White Feather - Finding a white feather may seem like a fairly common occurrence, but sometimes it can be a sign from your angels, one that carries an important message or meaning. Use the moment when you find a feather as a reminder to return to presence yourself, and to thank the angels for their presence and assistance in your life. Page Of Swords As Feelings: What They Won’t Tell You. It’s actually quite fascinating! It is a cosmic way of saying hello, momentarily transporting you above time and space and connecting you to otherworldly realms. So when you find a feather, the meaning is not only a sign that your angels are with you, but it's also a call to tune in to the angelic energy around you, in the moment, and around you in every moment laying just beneath the surface of your normal waking mind … Ace Of Wands And King Of Cups Combination Explained. Gray feathers are a call to return to peace. They can be seen as a symbol of a transition period. Meantime, try to stay positive, because this too shall pass. A spiritual visitation has taken place. Spiritual Meaning of finding an Owl Feather: A visitation from a female loved one that has passed. It’s neither bad or good, it is neutral. black feather, greay feather, brown feather, white feather meaning - Feathers are a sign from the Angelic and Spirit realm, to let us know that they are always taking care. You will receive help, in the form of a mentor, who can identify your particular talents and how they can best be used. BLUE - Blue feathers symbolize mental abilities, peace, protection. People who often see grey colors, for example in the form of a grey feather, can generally be described as confident people who don’t need others’ validation or support when it comes to their personal opinion. Perhaps you have been going through a period of turbulent change or experiencing a tough time. Finding feathers in and of itself is a blessing and a signal that your angels are with you. Whether you’ve found a feather in your house, car or even your purse, it could be a sign that angels are near. Trust that you are supported and that the changes that occur are in alignment with your supreme good, and are giving way to greater healing, spiritual growth and alignment with your … What Does a Grey Feather Mean? Even though seeing a grey feather on your path may appear as quite a common and everyday phenomenon, there is always a deeper meaning behind finding a feather of any type of color. Red Feathers Red is bold and represents courage and groundedness. Additional Meanings You have many important qualities to share with the world. A grey feather appearing on your path can also be a sign that you need to stay in a neutral position for a while. A grey feather appearing in your dreams mostly symbolizes hope and stability. If you have been blessed with a grey feather, it is a sign of calmer times ahead. Of course, like the plumage of a bird, you may find a feather or feather accessory that isn’t purely brown. My mood lifted and I knew everything was going to be okay. A gray feather, or a pair of gray feathers is a reminder that a magical solution will always come to solve your problems and answer your questions, in time. It can be combined with almost any other color and its neutral personality generously allows other objects or people to shine brightly. The grey feather ‘grounds’ high frequency energies associated with growth and struggles. Your mind is opening, dissolving any limiting self-beliefs, which may have had their origin in your past. Related article: The Messages Of Feathers In5D Addendum Gregg Prescott, M.S. Make sure your emotions are in check and stable before you make a drastic change. What’s more, if you happen to see a small one then it suggests that you’re also being watched over by a loved one who has passed away.Finding a feather of this color is a message urging you to keep your faith and to know … If you keep finding grey and white feathers, it is best to go on a long meditation retreat or set time aside each day to listen to your inner wisdom coming through right now. Even though the color grey is not typically associated with positivity or uplifting energy, grey feathers are quite optimistic in their own way. Make sure to stay balanced and don’t get caught up in an unwanted position.