on... read more. Grooming your rabbit will keep both their coat and skin healthy. A tiny pet bunny rabbit named Pipkin is sleeping and dreaming about going to the bathroom. Excessive Grooming . Every rabbit owner should have a grooming kit with the following items: ′Ferplast′ Flea Comb ′Gex′ Slicker Brush. Some people when grooming will hold their rabbit on its back so it goes perfectly still as if in a trance. A blockage on its nasolacrimal duct may also be an underlying condition of illnesses including abscesses, infections, dental issues, rhinitis, and in rare cases, cancer. Squealing. Symptoms your rabbit has dental problems: Rabbit won’t eat much. The main infectious agents that may be involved are : Pasteurella 1 https://dspace.library.uu.nl/handle/1874/276093, 2 https://polipapers.upv.es/index.php/wrs/article/view/776, 3 https://extension.oregonstate.edu/sites/default/files/documents/8426/rabbit-parasite-disease-pnw310-e.pdf, 4 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4565249/, Click to attach a photo related to your comment, My Rabbit is Sneezing - Causes and Treatment, Reverse Sneezing in Dogs - Causes, Treatment And Care, https://dspace.library.uu.nl/handle/1874/276093, https://polipapers.upv.es/index.php/wrs/article/view/776, https://extension.oregonstate.edu/sites/default/files/documents/8426/rabbit-parasite-disease-pnw310-e.pdf, https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4565249/, Snuffles (Pasteurellosis) in Rabbits - Causes, Symptoms And Treatment, My Cat is Wheezing When Breathing - Causes and Treatment, Why Is My Dog Bleeding From Its Anus? The eyes or other parts of the skin may become red or inflamed as a result of the allergy. This hay doubles as not only a means to keep the rabbit comfortable, but also as a food recourse. If say to yourself ‘my rabbit is sneezing’, but you are unsure why, check their substrate. Such an unhealthy diet can progress to obesity. Excessive grooming can be bad because it can lead to hairballs forming in your rabbits good and that can make them poorly. Hairballs can cause obstructions in her digestive tract. Grooming, how often? Jul 8, 2020 . If these bald spots occur from shedding, they will begin to grow back … If our rabbit suddenly starts sneezing all the time, but nothing obvious has changed, then we need to look to other causes. Sneezing in rabbits can be caused by various reasons. Why a rabbit sneezes can be quite varied. If for any reason you fail to do that, in that case, your rabbit needs daily grooming. In the molting season, groom your rabbit every week to get rid of the stray hairs. Literature Text. Grooming your rabbit includes fur brushing, fur trimming as need be, mat removal, and removal of debris caught up in the rabbit's fur. The rabbit may have runny eyes and nose with discharge. If your rabbit only sneezes when handled, it may have a sensitivity to your perfume or cologne, or even the fabric of your clothing. Rabbits and Sneezes. Never use pine or cedar shavings for bedding, as these shavings will alter a rabbit’s ability to respond to medication. Examine if there is a discharge of mucus accompanied by sneezing. The vet may also order blood work to screen for diseases. A sneeze can produce 40,000 droplets. Her licking his eyes helps the weepy eyes. Food allergies are also possible in rabbits. Ensure their environment is clean and only use materials which will reduce the chances of developing pathologies. In the molting season, groom your rabbit every week to get rid of the stray hairs. Such reaction results in a sneezing fit with or without discharge and inflammation. I have been wiping him eyes and nose when he needs it. It is usually prohibitively expensive and not always available. They will need treatment by a specialist veterinarian. But, however you remove it, remove it as soon as possible or your rabbit will do it during grooming. She sneezes a fair bit too, but the vet said she seems alright. ... which do better while Guin and him are on the best of terms and grooming each other regularly. Rabbits usually do not need baths but regular brushing helps keep their coat in good condition and helps prevent hairballs and nail trims help keep your rabbit's feet healthy and from getting stuck in carpeting. Some substance in their environment can lead to an allergic reaction, something which is more than a hypersensitivity. One of the causes of a rabbit’s sneezing is the ammonia build-up from soiled bedding. Cotton Bud. In this cute rabbit video, the sleeping rabbit just wakes up from his nap on the couch! Pine and cedar bedding which make up the majority of sawdust bedding for rabbits in Europe, contain “toxic substances such as abietic acid and phenols”[1]. You must be careful when grooming a rabbit as they are more sensitive than a cat or a dog. Rabbits do tend to groom themselves a lot throughout the day – after all, it is their way of washing – but boredom can lead to excessive grooming and that’s not good for your little fluff monster. Long haired rabbits. Tumors in general can cause