If no grounds have been given for an assertion, there is no need to provide grounds for contradicting it. (3) A despair of getting through. Successor Chapters Some rules refer to successor Chapters. In medical contexts, it implies that the condition is still in the same place and has not worsened, improved, spread, etc. "this one defends and the other one conquers", "with those things changed which needed to be changed", "nature does not make a leap, thus neither does the law", "to sail is necessary; to live is not necessary", Thus, don't offer your opinion on things that are outside your competence. Divinity: Original Sin 2 Game Guide. "the assured does not seek profit but just indemnity for the loss", Refers to the founding of Rome, which occurred in 753 BC according to, A legal principle of fairness. Used particularly to refer to the years 1665–1666, during which. A common inscription on. It is distinct from actual sexual desire, and involves voluntary and complacent erotic fantasizing, without any attempt to suppress such thoughts. (1) A phrase used in law representing the belief that certain statements are made naturally, spontaneously and without deliberation during the course of an event, they leave little room for misunderstanding/misinterpretation upon hearing by someone else ( i.e. Karl Marx's favorite motto. Similar to, Truly being something, rather than merely seeming to be something. "temporarily"; equivalent to English phrase "for the time being". More literally 'from grace'. Or "at the moment of birth". Can also be extended to. Unlike the English expression "no offense". Used especially in committees, where a matter may be passed. In general, any comment, remark or observation made in passing. MAX! Thus, "at the age of". Killing him rewards no experience. ", or more commonly, "As long as we are working, we are prospering" Motto of Vincent Massey Secondary School, Windsor, Ontario, Canada, Used when someone has been asked for urgent help, but responds with no immediate action. Motto of 848 Naval Air Squadron, Royal Navy. Thus, one can never be too careful; even excessive precautions don't hurt anyone. State motto of, "may it be perpetual", "let it be everlasting". The Church also recognises her as the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of Christ, who is God, not that the nature of the Word or his divinity received the beginning of its existence from the holy Virgin, but that, since the holy body, which the Word of God became, was born from her, the Word is said to be born according to the flesh (Gospel of St.John:1:14). An allusion to. Used in law to describe a decision or action that is detrimental to those it affects and was made based on hatred or anger, rather than on reason. In literature, refers to a story told from the beginning rather than. More loosely, "considering everything's weight". "at that time", found often in Gospel lectures during Masses, used to mark an undetermined time in the past. "one cannot argue, "to the City and the Circle [of the lands]", Standard opening of Roman proclamations; also a traditional blessing by the, "so that they might drink, since they refused to eat". Its abbreviated form is sometimes used at the end of typewritten or printed documents or official notices, directly following the name of the person(s) who "signed" the document exactly in those cases where there isn't an actual handwritten, Originally used as the name of a ship in the. Used after a term or phrase that should be looked up elsewhere in the current document or book. An accommodation between disagreeing parties to allow life to go on. Thus, "I say no things that are unknown". ", "nothing is heavy to those who have wings", Motto of the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (, "something that stands for something else", "Let no man belong to another that can belong to himself", An adviser, or a person who can obtain or grant access to the favour of powerful people, like. Use a Rain spell or scroll to put out the fire. You can write a book review and share your experiences. Thus, "moving together", "simultaneously", etc. Created Apr 25, 2013. "let him rest in peace", "may he rest in peace". In other words, the gods have different plans than mortals, and so events do not always play out as people wish them to. weapons) are to yield to the toga, a formal garment symbolizing Rome. Or, "except for errors and omissions". Medical shorthand for "as much as you wish". Used in bibliographies to indicate that the publisher of a document is unknown. ", Marcus Tullius Cicero, Philippica XII, ii, 5. ", Sometimes used as a humorous alternative to. Motto of the University of Sheffield, the University of Guelph, and London School of Economics. In other contexts, generally means "back to the basics". The phrase illustrates a common use of the subjunctive verb mood. Used on pharmaceutical prescriptions. Equivalent to the English idiom "caught red-handed": caught in the act of committing a crime. Sep 25, 2017 @ 1:57am Thrice-Bound Chest? A practical compromise. A declaration that one succeeds above all others. dulce periculum "danger is sweet" Horace, Odes III, 25, 16. "to destroy the reasons for living for the sake of life", That is, to squander life's purpose just in order to stay alive, and live a meaningless life. The underlying motive for attorneys to impeach opposing witnesses in court: the principle discredits the rest