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During the battle, Navy chaplain Lt. Vincent R. Capodanno leaves the command post to administer last rites to dying Marines and to aid the corpsmen. In fact, he oversees a service consisting of just 174,000 soldiers, with 488 machineguns and only 40 tanks. 1967: In Los Angeles, the Green Bay Packers defeat the Kansas City Chiefs 35-10 in the AFL-NFL World Championship Game - the first "Super Bowl." The division's first combat jumps will take place in Sicily and Italy the following year. 1st Class Frank A. Herda and another soldier hold their ground against a charge by 30 Vietnamese sappers. Robert K Morgan's crew have completed their 25th mission of the war, a remarkable feat considering crews averaged between eight and 12 missions before being shot down. Baer's victory is the first for American pilots not serving in foreign air forces, and he is awarded the Air Corps' first Distinguished Service Cross. Their cover blown, sixteen specially modified B-25 Mitchell bombers have to launch from USS Hornet ten hours earlier than planned. 1943: When his B-17 bomber is hit by German flak and Sgt. … we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain – that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom – and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.". 1950: 98 B-29 bombers drop 800 tons of bombs on enemy troops concentrating near Waegwan, South Korea. Winters and his men jump into Sainte-Mère-Église on D-Day and that day will lead a daring attack on German 88mm guns firing on Utah Beach. Two Marauders are shot down; Riley Shamburger, Wade C. Gray, Pete W. Ray, and Leo F. Baker are killed. Among Pershing's three U.S. (and one French) corps is Lt. Col. George S. Patton, Jr.'s newly formed 1st Provisional Tank Brigade, which will conduct the first tank warfare in American history in the upcoming Battle of Saint-Mihiel - the first independently-led American operation of World War I. After racing across fire-swept terrain to rescue a wounded Marine, Wilson organized a 17-man patrol to take a strategic slope. George J. McMillin (a veteran of the Dominican Republic occupation, Veracruz campaign, and two World Wars), surrenders the island when 7,000 Japanese land on the island and overwhelm its defenders. That same day, Capt. Congressman. 1915: While on maneuvers off the coast of Hawaii, USS F-4 (SS-23) develops a fatal leak, going down with the entire 21-man crew and becoming the first commissioned submarine lost at sea. The Pararescueman comes up empty on the first attempt, but finds the pilot on a second sortie. The garrison of nearly 200 volunteers is wiped out to a man. 1776: After an 11-month siege by George Washington's Continental Army and the recent fortification of nearby Dorcester Heights with cannons captured from Fort Ticonderoga, Gen. Sir William Howe decides to evacuate the nearly 10,000 British troops garrisoned in Boston. Wrongly believing that the American soldiers are militia - and therefore easily dispersed - British Gen. Phineas Rail orders his Redcoats to advance on Maj. Gen. Jacob Brown's Army of the North. Gordon M. Craig and four other soldiers crawl forward to silence the enemy gun. Abraham Lincoln removes the cautious Army of the Potomac commander, chosing Gen. Ambrose Burnside as his replacement. 1957: Three B-52 "Stratofortress" bombers, led by Maj. Gen. Archie J. Gen. Thomas J. Jackson arrives with reinforcements, and on this day will earn the legendary nickname, "Stonewall.". For his actions on this day, he will receive one of his nine Distinguished Service Crosses - later upgraded to the Medal of Honor. The mission saves the aircraft carrier from destruction in the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. 1915: Pres. 1972: Under cover of darkness, approaching from different headings, and flying at different altitudes, seven waves of B-52s - 120 bombers total - attack Hanoi and Haiphong. Petry, already wounded in both legs by an enemy bullet, sees an enemy grenade land near his team's position and throws it back. 1947: Former World War II ace George Welch climbs into the cockpit of his North American Aviation XF-86 for the maiden flight of the Sabre. The Rebels capture 4,000 Union troops, hundreds of wagons and horses, and 23 artillery pieces at the cost of only some 250 casualties in the Second Battle of Winchester. 1947: Boeing's XB-47 prototype, the world's first swept-wing bomber, makes its first flight. The Quartermaster Corps puts the dogs through an 8-12 week basic training at camps across the United States, weeding out the animals who can't handle the sound of gunfire or handle the military lifestyle. As the Civil War comes to a close, Lee discourages his fellow officers from starting a guerilla war and becomes a symbol for reconciliation between northern and southern states. The convoy has to turn back, and Umikaze is so damaged that she has to be towed to Truk for repairs. 