Funny Bible Fact Nine - The oldest person in the Bible was Methuselah. How many books are in the Bible? We kind of get this idea that “bible” means to be an ultimate guide. Here are some amazing facts that you may not know about the Bible: 1. With 40 authors the Bible has been written in 3 continents! Your email address will not be published. She has spoken in churches in California, Oregon, Texas, and Mexico and has been featured in Guidepost Magazine and All Recipes Magazine. The Biblical Facts and trivia section is suitable for all ages - kids, children, teens, youth groups and adults! Great for adults, youth, and kids to learn about the most sold book in the world. Enjoy learning about the Bible using these Funny Bible Facts as discussion topics for Christian adults, children, kids, teens and youth groups. “The king’s scribes were summoned at that time, in the third month, which is the month of Sivan, on the twenty-third day. Now, the Word of God is nothing to laugh at but there are some verses that can make you chuckle. And get this…it cost St. John’s University and St. John’s Abbey an estimated $8 million dollars to create! Per word the Book in Jeremiah wins in it’s original language of Hebrew. It is the redemption of man. The Bible is the most shoplifted book in the world. You'll also learn fun tidbits like what was the name of the street Judas lived on and what Biblical character was a fast driver. In this post you’re going to learn a few of my favorite funny bible verses. Here is a random list of a few other fun facts about the Bible you never knew (or that most people don’t know): Some Bible chapters are actually acrostics and were meant to be memorized. The oldest man in the Bible was … 1. What is the shortest chapter in the Bible? The Bible was written by more than 40 traditional authors The books of the Bible are traditionally attributed to heroes of the Jewish and Christian faiths. Discover unique things to do, places to eat, and sights to see in the best destinations around the world with Bring Me! By Woman's Day Staff. Making the 7th commandment state…. Level. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Funny Bible FactsThis article contains a free Bible Study resource on the subject of Funny Bible Facts. But the Bible is a big book, and there’s lot more in there than just those popular stories. So, I thought it would be fun to look at some Bible facts. There is nothing wrong with going […] 02 Non-profit organizations provide free Bibles throughout the world. It is a beacon of truth in this dark world. When it comes to silly bible verses one of my fondest memories was when a guest speaker came to our ministry class. 2 – The Divisions of the Bible. The book of Esther. Lyz Lenz. But the word “bible” actually means “scrolls.”. Amen means “so be it” . The activities can help them learn more about different Bible verses and characters. One of the most well known Bible facts is that it’s the best selling book of all time—it is estimated that 25 million copies are sold each year in the United States alone—but did … Funny Bible Fact Ten - A man had a bed 13 1/2 feet long and 6 feet wide. In 1631 London printers Martin Lucas and Robert Barker accidentally forgot the word “NOT” in thou shall not commit adultery. Little Known Bible Facts contain interesting topics for discussion for group study, individual study and Sunday School lessons. Your email address will not be published. And he said I love funny Bible verses like Job 10:10… The Big Book of Bible Facts and Fun provides hours of creative Bible learning and fun! Fun Bible Questions. (Titus 1:12. 1. It’s interesting to know that the Bible has already been translated into 698 different languages around the world. And if you are big fan of facts check out: Scientific Facts In the Bible. Here are 25 Interesting Facts About Bible. Scripture doesn’t tell us how many went only that 3 gifts were given. What book in the Bible doesn’t mention God by name? The Bible is universal. Bible Scriptures on God’s Word . Isaiah 20:2-3, Funny Bible Fact Thirteen - Apparently people from the island of Crete had a bad reputation and the Bible records a rant against them, "Cretans are always liars, evil beasts, lazy gluttons." For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind. In the second Matrix movie, Agent Smith’s license plate is “IS 5416”, which refers to Isaiah 54:16 from the Bible… Here are 10 intriguing facts about the Bible. God’s Word is amazing and powerful. In the Old Testament the shorted book is the book of Obadiah with a whopping 440 words. Books of the Bible Fun Facts About the Book of Psalms. – Psalm 118:8. 