of their testimony if it is without corroboration. A benediction for the dead, often inscribed on tombstones or other. Or "as on the back side"; thus, "as on the previous page" (cf. Cato the Elder used to conclude his speeches, on any topic whatsoever, with, "a paper of pardon to him who defended himself", The form of a pardon for killing another man in self-defence. The state of affairs or situation prior to some upsetting event. you must justify an imprisonment. Trivial matters are no concern of a high official (cf. Motto of the Scottish clan Clan MacAulay. Thus, "to the point". The body of facts that prove that a crime has been committed, a necessary factor in convicting someone of having committed that crime; if there was no crime, there can not have been a criminal. "of unsound mind", "not in control of the mind", "you should not make evil in order that good may be made from it", More simply, "don't do wrong to do right". Long and complicated words that are used without necessity. Short description goes here. Speaking in Forked Tongues is a side-quest in Divinity: Original Sin 2; You can acquire this quest from the chest between two fire breathing statues in Stonegarden or speaking to the lizard in Rykers Mansion. The direct opposite of the phrase ", "the laws depend not on being read, but on being understood". Loosely, "be at peace", "with due deference to", "by leave of" or "no offense to". Refers to what benefits a society, as opposed to. ", taken from the Book of Isaiah, Chapter 40. "Spirit of Wine" in many English texts. War may seem pleasant to those who have never been involved in it, though the more experienced know better. Or "whereas, in reality..." Also rendered, "where they make a wasteland, they call it peace", "the only safety for the conquered is to hope for no safety", Less literally, "the only safe bet for the vanquished is to expect no safety". Said of work undertaken voluntarily at no expense, such as public services. The writer does not vouch for the accuracy of a text. In a. That is, the essential or most notable point. More literally, "Sacred Seat". How the heck does this open? Romans used to write on, We may recognize the whole by looking at a part. A legal term meaning that something is only wrong because it is against the law. "the state to which before", "the state that was before". If your unit is not from the Deathwatch or a First Founding Chapter (Dark Angels, White Scars, Space Wolves, Imperial Fists, Blood Angels, Iron Hands, Ultramarines, Salamanders or Raven Guard), it is from a successor Chapter, and you must decide which of the aforementioned First Founding Chapters it is a successor of. ", A legal term outlining the presumption of, The actual crime that is committed, rather than the intent or thought process leading up to the crime. "as much as needed", "as much as will suffice", Thus, silence gives consent. 'the expression of the one is the exclusion of the other', 'Mentioning one thing may exclude another thing'. A contrived or artificial solution, usually to a literary plot. Refers to a trivial situation or person that is being a bother, possibly in the sense of wishing to kick that thing away. It is part of the Rite of Consecration of the. Completely. I.e. In legal language, used when providing additional evidence to an already sufficient collection. 'The exception confirms the rule in cases which are not excepted', 'an excuse that has not been sought is an obvious accusation'. The Legend of Sigmar. "he himself said it", "he, himself, has spoken", Commonly said in Medieval debates referring to. In extremity; in dire straits. move it with telekinesis out of the flames, talk to the lizard ghost- and use the red prince to talk to it - it talks in "old lizard" . Directly to the West of the bridge to the South of the entrance to the Cave with the Sparkmaster from Arhu's Failed Experiment, you will find a burning chest. "Let there be light (and there was light)", A title given to Henry VIII of England by Pope Leo X on 17 October 1521, before Henry became a, the personal faith which apprehends, contrasted with, the content of "the faith," contrasted with, "If I cannot move heaven I will raise hell". "Not all of me will die", a phrase expressing the belief that a part of the speaker will survive beyond death. : New teachers know all tricks used by pupils to copy from classmates? Similar to the English expression "many happy returns! Posted by 3 years ago. Refers to wasting time while the enemy is already here. Questions who would have the audacity to compare himself to a Supreme Being. Or "master of the house". In appearance wise, but not necessarily so. 6. Refers to a possible result of Catholic ecclesiastical legal proceedings when the culprit is removed from being part of a group like a monastery. An obsolete legal term signifying the forfeiture of the right of swearing in any court or cause, or to become infamous. A principle, held by several religions, that believers should strive to resemble their god(s). Attributed to Seneca the Younger. Latin translation from John 1:36, where John the Baptist exclaims "Ecce Agnus Dei!" Words Constantine I claimed to have seen in a vision before the Battle of Milvian Bridge. Discuss Divinity Original Sin, as well as comments posted to our Divinity Original Sin Wiki and Divinity Original Sin 2 Wiki 4 . A list of other readings relating to a document, especially in a scholarly