You may use your answer to the prelab exercise; you may solicit suggestions from other groups. Hooke`s Law Rustem Kushtayev .Physics 161. Objective. Hooke’s Law indicates the relationship between the amount of extension, e, of a spring to the size of the force, F, acing on it. Hang a spring from a horizontal metal rod. 5. SFL3011 Physic Laboratory … Also, observe similarities and differences between your spring and other groups' springs. Course. Hooke’s Law Experiment Objective: To measure the spring constant of a spring using two different methods. ), the only safety issue comes when the springs or rubber bands are stretched near their structural limit. In symbols, F = kx, where F is the force, x is the stretch, and k is a constant of proportionality. Record the final position of the mass hanger. Plot a graph with your readings. – To find the spring constant of the spring. Data/Observations Record whatever data and graphs you consider necessary in order to determine whether the rubber band obeys Hooke's law. Hey everyone! Hooke’s law is the law is named after 17th-century British physicist Robert Hooke. 3. Academic year. Hang a mass on the spring. It is the force constant of the spring. The force F applied to the spring can be measured in a variety of ways, using a number of different materials. Procedure -. Hooke’s law asserts that the amount of deformation applied on an elastic object is proportional to the force act on it (Wilson & Hall, 2009). Then I taped a tape measure behind the key rack on the wall so I could measure the springs location. 2018/2019 Physics Lab Report 9. To verify Hooke's law - Hooke's law states that the extent to which an elastic material will change size and shape under stress is directly proportional to the amount of stress applied to it.. Other related documents. 2.1 Purpose. It will also be useful to write a brief description of the other groups' springs, paying attention to how their springs differ from yours. When the spring is acted a force of 1N, the extension was seen to be 1.6cm. He published the solution of his anagr… Theory An ideal spring is remarkable in the sense that it is a system where the generated force is linearly dependent on how far it is stretched, this behavior is described by Hooke's law. Hooke's Law. You may even have seen these springs before. 1.) Comment on how the spring constant of an auto spring compares to the spring constant you measured today. In an automobile's (or a train's) suspension, the wheel assembly is connected to the passenger compartment using several springs. If this happens, it is acceptable to apply just enough force to spread out the coils, then redefine the equilibrium position to the point where the coils are barely separated. The spring constant can be determine by using the formula of Hooke’s law; F = kx. Force applied (mass X gravity) vs Increase in length (Initial length - Final Length). With the sensor flat on the surface of the track, press the zero button to tare the sensor. Here k is a constant factor which characterizes spring’s stiffness. Assuming common-sense lab protocols (i.e., no shooting rubber bands in each others' eyes! Its applications go far beyond springs and rubber bands. Next week in the laboratory you will determine whether a rubber band obeys Hooke's law. After completing today's experiment, you will be able to: You are to make a graph that elucidates the relationship between the force applied by a spring, F, and the distance the spring is stretched, x. 31 Hooke’s Law and Elastic Potential Energy 31 - Page 3 of 6 Written by Jon Hanks 4. 2. This relationship may be written as :-F = ke F = ke. Repeat Step 4 with a total mass 150g, 200g, 250g and 300g masses 6. Hang a weight from the spring and wait for it to come to rest. Measure the initial length of the spring, l o 3 Hook a 50g mass-holder provided and measure the extension x 4. Hooke's Law says that the stretch of a spring is directly proportional to the applied force. Hooke's law is a law of physics that states that the force (F) needed to extend or compress a spring by some distance (x) scales linearly with respect to that distance—that is, Fs = kx, where k is a constant factor characteristic of the spring (i.e., its stiffness), and x is small compared to the total possible deformation of the spring. In PASCO Capstone, set the common sample rate to 100 Hz. It will be useful to include a diagram, but a diagram is not a substitute for a verbal description. It will be to your benefit to kibitz other groups' experiments. Once all the readings are recorded in the "Observation Table", click on "Plot" button to plot the graph. Click on the weight to be attached to the spring. Set up the spring as figure 4.2 2.Measure the length of each spring L thin =……………. Procedure In this lab, you will observe a mass on a spring and, from this, determine the value of k for that spring. This account should be very short—it may not take up more than a handwritten page. Hooke's Law Lab by Ryan Baldeviso, Devin Bates, Brandon Conanan, Matt Ortiz Procedure Data /Results Calculations Materials Objective Conclusion Theory Hypothesis Our hypothesis is that the thin spring would have the greatest spring constant while the short spring would have the The chair in which you are sitting supplies the upward support force to keep you from falling by flexing (according to Hooke's Law) until it can supply an upward support force equal to your weight. You are likely to find a linear relationship between force and displacement. The law is named after 17th-century British physicist Robert Hooke. Be careful about