2. But it’s also the number 1 book stolen. Here are seven amazing or unusual facts about the Bible that you may or may not have known about. How many books are in the Old Testament? 134 Amazing Facts of King James Bible That You Might Never Know. I know for me I have run into some funny Bible verses while reading the Bible. Pre-School. • 2,000 od the 2,286 years are covered in Genesis 1-11. Fun Bible Trivia Questions. Here is a little video of the pages in Gospels and Acts. This makes me so curious about its content since I have never read it myself. "Therefore to this day," says the Bible, "the Israelites do not eat the tendon attached to the socket of the hip, because the socket of Jacob's hip was … And don’t forget to check out Scientific Facts of the Bible. Funny Bible Fact Three - After Moses was given the Ten Commandments, he wore a veil over his face because he glowed. Fun Bible Trivia Answers 1. Check out my faith page where I cover all kinds of topics like, Angels in the Bible, Biblical Numerology, and Growing in Your Friendship With Jesus. – 2 Timothy 1:7. As they walked past each other, the children began to make fun of Elisha. Fun Bible Facts Amen is the last word in the Bible and means: So be it. The book of Esther is the only book in the Bible that never mentions God’s name. Check out more cool facts about the Wisemen. Deuteronomy 3:11, Funny Bible Fact Eleven - A man's hair weighed 6 1/4 lbs. These fun facts really get you thinking about how far we’ve come. 20 Fun Bible Trivia Facts That'll Surprise Everyone at Game Night. 2 – The Divisions of the Bible. Everything on the website is FREE for you to use as needed. All other books in scripture mention God. There are 39 books in the Old Testament. Discover our amazing and interesting facts taken right from the Bible. The longest word in the Holy Bible is ‘Mahershalalhashbaz’ which has 18 letters and can be found in Isaiah 8:1. Strange And Interesting Facts From The Bible How well do you know the Bible? Adriana Roaden. It is said there are only 9 of these Bibles left since most of them were removed from circulation. Which verse is at the exact center of the Bible? The Book of Psalms is undoubtedly the most frequently read and quoted part of the Bible. He lived 969 years. More Fun Facts about the Bible. The very last word in the Bible is Amen in the book of Revelation. On the historical side, it contains information about our beginning of time, our origin, and how things were created, but it also covers subjects such as good versus evil, happiness and despair, and encounters with life and death. The Bible contains 66 books, divided among the Old and New Testaments. • Over one-half of it (2,286 years) is recorded in Genesis. 2 Timothy 4:3-4 The time will come when people will not listen to the truth. While the Bible is 1 book, it contain 66 smaller books. We hope that you will find some of the following Funny Bible Facts interesting and their are some little known pieces of trivia which may surprise you. You Will Never Guess The Most Common Female Name (Fact #133) 1. The theme of the Bible is the same in both the Old and New Testaments. And our modern verses for the New Testament were created by Robert Stephanus. Bible facts and trivia. As of 2019, the full Bible has been translated into 698 different languages and just the New Testament into 1,548 languages! 2. “Jesus wept.” (John 11:35) 2. Who is the oldest man mentioned in the Bible? After 13 years (1998-2011) of hard work calligrapher Donald Jackson finished the St. John’s a Bible. Two. The shortest book is 3 John, with only one chapter and 299 words. The Jewish Bible is also referred to as the Christian Old Testament. You'll find games, art activities, coloring pages, creative storytelling, object lessons, Bible talks, crafts, puzzles, science experiments, and more! The time of the writing was from 1500 BC to AD 100. One of the weird and interesting facts about the Bible is that it is the best-selling, yet the most shoplifted book in the whole world. And every single one of its nearly 775,000 words was painstakingly written by hand by a team of scribes using 130-year-old Chinese ink dispensed through writing quills made of goose, turkey and swan feathers.”. and 95 A.D. I dare you to say that 3 times in a row…. And if you would like to grow more in the Bible. Melissa is a passionate minister, speaker and an ongoing learner of the Bible. No comments: Wednesday, January 20, 2021. All information on this Funny Bible Facts page is free to be used as an educational Christian Bible Study resource. T he Bible has so many amazing facts. The Book of Isaiah and the Bible. Seriously we are humans too! The theme of the Bible is the same in both the Old and New Testaments. University of the Cumberlands. The Bible prophesied about people turning from God’s Word in the end times. 