More and more ethical, plant-based cosmetic companies are emerging. All Rights Reserved. These deep sea sharks are at such a great risk of overfishing that scientists have concluded they should not be caught at all. Squalene is also found in amaranth seeds, rice bran, wheat germ, fungi, and date palm. Squalene is found naturally in the sebum of human skin and is believed to lubricate and protect skin. It is found naturally in a lot of different plant oils such as rice bran, oil palm oil, olive oil, wheat germ oil, amaranth oil and sugarcane. As an alternative to shark squalene, phyto-squalane has been used as a great moisturiser and cosmetic ingredient. What is Squalene? [23] [24] [25] The World Health Organization and the US Department of Defense have both published extensive reports that emphasize that squalene is naturally occurring, even in oils of human fingerprints.,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Shark liver oil or squalene is commonly used cosmetic products ranging from anti-aging creams, lotions, deodorants, hair conditioners, eye shadows, lipstick, lip balms, sunscreen, and cleansers. Olive based squalene is a common alternative to shark derived squalene – a common cosmetic ingredient across the globe. Biological activities of squalene related to its emollient, skin hydration, antioxidant, antitumor properties, and its use in cosmetic dermatology are well-known (Huang et al., 2009).During the past few years, the high squalene content of VOO has been proposed as a major factor in its cancer risk-reducing effect (Newmark, 2006; Waterman and Lockwood, 2007). It is the principal hydrocarbon of human surface lipids; it constitutes up to 11% of total surface fat and approximately 5% of adult skin surface sebum. Squalene is a fatty molecule found in the skin that is highly versatile. Next to Squalene, it is the most common hydrocarbon in these lipids. Squalene is naturally … During recent work with sustainable squalene producers, we have learned that squalene derived from sugarcane is actually 1/3 of the cost of squalene extracted from sharks. Cosmetics is the largest end-use industry of squalene due to its increasing usage in skincare products manufacturing. Squalene is a branched-chain hydrocarbon with six carbon-carbon double bonds. Until laws are passed to ensure squalane-based products are accurately labeled, it’s up to us as consumers to vote with our dollars, thoroughly researching the products we buy. The animal we fear the most is also one we depend upon for our survival.Sharks play a crucial role on this planet. It is also found in shark liver in high amounts. A wide variety of squalene in cosmetics options are available to you, such as grade standard, type. They cannot withstand the pressure. Squalene is found in large quantities in shark liver oil, and in smaller amounts in olive oil, wheat germ oil, rice bran oil, yeast, and in various other foodstuffs. And they’re being sold to you in disguise! But most shockingly – sharks are in our cosmetics. Although the company substantially enhanced squalene production from ~0.45% to ~2% of its cell dry weight, this failed to that both Squalane and Squalene are safe as cosmetic ingredients in the present practices of use and concentration. Yüksek Kaliteli Skualen Kozmetik Üreticilerini Skualen Kozmetik Tedarikçilerini ve Skualen Kozmetik Ürünleri en iyi fiyatta'da bulun. Shark liver oil is used to promote the healing of wounds, irritations of the respiratory and gastrointestinal tract, and general debility – and is a common ingredient in medicinal creams like Preparation H. Given its supposed impact on white blood cells, it is also becoming increasingly popular as a booster for the immune system and even as a way of preventing cancer, sold in a pill form. Because squalene (or a derivative called squalane) is highly prized for its moisturizing, wrinkle prevention, smoothing and restorative properties, it is in high demand by our youth-loving culture. Shark Free, Fin Free, United Conservationists, SHARKWATER, REVOLUTION, SHARKWATER EXINCTION are all registered trademarks. Squalane, its hydrogenated cousin, is widely used as a conditioner, emollient and carrier oil in cosmetic formulations. But sadly, it’s true. Squalene is naturally found in high concentrations in shark liver — yes, as in actual sharks, the ocean animal. Cosmetic uses for squaleneShark-based squalene is commonly used by many consumer product and cosmetic brands you are no doubt familiar with. These two factors – price and potency – make shark squalene the most desired source in the market, and a driving deep water sharks into extinction. Consequently, most deep-sea sharks are caught solely for their livers. About 2% of these are Fish Oil, 0% are Anti-Aging, and 0% are Antioxidant. Squalene and Squalane are oily substances that are common components of other oils. In the last decade, as more and more consumers are becoming aware of the issues facing sharks, the market is starting to see a shift towards more ethical, plant-based squalane. The frequency of use of both of these ingredients had increased significantly. It’s also used as an emollient in sunscreen, foundation, face moisturizers, lipstick, eye makeup, tanning oil, and many other products, which most consumers remain completely unaware of. Formulation tips for squalene and squalane. cosmetics was derived from animals or plants SQUALANE STUDY Squalane is a purified, odorless and hydrogenated (therefore non-oxidizable) version of “squalene”, a lipid found naturally in many animals and