1952: When a battalion of Chinese troops attacked a Marine outpost on Korea's "Bunker Hill," Pvt. Franklin D. Roosevelt and the British Prime Minister. No aircraft are lost in the operation. When an enemy grenade lands in their position, Craig throws himself on the device to shield the others from the blast. Before becoming a pilot, Baer fought in Mexico under Gen. John J. Pershing's in the Punitive Expedition. As the battle wore on, a group of enemy soldiers closed in on the unit. Blinded by shrapnel, Vosler repairs his radio - by touch - in order to send a distress signal as the damaged plane was about to ditch in the frigid waters of the North Sea. 1972: When an enemy formation masses to attack American troops near Quang Tri, South Vietnam, OV-10 Bronco pilot Capt. Fox accepts the surrender – in fact the last formal surrender of World War II – of Lt. Ei Yamaguchi and 26 Japanese soldiers and sailors on the island of Peleliu. While the ships' guns and fighter planes are focused on the Devastators - which are wiped out nearly to a man - American SBD Dauntless dive bombers hammer the flattops from above. The magnitude 9.2 earthquake and its accompanying tsunami wave kills 139 Alaskans. However, the overextended and exhausted communists break off the attack by month's end. 1890: At West Point, the visiting U.S. 1945: President (and former artillery officer during World War I) Harry S. Truman awards the Medal of Honor to Cpl. But British losses are heavy. 1971: A Cessna O-2 Skymaster forward air controller plane is shot down by an enemy surface-to-air missile over the heavily defended Ban Kari Pass, marking the first U.S. aircraft lost over Laos. She will conduct rescue missions and special operations. When he sees documentation confirming the war is over, Warrington orders the ship to be released and his crew help repair Nautilus. Thagard was a veteran of four Space Shuttle missions prior to his mission to the Soviet-built Mir Space Station. He then switches to a carbine, exhausting that weapon's ammunition as well. 1973: After having flown out of South Vietnamese air bases for nearly 12 years, the last Pacific Air Force aircraft leaves South Vietnam. The element recovered the wounded commandos as enemy fire focused on the maneuvering assault force. Robinson will earn the Air Force Cross - the service's second-highest valor decoration - during the strike. 1970: Staff Sgt. Meanwhile, the Marine Corps' elite 1st Marine Raider Battalion and 1st Parachute Battalion arrive from Tulagi. projectiles in support of a combined-arms attack against Iraqi infantry, armor, artillery, and a command bunker in southern Kuwait. 1944: The submarine USS Archerfish sinks the Japanese carrier Shinano, the largest warship sunk by a submarine during World War II, off Honshu. Off the coast of New Jersey, the destroyer USS Turner (DD-648) suffers a series of explosions - possibly due to a German U-boat attack - and sinks, taking 15 officers and 123 men with her. The Navy's top admiral previously served as a commander in surface, sub, and flattop fleets - and earned his aviator wings. 1991: With the collapse of the Soviet Union bringing an end to the Cold War, President George H.W. Harmon is posthumously awarded the Medal of Honor. The plane is a Wright Model B flown by Lt. Roy C. Kirtland - the namesake of Kirtland Air Force Base. Meanwhile, Air Force Capt. Gunnery Sergeant John Basilone, who had earned the Medal of Honor on Guadalcanal, gives his life on this day. 2003: Special operations forces of Task Force 20, supported by an Air Force AC-130 gunship engage a column of suspected high value targets as they attempt to flee to Syria. 2013: Special operations forces conduct two simultaneous counterterrorism missions in Africa. ), James Lovell (Capt. Over the next four days, the astronauts endure 38-degree cabin temperatures, dehydration, and lack of sleep. 1975: Marines evacuate nearly 300 Americans and foreign nationals from Cambodia during Operation EAGLE PULL. Knowing that he may only have seconds to extinguish the fire before it kills the ship, Water Tender Second Class Elmer C. Bigelow dives into the blazing compartment without the putting on breathing apparatus. But in 1944, on her 12th patrol, she mysteriously disappears with all hands. In 1971 the GILMORE spent a short time in Key West… Chaplain Watters was posthumously awarded the Medal of Honor. In what will prove to be "a model" for future amphibious operations, the landings are unprecedented: The largest American amphibious operation to date, conducted in less than five hours without a single loss of life. 1950: Near Ipsok, Korea, Army Capt. Planes from Henderson Field strike the retreating Japanese fleet the next morning and sink two additional Japanese destroyers the following day. His bombs destroyed an enemy transport and destroyer, and although his plane was badly damaged and his bombs expended, Wilkins strafed a Japanese cruiser, sacrificing himself by drawing their fire so his fellow pilots could escape the deadly air defenses. Prior to becoming the first human to reach Machs 4, 5, and 6 (over 4,000 miles per hour), White flew combat missions in World War II and Korea, and would earn the Air Force Cross (the service's second-highest award for valor, behind the Medal of Honor) on one of his 70 missions over North Vietnam. Despite the support of shore batteries, the Spanish lose all seven of their vessels and only six American sailors are wounded. For his actions, De Wert is posthumously awarded the Medal of Honor. 