And all that mighty heart is lying still! In lines 9 and 10 the feelings of the poet reach a kind of fever pitch, an echo of the opening line sounding - he has never seen anything like this dawn, this splendid sunlight. Line 4 contains a simile...This city now doth, like a garment, wear. However, in the poem Composed upon Westminster Bridge we see a different side of Wordsworth were he describes a city so still and peaceful the beauty is hard to pass … 2. He notices the small details all around him, and is awed by the stillness and beauty all around. Note the use of the capital letter to refer to the city, and the use of the word ‘majesty’. As typical for a sonnet, it consists of fourteen verses, which can be divided, in other words arranged, into four parts – there are three quatrains and one final couplet. In line two the word “dull” suggests that a sharp object was worn down over time; this metaphor is used to exemplify how human relationships and attitudes slowly deteriorate as people go through life. Trying to help my 9 year old with his homework? But this is a city of dream-like quality, as yet unpeopled, set in fresh light, at rest, at ease with fields and sky, not yet subject to the smoke of the chimney stacks or the smog of industry. Read more. It focuses on the beauty of the city, and a small second of the narrator’s life in which everything seems perfectly in place. Poets such as William Blake were well aware of the human suffering the city caused and wrote reflective poems. Andrew has a keen interest in all aspects of poetry and writes extensively on the subject. Others argue that Wordsworth had no option, being a romantic, seeing the world through rose-tinted glasses so to speak, having to express his feelings about what he saw at that time on the bridge. • Composed Upon Westminster Bridge has an iambic pentameter. The rhyme scheme is abbaabba cdcdcd. Ads are what helps us bring you premium content! Composed Upon Westminster Bridge Analysis of the poem by William Wordsworth - Group work by 5LCO . "Composed Upon Westminster Bridge" is a Petrarchan sonnet, as opposed to a Shakespearian sonnet or a Spenserian sonnet. Lines composed upon Westminster Bridge, Sept. 3, 1802: The contrast between rural landscape and city is obvious: Landscape is created by nature (or God if you want), a city is man-made. Rather, it describes a city-perhaps one of the few big cities in the world at that time … Haven’t found the relevant content? On the one hand it's nothing more than fourteen lines of sentimental invention, with hyperbole; on the other it's a fresh perspective, an enlightened vision that lifts the spirit. "LXXV" by Shakespeare consists Are there any metaphors or similes in this poem? As the reader progresses through Composed upon Westminster Bridge… , he is made to slow and … Wordsworth has located the very heart of beauty, or "fairness." Composed Upon Westminster Bridge, September 3, 1802 - by William Wordsworth (SMILE Analysis points) 5 1 customer reviews. The very houses seem asleep; and all that mighty heart is lying still’, he writes, using the exclamation to bring to a head the point that he has been labouring towards the entire poem: the beauty of London in the early morning is a stunning sight, and one that should be seen to be believed. Discover the best-kept secrets behind the greatest poetry. 'Daffodils' and 'Composed upon Westminster Bridge' Analysis Luke Peters Wordsworth's Poetical Works. Composed upon Westminster Bridge, September 3, 1802 Literary Analysis Symbol Analysis, cont. This is evident as early as the very first line where the Earth is personified as a “fair” and beautiful woman. A coach they were travelling on paused on Westminster Bridge… What's your thoughts? It has been created through the marriage of nature and man, and produced in its infamy to stand there upon the Thames. The houses were not overhung with their cloud of smoke and they were spread out endlessly, yet the sun shone so brightly with such pure light that there was even something like a purity of Nature’s own grand spectacles. The imagery of Composed upon Westminster Bridge… is very quiet. The biggest and best secrets behind the greatest poetry revealed. This poem attributes … After answering the questions, put all your ideas together and write your final appreciation of the poem by W.Wordsworth. It is peaceful imagery, providing the reader with the idea of slumber and of quiet – and the few bright flashes of colour illuminate it enough to give it a nearly divine air, such as the use of the phrase ‘bright and glittering’, and the description of the sun as ‘fully steep’-ing the city in its light. The narrator appears to be in awe of the city and the new