plants, as well as in human sebum. The Panel reviewed data that had been published since the 2001 re-review, as well as updated frequency and concentration of use data. Squalene and squalane can both come from sharks. The hydrogenation of squalene can occur naturally in the human body. USE: Squalene is used to make other chemicals such as drugs and rubber chemicals. Unfortunately, Squalene cannot be used directly in cosmetic formulations as it oxidizes and turns rancid in a short amount of time. We’re also in the process of raising funds to test products so you know what products are free of shark. Squalane and Squalene act as lubricating skin conditioning agents, which gives the skin a soft, smooth appearance, as well as hair conditioning agents. The difference an “a” makesDon’t be fooled. The squalene in cosmetics contain rewarding active ingredients that alleviate various health and cosmetic problems. The fish-friendly alternative is squalane made from olives. However, according to Bloom, the demand for shark liver oil in 2012 was estimated at 2,200 tons – the vast majority from the cosmetics industry. Rob Stewart: December 28, 1979 to January 31, 2017. For 450 million years, since before there were trees, 200 million years before dinosaurs – sharks have been shaping our world – creating a framework for life in the oceans. Unfortunately, due to labeling laws (or the lack of them), companies don’t have to disclose their use of animal-based squalene – so the burden falls squarely on the consumer. Every second breath you take comes from the oceans. The broad collection of squalene in cosmetics ensures that you will find all products of your choice, whether you’re acquiring them for yourself, your family, your friend, or to resell for business purposes. Companies commonly use squalene as a moisturizing additive in cosmetics and sunscreens. In cosmetics and personal care products, Squalane and Squalene are used in the formulation of a wide variety of products including bath oils; hair products; eye makeup; foundations; lipstick; suntan and sunscreen products; body powders; and nail products as well as in cleansing, moisturizing, and skin care products. It is used in cosmetics including sun screen lotions, lipstick foundations, nail products, hair conditioners and moisturizers. Because squalane is less susceptible to oxidation, is odorless and has a longer efficacy, it is more commonly used in personal care products than squalene. Moderate amounts are found in sites of active cholesterol synthesis, namely the liver and small intestine. And some companies have shifted towards plant-based sources – including Ponds, Dove and L’Oreal. The moisturizer is naturally present in olives, rice bran, and sugarcane. The Cosmetic Ingredient Review (CIR) Expert Panel first reviewed the safety of Squalene and Squalane in 1982, concluding both are safe as cosmetics ingredients in the present practices of use and concentration. Squalene is a polyunsaturated oil. Search to the right to find information on the ingredient you are looking for >>>. It is also used in vaccines and sold in the It is easy to emulsify, chemically inert, but soluble in most cosmetic oils including cyclomethicone. However, on a global scale, shark remains the primary source of squalene. Shark livers contain an oil, known as squalene, that’s widespread in sunscreen, lipstick, foundation, lotion, and many other cosmetics. Squalene is a common ingredient in cosmetics and skincare products, a naturally-occurring moisturizing oil that can come from sharks. The demand for natural cosmetics with … Why is it used in cosmetics and personal care products? It’s hard to believe that many of us have been smearing endangered, 450 million year old super predators on our face without being aware of it. Squalane and Squalene act as lubricating skin conditioning agents, which gives the skin a soft, smooth appearance, as well as hair conditioning agents.According to the 2020 U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Voluntary Cosmetic Registration Program database, Squalane and Squalene were used in 3,043 and 539 formulations, respectively.The results of concentration … And the oceans are the most important ecosystem to our survival – providing food, at least half the oxygen in the air we breathe, and regulating the climate. And, you will also find it in your doctor’s office, as it is added to improve the efficacy of several vaccines, including pandemic flu (yes, even swine flu) and malaria vaccines, by pharmaceutical giants like Novartis. But sharks and our planet are in trouble. From a topical perspective, squalene provides a variety of benefits for skin health, and is a favourable vehicle for skin-based preparations. Sunscreens: How to Read a Label, Expert Tips etc. Rob Stewart thought you should know when an endangered predator is turning up in something you consume – which was the driving force behind Sharkwater Extinction. Squalene isn’t only natural in humans., The Science & Safety Behind Your Favorite Products. If squalene or squalane is listed – look for the words ‘100% plant-derived,’ or ‘vegetable based’ or “vegetable origins”. So, we thought we’d provide you with information that can help not only save sharks – but also end a destructive industry. Shark liver oil (Squalene or Squalane) Squalene/squalane is an oil that is derived from the shark’s liver and is used in is used in cosmetic products ranging from anti-aging creams, lotions, deodorants, hair conditioners, eye shadows, lipstick, lip balms, sunscreen, and cleansers. It