1942: The Battle of the Coral Sea begins in earnest between Allied (primarily U.S.) Naval forces and the Japanese Navy. 1963: NASA test pilot - and former Army Air Forces pilot during World War II - Joseph A. Walker flies his North American X-15 aircraft to an altitude of 66 miles, becoming the first civilian to fly in space. MacArthur will retire after serving the country for 52 years. Grant strikes Pemberton’s positions the following day hoping to destroy his army before it is properly positioned. Bullard fled to Europe to escape racism in the United States and joined the French Foreign Legion as a machine gunner, seeing action in the Somme, Champagne, and Verdun campaigns before being wounded. 1st Class Christopher J. Speer, who perished on this date in 2002 from wounds received when his reconnaissance patrol was ambushed in Khost, Afghanistan on July 27. The aviators had previously flown for the Royal Air Force, under English squadron commanders, until rejoining the Army Air Forces. 1942: Off the Florida coast, two German U-boats each sink a cargo ship, killing a total of 23 sailors. He attacks an enemy squad with grenades and his bayonet, killing eight and capturing three. 1847: "From the halls of Montezuma..." Gen. Winfield Scott's army of Marines and soldiers begin their attack on the castle Chapultepec, sitting 200 feet above in Mexico City. Shortly after entering service as a radar picket vessel, the advent of early warning aircraft makes Triton's role obsolete and in 1969 Triton will be the first nuclear submarine to be decommissioned. 1898: Spanish forces under the command of Gen. José Toral surrender Cuba to Gen. William R. Shafter, practically ending Col. (and future president) Teddy Roosevelt's "splendid little war." MacArthur's replacement is Gen. Matthew B. Ridgway, who had been serving under MacArthur as Commanding Officer of the Eighth Army. 1847: U.S. Army forces under the command of Gen. Winfield Scott outmaneuver, drive from a superior position, inflict heavy losses, and decisively defeat a numerically superior Mexican Army under Gen. Antonio López de Santa Anna at Cerro Gordo. 1910: USS Michigan (BB-27), America's first dreadnought battleship, is commissioned. Martinez then withdraws to a destroyed bunker and continues to hammer the communists with his Browning Automatic Rifle and pistol. 1918: The day following the relief of the “Lost Battalion,” Private First Class (future U.S. Army sergeant and future colonel in the Tennessee State Guard) Alvin C. York captures “the whole damned German Army​.”. His brother Quentin left basic training and joined the British Army during World War I, transferring back to the U.S. military as a captain when the American Expeditionary Force arrived in Europe. The helicopters race back to the amphibious assault ship at treetop level, dodging enemy anti-aircraft fire and missiles along the way, but fortunately, no one is injured in the daring rescue mission. The Confederates carry the first day, but Johnston becomes the highest-ranking officer for either side to be killed during the Civil War. The captives are driven from town, stripped, and forced to lay down on the pile of corpses when they are systematically shot in the back of the neck by a submachine gun. This day also marks the beginning of the brutal Bataan Death March. As the soldiers evacuate the 500 Allied prisoners, the guerrillas hold off Japanese reinforcements attempting to cross the Cabu River. 1943: A flotilla of over 100 warships, including 17 aircraft carriers and 12 battleships, hammers the Tarawa Atoll as the first of 35,000 Marines and soldiers land in the face of stiff Japanese resistance. 1959: America's first operational ballistic missile, the PGM-17 "Thor", is successfully launched at Cape Canaveral, Fla. 1972: Apollo 17 launches for NASA's final lunar mission. Hoping to bring a quick end to the conflict, King George granted Howe the authority to discuss peace terms, but not including the recognition of American independence. A fire devastates the city shortly after falling into British hands, and Hale is one of some 200 Americans swept up in the aftermath. For his actions, Hammond is posthumously awarded the Medal of Honor. Fabus. The engagement will last for three weeks and was among the heaviest fighting seen in the Central Highlands. 