nature the morning brings. Ships, towers, domes, theatres, and temples lie I often copy over info so the analysis is all organised in the same way and then change the details, but must … Anna Laghigna + 3 8mo. At regular intervals, the poet intersperses commas, semi-colons, and exclamation points seemingly at random, thus giving the poem a forced method of reading. As the reader progresses through Composed upon Westminster Bridge… , he is made to slow and thus to reflect upon what he is reading; the punctuation itself acts as a limitation on how quickly the reader can rush through the poem, thus lending aid towards imagining what is being stated in the poem itself. Write your names here! Sign up to find these out. In William Wordsworth’s poem, “Composed Upon Westminster Bridge September 3, 1802”, Wordsworth analyzes a beautiful day in London. Composed Upon Westminster Bridge Analysis of the poem by William Wordsworth - Group work by 5LCO . The Napoleonic Era is a period of history in France and the rest of Europe from 1799 to 1815. 5 9 customer reviews. Which is it? A PowerPoint with a lot of notes (including background) and discussion of the sonnet by William Wordsworth. In fact note that he makes no reference throughout Composed upon Westminster Bridge…  of there being people; London is beautiful, the poet seems to imply, when people are taken out of the equation, when it is quiet and still and it is early in the morning. In Wordsworth's sonnet the iambic beat does dominate but only one line consists of five iambic feet, without caesura or obstacle to flow, and that is the last line. Appunto di Letteratura inglese con analisi della poesia "Sonnet composed upon Westminster Bridge in lingua inglese. He sees the natural elements which one the river, the sun, the sky, … WESTMINSTER BRIDGE. The theme of this poem is that you can find beauty in anything; you may just have to look a little harder to find it. Imagine an early dawn, hardly anyone on the streets, when along comes a carriage and horses, stopping temporarily to take in the view over the River Thames. Wordsworth’s poems were a celebration of the natural beauty provided by the earth, and it is thus unusual to come across a poem of his that so celebrates the beauty of man-made structures. Hire a subject expert to help you with Critical Analysis for Composed Upon Westminster Bridge. Dive deep into William Wordsworth's Composed upon Westminster Bridge, September 3, 1802 with extended analysis, commentary, and discussion He mentions the sight of fields, which is unusual considering that the city of London is known more for its movement and commerical structures. Analysis of Composed Upon Westminster Bridge Composed upon Westminster Bridge, September 3, 1802 is Wordsworth's delicately wrought dedication to the capital of England, the city of London. Thank you! All bright and glittering in the smokeless air. In line two the word “dull” suggests that a sharp object was worn down over time; this metaphor is used to exemplify how human relationships and attitudes slowly deteriorate as people go through life. A sight so touching in its majesty: Loading... Save for later. October 25, 2014 at 5:21 am. And in 1802 London would be relatively small, the architecture modest, the countryside, with open fields and woods, not that far from busy city roads. In the corresponding lines of "Composed upon Westminster Bridge" - Earth has not anything to show more fair: Dull would he be of soal who could pass by. ‘Ships, towers, domes, theatres and temples lie’, writes Wordsworth, ironically filling the city, not with people, but with attributes; by listing these creations, Wordsworth appears to be making the argument that, because they exist, they are enough, and thus the beauty of London is in multiple forms. He uses this as a prelude to the thought shared in sestet. Line 1. Analysis of ‘Upon Westminster Bridge’ by William Wordsworth The Romantics, and especially Wordsworth, were unlucky not to have lived in the smartphone era! Often misrepresented as a love poem to the city of London, Wordsworth's "Westminster Bridge" is more a love poem to the morning. Letteratura straniera — Una breve storia della … Analysis of Sonnet Composed Upon Westminster Bridge- William Wordsworth Earth has not anything to show more fair: The emphasis that is placed on the lines due to the stressing of the syllables is what provides much of the poem’s nuance and beauty – for example, in the first line ‘Earth has not anything to show more fair’, the emphasis of the phrase would be upon ‘Earth’ and ‘anything’ and ‘fair’; it is a regular, flowing heartbeat, lending the idea that the city itself is alive. The sonnet is written in iambic