theo chocolate measures its value to society by:

Providing retirement benefits can also cause a company to assume long-term financial liabilities that threaten its financial health. They are: One of the important things to do in change is to determine the things that drive the change and the ___________ that hinder or block change. Sign up for the Top Pick Of The Week newsletter to have a top food review and a recipe e-mailed to you. 1. Let's assume that when Melissa, an employee in our San Diego office, wants to produce a new brochure she has to work through the communications and marketing department here in Arden Hills. Which is NOT an advantage? ... Theo Chocolate: Managing Ethics and Social Responsibility . Which type of team will be more productive over the long term? An expatriate is someone who ___________________. ORGANIZED TO CAPTURE VALUE: resources, itself, cannot provide advantages to organization until it is organized and exploit to do so. They also sometimes just agree with each other so that they'll be liked. The last category, the Philanthropic Responsibility, is a responsibility "to contribute to society's projects even when they're independent of the particular business." This is an example of: The stakeholder model of social responsibility. All Rights Reserved. ____________ occurs when workers withhold their efforts and fail to perform their share of the work. 2. Abbie is an accounting student doing an internship completing tax returns for clients. My church is currently fundraising to build a new, bigger worship center. In an article about BP Amoco, its CEO said that the company's commitment to _______ is all about trying to align its policies, values, and behavior with those of the societies in which it operates because, ultimately, superior performance means being in touch. We invite people to discover a better world through chocolate. Most farmers who grow cocoa are so disconnected from the process, they don’t know who ultimately makes chocolate from their beans or what it tastes like. They are all reasons why people withhold their effort. This chocolate bar serves as the perfect nightcap due to its “sleepy supplement formula” described on the company website. He thought he had been working on it for an hour when really 2 had passed. IKEA sells almost all of its furniture needing to be assembled at home. here >. The audit looks at a number of things such as wages, working conditions, and our environmental impact. Using the BCG Matrix, explain Theo’s decision to offer a classic line of chocolate bars after having limited success with Fantasy Flavor chocolates. We work and trade directly with our suppliers to determine prices and visit all of our cocoa origins each year to make sure we’re understanding their circumstances and challenges as well. This is an example of: According to class, the first step in the rational decision making process should actually be: There are 2 main types of cooperative contracts that companies use when doing business globally. This legislation would be classified as. Plum Plastics has extremely creative employees who, in the opinion of the organization, keep the company ahead of the competition. Which is not one of the 4 types: One of the things I do in my job is to update the digital display next to my office so that everyone can know what is going on in the Dept of Business & Economics. Hallmark has four departments. As VP of sales and marketing, Debra is very interested in the likely impact of corporate social responsibility (CSR) on customers' willingness to buy Theo Chocolate products. Theo Chocolate sources 70% of its chocolate from the Democratic Republic of Congo, supporting more than 4,600 farmers and their families as they reinvest in their community. It is common and acceptable for people to come in late or leave early from the marketing department's weekly meetings. This is a ______ that indicates Bethel's key cultural beliefs of trust and honesty. Theo Chocolate measures its value to society by. Which is NOT one of the three? My entire life I've been a daily chocolate eater, but I think it really wasn't until I got to know Joe that I started to understand the depth of the story of chocolate and all of the social and environmental issues surrounding chocolate. We have opted out of the global commodity cocoa market, because the prices it pays are volatile and leave farmers guessing about how much money they’ll make year to year. Earlier this year, Trout Lake Camp had a table in the commons to try to find students to work there over the summer. Which of the following statements about employee separation is true? 1. We love hearing from fans. Learn more Today Congolese cocoa represents 70% of Theo’s total cocoa supply and can be found in every single chocolate … Explain which of the four strategies for responding to social responsibility best reflects Theo Chocolate. The team finds it difficult to come up with ideas or generate solutions to problems. We mentioned a number of things in class that are currently threatening the stability