1997: Lockheed Martin's F-22 Raptor, a fifth-generation stealth fighter billed as unmatched by "any known or projected fighter aircraft," makes its first flight. 1814: Construction begins on Demologos, the United States' first steam-powered warship. During a three-hour battle with enemy boats and fortifications, Williams and his crew, supported by helicopter gunships, destroy 65 vessels and kill hundreds of the enemy force. In 20 years, America will meet General Giap again - as enemies in a grueling war. A week later, another three crewmembers are awarded their medals at Walter Reed Army Hospital. 1944: When German forces hit Pvt. Accompanying Col. Bluford are Richard Truly (former F-8 Crusader aviator and retired Vice Admiral), Daniel Brandenstien (A-6 aviator with 192 combat missions and captain in the U.S. Navy), Dale Gardner (F-14 Tomcat pilot and Navy captain), and William Thornton (U.S. Air Force doctor). The islands will be captured in just under a month. Nine had been listed as "Missing In Action" before their release. Chief of Naval Operations Chester Nimitz formed the team that April to boost morale, increase public interest in Naval aviation, demonstrate the capabilities of Naval air power, and increase support for a larger share of the shrinking military budget. Gen. William "Billy" Mitchell meets with American Expeditionary Force Commander Gen. John J. Pershing and floats the idea of dropping soldiers of the 1st Infantry Division behind enemy lines. Union losses in the Overland Campaign - the bloodiest in American history - are heavy, but Grant's troops are replaceable. 1945: Following the atomic strikes on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and as American warplanes continue to attack targets in Japan and Taiwan, the Emperor of Japan informs his War Council that he will "bear the unbearable" and agree to unconditional surrender. O'Hare becomes the Navy's first ace of the war and is awarded the Medal of Honor. Joseph P. Kerwin blast off aboard a Saturn IB rocket. Stories of people going to great lengths to throw a special Christmas for their families. 1982: Hezbollah terrorists snatch the president of the American University in Beirut (and former OSS agent during World War II) David S. Dodge. When the British gain control of the colony the following year, Campbell writes that he is "the first British officer to [take] a star and stripe from the flag of Congress.". Lee will defend and hold. After 10 days of fighting and many tactical successes, the operation will be deemed a strategic failure, and Allied forces will be ordered to withdraw. Following the amputation of Jackson’s shattered arm, Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee will lament, “He has lost his left arm, but I have lost my right arm.”. She was born Dec. 16, 1964, in North Little Rock, Arkansas, to the late Herschel and Helen Merenschroer. Accompanying the troops is the Army Signal Corps' 1st Aero Squadron, Capt. Meanwhile, Republic of Korean (South Korea) forces arrive at the Yalu River and learn that two entire Chinese Armies have already crossed into Korea. The Union men capture 114 Confederates and 200 guns without losing a single man. Bragg," (meaning load the cannons with double the "grapeshot" used to cut down infantry charges) becomes a famous campaign slogan, helping carry Taylor to the White House and making a hero out of Bragg. Artillery, Maj. John M. Schofield of the 1st Missouri Infantry, 1st Lt. William M. Wherry of the 3rd U.S. Reserve Missouri Infantry, and 1st Lt. Clay H. Wood of the 11th U.S. Infantry. 1950: As the North Korean Army bears down on the American and UN forces occupying the southern tip of the Korean Peninsula, the 1st Provisional Marine Brigade lands at Pusan and mans the Pusan Perimeter's left flank. The trip takes far longer than anticipated, forcing the men to eat their shoes and other leather equipment to survive, and they are soundly defeated by the British once the weakened force reaches their objective in December. The following day, Gen. Douglas MacArthur declares that his forces have recaptured the South Korean capital. The Navy equipped a squadron with Fireballs in 1945, but the landing gear wasn't strong enough to handle the harsh loads experienced during carrier landings and World War II ended before the FR-1 could participate in combat operations. 1950: The First Marine Division lands at Wonsan, Korea and moves north toward the Yalu River. It is during the battle for Fallujah, that a radio transmission is intercepted by U.S. forces in which a panicking al-Qaeda insurgent is heard exclaiming to his chief: “We are fighting, but the Marines keep coming! 