strongholds and followers retainer creator

Strongholds with higher prestige are listed higher on the public strongholds listing if you choose to list your stronghold there. ♥. Giving my PC's a living, breathing world is something I've always struggled with, and while I'm doing my best to avoid "pausing" things that occur outside the sphere of influence my PC's have, I often find it hard to do this with published adventures due to key encounters etc. : a sapient magician’s workshop that’s … :D To simulate the notion that the Chain of Acheron is a large mercenary company, not just these five PCs, the players will have access to a bunch of retainers equal to their Charisma Modifier. Matt Colville created a rulebook called Strongholds and Followers. Retainers. I will not be reposting the rules on this or any site.As for using the pdf, you should be able to modify the text and portrait image by opening the file in any program that can read a pdf. SHIPPING UPDATE: Significant delays due to COVID; international orders severely impacted. The artwork is incredible. A character needs to reach fifth level before finding a follower, though. The rules are awesome and well thought throu… And, as a DM, if you find it annoying, you can always reduce the amount of low AC targets in an encounter. This is, in my opinion, one of the coolest 3rd party solutions to this problem I’ve seen. A way to alter the rule could be: the retainer's attack value always matches their leader's. You debunk the lies of the enemy, with the truth, which is in the Word of God! Getting three retainers would be incredibly difficult and unlikely and I suspect you won't see it in your game, unless you just hand out retainers. Spy on your enemies! I don't think any retainer will ever be as effective in combat as their Leader, so if you want to give up your PC's effectiveness in order to score an auto-hit on a BBEG with a retainer, you can, but I think it would be highly suboptimal. Strongholds and Followers Framework. It is the result of a 2018 Kickstarter project that featured this book, as well as new dragon miniatures and funding for livestreaming Matt Colvile’s campaign. Sign In. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, More posts from the mattcolville community, Discussion of Matt Colville's "Running the Game" YouTube series and MCDM's "Strongholds & Followers", "Kingdoms & Warfare" 5th Edition supplements, ARCADIA digital magazine for 5th edition GMs and players, and "The Chain" actual play D&D livestream (currently on hiatus), as well as TTRPGs in general and other MCDM projects —————————————————— Need assistance with your MCDM store order or your Kickstarter pledge/preorder? Hi, I really like what I've read so far and I can immediately see where I can use this book for two adventures I've been toying with; Storm King's Thunder and a converted Pathfinder Adventure Path - Kingmaker. Benefit : You can spend a move action to give battle orders to your troops, granting creatures under your command within 60 feet your choice of a +1 morale bonus on attack rolls , a +1 dodge bonus to AC, or a +1 bonus on a single type of saving … I'm a big fan of the style of the 5e sheets, so I had a look and couldn't find anyone who'd done this before. So a player hitting something weaker - especially if they can kill it quickly - and getting a free start on the BBEG is actually incredibly effective. Units are soldiers. Their main use is in the warfare rules. Players can create and run them during an adventure if they desire to use them as potential replacement characters if their main characters die. And your 3rd or 5th or 7th level follower probably won’t last terribly long without backup. But writing a rule then having to ask players not to use it effectively is simply bad design. D&D - Stronghold Builder's Guide.pdf. High-AC boss with Low-AC mooks: In this situation, your enemy is either a plate-wearing juggernaut with plenty of HP, or a dextrous striker who deals lots of precision damage. Numquam modi consequuntur earum illo sunt. After talking about it online, some of his fans asked him to write it up, and after a successful kickstarter, this was the product. :D. Sounds like a classic bag-of-rats problem that can be solved by asking the players to not abuse a rule that is meant to speed things up. Essential's Sidekick: I find them too restrictive if you have more than 2 or 3 followers. Followers come in three varieties: units, retainers, and artisans. Any rules my players abuse will be used against them. A stronghold can become the center of a campaign, a place of respite, or a valiant bastion against the dark forces that threaten the world. I think it's human nature to want to use this to gain a tactical advantage, having a retainer engage high AC targets while their PC's target lower AC targets, landing hits more regularly. For example, my stronghold with a 1,000 prestige will be listed a lot lower than someone who has unlocked a ton of decorations. I think "your retainer always gets the same roll you do" is a better system. This includes rankers and perhaps some junior officers.1 1 