moment of inertia rolling down a ramp

The more inertia something has, the more torque is required to get it rotating – you can think of inertia as the rotational analogue to mass. We will have a clear way to measure the results: which object gets to the bottom first? Your equation for the Gorilla tape should reduce to the theoretical equation that you obtained in challenge 2 for the speed of the solid can if the inner radius is zero. The different mass distributions cause the rolling objects to have different rotational inertia, so they roll down the incline with different accelerations. All three balls have a radius of 34.0 cm and a mass of 60.0 g. The nerds have figured out that one of … and well known. The difference between the hoop and the cylinder comes from their different rotational inertia. A group of physicist nerds are rolling three balls down a ramp to figure out the moment of inertia for the balls based on their speed at the bottom of the ramp. We’ll use the subscript m to refer to the marble and the subscript p to refer to the pool ball: There are a lot of variables in there, so here is a table to keep track of them all: Now, since both balls start from rest, whichever ball has the most linear speed at the bottom of the ramp will be the one to cross the finish line first. At the top of the ramp, each object has some potential energy due to the gravitational force. Take the bottom of the ramp to be the zero for the gravitational potential energy. Here are the links for anyone interested in checking them out: Rotational Dynamics of a Falling Meter Stick, PocketLab Voyager: Moment of Inertia and Conservation of Angular Momentum, Gorilla Tape on Ramp Video (VelocityLab App), Gorilla Tape on Ramp Video (PocketLab App), Temperature Probe - PocketLab Voyager and Weather. (Although they have the same mass, all the hollow cylinder's mass is concentrated around its outer edge so its moment of inertia is higher.) All three of these objects will rotate about their central cylinder axis while rolling down the ramp. Use the mass and radius sliders to adjust the mass and radius of the object (s). The cylinder will reach the bottom of the incline with a speed that is 15% higher than the top speed of the hoop. But why is this the case? Consider the following objects of mass m rolling down an incline of height h. (a) A hoop has a moment of inertia I = mr2. This is a simulate that allows the student to explore rolling motion. We know that the objects start from rest, so the initial kinetic energy is zero, and we know that at the bottom, the objects have zero potential energy. The objects will be rotating as they roll down the ramp, so the inertia is likely to influence the outcome. The roll of Gorilla tape has a shape known as an annular cylinder. In a manner similar to that from challenge 2, obtain a formula for the theoretical speed of the center of mass of the Gorilla tape when it reaches the bottom of the ramp. between two objects that roll without slipping down the ramp. (Use the following as necessary: m, h, r, and g.) vhoop = (b) A solid cylinder has a moment of inertia. Description. And while thought experiments are great, real experiments are more fun! Consider g = 10 m/s². Plugging in I = cMR 2: Mgh = ½ Mv 2 + ½ cMR 2 w 2 The moment of inertia (MOI) is the rotational inertia of an object as it rotates about a specific axis. All five objects are released from rest and roll the same distance down the same hill without slipping. Solution for a solid cylinder of mass m and radius r rolling down the ramp of height h. (A) what is the moment of inertia of the cylinder when it rolls down?… The Rolling Object Derby. Substituting in this value and simplifying gives us α = 2g sinθ/ (3r) Now we dig into our bag of formulas and fill out the equations with variables. An angled ramp will do it. You will note that PocketLab Voyager has been taped to a piece of cardboard that has, in turn, been taped to the back of the Gorilla tape. What does it mean physically that some objects are harder to rotate than others? Basically, inertia is a measure of how difficult it is to rotate an object around a particular axis. We will have a clear way to measure the results: which object gets to the bottom first? So, what is the real-world consequence of this? Each object will roll downward to the end of the ramp without slipping, resulting in rotational motion. Inertia is one of those quantities that kind of makes sense when you first hear about it, but then the math starts getting complicated and physical insight can be obscured. Objects with varying moment of inertia can be viewed as they roll down an inclined plane. Moment of inertia determines the torque required for a specific angular rotation about an axis. If I push harder (apply a larger force) on the box (still the same mass), it starts moving more quickly (a larger acceleration). All three of these objects will rotate about their central