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Squires poured water over their hands, while maids piled bread in baskets beside them, and pages filled bowls with wine: and they reached for the good things spread before them. The passivity of piety seems to contradict the strength of honorable action. Telemachus. Translated and Edited by Ian Johnston Vancouver Island University Nanaimo, British Columbia Canada 2019 [Note that this edition is an extensively revised and enlarged version of the Odyssey Abridged text first published in 2008. 9 8 from the Odyssey, Part I 953 Sailing from Troy Ten years after the Trojan War, Odysseus departs from the goddess Calypso’s island. But tell me truly if you, tall as you are, are really Odysseus’ son. Insolently, Antinous, the leading suitor, denies responsibility and puts the blame on that "queen of cunning," Penelope (2.95). The son of Odysseus and Penelope. When the king realizes that Telemachus's companion is a god, he stops emphasizing Telemachus's eloquence and will, and focuses instead on the prince's dependence on the gods. At this, he led the way, and Pallas Athene followed. Just as he helped the guest arrive, he helps him to depart. 1 He was still an infant at the time when his father went to Troy, and in his absence of nearly twenty years he grew up to manhood. Like Nestor, Odysseus sets out the goal to be accomplished and leaves it to his son to find his own way of doing this. What two things has Odysseus done that make it nearly impossible for the suitors to “fight [their] way out or run for it”? Does Telemachus recognize Odysseus? The Iliad is an ancient Greek epic poem by Homer, which presents his interpretation of the events that took place during a few weeks of the tenth and final year of the Trojan War. The insolent Suitors entered and sat in rows on stools and chairs. What does Eumaeus tell Penelope? The other suitors mock the young man for his fighting words. Right away, we see that Nestor and the people of Pylos honor the gods. Yet all the gods pitied him, except Poseidon, who continued his relentless anger against godlike Odysseus until he reached his own land at last. Nestor continues to show his hospitality to Telemachus by assigning tasks to his sons and daughter. How he leapt up and vanished! But I have never seen Odysseus since that day, nor he me.’, Wise Telemachus answered: ‘I will speak honestly. Then she flew down from the heights of Olympus, and reaching Ithaca stood at Odysseus’ gate, at the threshold of the court. Telemachus tells his mother not to scold him for having left without warning and sends her off to her room “to promise full and sufficient hecatombs to all the gods if Zeus will only grant [them their] revenge upon the suitors.” (Pg. 5. Telemachus bears an uncanny resemblance to Odysseus both in speech and appearance, as attested by those who knew his father; the affinity between father and son underscores Telemachus’ emergence as a fully grown man. There, all night long, wrapped in a woollen fleece, Telemachus planned in his mind the journey Athene proposed. Some mortal may tell you, or perhaps a rumour sent by Zeus to bring news to men. The feast shows that the requirements of piety can be very elaborate and costly, and that they seem to vary slightly from country to country. Wise Telemachus was then the first to speak: ‘My mother’s Suitors, proud in your insolence, let us enjoy the feast for now, but without disturbance, since it is a lovely thing to listen to such a bard as this, with his godlike voice. If it seems preferable, more profitable to you, to waste one man’s estate without restitution, then do so, but I meanwhile will call on the eternal gods hoping that Zeus might grant a day of reckoning. Telemachus then gives an impassioned speech in which he laments the loss of both his father and his father’s home—his mother’s suitors, the sons of Ithaca’s elders, have taken it over. Did he win no favour with the sacrifices he made you, by the Argive ships, on the wide plains of Troy? ... -prowed ship a fair wind that filled the sail, a goodly comrade, was sent by fair-tressed Circe, dread goddess of human speech. Anotherreason Telemachus was so quick to rebuke Penelope was his deep desire to exerthis power and his dominance, his rightful dominance over the household. Athena disguises Odysseus as a beggar and directs him to the hut of Eumaeus,1 his old and faithful swineherd. What does Telemachus Telemachus addresses the crowd, complaining of the suitors’ behavior. And I will give you good advice, if you will hear me. Please refer to our Privacy Policy. What instructions does Odysseus give to Telemachus? A summary of Part X (Section3) in Homer's The Odyssey. Seeking out his aged nursemaid, Eurycleia, Telemachus instructs her to prepare barley meal and wine for the crew of his ship. Meanwhile I will go to Ithaca, to stir his son, and encourage him to call the long-haired Achaeans together, and speak his mind to the Suitors who slaughter his flocks of sheep, and his shambling cattle with twisted horns. Each part constitutes either a transition of narration or the tense in which the speaker is speaking. "My students can't get enough of your charts and their results have gone through the roof." In his heart she had stirred