respiratory problems. Rabbits will sneeze because their nasal passage becomes irritated. Slicker brushes for rabbits are frequently two-edged with a fine brush on the opposite of the brushing nut. They can then work out the problem via a process of elimination. Keep them warm and away from drafts (rabbits can develop colds as do humans). In general, for rabbits like Florida White, you should do the normal weekly grooming. If you notice that your rabbit is sneezing, but are unsure why, AnimalWised is here to provide the possible causes of sneezing in rabbits. Whatever this cause, it will need to be diagnosed by a veterinary medical professional who has experience working with rabbits (not all vets will have the right expertise). Stress can cause the rabbit's immune system to become depleted and the result is greater susceptibility to viral and bacterial disease. Know that obesity contributes to several health problems. Never do this to your rabbits. Knowing the difference is the important issue. The loose fur is one of the most common things which can cause health problems since hairballs … When a rabbit sneezing becomes frequent or even chronic, then it is a symptom of a health problem. If your rabbit keeps Over grooming, she’ll cause bald spots on her fur. It's essential that the rabbit stays calm during grooming, especially when their nails are being clipped. In this article, we’ll expand on some of these important things to consider when it comes to rabbit grooming. He needs weekly brushing using a slicker brush or a wide-toothed comb. It is not uncommon for rabbits to look forward to grooming time as they relax and enjoy the experience. Notice any lumps or bumps anywhere on the body. (Most often after eating) She also sounds like she is weezing/snorting when she eats and grooms. Nasal discharge refers to the mucus (thick and slimy), serosity (thin and watery), or the blood-tinged colour released with the sneeze. This may be done via a blood test. It’ll help you and your rabbit become better acquainted and at the same time give you the chance to check your rabbit for any problems – more on that later. The bunny’s area should be free of the allergen. You can likewise purchase pin brushes with collapsible bolts for effortless scrubbing. The beautiful hair that rabbits have starts to malt in the spring slightly and you will discover a lot of … Comment. Willow Treats; Whole Grain Conditioning Mix; Feeding Your Rabbit; Bunny Basics. If you see your rabbit is constantly sneezing, you should examine their environment for any factors which might be providing allergens. Why Does My Dog Have a Lump on Their Neck? Is My Child Too Young? The treatment of sneezing in rabbits will be correlated to the initial cause. However, you might also see your rabbit has a runny nose when they sneeze. My newest is a female bunny, approx 4mo old. After 5 years, rarely do I get anymore “firsts”. About 2 months ago (maybe a little more), he started periodically making a "squeaking" noise. She is not a short nose breed and is oltherwise very healthy and active. With his living conditions, we put safe (treated) shavings at the bottom and up top just normal hay. Furthermore, it is important to keep its environment clean to prevent or lessen the risk of breathing in small particles. My rabbit has been snoring in her sleep for a while now, and it doesn't seem to be causing a problem. Grooming can be a self-comforting behavior for rabbits. He was given the task of watching a pet rabbit while his friend, Liam, is away until Sunday. Knowing the … [Read More...], Black Prince Ave, Market Deeping, Peterborough PE6 8LR. The vet put her on an antibiotic in case she had a respiratory infection, but she still does this. However, a little sneezing every once in a while is different than sneezing all the time. Infection -If your rabbit has a runny nose, it might not be a respiratory infection, but a dental infection. Head tilting (caused by neurological damage). “I so cannot wait to play with this little guy.” Lincoln said … Feb 10, 2013 . According to a 2010 study in the journal World Rabbit Science, rabbits much prefer straw for their bedding[2]. - Causes, My Dog Keeps Licking Her Private Area - All Possible Reasons. Rabbit noses are pretty delicate and sensitive. A couple times he won't stop sneezing its like he has something in his nose and he can't get it out. A cough in a rabbit is a little different from a sneeze, but it can be difficult to differentiate. Removal may stop symptoms such as sneezing. Sounded just like a dog squeak toy. FurryTips is reader-supported. Types of respiratory disease in rabbits include: While it may not be a direct cause, stress can lead to respiratory problems and sneezing in rabbits. Rabbits will continually reinfect themselves while grooming if the front feet are not disinfected as well as the cages, feeder, water bottle etc. This will determine whether the inflammation is malign or benign, as well as whether they need treatment. A foreign body which gets up the rabbit's nose may also stimulate a