is a major component of fats produced in human skin. Toxicology studies indicate that in the concentrations used in cosmetics, squalene has low acute toxicity, and is not a significant contact allergen or irritant. A viable alternativeShark-based squalene has a readily available substitute on the market that comes from a purely vegetable origin – olives – which is actually known to be of better quality than shark-based squalene and less expensive as well. For Squalene, the maximum concentration of use was 1.2%. Or, better yet, choose a product you know does not contain shark squalene. The toxicity of these two ingredients by all routes was low. One of the leading culprits supporting this market - the cosmetic industry. Despite various cosmetic companies investing in more sustainable alternatives to shark liver oil (squalane), one expert believes that there are still issues with supply in that some specialised producers are passing off shark squalene as that of the more expensive plant alternative, unbeknownst to the large multinationals. In higher vertebrates and humans, it is a precursor of cholesterol. In all three reviews, the Expert Panel determined the ingredients to be safe for their indicated uses in skincare and cosmetics. Shark-based squalene has a readily available substitute on the market that comes from a purely vegetable origin. CIR Safety Review: The CIR Expert Panel noted studies indicated Squalane was slowly absorbed through the skin, and both Squalene and Squalane were poorly absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. In cosmetics and personal care products, Squalane and Squalene are used in the formulation of a wide variety of products including bath oils; hair products; eye makeup; foundations; lipstick; suntan and sunscreen products; body powders; and nail products as well as in cleansing, moisturizing, and skin care products. At 100% concentrations, both compounds were non-irritants to the skin and eyes. Squalane was originally obtained from shark livers and sometimes it still is. Squalane is derived by hydrogenation of squalene. You just didn’t know it! Squalane is a saturated branched chain hydrocarbon (fully hydrogenated). Consumers bear the burdenUnfortunately, the industry is highly unregulated, and brands have no legal obligation to let consumers know the source of their ingredient squalene. Biological and Pharmacological Activities of Squalene and Related Compounds: Potential Uses in Cosmetic Dermatology Zih-Rou Huang 1, Yin-Ku Lin 2,3 and Jia-You Fang 1,* 1 Pharmaceutics Laboratory, Graduate Institute of Natural Products, Chang Gung University, 259 Wen-Hwa 1st Road, Kweishan, Taoyuan 333, Taiwan SQUALENE SQUALENE is classified as : Antistatic; Emollient; Hair conditioning; Refatting; Skin conditioning Both Squalene and Squalane are natural components of human sebum, a mixture of lipids produced by glands in the skin. Bloom Association conducted a survey to find that the cosmetic industry is the largest (90%) user of shark squalene. © 2021 Rob Stewart Sharkwater Foundation. Squalene is found in shark liver oil, olive oil, wheat germ oil, and rice bran oil. We are certain you don’t want to be contributing to the demise of one of the oldest, most important predators the planet has, without knowing it! Manufacturers claim that plant alternatives possess significantly lower quantities of the oil, consequently it takes more effort to harvest plant-based squalene and, as a result, costs around 30% more. Squalene (with an e) does have a younger sister with a similar name. The oceans are the most important ecosystem on the planet. The results of concentration of use surveys conducted by the Personal Care Products Council (PCPC) in 2018 indicated, for Squalane, the maximum concentration of use was 96.8%. According to the 2020 U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Voluntary Cosmetic Registration Program (VCRP) database, Squalane and Squalene were used in 3,043 and 539 formulations, respectively. Additionally, many companies falsely promote ‘squalane’ as the plant alternative to shark squalene, when it’s in fact just the derivative of shark liver oil. The excessive targeting of these sharks has caused dramatic population declines of certain species like some of the gulper and dogfish sharks which live over 3000 feet below sea level, greatly impacting their future survival – all for the sake of beauty. If the label doesn’t indicate the source, reach out to the company and ask. In fact, squalane is far more used in cosmetics because it is odorless and typically lasts longer than squalene. And by 2010, much of the EU shifted to using only plant-based squalene/squalane. Clinical evidence supports the fact that these ingredients are not sensitizers; therefore, the Panel reaffirmed its original conclusion, and did not re-open this safety assessment. Plant-Based Alternatives to Squalene 2014 Cosmetics Toiletries magazine V ulyuust Reear T production of squalene—with a view to producing it on a commercial scale by fermenting the resulting engineered microorganism. All Rights Reserved. Chances are, you’ve used products that contain shark. Medicinal uses for squaleneNot only will you find squalene in the cosmetic and lotion aisles at the pharmacy, you will also find it in the supplement and remedy aisles as well. The growing cosmetics industry in emerging markets such as … Squalene is shark liver oil that had been used as one of the most common moisturizers in cosmetics before sourcing began endangering the species and a plant based