Retainers 1.1 Retainers of King 1.2 Retainers of Judge 1.3 Retainers of Boots 1.4 Retainers of … The book itself is absolutely gorgeous. Which, of course, I have done. Estimated to ship in Q3 2021. Follower/Retainer Character Sheets So, my players recently got some followers, and I wanted some kind of sheet for them to use. However, they can be useful starting points for creating NPC allies and enemies for Freeport adventures, apart from the stronghold rules. Prerequisite: You must have the Leadership feat and must lead at least 10 combat-capable followers (such as fighters or rangers). I think a simple middle ground is just to say The PC is the Hero, your retainers will naturally leave the big monsters to you and focus on the weaker minions. ♥. Strongholds & Followers is the first book by MCDM. At the time of King's speech, there were about 12 members of the Chain who were neither senior officers nor retainers. I need to mention that we also made a video version of the review. This is Issue #1; you can get it on the MCDM Patreon or through the MCDM Shop and download it right now!. For success in drawing followers one must build a stronghold so that these followers will have a place to gravitate towards. Of course having a high AC doesnt automatically mean a creature is the toughest thing in the fight, but generally it is the case. Nah, I think a system that seems designed to have your sidekick fight the Big Bad while you fight a random mook is poorly designed. We're a small team of video game industry professionals who have joined forces to create cool shit for tabletop gaming. I really like this part of the book, there are rules on how to build and maintain a stronghold that come with their own demesne. In addition to these new rules are a demo adventure, some new monsters, and an updated mass combat system which, in addition to tweaking and supplementing the system from Unearthed Arcana , also serves as a preview for Colville’s next … Thank you for your patience, understanding, and support! Thank you for your patience and understanding! There's no limit in the rules to how many retainers you can have, but there's also no way, according to the rules, to just get a retainer. Today I want to give a sort of semi-review. I thought I read that you could only take one retainer with you, if not that's how I would rule it, I I think it also suggest other things that your retainers can be doing for you as followers such as being your Lieutenant. This is the digital (PDF) version of Strongholds & Followers!Strongholds & Followers is a supplement for 5th Edition that gives your character something to spend their money on and extend their influence in the local area. Strongholds and Followers Enhanced by - Created with GM Binder. Not only are you chipping away at the BBEG's HP - and therefore also testing out his resistances/etc - but you're helping turn the action economy even more in your favor by removing something that could be a threat later in the combat. I'm using that in the Chain of Acheron game. It's audio-only and about an hour… They will probably anyways run out of low AC cannon fodder soon enough, and then they cannot anymore use the tactic on the high AC boss. One of the most popular offerings from creator Walrock Homebrew , an earlier version of this content has scored a 9.2/10 on /r/boh5e, a subreddit devoted to reviewing and collecting the best homebrew content on the internet. Best Third Party Books for D&D 5e, Ranked. I'm not at home at the moment so can't check the rules to make sure I'm right but I feel like even if we ignore how less effective the retainers attack would be compared to the player's If they send a retainer against a BBEG that should be a sure fire quick way to get that retainer very dead. Set the character sheet to custom. Let’s consider a few “boss fight” scenarios. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Rolling separately for the retainers is tedious and only solves a problem, if the players make it one. Most are also junior officers. However, Matt Colville’s book Strongholds and Followers has a mechanic called “Retainers,” where the NPC has a Primary Ability (+4), a Signature Attack, and three Special Actions. Either way, the big bad in this scenario probably has multi-attack or sneak attack, or just deal multiple dice of damage per hit. If the players come up with clever ways of using systems, why not let them have it? My house rule is that you can only have a number of retainers equal to your Charisma modifier. I believe an incredible secret is being kept on this planet. This page lists the retainers to the senior officers of the Chain of Acheron. Discover the top Bible verses about Strongholds from the Old and New Testaments. Making them only auto-hit the same target is an easy fix. They believe there are but few here and there wandering the desert. If PCs want to risk their retainers by asking them to take on the bbeg, that's fine. If you have a big bad dragon, surrounded by kobolds, then yes this would be an issue. Whatever the case, the BBEG is probably intended to get into melee and dish out the