units—in order to make a valid comparison, all the spring constants must be put into the same units. Record whatever data and graphs you consider necessary in order to determine whether the rubber band obeys Hooke's law. Be sure to test a wide range of displacements. An ideal spring is remarkable in the sense that it is a system where the generated force is linearly dependent on how far it is stretched, this behavior is described by Hooke's law. Hooke’s Law is the statement that the restoring force acting on an object is proportional to the negative of the displacement (deformation) of … The primary task was to determine the spring constants (k) for two different springs and a rubber band. मराठी. The experimental set-up to measure the spring constants is shown in Figure1 2. Describe a method with which to determine whether a rubber band obeys Hooke's law. This new science blog page was developed by me, Edoardo Garau, and its main purpose is that of investigating Hooke's Law through a simple and clearly explained lab writeup. The first method is referred to as the “static method,” which utilizes Hooke’s Law, given in Equation (1). Hang a 1 on first spring and record the elongation. He is first stated the law 1660 .the principle of physics that the force F needed to extend or compress a spring by some distance X is proportional to that distance. Your account will consist of two paragraphs: Describe what you measured and how you measured it. (Engineers say "Stress is proportional to strain".) Hooke's Law will be verified for a spring and the force constant will be calculated by measuring the amount the spring is stretched when various masses are hung on it. Measure the length of the spring with 0 added mass. The forces supplied by the masses are due to their weight which can be found by Record the final position of the mass hanger. The applications of Hooke’s Law is as follows: Hooke’s Law is used all branches of science and engineering; It is used as a fundamental principle behind manometer, spring scale, balance wheel of the clock. Procedure 5. Lab Report on Measuring Gravitational Acceleration. In this lab, five sets of springs were used. You will write a very brief account of this week's experiment. (wikipedia,2010) Hooke’s law states that the Force with which a spring pushes back is linearly proportional to the distance from its equilibrium (wikepedia,2010) , this can be simplified by … This was accomplished by stretching the springs and the rubber band, while measuring both the distance elongated and the force required to extend each object. It list the procedures that must be carri... View more. If Hooke's Law is correct, then, the graph of force versus stretch will be a straight line. Hooke’s Law shows that when an elastic material is deformed, restoring forces will arise which try to bring the material back to its starting situation. L thick =………………. Determine and state the slope of your graph (with appropriate units, of course!). Today, you will investigate the relationship between the force applied to a spring and the distance the spring stretches—this relationship is called Hooke's law. Hooke’s Law Lab Report Essay Sample. Record this length in the data table. At that point safety goggles are useful. Carlee Jenna When we went into class we were handed our lab papers and we had to figure out how the spring could stretch accurately to get a graph to represent Hooke's law. हिंदी 4. Hooke’s law can be investigated by measuring how much a string stretches from a known applied force. Repeat the above steps with different weights. This is the 4th Lab slot material for Physics 2. Note what other possible force-measuring methods you see. 3. Record the reading on the scale in the "Observation Table". Include specific reference to other groups' springs (and their spring constants) in your discussion. Hooke’s Law Aim: -To prove Hooke’s law i.e. We had limited amounts of resources. Candidate details: Name: Edoardo Garau Welcome to my new science blog page! So, include only substantive information that contributed to your conclusion. To verify Hooke's law - Hooke's law states that the extent to which an elastic material will change size and shape under stress is directly proportional to the amount of stress applied to it. This week in class you will discuss springs in some detail. It list the procedures that. 2.) First, we will plot the force the spring exerts vs the distance the spring is stretched and second, we will measure the period Procedure To demonstrate the principal of Hooke’s Law I followed three experiments. You may use any equipment available in the laboratory. You may use any commonly available equipment for this method. The larger the distortion, the larger the resisting forces. We had a ring stand, spring hook, string, and weights. HOOKE’S LAW 1. After today's experiment, you will be able to: You are to determine whether the rubber band you are given obeys Hooke's law. 1.1 Who was Robert Hooke? Hang a spring from a horizontal metal rod. Attach a mass hanger directly to the bottom of the hanging spring and record the position of the bottom of the mass hanger relative to a meter stick. Arrange the apparatus as shown in the diagram above. ... Hooke's Law Lab Report. Hooke's Law, believe it or not, is a very important and widely-used law in physics and engineering. Where: F = stretching force applied to the spring k … Repeat the step 3 for different masses. Consequently, if there is more distorting forces then there will be a greater amount of distortion that occurs. Refresh your memory and take note of the “caution” statement.