cylinder axis while rolling down the ramp. The initial kinetic energy is zero. This is a simulation of objects sliding and rolling down an incline. So, the final energy is Ef = KE of trans + KE of rot + M g yf = 1 /2 M v^2 + 1 /2 I ω^2 + M g yf , where v is the translational speed, I is the moment of inertia, and ω is the rotational speed. So, this suggests another experiment: taking two objects with different shapes and repeating the race! Starting from rest, we then set them both rolling down a ramp, to see which one would reach the bottom first. This is a simulation of five objects on an inclined plane. By comparing the results of the two experiments, we will be able to build some intuition about rolling motion. The acceleration will be less in this case because the lever arm of the torque is smaller. The moment of inertia of a sphere about its center is I = 2/5 MR². If the object is released from a height h, the initial potential energy is mgh. We will write the moment of inertia in a generalized form for convenience later on: Where A is 1 for a hoop, 1/2 for a cylinder or disk, 3/5 for a hollow sphere and 2/5 for a solid sphere. What did we learn here? A short quiz will follow. What are some possible reasons for differences between your experimental and theoretical results? Homework Statement: A small sphere of radius r = 5 cm, with mass = 50 g, is dropped from rest from the top of a ramp with height = 0.73 m, as show in the figure. They both have the same geometry – both are solid spheres – but their mass and size are quite different. As a physics tutor in Cambridge, I find that it’s easier for my students to stomach the math if they’re able to imagine what it means, if they can figure out the physical consequence hidden behind the equation. This is perhaps somewhat unexpected; most people think the pool ball should cross first because of its larger size and mass. Sometimes, when you are sitting in a physics class staring at an intimidating wall of math, it can be easy to lose sight of the fact that the laws of physics originated as hypotheses to explain observations in the real world. Here is the view from the starting line. We are interested in the motion of an object rolling (without slipping) down a ramp, as shown in the figure below. Does this speed depend upon knowing the exact value of the inner and outer radius, or simply on knowing the ratio of these radii? For example, when looking at Newton’s second law (F = m a), I imagine pushing on a box. But … Use the check boxes to select one or more objects. The forces that act on it are the gravitational force F g, a normal force F N, and a frictional force f s pointing up the ramp. The kinetic energy can be written as a sum of translational and rotational kinetic energy: K tot = K tran cm + K rot rel to cm = 1 2 mv cm 2 + 1 2 Icm w 2 where w is the angular speed of the rotation relative to the center of mass and Icm is the moment of inertia around an axis passing through the center of mass. You will need to do a Web search for the moment of inertia of a solid cylinder and hollow cylinder about their central axis. Let’s try to set up a situation in which having different values for the inertia creates different observable outcomes. Its kinetic energy therefore has two components:?퐸 = 1 2 푚푣 2 + 1 2 퐼휔 2 where m is the mass, v is the speed, I is the moment of inertia, and ω is the angular velocity. Why not just get a bunch of different objects and start rotating them around! The final kinetic energy is made up of translational and rotational kinetic energies. Rolling Lab Set the ramp to an angle 20 ... A solid object will always roll down faster than a hollow object if they have the same mass because a hollow object’s mass is concentrated around it’s outer edge, so it’s moment of inertia is higher. Join our free global community of cool science educators in the ScIC Facebook Group. The mass and size are different for the two objects, but those quantities get canceled out in the energy balance equation, and do not influence the result. The experiment says that I should roll the ball down a ramp and then measure the time it takes for the ball to roll from the end of the ramp … The math says that the two objects should get to the bottom at the same time, and that is indeed what we observe. Heavier objects also have more potential energy at the top of the ramp, since potential energy = mgh. How do the theoretical speeds of the can and hollow tube compare to those you obtained from your experiment? Figure 1 shows a ramp and three distinctly different objects that you will release from rest at the top. * Using the formula for the moment of inertia of a sphere rotated about its center, and rewriting the rotational velocity in terms of the linear velocity, the equations become: It looks like the mass and the radius cancel out! Generally, having a greater mass means that a rolling object, such as a ball, will have a greater