Plaster pictures of the offenders on the sign post with bags telling owners to clean up after their dogs. Not only this, but rabbits eat their own poop. And poop getting into our water supply? The easiest way of training a rabbit is by using a clicker. Their few vocalizations are quiet. I can deal with them bringing there dogs out there because its public, buy why can’t they pick there dog shitt up (excuse the language). Even if they have a poop catcher attached to the dog they would throw it on the ground. Why? anti-inconsiderate dog owner Facebook page, Letter To The Editor: Rethinking Brooklyn Hospital Consolidation. . They will chew and claw things, but the problem will be far worse if they aren’t provided with enough stimulation. Not everyone has a yard, bkforman. Rabbits are much quieter animals. I have invested in security cameras and I am now building a quality of life violation case against the perpetrators. We never mentioned a name or an apartment number we were just laughing about how the light was shining on the poop and how disgusting it is that people do not pick up after their animals. Take responsibility and clean up properly after your dog. Shame, embarrass or fine the owners, don’t take it out on the dogs, it’s not their fault. According to Cornell Veterinarian, rabbits eat their poop because their digestive systems struggle to absorb nutrients properly. I always assumed it was the work of people who were passive aggressively resisting the work or chore of walking a dog they didn’t much care for. You could set up a pen indoors if you don’t want to give your rabbit free reign of your home. A frustrated neighbor writes about the issue: We have a big problem with [owners not cleaning up after their dogs] on E 17th between Beverly Rd and Albermarle Rd. A year ago I stepped in poop and within ten days had a virus that transmits from k9 to human. Rabbits are kept in abysmal conditions, with anywhere from 10% to 30% dying before they can be killed for their fur. This means giving it undivided, one-on-one attention. Why not give out their full names, apartment numbers, and full descriptions so that we can send out a gang of vandals with torches to correct the problem with a public spectacle – all based simply on your accusations? Ever since I was vilified while picking up poop, I have stopped picking it up. Along with this, you’ll also need to make a lot of one-time purchases, including: Many people don’t realize that the running costs of keeping a rabbit can also be high. Before bringing your new pet home, make sure you research how to care for a rabbit properly. So I confronted her and asked her to stop, and thankfully she did. By now, you should have a good idea of whether a rabbit would be the right pet for you. Keep those camera phones handy and shame the perpetrators into compliance? In the wild, rabbits would be on the move almost all the time. There are so many people in this neighborhood who claim to be environmentalist, so how do you justify putting crap in with recycling??? We are constantly finding poop in our yard and yesterday right in the middle of our driveway. And this includes WHERE their dogs poop! While puppies under five months tend to explore the world with their mouths, dogs past this age are considered adolescents and … Ha, ha). Auctions General Information The San Diego Police Department is using an on-line auction company,, for all property auctions from this point forward. Imagine how beautiful it is just to rest without any noises just the sound of nature no phone so no distractions just you and the trees the grass and the sky. Rabbits’ teeth and claws grow constantly. Is there any percentage of the carefree dog owner population that’s truly ignorant of the law (and apparently unfazed by dog waste on their own respective streets)–or is everyone who leaves his or her pooch’s crap lying around just being, er, crappy? They have to grind their teeth down by chewing or they’d grow too long. While I’m sure many of these lovely surprises are from dogs, a couple of those turds are likely being left behind by some feral cats. Once there it attracts other dogs who then have to leave their scent, … and and and… They develop strong bonds with their owners, although this can take time. They are completely self-absorbed and think they are the only people on the planet (kidding…kind of. Save my name and email in this browser for the next time I comment. I have however seen a small ray of hope. It’s not a law, or they don’t know it is a law (because it is in some places), so they think they don’t have to or it’s not that important, 6. Hunters use it. February 25, 2021. Cleaning up after your pet IS part of caring for your pet. Sometimes dogs know verbal commands before they learn hand signals. I said id clear it up if that would get him off my case, even though it wasnt mine. My initial reaction is that if we can’t seem to do anything about responsible gun control in this country, what chance have we with poop control? The litter box isn’t the only thing you can teach your rabbit. You can then give the verbal command, and then practice several times until your dog learns to perform the command with just the hand signal. So adopting a bunny should be a family decision. The more time you spend with your rabbit, the more you’ll get to see its unique personality. For instance: A commenter on the article adds that in Belgium, owners caught walking their dogs without at least three bags are automatically fined, whether or not there’s any waste to be found. They think dog poop is natural. It is