fortitude and daring, and made him think of his father even more. He makes her swear an oath that she will not tell his mother of his departure until he is ten days gone. Even in doing this he admits his own weakness, but, had I the power, my will should serve me to exempt this hour from out my life-time. Note the two speakers. Now, all the others, who had escaped destruction, had reached their homes, and were free of sea and war. This work may be freely reproduced, stored and transmitted, electronically or otherwise, for any non-commercial purpose. Examine how Telemachus addresses the assembly. Phaeacians, asks Odysseus to tell his story. But my heart aches for Odysseus, wise but ill fated, who suffers far from his friends on an island deep in the sea. The nymph Thoosa bore him, daughter of Phorcys who rules the barren sea: she slept with Poseidon in the hollow caves. Despite his reunion with his wife Penelope and his son Telemachus, Ulysses yearns to explore again. Often, exposition is bypassed and filled in gradually, through dialogue, flashbacks or description of past events. These men amuse themselves with music and song, freely, since they consume another’s wealth without repayment, one whose white bones are tumbling in the waves, or rotting in the rain on some far shore. Then I will lead him to Sparta and sandy Pylos to gain news of his loyal father’s return, if he can, and so win praise.’. But I am prompted to ask, dear sir, where has that stranger come from? We can infer that the gods care less about the details than about the fear and respect that inspire people to invent such complicated rituals. Tell us of these things, beginning where you will, Goddess, Daughter of Zeus. What does Theoclymenus, the seer, tell Penelope about Odysseus? Bk I:325-364 Telemachus rebukes his mother Penelope. Telemachus is young at first and just sits wondering about his father and can’t help himself neither his mother from the suitors but with the help of Athena he starts his voyage to find his father and faces obstacles and challenges in his voyage which makes him more strong physically and mentally. Now, as you see, with my ship and crew I beach here, in my journey over the wine-dark sea to foreign-speaking Temese, trading for copper and carrying glittering iron. He felt what had passed in his spirit, and was awed, realising a god had been with him, and godlike himself he at once rejoined the Suitors. Meanwhile his home is in a wretched plight—suitors are wasting his substance and plotting against his son. 4. Bk I:156-212 Athene introduces herself as Mentes. LitCharts assigns a color and icon to each theme in. Call the Achaean lords together tomorrow: speak to them all, with the gods for witness. Nestor admits that Telemachus needs the good will of the gods to succeed, and Athena implies that Telemachus already possesses it. But tell me, in truth, what is this feast, these folk? Then, in the morning, let us take our seats in the assembly, so I can declare to you all you must leave the palace. Tell me, Muse, of that man of many resources, who wandered far and wide, after sacking the holy citadel of Troy. Penelope and Eurycleia raise Telemachus, spoiling him as a child. I:252-305 Athene advises Telemachus to seek news. If they saw him here in Ithaca they would pray for swifter feet, rather than rich clothes and gold. Let us call each other friend, as our fathers did, friends of old. Athene herself drew close, and enhanced the limbs of the shepherd of his people. What does he say to them? So Hermes told him, but despite his kind intent he could not move Aegisthus’ heart: and Aegisthus has paid the price now for it all.’, Athene, the bright-eyed goddess, answered him at once: ‘Father of us all, Son of Cronos, Highest King, clearly that man deserved to be destroyed: so let all be destroyed who act as he did. But there are many other kings for the Achaeans, young and old, in Ithaca’s isle. The island is densely wooded and a goddess lives there, a child of malevolent Atlas, he who knows the depths of the sea, and supports the great columns that separate earth and sky. So go to your quarters now, and attend to your own duties at loom and spindle, and order your maids about their tasks: let men worry about such things, and I especially, since I hold the authority in this house.’. Then the Achaean host would have built his tomb, and he would have won a fine name for his son to inherit. "into the middle of things") opens in the midst of the plot (cf. I:213-251 Telemachus complains of the Suitors. Silence falls across the gathering as most of the men seem moved by the prince's plea. Homer - The Odyssey: a new English translation - Book I. Bk I:1-21 Invocation and Introduction. Up to her high chamber she went, accompanied by her maids, and there she wept for Odysseus, her dear husband, till bright-eyed Athene veiled her eyelids with sweet sleep. Telemachus thinks he is a god, a heaven-dweller, a demon that was sent to cast a spell so he can mourn and weep for his father. If only I had been the son of some lucky man who spent old age among his own possessions! As a teenager, Telemachus is angsty and rude to his mother, criticizing her for letting the Suitors eat away at his inheritance. Alcinous offers a ship to Odysseus and asks him to