of the European Union. Managers perform functional tasks in addition to management tasks. Support your opinion with examples I fell in love with chocolate originally as a kid. Starbucks uses a cross-functional team because it __________. ____________ is the process of gathering information about job applicants to decide who should be offered a job. To evaluate Theo's new strategy in light of the company's strengths, weakness, opportunities, and threats. You're pretty sure your group isn't doing enough to get an A, but don't say anything because you really like your group and don't want to make the other people mad. What prerequisite to change am I still missing? The creativity of these employees would be classified as: In our class example, we saw that General Mills significantly narrowed their product lines, selling off segments like Izod and Eddie Bauer. A wide reaching piece of legislation was passed by the US Congress in 1964 which makes it illegal to discriminate in employment practices (like pay and hiring) based on race, color, religion, sex and national origin. Three years ago, when many high-end chocolate makers were focused on Madagascar, Seattle-based Theo Chocolate, began focusing on sourcing DRC-grown cocoa. As a consumer, you are going to see this efficiency reflected in lower prices. This is an example of the management function of: What has a greater impact on employee behavior and choices? Introduction: Theo Chocolate was started by Joe Whinney in Seattle in 2006 with its name encouraged from Theobroma Cacao, a Greek word means Gods' food. >> I'm Debra, vice-president of sales and marketing for Theo Chocolate. This is an example of: Which is NOT an advantage of satisficing in decision making? Is it valid for Theo to attempt to be the Starbucks of chocolate? We also pay an additional price premium for better quality beans. This is an example of: An increased potential for miscommunication. Beyond just being transparent with farmers about pricing, we strive for all of the cocoa farmers we do business with to have tasted the chocolate made from their beans. Which of these does NOT enable a larger span of control? Excellence. In 2006, Theo Chocolate designed the value proposition and value creation process firmly around the ideals of place (origin of cocoa), people (fair trade), and planet (global footprint). Low cocoa prices means farms aren’t always profitable, and disincentivize farmers from investing in their farms or families. This is an example of: The more stable an organization's external environment is, the more ___________ their structure tends to be. We then went around the room and made decisions about housing, transportation, food, education, health care and more. This is described as being in a state of: Russia imposed limits on how much poultry, beef, and pork could be imported into the nation from the European Union in retaliation to limits the EU placed on how much grain Russia could export. Allows the company to use employees from various departments with varying perspectives to attack the task. This would indicate a high degree of: The term ___________ refers to both the financial and nonfinancial rewards organizations give employees in exchange for their work. Theo Chocolate is so committed to transparency in their supply chain that they subject their factory to the same certification standards their … Which of the following was NOT identified as a reason why people withhold their effort in teams? Theo chocolate’s states that its “fair Trade” practices include:     Using only pure ingredients that are grown sustainably. Our own facilities are certified and we get audited each year along with our suppliers. One of the reasons Bethel chose not to put lights on our tennis courts is so they wouldn't shine in the windows of our neighbors. Mary Parker Follet encouraged managers to: Which management idea first introduced the idea of pay for performance-that if employees meet pre-established levels of productivity they were paid more money? He really enjoys it and feels he is pretty good at it. Listening to all of you talk about where you're going, though, have made me see a more desirable alternative-a beach somewhere instead. mass market and provide value to society. The group was divided into "families" with a certain income to spend. Evaluate Theo’s new strategy in light of the company’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. Social responsibility is a business's obligation to pursue policies, make decisions, and take actions that benefit society. Which of the following methods for managing resistance to change should only be used as a last resort or under crisis conditions? Throughout this process and along our entire supply chain, we are committed to full transparency. What they are doing is trying to motivate change (and giving) by: Increasing participation planning and implementing the change. This is an example of a company operating in the _____ level of social responsibility. The choices we make here in Seattle touch lives across the planet