t2b haplogroup ireland

(2013). The latter defines the T1a13, T2b16 and T2i clades, which therefore may have increased athletic predispositions. Within these areas, the frequency is in about 50% of the population. I am working on changing results over to build 17. Note: GenBank results currently use Phylotree build 16. I'm posting for you a migratory map of Haplogroup mtDNA T (as well a J) from when T first formed some 28,000 years ago between the Black and Caspian sea's and so you can see in the darkened areas where the european branch first dispersed up north into the Pontic Steppe and then slowly morphed southwestwardly into eastern europe. The mutation defining haplogroup T happened some time around 29,000 years ago, probably in the East Mediterranean region. But these are mtDNA, not Y-dna. Highest frequencies more prevalent in North Italians … It is maintained by Dr. Mannis Van Oven. Ruiz-Pesini et al. T2b is the most common T2 subgroup found in Europe today and it has been identified in ancient samples from the LBK in central Europe. Furthermore, T1a1a1 is particularly common in countries with high levels of Y-haplogroup R1a, such as Central and Northeast Europe, but also everywhere in Central Asia and deep into North Asia, as far east as Mongolia. The following members of the community offer paid consulting for those seeking help with mtDNA results. ... Ireland (3313)-1 T2 Poland (1413) Ashkenazi 1 T2 Russia (850)-1 T2 United Kingdom (2423)-1 T2b Germany (3922) Ashkenazi 1 High Resolution Matches (HVR1+HVR2) Haplogroup Country Comment Count T2 Germany (996)-1 Tags: None. (2007) and Kofler et al. One of the most engaging features of 23andMe’s Personal Genome Service is a customer’s ability to trace his or her genetic ancestry using the mitochondrial DNA and the Y-chromosome. (2014) analysed the mtDNA of 395 elite Polish athletes (213 endurance athletes and 182 power athletes) and 413 sedentary controls, found that members of haplogroup T were as common among athletes as in the control group. (2007). Haplogroup E1b1 likely originated in the highlands of Ethiopia in East Africa, and diverged into two subclades, E1b1a and E1b1b, around 26,000 years ago. The paternal haplogroups corresponding to these lineages might have been E-M78 and J2b, two haplogroups thought to have settled in Southeast Europe in the Late Glacial or immediate postglacial period too. T1a1 : found throughout Europe and the Middle East / found in EBA Moldova (Cucuteni-Trypillia culture), in Chalcolithic Poland (Corded Ware culture), in Bronze Age Russia (Fatnyanovo culture), in the Unetice culture, and in MLBA Jordan, T1a1a1: Indo-European subclade found in Europe, the Caucasus, the Near East, Central Asia and South Asia, T1a1b: found in Europe (Germany, Finland, Lithuania, Ukraine), the South Caucasus, the Near East, Iran and the Indian subcontinent, T1a1c: found in Mesopotamia, Armenia, Ukraine, Germany, the Netherlands, France, Britain, Ireland, Italy, Portugal and the Canaries, T1a1f: found in the Near East and North Africa, T1a1i: found in Russia, Estonia, Norway, Ireland and Czechia, T1a1j: found in Sweden, Belarus and Turkey, T1a1k: found in Russia, Ukraine, Romania, Finland, Sweden, Germany, Austria, and Britain, T1a1l: found in Bulgaria, Serbia, Albania and Italy, T1a1q: found in Finland, Sweden and Norway, T1a3: found in England, Scandinavia, Germany, Lithuania, Algeria, Greece and India, T1a2: found in Egypt, Israel, Iraq, Turkey, Cyprus, Italy, Germany and France / found in Bronze Age Israel and Iron Age Lebanon, T1a4: found in Britain, Ireland, Spain, Italy, Slovakia, Mesopotamia, Azerbaijan and Iran, T1a5: found in Russia, Scandinavia, Britain and Portugal, T1a7: found in Sweden, Germany, Cyprus and Sudan, T1a8: found in Russia, Ukraine, Italy, Spain, Iraq and Saudi Arabia, T1b1: found in Jordan, Georgia and Sweden, T1b3: found in Ukraine, Poland, Turkey, Iran and the North Caucasus, T1b4: found in Mesopotamia, Turkey and Greece, T2a1a: found in Europe, the Near East, Central Asia and India / found in Late Neolithic England (Bell Beaker) and EBA England, T2a1b (formerly T4): found especially in Scandinavia, Illyria, Russia, the Caucasus, Central Asia, Iran and Egypt / found in Neolithic Orkney, in Bronze Age Russia, Poland and Scotland, and in Iron Age Lebanon, T2b2: found mostly in western Europe, but also in Iran and India, T2b3: found in mostly in western Europe (especially Sardinia), but also in eastern Europe, Azerbaijan and the Maghreb / found in Neolithic Alsace and Late Neolithic Italy, Spain and France (Bell Beaker), T2b4: found mostly in Europe, but also in Azerbaijan, Mesopotamia, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan and Nepal, T2b4a: found in western Europe and Russia (Volga Tatars), T2b7: found in Finland, Sweden, the Netherlands, France, Switzerland and Italy, T2b7a : found in MLBA Israel (Tell Megiddo), T2b11: found in Europe (incl. I haplogroup is found in Scandinavia and Croatia with some in the Middle East, which most likely is the source. Already a celebrity when he was alive, he became a legendary figure of the Wild West after his death.
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