tell of his adventures. They all praised his speech, so Odysseus girded his rags about his loins, baring his solid well-made thighs, showing his broad shoulders, and his muscular chest and arms. (including. ab ovo, ab initio). Moved to anger, Pallas Athene spoke: ‘Ah, you have dire need of lost Odysseus, to set hands on these shameless Suitors. A narrative work beginning in medias res (Classical Latin: [ɪn ˈmɛdɪ.aːs ˈreːs], lit. Sing one of those while you sit here, as they drink their wine in silence, but end this sad song that always troubles the heart in my breast, since above all women I bear a sadness not to be forgotten. You may accept or manage cookie usage at any time. Perfect for acing essays, tests, and quizzes, as well as for writing lesson plans. If you hear your father is living, and sailing home, then however troubled you are, endure for another year. conjured up in your mind.book :from 2 A Hero’s Son Awakens 2. I:365-420 Telemachus speaks with the Suitors. “Would not have made it through AP Literature without the printable PDFs. But I will be master of my own house, and of the servants noble Odysseus gathered for me.’, Then Eurymachus, Polybus’ son, replied: ‘Surely, Telemachus, the question of who will be king, in Ithaca’s isle, is in the lap of the gods: and as for your possessions, keep them, and be master in your own house. May the son of Cronos never make you king of Ithaca’s isle, though it is your heritage by birth.’, Then wise Telemachus answered him: ‘Will it anger you, Antinous, if I say that I should be pleased to accept it from Zeus’ hand. ODYSSEY 1.356-59 MATTHEW CLARK AT THE BEGINNING of Book 1 of the Odyssey, the goddess Athena, in disguise, comes down from Olympus to Ithaca and tells Telemachus that he should no longer cling to his childhood, that he should go on a trip to look for news of his father. Athena & Telemachus Penelope & the Suitors. He was sitting with the suitors, nursing His heart's sorrow, picturing in his mind His noble father, imagining he had returned And scattered the suitors, and that he himself, Telemachus, was respected at last. Wise Telemachus replied: ‘Stranger, truly, you speak kindly like a father to his son, and I will never forget your words. He tells him to go home and act like a mad man and threaten the suitors. But now he is dead of an evil fate, and we have no comfort, even if someone on Earth were to claim he would return, the day he could is past. Once Odysseus returns home (whom Athena initially disguises as a beggar so he can plot his revenge in secret), his son Telemachus tells him that there are 108 suitors: 52 from Dulichium, 24 from Same, 20 Achaeans from Zacynthus, and 12 from Ithaca. Odysseus went there as well, in his swift ship, in search of a deadly poison to smear on the tips of his bronze-headed arrows. Since that blinding, Poseidon, the Earth-Shaker, though he will not kill him, keeps Odysseus far from his native land. Seized with wonder she retired to her own room, taking her son’s wise words to heart. So the goddess, bright-eyed Athene, spoke, and vanished, soaring upwards like a bird. As she neared the Suitors she drew her shining veil across her face, and stopped by the doorpost of the well-made hall, a loyal handmaid on either side. He tore the flower gravely from its pinhold smelt its almost no smell and placed it in his heart pocket. I want to know. In response the suitors put twenty men on a ship and plan to ambush Telemachus on his ship. Then each went to his house to rest. From the creators of SparkNotes, something better. We use cookies for essential site functions and for social media integration. Many are those who entered our house as guests, for he too travelled widely among men.’, Then the goddess, bright-eyed Athene, answered: ‘Well I will tell you all, openly. Teach your students to analyze literature like LitCharts does. He wishes to restore order and goodness to his household by removing the suitors. The stranger is a friend of my father’s from Taphos. Telemachus initially asserts himself by calling an assembly of Ithaca's leaders in order to protest the suitors' activities. The language of the The people of Pylos follow the rules of hospitality by offering the strangers food and drink without delay. Examples in the Odyssey include the fact that Telemachus and the suitors in Book II must engage in a contest of storytelling before the elders of Ithaca in order to determine who is in the right; another example is how Helen and Meneláus engage in a storytelling contest of sorts in Book IV, with the prize being the very reputation of Helen. Thinking of it, sitting among the suitors, he saw Athene, and went straight to the doorway, ashamed a stranger should wait so long at the gates. Yet, Olympian, your heart is unmoved. Telemachus feels the need to protect his mother, and attempts to do so, but is not quite capable of taking on this role. he doesn't know who he can trust. She tells Telemachus he must hurry home to Ithaca before the suitors succeed in winning his mother’s hand. Your head and your fine eyes are amazingly like him, for we were often together before he set out for Troy, where the bravest of the Argives sailed in their hollow ships. Many the men whose cities he saw, whose ways he learned. Our. I ever remember