in real and lasting ways. Their portfolio can now be classified as: The purpose of trade barriers like tariffs and quotas is to: According to Michael Porter, five industry forces determine an industry's overall attractiveness and potential for long-term profitability. Companies that choose a strategy of cost leadership tend to have a ___________ organizational structure. Theo Chocolate: ‘We are evaluating the issues raised by this claim. It is also considered “militia-proof” because its true value isn’t realized until it’s processed. Tags: Question 5 . They looked at every single possible supplier on the market, gathered complete information on all the choices, and choose the optimal supplier. Part of the messaging is that our current worship center is too small so people are not staying, visitors don't feel comfortable, many have to watch the service in the overflow gym, and that our growth is limited in the current building. One of Mary Parker Follet's main contributions to business was the understand of how to manage _______. Some people prefer working in tall organizations, especially those who: like to see a career progression through promotions. 4 This responsibility requires the business person to do some things which stem from generosity towards the community that they exist in. Determining if we are on track to accomplish our goals. 9. This is different than companies who may buy fair trade ingredients but don’t verify their own practices through an audit each year. (From the video) Which globalization hot spot has Holden chosen to produce its Portland, Oregon-based snowboarding apparel? The problem was the leaders of the country changed frequently and with each new leadership team, new policies and procedures were put in place and they'd have to start all over again. Which management thinker would most agree with this: I can encourage you to come to class, I can reward/punish you for coming to class, but the ultimate decision as to whether or not you come to class is yours. What helps us differentiate between the domains of law, ethics, and free choice of human actions? I'm Joe, founder and CEO of Theo Chocolate. How would you respond to the following statement? 3. Well-Being. Both in the book and in class, we talked about the 4 different categories of workplace deviance. Offering a stable price to farmers allows them to plan their future with confidence, and quality premiums provide an incentive to maintain and improve the quality of their cocoa. These departments are (1) Flowers and Gifts, (2) Cards and E-cards, (3) Hallmark Collectibles, and (4) Photo Albums and Scrapbooks. Which of the following statements regarding cohesiveness is true? This law is known as the: Sometimes when a team has been together so long they start to have the same ideas and perspectives. Ryan is curious about how much he makes as an auditor for Deloitte verses how much his friends make as an auditor for EY; the same job at different companies. This is an example of: A former student of mine once told me about how her parents had been trying for years to start a new business in their native country of Nigeria. In contrast, Theo has a reliable base price, negotiated annually with our farm partners for meeting base quality specifications. We believe that full transparency is required to earn consumer’s confidence in our business practices and supplier’s confidence in our partnerships. the company’s impact on consumers, farmers and the natural environment. Gutsii Chocolate. THE NIBBLE, Great Food Finds, is an online gourmet food magazine with 1000+ product reviews including gourmet organic and fair trade certified dark chocolate. The president of any company needs the ability to think strategically, with a broad, long-term view of the company and the industry. This is an example of the management function of: Which is NOT one of the keys to an organizational culture that fosters success? A few weeks ago, I went to a poverty simulation held by Urban Ventures. Where standardization is important, it is appropriate to _____________. Honesty. Cocoa cannot be sustainable in that model because farmers have no reason to keep growing it. A firm (like Theo Chocolate) must organize its management systems, processes, policies and strategies to fully utilize the resource’s potential to … They were ___________ in their decision making. The audit looks at a number of things such as wages, working conditions, and our environmental impact. Michael is taking pottery as his A credit. GATT, NAFTA, and ASEAN are all examples of: Drain Well, Inc. is particularly concerned about pending legislation in Congress that would further regulate their organization. Hallmark uses ____________ departmentalization. Partnering with growers by ensuring they earn a living wage and have access to Education for their families. Based on the principles that what you measure is what you strive for and achieve, ... institution is the basic economic unit of society. The brand values of Theo Chocolate are being eco-friendly and socially responsible. This