pain. Whenever target unit inflicts a casualty, increment the casualty die of that unit by 1 (to a maximum of their starting size) as long as you … This was my first thought... Basically makes the rules work the way Matt wants it to minus the ability to on purpose target easy to hit mobs in order to land scores on harder mobs... All while allowing the retainer to hit the lower AC mobs even if you miss the high AC mobs. We'll reopen snail mail when it's safe to do so! My purpose here is not to give a full critique of the writing and its worth, but rather to point out the things I think it does well, and the things I wish they'd put more work into or given … Removing the small fry so you can focus the big guy is tactically sound in D&D where the lack of wound penalties means you need to remove an opponent. Followers, retainers and henchmen are loyal friends and allies to the player characters. I don't normally mind optimization, but when a system actively encourages you to do something that hurts the narrative, that system is badly designed. Yeah I think the retainer rules can also benefit the GM quite a lot, but we'll see how or if they're used. Surely it depends on the encounter? They are a unique version of this supplement and I strongly suggest this section is read over carefully. The implications on using simplified NPCs in the retainer’s section is great, and the various monsters and magic items are useful even outside the framework of the new rules. I guess that, in the end, the severity of this depends highly on what kind of players you have. They’re unlikely to solo the boss for you with their one attack per round. Strongholds are birthed and dwell in deception (which are lies and false beliefs), so naturally the cure is to bring the truth in God's Word on the scene. However, due to COVID-19, we aren't currently checking our PO Box. Welcome to ARCADIA, MCDM's brand-new digital magazine for 5th Edition GMs and players. Click on the little speech bubble on the bottom right or email us at: We're a small team and we try to respond as soon as we can. In theory it promises a lot of things that I love: Castles, stewardship, and Heroes becoming more than lone adventurers in the wor… These stat blocks are incredibly streamlined and simple, and easy to modify quickly. But when you return home with a dead retainer, word might spread. May you find some insight from these related scripture quotes!To find the full context of shorter scripture quotes, click on "Chapter" above … Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. On Friday I gave my first impressions of Matt Coleville's Strongholds and Followers.Over the weekend and the past few days I've had more time with the book. Pick up the book, minis, GM screen, and Warfare Deck! I mean, the goal is for all to have fun, and I think a highly tactical player would feel pride in figuring those kinds of things out. Also, I cant find any reference to the number of retainers a PC can have at any time; I assume there is no limit? Although building a stronghold grants a character followers, they can also be earned in play. And Matt Colville delivers as promised. | Powered by Shopify. True. I see that the DM determines how often a roll is made so there's an element of control there, but what would fellow DM's do if your PC's say they want to stay home for a month actively recruiting more followers as retainers? Then they would have to deal with the decreased action economy of the retainers and the lower power level but I would probably make them do that Adventure. Strongholds and Followers consists of two major new rules blocks, the eponymous Strongholds and Followers. Maybe a character just wants to hire an army, or a rescued prisoner has a useful skill and becomes a retainer. The author, Matt Colville, is a DM with decades of experience and invented custom stronghold and followers rules for his regular D&D campaign. These correspond to “retainers” in most systems: classed, lower-level characters that get a share of the rewards. That way you still only roll once, retainers hit/miss the same target the leader is going for, and prevents the abuse situation you mention. My lord, as you know the Imperial Census has never been able to get an accurate count of the Fremen. Add new mechanics, monsters, and more to your tabletop campaign. For me, it's more that the rule doesn't promote the right story beats - the Hero takes on the goons so the sidekick can fight the boss? Strongholds & Followers brings a lot of options to the table, and it’s hard to know how much detail to focus on. But if you're fighting a load of goblinoids, who all have pretty much the same AC, then it shouldn't make a difference. Framework for running Strongholds and followers in roll20 VTT. If you wanna get emails from MCDM about new stuff in the store or other news, join our mailing list! Gamers and fans applaud Dungeons and Dragons Fifth Edition (D&D 5e) as perhaps the most accessible version of … I could actually find it really hilarious if my PCS wanted to send their retainers on a side mission and they stayed home. The Workshop Watches by Leon