When a Scorpio man remains silent and distant, but only with you, it is a sign that you have possibly done something which upset him or something he didn’t like. He is restless and looking for his next sexual adventure. A Scorpio man doesn’t want your life story on the first day, but instead, he wants to slowly unravel all of your quirks and experience and hobbies and traits one by one. Scorpio man is know with his mysterious thinking. ... Scorpio … But that’s not the case with Scorpio. Here's Why Each Zodiac Sign Doesn't Text Back Quickly. 5. He always making excuse for his late reply and all the calls he missed all these time. Only texts, says a lot of beautiful things but doesn't take the step to be there emotionally. Disrespect: Like all people, a Scorpio man doesn’t want to be disrespected. No joke. So, now you know what this sign means if a Scorpio man likes you. If it doesn't seem like your interest is progressing anywhere, you might want to be suspicious of their downtime. If the Scorpio man is leaving you on read, it's because he doesn't feel like it's worth his time to come up with a response, or worse, that you're not worth his time anymore. Just like any other man, a Scorpion also shows some of these general signs a Scorpio man is not interested anymore. Because he is only human, the Scorpio man has his weaknesses too. Yes, I’m in a relationship with a Scorpio and it’s been on and off for 2 years. Most likely, you won’t get a reply back immediately after you text a Scorpio. You can just imagine how much time that saves. They overdo it when they want to confess their love and haven’t been able to do it yet. Any text that you get from a Scorpio has been written, edited carefully, rewritten, and passed by their friends. One of them is that he can be a little bit too controlling. No one will ever entirely figure them out. But they are secretive and they do play games. However, by looking for the right signs you’ll soon discover the truth and know if he’s really into you or if it’s time to finally walk away. On some level, this may seem like an admirable trait. She honestly just forgot to! A Scorpio man might test how much you trust him by going off-grid and not responding to calls or texts. Actively pursued at the beginning and was so intense that I wasn't able to speak. Scorpio: Painstakingly Light-Hearted. A Scorpio man doesn’t, at face value, have the same freewheeling love of freedom that you’d expect of a man with a Gemini, Sagittarius, Aries or Leo star sign. Scorpio does need sufficient alone time for introspection, so don't be surprised if they disappear for a week or two. A Scorpio man or a man with a “Scorpion astrological energy or personality” can want you, even if he was the one that dumped you. All men with a strong emphasis on Scorpio in their charts (Scorpio Sun, Moon, Rising Sign, planets in the Eighth House or strong Pluto aspects) are extremely cautious when entering a new relationship, and they will test the water before they dive in.. How Does a Scorpio Man Show Love? Scorpios are very strange people indeed. He can be hypnotic, charming and just plain intensely sexual. It will only tell this Scorpio man or woman that you are too close, to begin with. He makes it quite obvious by his temper. Good question! I am a scorpio and i do not "chase" anyone, that means call, text, etc. Scorpio man wants a woman who is strong and independent. When A Scorpio Man Ignores You… The Scorpio man is an emotional one that doesn’t like anyone to know it. The truth about a Scorpio man is that he will test a prospective partner before committing. The Scorpio man can understand his relationship is done and that his partner doesn’t want him anymore, but he’ll always hope that she’ll someday change her mind. Ignoring you only comes when he’s already shown you his pinchers and you simply blew him off or you yourself ignored him. If he response negative, then you might need to forget him. It was so intense I had to back away. Yet a Scorpio man can’t abide the thought of being under someone’s thumb, under their control or unable to chart his own course. He doesn’t open up. However, if you want to make sure about your future with him, then it should be okay to call him first just to ask him for hang out again. So one possibility is that he is still trying to figure you out. They will care about you if your part of that inner circle. However; you know when he’s upset with you. 2. They are far too busy overthinking their reply. Sagittarius doesn't have a good reason why she didn't text you back for a while. So show him that you’re having fun without him, that you’re doing things, exploring yourself. If you’ve been seeing him do it more than expected, then he has a strong attraction for you. Scorpio Man Stops Communicating. I am used to being persued by the opposite sex and that is what works for me. It takes a Scorpio man a long time to open because he typically doesn’t feel safe or secure in a relationship. ... they see no reason to inconvenience themselves until they're good and ready to respond. 3. It can go either way. It’s quite an experience to see the Scorpio man operate under adversity’s black clouds. Due to this, it’s necessary to give him space. Though this sign has historically gotten a bad reputation for their suitability as a romantic partner, I’d like to argue that it simply takes the right kind of partner to handle this ambitious type.