is an example of __________. Which of these is NOT one of the three basic characteristics of changing external environments. Interested in selling or using Theo Chocolate at your business? My current plans have been to stay at Bethel and grade. Which management thinker would be most excited by the pitching coach's work? An advantage of a buy strategy for expanding our portfolio is that: A primary purpose of the World Trade Organization (WTO) is to: Encourage international trade, especially seeking trade opportunities for developing countries. Which type of skills are of high importance for managers at all levels of the company. Which of these combinations of Porter's strategies is the most difficult for a company to achieve? A organization that exercises control on the basis of knowledge, expertise, or experience is a: In order to be eligible to play a NCAA sport at Bethel an athlete must make satisfactory academic progress with both the number of credits they pass and the GPA they earn. While Theo Chocolate is finding good success in the organic foods industry, perhaps the most exciting thing for “Theonistas” is that the company is being hailed as a voice for change. Under Joe’s stewardship, Theo Chocolate won numerous awards for both product quality and its commitment to social and environmental responsibility, including the Jane Goodall Award for Corporate Social Responsibility. We use third parties to certify that both Theo and everyone we work with is being authentic in our claims. A company provides greater value for its customers than its competitors. According to the book, this would be an example of: When AT&T hired a female as its president, it was evident that AT&T does not have a ___________ to prevent women from rising to leadership positions. Amy has decided to work hard to get the 94% test average so she doesn't have to take the final. answer choices . This is a... A manager regularly reads the Wall Street Journal to keep up to date with what is happening in the business environment. Which of the following is one of those forces Porter identified? Performance appraisals are usually __________ by HR and ____________ by managers. I sometimes walk through the commons and see students who have left their backpacks and even computers sitting there unattended for hours. Our approach to chocolate sets us apart as a company. Theo Chocolate not only follows a holistic approach to the products it makes but also creates a profitable business model that is beneficial to the planet. Which strategy can be profitable for an organization when customers are loyal and willing to pay high pries? According to Michael Porter, which of the following positioning strategies did The Home Depot adopt to deal with existing Canadian stores that sold similar products? Kolberg's 3 phases of moral development include: Preconventional, conventional, and postconventional levels. They source ingredients locally whenever possible. Theo Chocolate was established based. the efficiency of its chocolate making process. On the other hand, if Theo Chocolate were to actively prevent unionization, the company risked consequences beyond bad press. They have stores in 37 countries and all of their stores carry the same products worldwide. Precisely because quality of life is to be a key measure of success for the economic. Theo Chocolate's creators believe that they have an obligation to maximize the firm's positive impact and to minimize its negative impact on society, which is best described as. "The fundamental rethinking and radical redesign of business processes to achieve dramatic improvements in critical measures of performance, such as cost, quality, service, and speed" is the book's definition of: A 360-degree performance appraisal has many benefits over a traditional appraisal. From the cocoa farmer in the Congo, to the truck driver in Seattle, and the chocolate lover in Philadelphia, we believe there is a thread that runs through us all. When Millard Fuller, who founded the world-renowned Christian housing ministry Habitat for Humanity International with his wife, ended his service as president his role was limited to that of a figurehead. It’s why we make our own chocolate, to ensure that everyone is treated in a way that we can be proud of and that only the highest quality ingredients and processes are used. In the first few days after Hurrican Katrina, Wal-Mart delivered $20 million in chash, 100 truckloads of free merchandise, and food for 100,000 meals to aid in hurrican relief. In fact, the other day while throwing pots down in the art room, he got so into it he didn't even notice the time flying by. Full material disclosure may improve corporate transparency, but not necessarily have a net positive effect on a corporation. As a company rooted in cocoa, our mission is to create a more beautiful, compassionate, and enduring world by responsibly making delicious and inspiring products for everyone. Our own facilities are certified and we get audited each year along with our suppliers. One of the things