moment of inertia. In this simulation, the user can explore the rolling motion of various objects. Whichever one is most difficult to rotate must have the largest moment of inertia. This is a simulation of five objects on an inclined plane. Since the ball is rolling it has both translational and rotational kinetic energy. Whether it was Newton getting bopped on the head by an apple, Galileo dropping stuff off the Tower of Pisa, or Franklin electrocuting himself with a kite, there was often an experiment that preceded and informed the mathematical formulation of a physical law. Today we will set up some experiments to investigate one of the more abstract concepts in classical mechanics: the moment of inertia. hbspt.cta._relativeUrls=true;hbspt.cta.load(174241, '38eeda04-3f2a-4498-ba1f-fcb9adfba121', {}); Tags: θ Ramp Soup Can For simplicity, we can limit the experiment to objects that have a circular cross-section. This results in different speeds for the center-of-mass of each object upon reaching the bottom of the ramp. Example: Rolling Down a Ramp A round uniform body of radius R rolls down a ramp. The ball can be any size and radius. Mgh = ½ Mv 2 + ½ Iw 2. Each of these three objects has a different moment of inertia when rotating about its central cylindrical axis. As with many mechanics problems, the simplest way to analyze this situation is to use conservation of energy. The cube slides without friction, the other objects roll without slipping. The cube slides without friction, the other objects roll without slipping. Another idea is to find a bunch of different objects and roll them down a ramp! It is important that the solid can be as solid as possible. Let’s analyze a generic object with a mass M, radius R, and a rotational inertia of: Start with the usual five-term energy conservation equation. Let’s try to figure out what’s going on here. Now we solve by energy conservation. Using conservation of mechanical energy, derive equations for the speed of the center of mass of the solid can and the hollow tube when they reach the bottom of the ramp. The race is on! What are some possible reasons for differences between your experimental and theoretical results. Ahh! Also, we can split up the kinetic energy into the energy due to rotational motion and the energy due to linear (or ‘translational’) motion: (initial potential energy) = (final rotational kinetic energy) + (final linear kinetic energy). When a ball is rolling down a ramp the whole ball is rotating so the moment of inertia you measure is the moment of inertia of the whole ball. The simpler the experiment, the better, because it will be easier to understand the results. This results in different speeds for the center-of-mass of each object upon reaching the bottom of the ramp. a) Considering a sphere that rolls without slipping, find the speed of the sphere at point A (0.1 m above the base of the … I have been asked to find the moment of inertia of a rolling ball. So our energy balance equation will look like this: (initial potential energy) + (initial kinetic energy) = (final potential energy) + (final kinetic energy). Which app do you feel would allow for the easiest and quickest analysis -- the PocketLab app or the VelocityLab app? It looks as though the two balls cross the finish line at the same time! I like to call the moment of inertia the "rotational mass". Solving for the velocity shows the cylinder to be the clear winner. As a specific case consider a solid cylinder and a hollow cylinder with the same mass and radius starting at rest and rolling down the same ramp side by side. "An object's moment of inertia I determines how much it resists rotational motion. The objects will be rotating as they roll down the ramp, so the inertia is likely to influence the outcome. Your equation for the Gorilla tape should reduce to the theoretical equation you obtained in challenge 2 for the speed of the hollow cylinder if the inner radius is equal to the outer radius. bottom of the ramp can be calculated using energy conservation. The author has created three previous lessons in which students investigate the concept of moment of inertia. For more relevant reading, check out these other blog posts, written by our physics tutors in NYC, Cambridge, and online: 3 Tips for Physics Standardized Tests, How to Frame the Problem, and How to Make Sure Your Answer is Right. Posted by The moment of inertia for a disk, or solid cylinder (see chart provided below), equals ½mr 2. What does it mean that the geometry of the object matters? physics, © 2020 Cambridge Coaching Inc.All rights reserved,, Inertia Experiments & Rolling Motion Part I. You will need to do some trig and apply the parallel axis theorem to calculate the moment of inertia ##I_P## about the point of contact with the ramp. The different mass distributions cause … Intuitively it is clear that rotating a rod that is fixed at one end is somehow different than