version became viable for products. The squalene market is driven mainly by increasing sales of cosmetics and pharmaceuticals. Shark livers contain an oil, known as squalene, that is highly regarded for its moisturizing and restorative properties. general provisions of the Cosmetics Regulation of the European Union. Squalene (and its derivative, squalane) increase the spreadability and absorption of creams and lotions. Squalane (with an ‘a’) is simply the hydrogenated version of Squalene. Plant-based squalene can also be derived from wheat germ and amaranth oils. We’re certain the results will shock you, and change what products we consume. The Cosmetic Ingredient Review Expert Panel reviewed the available safety data for squalane and squalene in 1982, 2001, and 2019 as the incident of usage in skincare and cosmetic products increased. Squalane also exists as a normal constituent of human sebum. Squalene – though can be produced from plants – is typically derived from the liver of deep-sea sharks, since these sharks have especially large reserves of squalene, as their livers comprise one-third of their entire weight. It’s also found and harvested from shark livers. It’s proven ability to prevent moisture loss, restore fine lines, and help in the prevention of wrinkles makes i… Cosmetic scientist Shuting Hu told HuffPost that squalane (with an a) is a more stable derivation of squalene (meaning its shelf life is longer, and it won’t go rancid as quickly) that is created through a saturation process. As a natural cosmetics’ formulator, you can opt to use squalene-rich oils or you can add phytosqualane to your formulations. Thus many of the cosmetic products contain squalene. Why would you choose to jeopardize our oceans when you have another option? Because it is entirely unnecessary to kill sharks for cosmetics… or pet food… or meat. A laboratory exam called carbon isotope fingerprint (δ13Ct) is used at professional level to analyse squalene to determine if they came from animal or plant sources. In 2001, after considering new studies and updated use data on these two ingredients, the Panel determined to not re-open the safety assessment.Because it had been at least 15 years since the first re-review summary was published, in accord with CIR Procedures, the Panel considered whether the safety assessment of Squalene and Squalane should be re-opened in 2019. Squalene is in plants, fungi and humans and is a precursor to sterols. #SHARKFREE is a campaign to keep sharks out of our products, so we can reduce pressure on their populations and save them from extinction. Squalene also produced naturally by our own skin. Squalane is made by completely hydrogenating shark liver oil, Squalene, or other natural oils. Shark liver oil or squalene is commonly used cosmetic products ranging from anti-aging creams, lotions, deodorants, hair conditioners, eye shadows, lipstick, lip balms, sunscreen, and cleansers. European Union (EU) Squalene and Squalane are listed on the EU’s Cosmetic Ingredient Inventory (CosIng) and may be used without restrictions in cosmetics and personal care products marketed in Europe according to the general provisions of the Cosmetics Regulation of the European Union. More than 50 shark species are fished for their liver oil, several of which are listed on the IUCN Red list – the most sought after are deep sea sharks, since their liver can make up 20% of their body weight. Squalane is hydrogenated squalene and is less prone to oxidation. Products containing Squalene were not dermal irritants or sensitizers. By adding either squalene or squalene to cosmetic products, companies are essentially able to replicate the results achieved by the body’s own ability to moisturize. Sharks are being killed for their fins, livers… for their flesh… for their cartilage… for their skin. You can learn more, donate to our work and take the #SHARKFREE pledge at Both ingredients function as skin and hair conditioning agents in cosmetics and personal care products. That’s why we’ve started a movement called SharkFree.Through science, grassroots tools, and education, we want to make ALL the products we buy #SHARKFREE. Squalene can be obtained from olives where it has the same qualities of animal-based squalene and is less expensive than the animal version. FDA Voluntary Cosmetic Registration Program (VCRP), 2021 Copyright. With some attention and pressure, we know we can persuade companies to make their products without shark squalene. Hence, squalane, rather than squalene is used for cosmetics. Shark populations have dropped up to 95% regionally. It is a moisturizing ingredient that is non-greasy, pleasant to the touch, offers 331 squalene in cosmetics products. After reviewing summaries of studies published since the Final Report was issued and considering that Squalene is a normal constituent of the skin, Dr. Belsito noted that his Team determined that the original safety Over 3 million sharks are hunted and killed for their livers each year to be used in these cosmetics. Therefore it is highly crucial to get squalene as a supplement or in the cosmetic preparation to protect the skin, to avoid early aging, wrinkles and skin damage. Over 3 million deep-sea sharks are hunted and killed for their liver each year. Squalene hydrates the skin and helps the regeneration of aged or damaged skin and restores the suppleness and flexibility of skin. Squalane is a saturated form of squalene in which the double bonds have been eliminated by hydrogenation.
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