1945: Two days after an American atomic bomb devastates Hiroshima, President Harry Truman informs Japan that they can expect additional nuclear attacks if they do not surrender. 1952: Sgt. Noel Davis, and French war heroes Capt. The money is never found. The former president and commander-in-chief of the Continental Army was 64. The Ottoman Empire declares armed neutrality (although they have secretly signed an alliance with Germany) and mobilizes their forces as well. 1964: The AC-47, the Air Force's first gunship, makes its combat debut in Vietnam. This marks the largest use of bombers against ground forces since the Normandy invasion. Jones’ sailors and Marines spike the enemy’s guns, burn a few buildings, and set fire to a ship before withdrawing. Toms is awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross. Converted from the coaling ship USS Jupiter that supplied ships during World War I, the "Covered Wagon" will again see action as a seaplane tender during World War II. The crew, commanded by Schirra, would orbit the Earth for 11 days and transmit the first live television broadcasts from orbit. The cannon and armaments are sent to Boston where they will be used to break the British siege. 1916: At 11:00 a.m. over Villers-Pouich, France, a German Albatros D.II fighter closes in on a Royal Air Force scout bomber and shoots it out the sky. 1972: After spending a record 75 hours on the moon's surface, Apollo 17 astronauts Eugene A. Cernan (Capt., USN and the last human to set foot on the moon), Ronald E. Evans (Capt., USN), and civilian geologist Harrison H. Schmitt splash down in the South Pacific, just four miles from the recovery ship USS Ticonderoga. At a time when going to the movies is mostly out of the question, we bring the movies to you. Designer Igor Sikorsky flew the R-4 over 700 miles in a record-setting cross-country trip from the factory in Connecticut to Wright Field (modern-day Wright-Patterson Air Force Base) in Dayton, Ohio. "Big Ben's" death toll would have been far higher were it not for men like Lt. Dyess will be captured in April, surviving the Bataan Death March to lead the only successful large-scale escape from Japanese captivity a year later. Bush states "Our war on terror begins with al Qaeda, but it does not end there. Meanwhile in the Atlantic, a torpedo fired by a German U-boat sinks the yacht USS Alcedo, which had been escorting a convoy to France. Abraham Lincoln issues a proclamation calling for 75,000 volunteers (at the time, the Army consisted of just 16,000 men) to quell the rebellion. Walsh's guns send four Japanese fighters down in flames before they knock the lone American out of the sky. 1971: Saigon begins releasing the first of around 3,000 Viet Cong prisoners of war. Barton manages to throw off the enemy fighters but not before they inflict heavy damage to his Halifax, causing three of his seven-man crew bail out. 34 Japanese warplanes are knocked out of the sky by top Navy ace and Medal of Honor recipient Capt. Johnson's plane turned around moments later under suspicious circumstances - some accounts say the B-26 came under enemy fire and others cite engine malfunction. After his victories at Forts Henry and Donelson, Grant has given the North control of both the Tennessee and Cumberland Rivers in the first major victories for the Union. The act creates a National Military Establishment - renamed the Department of Defense in 1949 - with the Army, Navy, and Air Force now under a unified command. The terrorists demand the release of over 200 Israeli-held Palestinian prisoners, but the Israelis refuse to negotiate. Mize is awarded the Medal of Honor, and is only one of eight survivors of the 56 soldiers that manned Outpost Harry. Despite his own painful wounds and heavy incoming fire, Sigler carries three of his wounded Marines to safety before returning to the fight. Weedon E. Osborne - a medical officer attached to the 6th Marines - is killed by an enemy shell while carrying the wounded to safety. These raids are the first known combat operations of the war in Afghanistan. 1942: On Guadalcanal, around 900 soldiers of Japan's 17th Army slam into about 2,500 Marines manning positions along Alligator Creek. and heads west along the Missouri River, marking the official start of the Lewis and Clark Expedition. Although the United States demonstrated they now possess the ability to utterly annihilate entire cities, the Japanese government vows to fight on. Castle's sacrifice saves the lives of five of his nine crewmembers and Gen. Castle is posthumously awarded the Medal of Honor. 1888: Marines land at Korea, marching 25 miles to protect the Legation at Seoul. The Green Berets have served as advisors in Vietnam since 1957, but on this day, Pres. 41 Marines and airmen died assaulting nearby Kaoh Tang island where the prisoners were mistakenly believed to be held.
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