sneezing response, coughing sounds usually are due to something stuck in their throat. Essential Rabbit Grooming Supplies, Advice, and Answers If you own a pet house bunny or rabbit, then listen up! As experts in rabbit grooming, Miss Meow Grooming provides exceptional treatments and services to suit a variety of needs. Grooming Long-Haired Rabbits. Further, we have outlined possible causes why your furry friend would sneeze. Rabbit Shedding Comb ; A premium shedding brush is vital for application … This can lead to liver problems and even neoplasia (emergence of tumors). Pippa Elliott, MRCVS Veterinarian Dr. Elliott, BVMS, MRCVS is a veterinarian with over 30 years of experience in veterinary surgery and companion animal practice. Carefully examine your rabbit as soon as it sneezes. After the diagnosis is confirmed, the veterinarian will prescribe a course of antibiotic treatment if there is no chance of the infection clearing up on its own. It is common for a rabbit to be sneezing with no discharge. Inspect the bunny’s nose and eyes and note if they have become ‘runny’ or filled with mucus. Deviation Actions. Bearing in mind that rabbits were not meant to be long-haired, your rabbit will thank you for ridding him of the weight as well as preventing the excess heat long fur generates (especially in the summer), and enable him to … House dust, perfume, fabric softener, room fresheners, cigarette smoke, pot pouri and many more things found in every house can cause rabbits to become … Care of the rabbit's fur and skin calls for your observation to check for the presence of parasites and your quick action to provide needed … Symptoms may mimic other medical conditions such as dental complications, respiratory diseases, or a poorly ventilated environment. How to do a nail trim. In these cases, it is normal to detect nasal discharge. Viral infections such as myxomatosis will also have other symptoms including inflammation and possible tumors, so we need to be observant of any other concurrent symptoms. Do Rabbits Need to be Bathed? As part of our duty of care when adopting a rabbit into the family, we need to be observant of any symptoms of disease. This is where the mucus membranes of the sinuses become infected with bacteria[3]. This is why it is so important to keep an eye out for any changes to their health or well-being. This article is purely informative. He was given the task of watching a pet rabbit while his friend, Liam, is away until Sunday. This can result in sneezing, coughing and mucous discharge. Rabbits and Sneezes. Make these grooming steps a part of your regular rabbit routine. Rabbits tend to be nasal breathers and any physical deformity or unusual nasal structure can result in a lower-pitched (stertor) or higher-pitched (stridor) sound emanating from the airway or nose. Your rabbit will need to go on a course on anti-biotics. My rabbit is about three years old and last week he just startd sneezing a lot. If more mucus comes while they are sneezing, it is likely that the rabbit ha some sort of respiratory illness. All rights reserved. Rabbits moult several times a year – don’t panic if fur starts dropping out in handfuls! Torch Light . They include the Angora, Jersey Wooly, American Fuzzy Lop and sometimes Lionheads (a Lionhead bunny can have either a single mane or double mane gene). 25 Favourites. However, bring your rabbit to the vet as soon as it shows other symptoms. When you buy through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. The following are things to keep an eye on: There are certain antibiotics that are used to fight off the bacterial infection. Big ones that you can hear, for such a tiny cute bunny. To reduce the possibility of thus spreading disease (such as the flu and coronavirus disease 2019), one holds the forearm, the inside of the elbow, a tissue or a handkerchief in front of one's … When it is a one-off or rare case, there should be nothing to worry about. Bald spots on rabbits are quite common when they are shedding. Get it as soon as Tue, Feb 16. He is a 2 year old dwarf/dutch rabbit. There are a number of products such as slickers, bristle brushes, and grooming gloves to help make the experience faster and overall more enjoyable. If more mucus comes while they are sneezing, it is likely that the rabbit ha some sort of respiratory illness. Rabbits spend a good deal of time grooming themselves but that doesn't mean we don't have to lend a helping hand once in a while. What do Rabbits Eat? But, however you remove it, remove it as soon as possible or your rabbit will do it during grooming. Make sure the bunny’s cage is well-ventilated. We assure the complete satisfaction of both you and your pet through our carefully curated options for your pet’s specific grooming necessities. Your rabbit needs to be groomed regularly. Before going on to explain why a rabbit sneezes, we should know that an occasional sneeze should not be cause for concern. 8 talking about this. Pet Grooming Scissors Set With Safety Round Tip by Hertzko - Includes Serrated …