pentameter, however; in the very first line this strict rule is broken, having eleven syllables. From that grand opening line, with its showy declaration, to the steady iambic beat of the metropolitan heart, this sonnet aims to do one thing: romanticise … The title marks a specific place and time—a viewpoint over London’s River Thames during the Industrial Revolution—and is typical of Wordsworth, whose work often deals with both the power and … The technique of hyperbole , … The city before him now seems to be more beautiful than he ever had considered it to be before, in the early morning air. Read more. Analysis of Composed Upon Westminster Bridge. Earth has / not an / ything / to show / more fair: (note opening trochee)Dull would he be of soul who could pass by (same trochee first foot)A sight so touching in its majesty: (caesura: touching in)This City now doth, like a garment, wear (commas slow down line)The beauty of the morning; silent, bare, (semi-colon and commas)Ships, towers, domes, theatres, and temples lie (towers/theatres)Open unto the fields, and to the sky; (trochee first foot)All bright and glittering in the smokeless air. The poet is speaking with his own voice and he uses the form of a Petrarchian sonnet to give an account of what sights he witnessed in the city and then goes on to compare them with nature. Created: Jan 15, 2012 | Updated: May 10, 2014. There is also a kind of paradox in the idea that a city can be part of nature, or that an ugly, man-made city can be perceived as being as beautiful as a natural landscape. About “Composed upon Westminster Bridge, September 3, 1802” Romantic Poetry William Wordsworth (1770 – 1850), has been described as one of … • New ideas of Liberalism and Democracy has sparked from the i dont believe that language and techniques for ‘Composed Upon Westminster Bridge’ are quite right, the quotes used and the story line do not quite fit with the analysis. At the very start of the Napoleonic Era. (2 syllables glittering)Never did sun more beautifully steep (opening trochee)In his first splendour, valley, rock, or hill; (commas to slow line)Ne'er saw I, never felt, a calm so deep! There are variations on this story but the basic idea is that Wordsworth was enthralled by the smokeless vista before him, interpreting the city skyline as a natural landscape, beautiful and quiet, most people not yet going about their business. The first eight lines are composed of a single sentence. All you other artists can call off the search! The river glideth at his own sweet will: Dear God! The opening line perhaps, and lines 9 and 11 show some exaggeration. The speaker describes what he sees on a particular day on Westminster Bridge. Wordsworth interprets these feelings he has about the overview from that bridge; he's trying to capture the emotion generated by the things he observes. It is made up of 14 lines: an octave, followed by a sestet. Composed upon Westminster Bridge Commentary The poem is a description of London in the morning and how he thinks it is really remarkable and eye-catching. Please support Poem Analysis by adding us to your whitelist in your ad blocker. Later on the personification is used as the sun is described as a “he” this is once again used to describe the river and the houses. Yeah, you’re right. Composed Upon Westminster Bridge - Analysis 1. Often misrepresented as a love poem to the city of London, Wordsworth's "Westminster Bridge" is more a love poem to the morning. If Wordsworth were alive today his camera phone would surely be filled to capacity and the scenes and events he captured would … So, in conclusion, beyond reality lies the romantic, be it a city turned into a natural phenomenon as in this sonnet, coated, some might say, in too sweet a layer of wonder. Open unto the fields, and to the sky; He is clear in his heart and mind. Try to add also a comment on how the poet was … Free. His poem Composed upon Westminster Bridge, September 3, 1802 is a celebration of this city. Yeah, you’re right. At regular intervals, the poet intersperses commas, semi-colons, and exclamation points seemingly at random, thus giving the poem a forced method of reading. There is … Romantic poets appreciated Petrarchan sonnets in part because Italy was thought to be the hub of classical European civilization, and they loved … Earth has not anything to show more fair: Dull would he be of soul who could pass by A sight so touching in its majesty: This City now doth, like a garment, wear The beauty of the morning; silent, bare, Ships, towers, domes, theatres, and temples lie Open unto the fields, and to the sky; All bright and glittering in the smokeless air.
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