To address this, Alberta Environment and Parks uses what’s called the desktop method to set standards that establish allocation amounts: only 15 per cent of a river or stream’s natural flow can be removed, or a minimal 80 per cent exceedance of the natural flow must be maintained. The P.E.I. Coastal Health says the rest of the hospital, including the emergency room, remain open and operating as usual. A Benga problem Since the riparian health of creeks and streams is site-specific, the generalizations of the desktop method may not be adequate for every location. If we get involved now, we can get a lot of help from the province.” Alec Bruce, Local Journalism Initiative Reporter, Guysborough Journal. The library has launched the grab and go bag, for patrons looking for new reads in a variety of genres. Maya is a beautiful buckskin, former PMU mare who was adopted in 2009. Nous ferons part de toutes nos préoccupations à l’entreprise qui sera mandatée, si tel est le cas, pour obtenir le meilleur modèle de transport en commun, le modèle le plus rentable », a assuré la préfète. The Mooneys bought an old farm last year, moving to the Island from Ontario to fulfil their dream of setting up a small sanctuary for unwanted farm animals to live out their lives. Of course, we agreed to take her in. They have 40 hens and a "bachelor flock" of about 15 roosters — often rejected because they're loud — as well as about 30 ducks, some of which people tried to keep in apartments (like in the TV show Friends). The sanctuary also solicits donations online, and sells branded T-shirts. L’investiture de la députée a été officialisée lors d’un événement virtuel le 13 février réunissant la majorité des députés du parti et une centaine de militants. “Our grab-and-go bags provide a convenient way to borrow a bundle of books in a socially distant society, and the park passes make it more affordable to spend time in nature at one of our beautiful provincial parks. "It's not that they're not taken care of while they're alive; it's just we don't need to eat them. Janis Macdonald, a nurse practitioner at the site, says that a client who was recently referred to her on the clinical side of its operations had been stuck in their room for much of the pandemic. This information was corrected on Feb. 24. You can sign up to receive email updates from topics that may interest you. The day after Bruce County library branches open, the Bruce County Museum & Cultural Centre will welcome back visitors. Nayla was found wandering the desert, abandoned, alone and starving in 2016. The popularity of the blankets came at a good time, says Arnold Smith. Minerals “I do have to think that if you send your kid to school with a lunch, they can throw it out,” Macdonald said. “I’m not saying that there shouldn’t be any removal of water — I think we just have to make sure that the water we do take, relative to that place, is acceptable.” Solid data is doubly important, Ms. Frank adds, given the location of many of the proposed mines in the Oldman’s watershed. }; .zoho_inputs_container { The name Mago is of ancient Korean origins, meaning, "Mother Earth." Meet Kenji, the last mustang from the Devil's Garden Plateau mustang herd to be named. Trois expériences portant sur l’électricité et le magnétisme pourront être réalisées à l’aide d’une vidéo afin que les jeunes puissent mener des expériences qui les mèneront peut-être un jour à travailler pour la NASA. Stéphane St-Amour, Initiative de journalisme local, Courrier Laval, L’absence d’un système de transport en commun constitué irrite la MRC de La Haute-Côte-Nord qui souhaite financer une étude sur la faisabilité d’un organisme dédié aux transports collectifs et adaptés pour le territoire. By Jamie Mountain Local Journalism Initiative Reporter LATCHFORD – The Town of Latchford has thrown its hat into the ring to secure improved broadband internet for its residents. The Mooneys have decided the sanctuary is at capacity and are not accepting more animals until they can build more shelter, run electricity where they need it and fence more pasture, which they are planning for this coming spring. Mme Gagnon a mentionné qu’au plan financier, l’organisation a reçu de l’aide de la MRC du Fjord-du-Saguenay, de la municipalité et de la Caisse Desjardins de L’Anse-Saint-Jean et de Boréal Management. I didn't turn on my camera or unmute myself, but I did talk in the chat and everyone was so kind and welcoming,” 14-year-old Ren said during a recent video interview with another teenage Studio participant and a youth worker. The company has applied for 454 acre-feet of water, an amount it says is triple the actual amount it will consume but is required for recycling processes, with most of the water being treated and safely returned. Le sentier de raquettes longeant le ruisseau Patrice Fortin, entre l’ancien bistro et le champ d’épuration, sera éclairé avec des lampes solaires afin de permettre aux familles d’effectuer une balade nocturne dans le respect du couvre-feu à partir du 27 février et pour toute la semaine. Others have been donated by like-minded people who have purchased them at livestock auctions in the Maritimes. Additionally, we rehabilitate, adopt and/or provide a safe and loving sanctuary to those equines who need a forever home. ", 'It can become overwhelming very quickly'. Angelina is a beautiful Percheron-Quarter Horse Cross, former PMU mare who was rescued from a Premarin farm in 2007. padding-top: 15px; Since then there have been many setbacks. “Basically, we need to develop an inventory of all our assets: Recplex, buildings, roads [and] machinery. She was quickly adopted but returned to Equine Voices in February, 2016.