not (especially in the quantities that are generated by our pets) and harms the environment and threatens public health, 2. This isn’t always negative, of course. they want the animal but won’t take care of it. If this is the case with your dog, be sure to give the hand signal first. Sometimes, the cats go so far away that they actually forget their way back. ... Perhaps you’ll forget to take your long line with you and think that it will be ‘ok this time’. As a bonus, rabbits also make great pets for people with allergies. With lots of repetition, you can teach your rabbits many tricks. Because rabbits are herbivores, they aren’t hunters. Rabbits are always pooping because they graze on hay constantly. Is that so? This is a small device that makes a distinct clicking sound. Your rabbit will need litter, food pellets, fresh vegetables, an unlimited supply of hay, and occasional treats. The best rabbit pairing is one male and one female. However, it does mean that rabbits are very good at running away from their owners. Ah, irresponsible dog owners: not a new topic among our readers, but still a group who makes walking down the street a little more terrifying for everyone (including the good dog owners who do pick up the doo). The county refuses to help even though she is breaking numerous laws. Most people who are allergic to cat and dog fur are OK around rabbits. So a lot of patience is required from their owners. I’ve never caught anyone in the act. The problem is my dog pooped in some really tall grass and because he is on weight loss dog food, his poop doesn’t stink so I couldn’t find it. . I need a solution without causing a huge fight on my block. Rabbits also get along with children well. Neighbors from “HELL”. There are cons to rabbit ownership which you might not have considered before. If this woman would just look around she would notice that I have cameras all around my home and plenty of video of what she is doing.These will be given to the sherriffs department and hopefully they will support the law here in charlotte county and fine her the five hundred dollars for each offence. Rabbits are social animals. He and his girlfriend Monica always have their dogs poop in front of other apartments or houses. When asked politely to pick up their dogs’ poop, first claims he will pick up after all 4 have pooped (we all know they don’t poop on command at the same place & time!). If this is something that you’d find it difficult to witness, a rabbit might not be the pet for you. I have no idea why someone would do such a thing! Show your rabbit the treat, and use it to lure your rabbit over the bar. Rabbits are smart. Building on the corner of E17th & Dorcester (had 5 Pomeranians now 4-always off the leash). When happy, it’ll run around the room and leap for joy. Oftentimes rabbits are subjected to multi-month-long quarantine periods upon arrival into other countries, and in many places, pet rabbits are not permitted in at all. Since my first comment has not been published, I am trying again as this is a serious issue. It will take time for your rabbit to warm up to you. They also open the door to their unit and let the dog out without a leash with know regard to who is outside. If I had a dog, I would have the dog crap in my yard not my neighbors. It’s best to set the pen up on a hard surface rather than the grass. Oh come on people. Then he resorts to racial slurs such as “chink” & even the n word! Install baby gates to stop your rabbit climbing the stairs as it could fall. While passionately loyal to their owners, they still may need a little convincing when it comes to training, and may only respond to the really good treats. Your email address will not be published. There is also the issue of people with houses with lawns who let the dog go all over the sidewalk, adjacent street, and grassy verge and do not clean it up — even making a point of having the dog head there rather than the grass closer to the house. Ideal Pet Food Brands for Your Fennec Fox One expert at The House Rabbit Society advises against breeding rabbits at all. I work as a provider in the healthcare industry and have never encouraged anything more scary than a nieghbor who not only doesn’t care for and spoil their dog but allows their pet to contaminate humans. I don’t blame the dog. However, we’ll also look at the disadvantages, to find out why rabbits aren’t always appropriate indoor pets for everyone. We can’t let this happen. Ugh my neighbour keeps leaving her dog’s poop out!! With the right care and attention, rabbits make good pets. Rabbits are NOT low-maintenance pets. There is no way to pick up it completely once on the ground. They need exercise, and they can be time-consuming to look after. Someone placed signs on the two trees but own owners are disregarding them. They should be charged. I have a neighbor that has 2 dogs & walks them all around the block but I have never seen him with a bag & he is the one leaving the site without picking it up. This is not cool. Why does she do this? You can’t really take a rabbit for a walk as harnesses can lead to injury. I just had ENOUGH!! Rabbits aren’t a fan of going back into their hutches when playtime is over. Absolutely nothing. Irritates me when people do not pick up their dog poop . When adopting, don’t forget to bring photographic ID which shows your name and current address, as it will be required at the point of adoption. I went outside and I could not even talk to him because he was yelling his profanity at the top of his lungs then he got to one point where he put his fist