rotating a rod that is fixed at its center, one case is likely to be harder than the other. We started with two objects that had the same shape, but very different size and mass. A solid object’s moment of inertia is lower, so therefore it travels faster. Each of these three objects has a different moment of inertia when rotating about its central cylindrical axis. Specify any important assumptions you are making for data collected in your lab setup. Description. Start with an object initially at rest at the top of the ramp, calculate the final linear velocity at the bottom of the ramp. How does the theoretical speed of the Gorilla tape roll compare to those you obtained from your experiment? First let’s pick some objects that are easy to get a hold of, so that you can try this for yourself if you like: we’ll start with a marble and a pool ball. 11.4: The Forces of Rolling. Patrick Callahan on 5/8/15 2:54 PM. As you might imagine, the geometrical shape of the object matters, as does the position of the axis of rotation. The cardboard tube, in contrast to the can, is hollow. For simplicity, we can limit the experiment to objects that have a circular cross-section. Moment of Inertia: Rolling and Sliding Down an Incline. Various Objects Rolling Down a Hill: Speed at Bottom—Solution Shown below are five objects of equal mass and radius. Having a greater moment of inertia will require more energy in order for the object to begin accelerating rotationally. The cardboard tube, in contrast to the can, is hollow. The moment of inertia, otherwise known as the mass moment of inertia, angular mass or rotational inertia, of a rigid body is a quantity that determines the torque needed for a desired angular acceleration about a rotational axis, akin to how mass determines the force needed for a desired acceleration. Let’s see what happens! I = 1/2mr^2. At the bottom of the ramp, that gravitational potential energy is converted into kinetic energy – some of the initial potential energy is used to get the objects rotating, and some is used to move the objects down the ramp. It depends on the body's mass distribution and the axis chosen, with … While it is not really possible to have an object with all of its mass at the center, it is possible to make one in which most of the mass is near the center, which reduces the moment of inertia enough that most of the potential energy goes … Conservation of energy says that *This is true if the objects have a constant acceleration, and since in this case all of the forces acting on the objects (gravity, friction and the normal force) are constant in time, the acceleration will be constant, too. Simplifying the equations, we have: As we can see, the marble and the pool ball have the same velocity at the bottom of the ramp, which explains why they cross the finish line at the same time. Moment of Inertia: Rolling and Sliding Down an Incline. What is the equation for the velocity vhoop of the hoop at the bottom of the incline? According to the theory, is the speed dependent upon the radius and mass of these two objects? Moment of Inertia: Rolling and Sliding Down an Incline – GeoGebra Materials. Design a PocketLab-based experiment to determine the speed of the center of mass when each of the objects reaches the bottom of the ramp. However, the geometry of the objects is the same – they are both solid spheres. The v = √(2gh) result is what we would obtain for an object sliding down a ramp through height h without any friction between itself and the ramp. The can of jellied cranberry sauce is a solid cylinder. However, this doesn’t seem to be a particularly good experiment – “this one feels harder to move” isn’t a very precise measurement. A quick sample video of the Gorilla tape rolling down the ramp appears below. I have chosen a solid ball. The objects had different values for the moment of inertia, but nonetheless reached the finish line at the same time. After watching this lesson, you should be able to figure out the moment of inertia of an object as it rolls down a ramp and compare it to a theoretical value. When I push (apply a force) on the box (a mass), it starts moving (it accelerates). The moment of inertia depends upon the distribution of mass of the rotating object in relation to the axis the object is rotating about. Cans of soup or other liquids which slosh around as the can rolls do not meet the definition of solid. But, it is incorrect to say that “the object with a lower moment of inertia will always roll down the ramp faster.” It takes a bit of algebra to prove (see the Hyperphysics link below), but it turns out that the absolute mass and diameter of the cylinder do not matter when calculating how fast it will move down the ramp - only whether it is hollow or solid. It is therefore easy to see that an object with a higher moment of inertia will take longer to roll down the ramp.
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