Barillaro.This is a short adventure for 5th-level characters featuring S.A.M. Click here for courier support info. Building a stronghold also inspires people, allowing you to attract followers by rolling on a chart specific to your class. This is a character sheet for use with MCDM's Strogholds and followers ruleset and a Roll20 pro account. I’ve been on the fence about grabbing this book for a while. In which case, having your retainers deal with the mooks makes plenty of sense. Followers: The stat blocks for retainers are highly abbreviated, since they have a reduced role in combat. Absorb Souls: (battle magic) Target: 1 Unit. Raise armies! Options for 5E D&D. In this book, he goes into detail about if your characters want to create a stronghold, and if you character gets followers (surprising, I know). D&D - Stronghold Builder's Guide.pdf. The stronghold rules work on multiple levels, allowing a GM to engage with them in steps that may not require a major shift in how the campaign works. Strongholds & Followers is a supplement by MCDM Productions. These form-fillable Retainer Cards are meant to be used in unison with the Retainer ruleset found in Matt Colville's D&D supplement "Strongholds and Followers." I really like what I've read so far and I can immediately see where I can use this book for two adventures I've been toying with; Storm King's Thunder and a converted Pathfinder Adventure Path - Kingmaker. What does the Bible say about Strongholds? The Bible says that our weapons are mighty for the tearing down of strongholds (2 Cor 10:4, "For the Followers. There are a couple of stronghold ideas that I'm going to adjust to better fit my group, but I was just wondering what others are doing regarding the rule that retainers always hit their targets if the leader PC's attack hits (even if it's a different target). © 2021 MCDM Productions I actually don’t hate that retainers auto-hit their targets. This chapter was the main reason for me backing the Kickstarter campaign. Some of you first heard about this project during one of our livestreams, but this is the official announcement... ARCADIA is live! Large-scale actions taken by your new army, your stronghold, or your followers sometimes take months or seasons. Thank you for thinking of us! Wait times can be significantly impacted if we're full-steam on our current projects—even if it takes awhile, we'll do everything in our power to make things right. Please email us at:, Press J to jump to the feed. I mean, it's not that ineffective. Research spells! Low AC boss, High AC mooks In this case, the boss is probably a spellcaster guarded by big stompy mooks. Purchase tabletop role-playing products from MCDM Productions, such as Strongholds & Followers, a 5th Edition reference to building strongholds and attracting followers, and preorder Kingdoms & Warfare, the follow-up supplement that expands on those mechanics! You have to roll on a chart, and land in a specific range. If you have any questions about our shop or what we've got going on, feel free to use the "Need help?" I really like castles and keeps, whether I use them as adventure locations or base of operations for the player characters, and having more information and ideas on these is simply great. Retainers are done differently than NPCs, or the Unearthed Arcana sidekick playtest material. These followers could be mercenary legions or artisan peasants, foreign ambassadors or fellow adventuring heroes! speech bubble on the bottom right of this page, or email us at: hello@mcdmproductions.comPeace... out! The book that started it all! Want them to hit the dragon? Read through the biblical references of Strongholds to learn more about its meaning and significance. I get that the plot will continue to progress with their inaction, but in long term adventures that are expected to last the span of 1-5 years, a month is not really that significant. Likewise, the sample artisan profiles can be used as-is or as inspiration for new background characters. Ok. Snicker-snack. Strongholds and Followers: Retainer Attack, open to abuse, and other musings? A quick fix is that the retainer also has to roll to hit irrespective of PC result, or to add a couple more monsters into the fight but then that starts slowing things down again. In this video we take a look at how to use the followers in Fantasy Grounds from the Strongholds and Followers modul To install you need to navigate to your game settings page. More than just a set of rules and cha Stronghold and Followers (3pp): the retainers are easy to run, they are quite streamlined (3 types of AC, all attack rolled with +6, all trained skills with +5 etc), but they use a whole other system for health and level up. Simulating the Senior Officer/Junior Officer structure. You make a good point actually, maybe I shouldn't worry about balance so much and just enjoy the story and badassery of the players and their people, Exactly the point I came here to make but put more eloquently. It was produced after a successful Kickstarter campaign raised over $2 million.
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