edition of a text. "I am what you will be / I was what you are", "boys are boys, and boys do boyish things". Thus, on behalf of one side or party only. The purchaser of the goods is responsible for checking whether they suit his need. This page was last edited on 18 January 2020, at 19:53. The motto of Order of Saint Benedict as well as the motto of the Dalhousie Law School, Halifax, Nova Scotia. Derived from an. If you have any proposed changes for the timeline, please cite your evidence through references. "they condemn what they do not understand" or "they condemn because they do not understand" (the, Less literary, "scorn for the times". Thus, there can be no judgement or case if no one charges a defendant with a crime. Attributed to, Legal Latin: "as long as he shall have behaved well", I.e. A group of people who owe utmost fealty to their leader(s), subordinating the interests of the larger group to the authority of the internal group's leader(s); a. Oh, mala tempora currunt!. Often used to compress lists of parties to legal documents. Or "which was to be constructed". The phrase is used in, Loosely "subject to reference", meaning that something has been approved provisionally, but must still receive official approval. "the truth being enveloped by obscure things", "the obscure by means of the more obscure", An explanation that is less clear than what it tries to explain. "in flaming crime", "in a blazing wrong", "while the crime is blazing". Used in Christian prayers and confession. According to the Gospel of John, this was said by, That is, "Don't upset my calculations!" Inscribed on the Capitol and many coins used in the United States of America. Used to express the belief in the transfer of imperial authority from the, A decree by the medieval Church that all feuds should be cancelled during the, Also "even you" or "yes, you", in response to a person's belief that he will never die. It means 'by that very act' in Latin. In law, a writ directed to the bailiffs, etc, that have thrust a, "Those who hurry cross the sea change the sky [upon them], not their souls or state of mind", One year with another; on an average. All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. If you try to open the chest, you will find that it is "Too hot to touch". A rule of law becomes ineffective when the reason for its application has ceased to exist or does not correspond to the reality anymore. Indicates that a circumstance, whether good or bad, is an inherent aspect of living. A Roman phrase used to describe a wonderful event/happening. "leap in explaining", "leap in demonstration", "the welfare of the people is to be the highest law", "with truth preserved", "with truth intact". Textual notes. Assigning property rights to a thing based on its presence on a landowner's property. "I am a human being; nothing human is strange to me". A similar expression in English is "There's no accounting for taste". Like the vast majority of inhabitants of the ancient world, the. The-Books-of-Enoch-A-Complete-Volume-Containing-the-Ethiopic-Slavonic-and-Hebrew-Enoch-Joseph-Lumpkin.pdf What customs!". You're laying on a bed, the sheets smooth and glossy, nothing like the silk and satins you're more familiar with. Latinization of the English expression "silence is golden". In law, an observation by a judge on some point of law not directly relevant to the case before him, and thus neither requiring his decision nor serving as a precedent, but nevertheless of persuasive authority. His Roman name was Bacchus. "this action turns upon whether the claimant was the deceased's grandson, Or simply "faster than cooking asparagus". Probably a recent alteration of. Oh the morals! Attributed to. Chests, Reaper's Coast Divinity: Original Sin 2 Points of interest. Said of a case that cannot be publicly discussed until it is finished. Attributed to Cicero. Also used to refer to hypothetical perpetual motion machines. Less literally, "name unknown". A legal term meaning that something is inherently wrong (cf. State motto of, "life before the events", "a life done before", Thus, "a previous life", generally due to. (Thrice) Another Form I ask Jesus to bind any evil spirits associated with any and all evil curses, pacts, spells, seals, hexes, vexes, triggers, trances, vows, demonic blessings, or any other demonic bondages sent against N. or myself, or any of our loved ones or any of our possessions, and I ask Thee to bind all evil spirits separately and individually and break all seals. (Greek would have been the language of Rome's elite at the time.) Other readers will always be interested in your opinion of the books you've read. Xiuh is a NPC in Divinity: Original Sin 2. 'The Spectator', volume 1 of 3 (plus translations and index), comprising previously unpublished eighteenth-century essays, poetry, letters and opinions, originally edited by Addison and Steele, now available in html form, as a free download from Project Gutenberg "in wine [there is] truth", "in wine is truth", "Index of Forbidden Books", "List of Prohibited Books", A list of books considered heretic(al) by the. One of Justinian I's three basic precepts of law. Short for, Understandable for a wise one without the need for explanations (. Follow it West until it stops. He renders as Latin in an English play what was originally quoted as Greek supposedly spoken by a Roman.
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