1. His livestock also included 12,000 horses. The Bible is known as the perfect word of God and it has the power to transform the lives of a human being. “The Bible, to be bound in seven volumes, contains 1,150 pages, weighs 165 pounds and measures two-feet tall by three-feet wide when opened. Allah Akbar, Allah Akbar, La Allah Il Allah, La Allah Il Allah U Mohammed Rassul Allah" is heard by more people than any other sound of the human voice. 2 Samuel 14:26, Funny Bible Fact Twelve - A man walked naked for three years. The later two being in the New Testament. 1. Just like the Bible has 66 books in it, the Book of Isaiah has 66 chapters. All articles together with tools, activities, aids and materials and  are designed to be used by an individual or a Christian Bible study group. Funny Bible Facts - A Free Christian Bible Study ResourceWe hope that  this Funny Bible Facts article will provide useful information and ideas for those following a Bible Study plan. Bible Facts for Kids. Now, the Word of God is nothing to laugh at but there are some verses that can make you chuckle. And a year later the printers were fined for their error and had their printing license removed. The only problem Elisha had was that he was losing his hair. Here is a list of ten of them. Dead sea scrolls, historical documentation, and word of mouth all confirm the authenticity of the Bible. and 95 A.D. Genesis covers more time than the remaining sixty-five put together. var vclk_options = {sid:100368,media_id:6,media_type:8,version:"1.4"}; Funny Bible Facts - Free Fun Bible Study resource with great ideas for different topics, trivia and activities, Discussion topics, trivia and Funny Bible Facts for Christian adults, children, kids, teens and youth groups, Great resource for learning about the Bible, Discussion topics to aid Scripture and Bible studies, Biblical facts, trivia and information for Christian students, Funny Bible Facts - Information - Info - Fun - Amazing - Online - On Line - Studies - Children - Teens - Adults - Kids - Trivia Facts - Little Known - Fascinating - Information - Info - Fun - Amazing - Online - On Line - Studies - Children - Teens - Adults - Kids - Trivia Facts - Little Known - Fascinating - Information - Info - Fun - Amazing - Online - On Line - Studies - Children - Teens - Adults - Kids - Trivia Facts - Little Known - Fascinating - Funny Bible Facts. There's one version that has a major typo. ", and other fun Bible trivia topics! With over 66 books of Scripture, 39 in the Old Testament and 27 in the New Testament, covering thousands of years of history, the Bible makes mention of hundreds of people either in great detail (biblical heroes Abraham, David, Paul, Jesus) and gives others just a passing mention. Try: Books of the Old Testament | Old Testament Bible Quiz | Bible Quiz: Whos Said That? The word “bible” is from the Greek ta biblia, which means “the scrolls” or “the books.” The word is derived from the ancient city of Byblos, which was the official supplier of paper products to the ancient world. when it was cut anually. He died when he was 969 years old. You can grab yourself a copy for the small amount of $140,000. But, how good are you at Bible trivia questions and answers? 1 – The Writing of the Bible. We will look at some fun facts, interesting face, and even some shocking facts all about the His Word. Having over 42,000 words. Here is a random list of a few other fun facts about the Bible you never knew (or that most people don’t know): Some Bible chapters are actually acrostics and were meant to be memorized. Jan 4, 2019, 7:33 am* IRL . One Bible fun fact is that the phrase ‘do not be afraid’ can be found 365 times in the Bible. Guiness estimates in the last 3,000 years there have been around 5 trillion copies … Some Interesting Facts About the Bible Woodbine Church of Christ By Richard and Jane Hardy Nashville, Tennessee This is mainly because Bibles are found everywhere in churches and in hotel rooms. “The fountains of the great deep burst forth, … When it comes to the books of the Bible, the longest is Psalms, which contains 150 chapters (or psalms) made up of 43 743 words. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Bible. There is a total of 365 verses that tell us to fear not! (Genesis 5:27) 3. Description. Fact #1 Almost all American presidents who have been sworn into office had their hands on King James Bible King James Bible 3. Other Interesting Facts about the Bible. “thou shall commit adultery.” Eeeek! Taking a 23-minute flight might seem like a waste of money today, but in 1914 Abram Pheil paid $400, which would be … The reality is a bit messier than this, of course. Take that devil! Fun Bible Trivia Questions with topics like—"Who said that? Absalom’s hair weighed about 6 1/4 lbs. And an edict was written, according to all that Mordecai commanded concerning the Jews, to the satraps and the governors and the officials of the provinces from India to Ethiopia, 127 provinces, to each province in its own script and to each people in its own language, and also to the Jews in their script and their language.” – Esther 8:9 NKJV, Mahershalalhashbaz (Isaiah 8:3). The artistry is beautiful. The Bible was written over a 1600 year period by approximately 40 men. Funny Bible Fact One - The Bible is the most shoplifted book in the world! Here is a list of ten of them. Funny Bible Fact Five - Two lawyers are mentioned in the Bible named Gamaliel and Zenas, Funny Bible Fact Six - In Old Testament times people wore a sack- cloth so other people would know they were in mourning, Funny Bible Fact Seven - There were two men in the bible who never died! Bible Fun For Kids at 12:00 AM. The book with the most chapters is the book Psalms. Allah Akbar, Allah Akbar, La Allah Il Allah, La Allah Il Allah U Mohammed Rassul Allah" is heard by more people than any other sound of the human voice. Like I mentioned at the start of this post…the Bible is the number 1 seller of books, estimated at 100 million Bibles sold yearly. The Fun Bible Stuff mission is to provide creative resource material for making Bible study fun and interesting. More Fun Facts about Religion. Additional Bible Studies Flashcards . Funny Bible Facts - A Free Christian Bible Study Resource We hope that this Funny Bible Facts article will provide useful information and ideas for those following a Bible Study plan. Methuselah. Here is list of cool of basic Bible facts. I would love to know what God is teaching you. This chart shows scientific facts and principles referred to in this ancient Bible, but not actually discovered by humankind until later centuries. When you head to a book store you will see all kinds of non-religious “bibles.” Like this BBQ Bible…. The original Bible wasn’t just written in Hebrew, but also Greek and Arabic. 3rd John with a total of 219 words. Obadiah, with 21 verses consisting of 602 words, is the shortest book in the Old Testament, and the third shortest in the Bible. Useful for trivia and learning about history, our true Bible facts will surprise you, encourage conversation and … The Bible says “gopher” wood, but we really don’t know what gopher wood is. People who love the Bible and trivia will enjoy J. Stephen Lang's The Complete Book of Bible Trivia. It might even be fun to challenge the kids with a Bible verse that they can take home to their parents who can help them discover a fun fact for themselves. when it was cut annually (2 Samuel 14:26). The Complete Book of Bible Trivia. Funny Bible Facts contain interesting topics for discussion for group study, individual study and Sunday School lessons. A look at 27 Fun facts about the Bible. Bible Studies. 20 Fun Bible Trivia Facts That'll Surprise Everyone at Game Night. They are a relief from the monotonous Bible lecture and extended discussion. The 16 Most Bizarre Moments In The Bible. The Bible has a total of 66 books by 40 authors. Click here to study/print these flashcards. Romans 10:17 (NASB) “FAITH comes by HEARING, and HEARING by the WORD of CHRIST.” Hebrews 11:6 (NASB) “WITHOUT FAITH it is IMPOSSIBLE to PLEASE HIM (GOD), for he who comes to God must BELIEVE that He is and that HE is a REWARDER of those who (NKJV says: DILIGENTLY seek Him) SEEK HIM.”; Psalm 1:1-2 (NASB) “How BLESSED is the man who walks NOT in … In 1631, a publishing company published a Bible with the typo “Thou Shalt Commit Adultery.” Only 9 of these Bibles, known as the “Sinners’ Bible” exist today. Jun 07, 2016. It’s pretty epic! Strange Bible Facts. YAY! This chart shows scientific facts and principles referred to in this ancient Bible, but not actually discovered by humankind until later centuries. Funny Bible FactsOur Bible Study section  on Funny Bible Facts and trivia provides some interesting and unusual facts and trivia about the Bible. The Bible contains 66 books – 39 books in the Old Testament and 27 books in the New Testament.The 66 books of the Bible are divided into … 9 Randomly Awesome Bible Facts You Should Know Tucked away into small passages of the Bible, these random fun facts are easily skimmed over by some readers. According to this chapter in the Bible, there was a wise man named Elisha. basic bible facts for kids to memorize. Don’t forget to read our teaching on Bible History, for a more in-depth study. Here are fifteen Bible facts. Making this post way more than 27 facts . 