I did was try to encourage and motivate him to do what it would take to meet his goal of graduating. Goals and plans tend to be set from the _______________ and implemented from the __________________. Manufacturer: Theo Chocolate, Inc. Food category: Chocolate; A few foods with a name containing, like or similar to THEO, DARK CHOCOLATE, UPC: 874492003616: PCC FARMLAND TRUST, THEO DARK CHOCOLATE BAR, CHERRY and CHILI, UPC: 874492001865 contain(s) 476 calories per 100 grams or ≈3.527 ounces [ price] Hotels near Theo Chocolate, Seattle on Tripadvisor: Find 39,013 traveler reviews, 50,063 candid photos, and prices for 30 hotels near Theo Chocolate in Seattle, WA. Our first contract in 2010 was for just twenty tons and it was a struggle to buy from farmers. They were: ___________ is the relatively stable set of behaviors, attitudes, and emotions displayed over time that makes people different from each other. Theo Chocolate . In the 1960's, Coca-Cola executives in Atlanta learned there was a bottler in the Colombian jungle that was bottling prated Coke in discarded bottles. It gives both us, and those who love our chocolate, peace of mind that each Theo product is helping to create better lives for everyone. Coke decided in the _____________ stage of the rational decision-making process that it could either bring some sort of legal action against the unauthorized bottler, ignore it, or buy it. This means that it takes significantly less room in shipping and at the store can be easily stacked in their warehouse-style store, and requires no assembly by their employees. After this change, what functions did Fuller most likely do until he retired? Its responsibility is to produce the . In order to monitor progress of athletes at risk, Assistant Athletics Director Greg Peterson requests feedback fro faculty on students' progress and then looks for ways to help struggling athletes. IKEA follows which of Porter's 3 strategies? Community. Our model is based on a core idea - chocolate can be made in a way that allows everyone in the bean-to-bar process to thrive. Joe and Deborah see Theo Chocolate as a triple bottom line company; they value people, they value the planet, and they value profit, all in equal measure. Tag us for a chance to be featured on our feed. the ability to provide low cost goods. This is an example of: Planning has 3 major components. © Copyright 2021 Theo Chocolate, Inc. 2. The amount of control someone else has in determining if an action is right or wrong. The oint was to challenge the underlying assumptions and stereotypes held about people in poverty. This is an example of management function of: In Bethel's freshmen seminar class ILA (Introduction to the Liberal Arts), msot students read the story about how John Alexis Edgren founded Bethel. the ability to maximise profits. An increase in work specialization tends to increase.... A large meat packing plant in Worthington, MN has over 2000 employees who speak over 60 native languages. Customer service: interacting with dog owners at check in/pick up to make them feel special but keeping the line moving. Theo Chocolate. Joe Whinney is the Founder and former CEO of Theo Chocolate, the first organic and fair-trade chocolate maker in North America. ______________ occurs when managers choose an alternative that is good enough, rather than the best possible alternative. An organization's ________ is unique to that firm's industry and directly affects the way it conducts business day to day. This is a problem of: Bureaucratic and Administrative Management philosophies tend to focus on: Which of the following would be a component of Red Robin's general environment? ", Cognitive conflict is strongly associated with improvements in team performance. This means it has a low level of: A main disadvantage of Scientific Management is that it: What as NOT one of the 6 reasons we gave in class for why people act unethically at work, They don't have a corporate code of ethics in placee, Theo Chocolate measures its value to society by, the company's impact on consumers, farmers and the natural environment. Company X wanted to start using a different supplier for one of their main parts. Which of these is NOT true about a mission statement as compared to operational plans? With the responsibility to give back to the society, people and environment, Theo Chocolate incorporated its model of philanthropy and social responsibility to a successful business concept. This is an example of: discretionary responsibility (they went above and beyond what the society expected). Pitching coaches often help the players identify and eliminate wasted motions that not only make the throw less effective, but also unnecessarily tire out a pitcher's arm. Theo Chocolate built its image by producing organic, Fair Trade, bean-to-bar chocolate. A disadvantage of internal recruiting is that it.... can lessen the morale of those who weren't selected, _____________ is the extent to which team members are attracted to a team and motivated to remain with it. In January 2013 Theo, in partnership with Eastern Congo Initiative (ECI), released two chocolate bars using organic, fair-trade cocoa sourced from farmers in the northeastern region of the DRC. The research on diversification in portfolio management indicates that the best approach is probably ____________. … We are fully confident in both the quality and safety of Theo Chocolate products … we take robust measures to ensure the safety of our products.’ See’s Candies: ‘See’s regularly evaluates its products to assure compliance with all state and federal guidelines. Dhir & Vinen (2005:7) write that -the real value of a company often derives from its intangible assets.‖ Aqueveque (2005) also writes that corporate trustworthiness translates to goodwill, but is also intangible. This is known as: When The Home Depot opened stores in Canada, it ran a series of ads featuring an animated hammer that showed that the U.S.-based home improvement store had the lowest prices. All of these statements about employee separation are true. H&M is a Swedish-based clothes retailer. He performed ceremonial duties like greeting company visitors. _________ is defined as unethical behavior that violates organizational norms about right and wrong. Additionally, you will be more likely to come to class if you respect me as a teacher enough to accept my authority. Chenab, Ltd. a clothing manufacturer in Pakistan has a hard time getting enough electricity to run its plants. Which one of these was NOT a point we made about change? THis is designed to help: communicate and maintain Bethel's culture. The manager is performing the role of a _____. In 2002, GM knew that their cars had a faulty ignition system but went ahead with production anyway since changing it would be a really large cost. In class, I introduced the change chapter by having you do an exercise where you changed things about yourself, the purpose of which was to experience first hand some truths about change. Join our wholesale program to get access to easy online ordering & wholesale pricing. Prior to Scientific Management, most workers: used their own tools and did their job however they wanted to (including how fast they wanted to). Many of you are leaving today to go out of town for spring break. The term _________ refers to the degree to which someone is organized, hard-working, responsible, preserving, thorough, and achievement-oriented. You are working on a project in a group for a class. company was trying to help. Lives and works outside of his or her own country. In order to complete the returns, her boss showed her how to use a computer software package. According to our class discussion using flipchart paper, when is conflict in a team NOT good? A review of the superb chocolate from Theo Chocolate: fair-trade certified dark chocolate. Mark Arnoult (from our video), can be referred to as a ______________ at Walgreens because he formally guided the change effort to start the "Get a shot-Give a shot" campaign. In addition, the value of traditional pension plans to the worker may be somewhat tempered by the widespread underfunding of the plans, both in the private and public sectors, reducing the plans’ security. "Group conflict is always bad. It gives both us, and those who love our chocolate, peace of mind that each Theo product is helping to create better lives for everyone. Created by Theo Employees, our values are the foundation of how we do business. Weber felt one of the main advantages of a bureaucracy is that it: Bases promotions based on qualifications instead of heredity. With surface-level diversity, differences are immediately observable, easy to measure, and ____________. An organizational development initiative designed to implement change and increase the effectiveness of the organization is called a(n) ___________________. This is called: The job of the concepts managers at Starbucks is to use a cross-functional team to develop four to six new beverages annually. '” Theo has partnered with Eastern Congo Initiative (ECI), founded by Ben Affleck, to create its first-ever chocolate offering made from 100 percent Congolese cocoa. Patterns of innovation over time that can create sustainable competitive advantage are called. According to the Cola Wars, Pepsi made better use of the technological dimension of the environment by: Producing milk is a simple business that has experience few environmental changes. That knowledge, and that responsibility, drives us to do things in ways that contribute towards a more compassionate and enduring world. Solution: Theo Chocolate embodies the concept of sustainability Concept Introduction: While preserving the environment and society, the economic development that generates the wealth and meets the need of the present generation so that the future generations also meet their needs is referred to as sustainability. This is an example of Mintzberg's managerial role of: On Friday, one of my advisees came to see me to tell me he's already falling behind in his classes.
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