my husband’s dear face, he whose fame resounds through Hellas to the heart of Argos.’, Wise Telemachus answered her: ‘Mother, why grudge the good bard his right to please us as the spirit stirs him? As they sat listening in silence, the famous minstrel sang to them of the Achaeans’ troubled return from Troy, inflicted by Pallas Athene. Not at all, what finally convinces him is when Odysseus brings up the suitors when he is explaining how he really is his father. Eumaeus tells Penelope that her child, Telemachus, has returned from his long journey too. We see here how Odysseus has become a religous man and trusts the gods, and trusting the gods is a display of maturity. We'll make guides for February's winners by March 31st—guaranteed. Yet despite his wishes he failed to save them, because of their own un-wisdom, foolishly eating the cattle of Helios, the Sun, so the god denied them their return. If only Odysseus, I say, as he was, could confront the Suitors: they would meet death swiftly, and a dark wedding. Then when the Suitors had satisfied hunger and thirst, their thoughts turned elsewhere, to song and dance, since these things crown a feast. What should I say of how you, shamefully absent, nourish Pisander, Polybus, cruel Medon, the greedy hands of Eurymachus, But Odysseus, who yearns for the mere sight of the smoke rising from his own country, only longs to die. Tell the Suitors to disperse, each to his home: and if your mother’s heart urges her to marry, let her go back to her great father’s house, where they will ready a wedding feast, and a wealth of gifts, fitting for a well-beloved daughter. While Though iron shackles hold him, he will not be kept from his own land much longer. It’s clearly not one where each brings his own provisions, since imperiously, insolently, they feast in your house. Do you think, in truth, it is the worst fate for a man? He led Athene herself to a handsome, richly carved chair, spread a linen cloth over it, and seated her there with a footstool for her feet. BOOK 2. The housekeeper silently brought them bread, and various delicacies, drawing liberally on her store. I no longer put my faith in rumours, wherever they come from, nor do I note the prophecies my mother may hear, from some diviner she has called to the palace. What does his response tell us about his character, and about gender roles? The passage is divided into five parts. There is also a line where it says, after another one of Telemachus’ talks, “Dead quiet. Telemachus replies that he'll see him dead first. No one can be angry if this man sings the Danaans’ dark fate: since men always praise the most the newest song they hear. Her encouragement seems to be half good faith, half divine meddling: will the right words come because Telemachus is more capable than he suspects, or because a god will place them there? The treacherous Aegisthus shows piety by sacrificing to the gods, but his piety cannot compensate for his dishonorable behavior: the gods do not protect him from Orestes' revenge. 17. What does Eurymachus’s speech reveal about his character? Nestor's story implies that the fates of all four men in the story were determined by the feud, but it seems that Athena created the feud for no particular reason: the actions of the gods often seem mysterious or arbitrary. Why do you will this man such pain, Zeus?’, Cloud-Gathering Zeus answered her then: ‘My child, what words escape your lips? The Odyssey presents a particularly horrifying example when Ulysses, his son and two servants, being the only ones armed in the premises, proceed to slaughter Penelope's would-be suitors without allowing them to escape nor arm themselves. An insistent crowd of suitors comes to ruin us, from Dulichium and Samos, and those who hold high Zacynthus, and they rule in your palace, without restraint: they tear your possessions to pieces, and my heart. Wise Penelope, Icarius’ daughter, heard his marvellous song from her chamber, and descended the stairs, accompanied by her two maids. If only he were standing at the palace gates now, with his helmet and shield and twin spears, just as when I first saw him at my house, drinking joyously, on his way home from Ephyre, after his visit to Ilus, Mermerus’ son. Finally, she instructs him to head first for the home of the swineherd Eumaeus, who will convey the news of his safe return to Penelope. 3. Bards are not to blame, surely: it is Zeus we must blame, who deals with each eater of bread as he wishes. Then you will be wasted in my halls, without restitution.’, So he spoke, and they bit their lips, amazed at Telemachus’ bold speech. Conditions and Exceptions apply. But the gods have willed otherwise since then, with their dark designs, for unlike other men they have made him vanish. Athena tells Telemachus about his father, and what he should do to find out some information about his fathers whereabouts. And, thinking of him, he spoke to the immortals. In Homer’s Odyssey, Eurymachus, son of Polybus is an Ithacan nobleman and one of the two leading suitors of Penelope, the other being Antinous.He, along with the majority of his fellow suitors, shows no regard for the Greek custom of xenia or guest-friend hospitality; Eurymachus is arrogant, disrespectful, and consumes food and drink