1-5 Interesting Facts About Bible 1. Besides being an important religious document, the Bible continues to be one of the best-selling books in the world. Within the pages of Scripture are many stories that are obscure and bizarre. 3. Exodus 34:33-35. With a total of 66 books and thousands of years of history, people know most about the Bible and Christianity.However, along the lines of history, some facts get obscured or buried, yet still remain interesting. In Genesis 5:25, it is stated that the longest living person in the Bible was Methuselah who was alive for 969 years. There is a total of 1,189 chapters in the Bible – The Old Testament of the bible has 929 chapters while the New Testament of the bible has 260 chapters. The time of the writing was from 1500 BC to AD 100. 35. One is never too young or old to play trivia games, and our collection should make any get-together, Bible class, or devotional more fun. Cain committed the first murder and built the first city (Genesis 4:8, 17). Jehovah’s Witnesses don’t celebrate birthdays because the only two accounts of birthday parties in the Bible resulted in murder – Source 2. Since there are 39 books in the Old Testament, it contains a tremendous amount of information. As you read on, some surprising facts about the Bible that you may not have known will be presented to you. When it comes to silly bible verses one of my fondest memories was when a guest speaker came to our ministry class. 4. Who are the five angels mentioned by name in the Bible? What is the longest chapter in the Bible? They are pretty interesting! And he said I love funny Bible verses like Job 10:10… There's one version that has a major typo. Old Testament Bible Trivia Questions and Answers. Dead sea scrolls, historical documentation, and word of mouth all confirm the authenticity of the Bible. Interesting Facts 01 Every year, the Holy Bible sells over 100 million copies. She also enjoys family, cooking, and reading. Subject. When Noah built the ark, he was already 600 years old, and when he died, he died at 950. They cover little-known Bible facts such as how long Jesus hung on the cross and what were the first words spoken in the Bible. Take a look below for 20 amazing and interesting facts about the Bible. The oldest man ever in the history of mankind was ‘Methuselah’ who lived for 969 years. These fun facts really get you thinking about how far we’ve come. Than to put confidence in man. These Bible trivia questions are fun questions to ask if you want to break the ice with someone you just met. 04/11/2013. There is some debate over whether Jacob wrestled God or an angel, but whoever the being was, he named Jacob "Israel," meaning "He … Funny Bible Fact Four - The Bible mentions dogs, livestock, lion, game animals, and various other animals but it does not mention the domestic cat! Jehovah’s Witnesses don’t celebrate birthdays because the only two accounts of birthday parties in the Bible resulted in murder – Source There are a variety of resources for teachers and for students of all ages. Funny Bible Fact Two - King Solomon had 700 wives and 300 concubines! There’s also magic fish, giants, and a prophet who was apparently really sensitive about being bald. Some of these amazing facts are well known some are little known and some might prove unknown up to this point of study! A look at 27 Fun facts about the Bible. And don’t get me wrong the Bible is an ultimate guide for mankind to know and walk with God. A modern take on a fully handwritten and hand-illustrated Bible. Did you know the Bible never mentions there being only 3 Wisemen who went to see baby Jesus?! 10 funny Bible verses you have to read to believe Ghosts, witches, and giants—it's all in there. While the Bible is 1 book, it contain 66 smaller books. Here are 25 Interesting Facts About Bible. 6864 How well do you really know the Bible? 5 Interesting Bible Activities For Teens: The Bible activities are perfect for youth groups or even people belonging to late teens. By Woman's Day Staff. Create your own flash cards! 03 The … Bible verses about having fun Many people think that Christians are uptight people who never have fun, laugh, or smile, which is false. 