has caused significant morbidity and mortality, as well as social and economic disruption worldwide. The National Advisory Committee on Immunization (NACI) has developed guidance on the research priorities for these clinical trials to support public health decisions.Footnote 4 Initial supplies of prospective COVID-19 vaccines are not expected to be sufficient to meet the demand for immunization. Provide culturally appropriate educational and communication materials with a variety of languages, media platforms, and venues, Have translators and supports (e.g. The total statewide COVID-19 hospitalizations that have been reported over time is now 22,944. Specific recommendations for COVID-19 vaccines in key populations will depend on yet unknown factors such as supply and characteristics (e.g., safety, immunogenicity, efficacy and effectiveness in preventing severe illness and interrupting transmission in different populations) of COVID-19 vaccine(s) available to Canadians, evolving evidence on COVID-19, as well as the epidemiological context at the time COVID-19 vaccine(s) become(s) available. The first section states the COVID-19 pandemic response public health goal. There was moderate certainty evidence for no important increase in risk of hospitalization with chronic respiratory conditions, cardiovascular disease (i.e., coronary artery disease, hypertension, hyperlipidaemia) apart from heart failure, non-specific cancer, Asian race/ethnicity other than Bangladeshi (vs. non-Hispanic white), and current or former smoking. Risks and benefits have been considered in the guidance and summarized in the rationale for each recommendation. Scenario 4 points to the pandemic curve after the break in the x-axis and represents the scenario where the pandemic is considered over, but COVID-19 continues to circulate at low levels. 2020;369. Risk factors for severe outcomes of COVID-19: a rapid review. The objective of this advisory committee statement is to provide preliminary guidance for public health program level decision-making to plan for the efficient, effective, and equitable allocation of a novel coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) vaccine once it is authorized for use in Canada when limited initial vaccine supply will necessitate the prioritization of immunization in some populations earlier than others. About half of workers in frontline occupations such as grocery and gas station staff (51% vs. 63% for non-frontline workers; p<0.05) and healthcare providers (55% vs. 62% for non-healthcare workers; p>0.05) would get an effective recommended vaccine. Combined, there are a total of 1,833 being hospitalized for coronavirus related illness. Less than 10% of these workers believed that protecting critical infrastructure is the most important strategy in the face of limited initial vaccine supply (8% vs. 5%, p<.05). NACI also acknowledges that trust may be eroded if healthcare professionals are not included in a priority group for earlier immunization with a novel vaccine. and last updated 2021-02-02 23:12:58-05. The polio vaccine is then usually given separately as a live oral vaccine. Doses given during the 2 weeks (14 days) before surgery can be counted as valid. Non-visible minorities are more willing than visible minorities or Indigenous respondents to get an effective recommended vaccine (63% vs. 53% vs. 43%, respectively; p<0.05). Recently, however, a significant increase in the proportion of cases in younger adult age groups has been observed as lockdown measures relax. The Moderna vaccine has been proved to prevent 94.5… All ages are susceptible to COVID-19, but the rate of diagnosed COVID-19 cases generally increases with age. These vaccines were given as tablets to Army, Navy, and Marine Corps recruits on a one-time basis early in their initial (basic) training. The survey was comprised of five questions that asked the respondent to rank, in order of importance with a rank of "1" being the most important, four COVID-19 pandemic immunization strategies (proposed by PHAC staff with input from the HCID WG) plus an optional respondent-specified strategy for each pandemic scenario. Available at: https://www.has-sante.fr/upload/docs/application/pdf/2020-07/note_de_cadrage_strategie_vaccinale_contre_la_covid_19.pdf, Ismail SJ, Langley JM, Harris TM, Warshawsky BF, Desai S, FarhangMehr M. Canada's National Advisory Committee on Immunization (NACI): Evidence-based decision-making on vaccines and immunization. Perceived safety (50%) is linked to increased vaccine acceptability compared to vaccine effectiveness (43%) among younger adults with "serious, long-term illness". Just over half of respondents who self-identified as healthcare providers would get an effective recommended vaccine (55% vs 62% for non-healthcare providers, p>.05). 2020. How safe is the 6-in-1 vaccine? What is the disease distribution and spectrum of clinical illness for COVID-19, including burden of illness and risk by age, sex and other demographic variables associated with higher risk? Conger K, Healy J, Tompkins L. Churches were eager to reopen. Differential disease severity has been shown to have large independent associations with homelessness. The use of the EEFA Framework empowers the committee to review and balance all of the available evidence and transparently summarize their rationale for appropriate, timely recommendations. Those with decreased education or literacy levels potentially have decreased access to healthcare. Group differences and reasons for vaccine hesitancy [Internet]. Community Hospital in Munster said Friday it plans to set up a vaccination clinic for qualified Indiana health care workers if a Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine gets emergency approval later this month. For enquiries, contact us. The whole cells or antigens will be depicted as … Use of personal protective equipment against coronavirus disease 2019 by healthcare professionals in Wuhan, China: cross sectional study. NACI's Ethics Integrated Filters for core ethical dimensions (respect for persons and communities, beneficence and non-maleficence, justice, trust) and procedural ethical dimensions (accountability, inclusiveness, responsibility, responsiveness, transparency) were applied to this guidance document, and are summarized in Appendices B and C. An in-depth ethics analysis was conducted to analyse and weigh relative considerations and assess options for prioritization of COVID-19 immunization in the face of an uncertain pandemic vaccine supply. Three-quarters of COSMO Canada respondents (76% in wave 6 and 78% in wave 7) agree that specific groups should be first to get a safe and effective COVID-19 vaccine in the context of limited initial supplies.Footnote 13Footnote 14 In response to an open ended question in wave 6 asking which group should get the vaccine first, the most commonly identified populations for priority immunization included those with underlying medical conditions (57%), the elderly (53%), healthcare workers (22%), and frontline/essential workersFootnote a (18%). The vaccine is given to hundreds of volunteers split into groups depending on age and other factors. Available at: https://health-infobase.canada.ca/covid-19/epidemiological-summary-covid-19-cases.html, Possible IPC measures include: handwashing, disinfecting surfaces, erecting physical barriers, maintaining physical distancing, using appropriate personal protective equipment, Chung H, Fung K, Ferreira-Legere LE, Chen B, Ishiguro L, Kalappa G, et al. 2 Does not include zoster vaccine. An invitation to complete the survey, which was provided as a Word document in English and French, was sent by email to stakeholders in a format that facilitated shared review and discussion within their respective organisations.