without the slightest reciprocation. What does Homer mean when he says the suitors “imagined as they wished” in line 1249? Though Nestor seems to encourage Telemachus to take strong, independent action, Telemachus emphasizes his dependence on the gods. Many the sorrows he suffered at sea, while trying to bring himself and his friends back alive. Byordering his mother to leave the hall, he is showing to the suitors that it ishe, not his mother, who has more power. Telemachus … Because he saw Odysseus change right before his eyes to another person and didn't know Athena was behind it. Rather than fighting for his mother’s rights, he calls an assembly and asks that the suitors be expelled. Assembly of the People of Ithaca--Speeches of Telemachus and of the Suitors--Telemachus Makes His Preparations and Starts for Pylos with Minerva Disguised as Mentor. When the bard disappears, Clytemnestra forgets her husband and betrays him. And tell me this, too, is this truly your first visit here, or are you a friend of my father’s? It is no bad thing to be a king. makes him look like a god. The character of Ulysses (in Greek , Odysseus ) has been explored widely in literature. Now when the child of morning, rosy-fingered Dawn, appeared Telemachus rose and dressed himself. Nestor's tale about Agamemnon and Orestes helps cement Telemachus's determination to restore honor to his household by defeating the suitors. Just as Aegisthus, beyond what was fated, took the wife of Agamemnon, son of Atreus, and murdered him when he returned, though he knew the end would be a complete disaster, since we sent Hermes, keen-eyed slayer of Argus, to warn him not to kill the man, or court his wife, as Orestes would avenge Agamemnon, once he reached manhood and longed for his own land. We also note that Athena continues to encourage Telemachus in his maturation. Not even when the changing seasons brought the year the gods had chosen for his return to Ithaca was he free from danger, and among friends. It is his daughter who detains that unlucky, sorrowful man: she lulls him, always, with soft seductive words, intending him to forget Ithaca. what do the suitors plan to do to Telemachus when he returns home? How does Telemachus respond to his mother’s tearful plea to change the subject of the singer’s song? Godlike Telemachus, sitting troubled among the suitors, imagining how his noble father might arrive from somewhere, throw the suitors from the palace, win honour and rule his own again, was first to see her. But throughout the shadowy hall the Suitors created uproar, with each man praying he might bed her. He opened the door to the well-made room, and sitting on the bed took off his soft tunic, and placed it in the wise old woman’s hands. Although he speaks well at the meeting and impresses some of the elders, the leading suitors (Antinous and Eurymachus) show no respect for either Telemachus or his mother, Queen Penelope, and little is accomplished. In the Odyssey, Telemachus doesn't tell the suitors to leave his father's estate because he's outnumbered by them. Then Antinous, Eupeithes’ son, replied: ‘Telemachus, the gods themselves must have taught you this bold, high style. Instant downloads of all 1413 LitChart PDFs Language of flowers. Bk I:44-95 Athene seeks help for Odysseus. Talking Trash — Telemachus and the suitors; Eurymachus, one of the two leading suitors of Penelope, will figure prominently in the scenes when Odysseus returns. Now they turned to dancing, heart-felt song, and enjoyment, till nightfall. As Telemachus ventures farther from home and meets with other Greek heroes such as Menelaus, he refines his speech and approach. The suitors all fell silent, hushed.” (Pg. Despite Telemachus's insecurity, his speech makes a good impression on the king; Nestor implies that Telemachus's way with words comes from his father (rather than a god). Odysseus, while still in disguise, does away with the last of Telemachus’ worries that he is too young, telling him that if he were the son of Odysseus and the grandson of Laertes he would not rest until he had confronted the suitors. So saying, she bound to her feet her beautiful sandals of imperishable gold that would carry her over the waves, over the wide lands, as swiftly as the wind. This is the essence of the plot; the rest is episode. Departure of Telemachus. Interestingly, his last words include the “ἀτάσθαλα μηχανάασθε” formula applied six times elsewhere to the suitors; then “he went back to the house of Peiraeus, who warmly received him”: a telling contrast to the violation of xenia by the suitors, who finally proceed to “ridicule the guests” (374). What kind of vessel brought you, and whom did the sailors say they were, and how did they land you on Ithaca, for I doubt you came on foot? In return, Athena urges Telemachus to stand up to the suitors and set out in search of his father. Once inside the high hall, he took the spear and set it in a polished rack by a tall pillar, with other spears that belonged to loyal Odysseus. Laertes had bought her himself long ago, when she was still quite young, at the cost of twenty oxen, and honoured her in his palace as he honoured his loyal wife, never lying with her for fear of his wife’s anger.
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