9 Randomly Awesome Bible Facts You Should Know Tucked away into small passages of the Bible, these random fun facts are easily skimmed over by some readers. • The remaining 1,814 years are covered in Exodus through Revelation (65 books). – Genesis 7:2–3. Some of these amazing facts are well known some are little known and some might prove unknown up to this point of study! Bible stories are very popular when it comes to kids, which is why we won't be surprised if you know a lot about the Bible. But the Bible is a big book, and there’s lot more in there than just those popular stories. 2. From its popular stay in hotel rooms and home libraries, the Bible more than any other book gets swiped from shelves. With over 4,500 questions divided into 14 topical sections, trivia buffs will be tested on such topics as Crimes and Punishments, Military Matters, Things to Eat and Drink, and Matters of Life and Death. Sign up here. And is the founder of Think About Such Things. As he was walking to Bethel one fine day, a group of noisy kids crossed his path. We suppose it shouldn’t come as a shock the most widely book in the world would also be the most stolen according to True Bible Facts. You shall take with you seven each of every clean animal, a male and his female; two each of animals that are unclean, a male and his female; 3 also seven each of birds of the air, male and female, to keep the species alive on the face of all the earth. God caused the water to come. All articles together with tools, activities, aids and materials and are designed to be … Few Strange Bible Facts King Solomon lived with 700 wives and 300 concubines, which is depicted in 1 Kings 11:3 of the Bible. Our modern Old Testament verses were done by the Ben Asher family around 900 AD. T he Bible has so many amazing facts. How many words are in the shortest verse in the Bible? Here are 10 intriguing facts about the Bible. I know for me I have run into some funny Bible verses while reading the Bible. Romans 10:17 (NASB) “FAITH comes by HEARING, and HEARING by the WORD of CHRIST.” Hebrews 11:6 (NASB) “WITHOUT FAITH it is IMPOSSIBLE to PLEASE HIM (GOD), for he who comes to God must BELIEVE that He is and that HE is a REWARDER of those who (NKJV says: DILIGENTLY seek Him) SEEK HIM.”; Psalm 1:1-2 (NASB) “How BLESSED is the man who walks NOT in … Chapters and verses were added to the Bible for convenience. In fact: I sorted through dozens of crazy, weird and odd scriptures to find the best verses to share with you. Interestingly, the first 39 chapters contain much about the law, and the last 27 books contain much about grace. 1. The Bible is estimated to have been written between 1450 B.C. Fun Facts About the Bible You Never Knew: First word in the bible: “In” (Genesis 1:1) Last word in the bible: “Amen” (Revelation 22:21) Longest word in the bible: Mahershalalhashbaz (18 characters - Isaiah 8:1) Surprising words you won’t find in the bible: trinity, rapture, evangelism; Shortest chapter: Psalm 117 (2 verses, 33 words) There’s also magic fish, giants, and a prophet who was apparently really sensitive about being bald. The Bible was written over a 1600 year period by approximately 40 men. There’s nothing wrong with doing fun things with friends. Remarkable Bible Facts by H Mobile King James Bible 2. Different Jewish and Christian groups include various texts, but there is a lot of common material. Check this list of interesting (and little-known) Bible historical facts and trivia. Looking for some quick facts about the Bible itself? The full Bible has been translated into 532 languages. Dec 21, 2018 Getty Images. Required fields are marked *. God is in Command. Learn how your comment data is processed. The following printable Bible questions go beyond the typical. One for every single day of the year! Taking a 23-minute flight might seem like a waste of money today, but in 1914 Abram … It is a collection of 150 lyric poems written by several different authors. Dec 21, 2018 Getty Images. I hope you have enjoyed all these fun facts about the Bible and have learned some interesting things! The New Testament provides the basis for Christian belief that Jesus of Nazareth was the Messiah predicted in the Old Testament. Scripture encourages us to have a happy heart instead of a crushed one. Created. Nearly 8 in 10 Americans regard the bible as either the literal word of God or as inspired by God. The Long and Short of It. But then again, the Bible is the inspired Word of the almighty and ineffable God, so maybe we shouldn’t be so surprised that things seem a bit strange at times. These are some interesting Bible facts to take note of. Cain committed the first murder and built the first city (Genesis 4:8, 17). 31,173 verses total in the Bible (depending on the translation), The whole King James Bible has 788,258 words, 31,102 verses, and 1,189 chapters.
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