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Of these three sources, the ultimate authority is the decision and decrees of the reigning pope. It should be read prayerfully, listened to reverently, received believingly, obeyed implicitly. In spite of this, there are few who will"let God be true" or the absolute authority over their wills. The Heavenly Father gave full authority to his Son, equal to the Father’s own authority. The Bible is God's own Book, His Divine and perfect Revelation, His living Voice speaking to men, in all ages. ; The word “authority” is used rarely in the Old Testament. God requires his people to respect government authority. The important thing is to firmly take the Bible as your compass, your source authority, and disregard the multitude of conflicting, contradictory voices all around you. The Bible is the greatest earthly treasure that could possibly be placed in the hands of mankind. For a valuable overview of historic Baptist beliefs regarding the Bible, see L. Russ Bush and Tom J. Nettles, Baptists and the Bible (1980; second edition 1999). The Right of Authority As the sovereign Creator of the universe and the One who has established the divine institution of marriage and the home, God has placed children under the authority of their parents. The great civil war that has raged since the sin of Adam is the struggle between the authority of God and the will of man. Baptist statements of belief through the centuries … Deut. So many today are impressed Four things are clear: First, God has spoken audibly to certain human beings. The Bible records numerous instances where this … This is more than evident in Scripture by the fact that over and over God addresses parents and gives them the responsibility for the training of their children, not the state (cf. Its Divine Inspiration, Absolute Authority, And Daily Use John Ritchie. In return, the Son always does the will of his Father, and exercises his authority in complete harmony and unity with the Father. Rather, its basis is threefold: the Bible, tradition, and what is proposed as divinely revealed by the Roman Catholic Church. The Bible says that the God of Scripture is the living God who speaks with absolute authority on all matters. 6:18; 2 Tim. The Bible puts it like this: “Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding” (Proverbs 3:5, NKJV). in biblical usage, describes the absolute power and freedom of God, and claims that He is the source of all other authorization or power. It carries absolute authority and is unflinchingly reliable. It is life-giving wisdom, leading to … In the English New Testament it translates the Greek exousia , a word for which there is 23:19; Tit. There is no inconsistency here. 2:10-13). I urge you, first of all, to pray for all people. Way before the United States Bill of Rights, way before the Magna Carta, way before the renaissance, during the time of the most unfair, harsh cruelty, and unbelievably corrupt, Roman rule over Jerusalem, God showed that His people were to respect government authority…. Because Baptists regard the Bible as the sole written authority for faith and practice, the Bible is foundational for Baptist doctrine and church polity. The Authority of the Bible Relates to Other Basic Baptist Beliefs. For Roman Catholicism, the basis for truth is not absolute. The inspiration, inerrancy and absolute authority of Sacred Scripture is the ultimate “fundamental.” Without it, there is no certainty about anything the Bible teaches. The Bible tells us that God cannot lie (Num. 1:2; Heb. He has revealed these truths to us in a Book; the Bible. Although two may have equal authority, one may defer to the other without any loss of authority. The Bible is the only inspired, inerrant, infallible, clear, and sufficient standard for their faith and life.
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