to his palm and was pounding it near my face. It’s like playing hopscotch because every where you walk you have to watch your step. It is not about having, nor liking dogs, its about common sense. Is this too harsh, or a sensible preventative method? Im sure he isn’t the only fed up citizen who cares about a clean, healthy environment and is one turd away from giving up because nobody else GETS IT. In all states, they must require all dog owners to have a license to own even the smallest toy dog so if a canine sanitation cop catches them in the act of leaving droppings, they can be identified and fined. They are not the hardiest pets to own. They don’t make much noise and develop strong bonds with their owners. They need exercise, and they can be time-consuming to look after. . Boy, you gun fearing liberals will misuse ANY soapbox, won’t ya… Referring to the moron who has no idea that taking guns from the public WILL NOT STOP the criminals.. How do I know? They train their dog to poop when they get to the doggie park, (not a school yard or a picnic area) and they clean up after them EVERY TIME! We have a few dog owners who just let their dogs go off least, one on Dorchester and one on Argyle thjat I’ve seen. Merchandise sold is either unclaimed or items for which the Police Department has been unable to locate an owner. I have a question, who is picking up after all the squirrels, deers, raccoons, Fox’s, possums, chipmonks, armadilas, rats, rabbits, a wide range of reptiles and birds. Most of the time, they do reach back home, but this can take around 3 … They can be litterbox trained, however. Rabbits are very low-maintenance, requiring only food, shelter, and water. In fact, the majority of residents in this community do not have a private yard, or access to a shared one. That’s not to say that rabbits won’t have accidents from time to time. Pick the excrement and analyze it and When I met my wife she had a dog; After she moved in I’d do the late night walking–mostly on 18th St. by the Prospect Expressway, and it seemed to be a designated drop-it-and-leave-it site. In this state harvesting rainwater is considered a property right. And if your dog even LOOKS like its about to go, then you should look ready to catch it before it hits the ground Sarah’s evil twin!!. Rabbits are good pets for apartments as they won’t wake you up during the night. People have gotten so stupid. If it wasn’t a big deal to them why don’t they stay closer to their home.Why walk around the corner and go to where they think no one can see them? This can also happen if you handle your rabbit too roughly. I always pick up after my dog too. My solution will be that I will pick it up throw it on his yard with a NOTE with my address so he knows who it came from. Some of the health complications that rabbits are prone to include: Rabbits’ skeletons are also fragile. Unlike many other animals, rabbits don’t make too much noise. Rabbits are quiet and don’t require much physical space. In our city there is a law that all dog waste must be picked up and disposed of. Lawmanjeff makes a great point. I do agree with you on the litter situation as well. I am very surprised that I am only one to notice this nastiness. 6. Unhappy rabbits can hiss, growl, and whimper. I am so tired of this, I have a 1 year old great grand daughter that have come to live with me but I cant let her come to play out there, right there at the edge of my porch, I have to pick that mess up, its disgusting, and nasty….what can I do about this, and its so many dogs in this apartment building its ridiculous, and I know all the dogs in the Remington apartments can’t all be registered. Project Gutenberg Australia Title: Nineteen eighty-four Author: George Orwell (pseudonym of Eric Blair) (1903-1950) * A Project Gutenberg of Australia eBook * eBook No. Don’t forget that rabbits are prey animals and many will not enjoy being picked up. If you do it right, you’ll have a trusty companion that will be with you for more than a decade. Some idiot with a baby in a pushchair followed me for 10 minutes and shouted at me to come here. I totally agree that not everyone has a yard. The other thing I don’t understand is why home owners have their dogs crap in other people’s yards and not their own. Where do you think the poop in your toilet goes? However, this is only their lifespan in the wild. Anyway, what have you found is the best way to deal with less-than-stellar pooch owners in your neck of the woods? It amazes me that when they’re caught, they get so upset! Some rabbits, such as the Netherland Dwarf, are particularly small. It’s this kind of witch hunt crap that will ruin a once nice neighborhood like DP. Rabbits need exercise to stay healthy. They often run and hide, then run again, leading to endless hide-and-seek. As long as the guy is picking it up, which he was, it doesn’t matter where the dog goes & you are just making an ass out of yourself. The blog could have a contest to see who can take the most/best pics of the guilty parties, and post them here. Ugh! Keep anything important or harmful out of the way. Please share. Any you haven’t tried yet, but are considering now that you’ve read about them? Ownerless non domesticated animals have a valid excuse for not scooping their poop. Shelters are full of rabbits that need happy homes, and many are well-socialized. She responded,”Oh we don’t do that around here.” I guess I have moved to a backward thinking area. He continued pounding and yelling until I open the door and then he made a threat that I needed to get my butt outside so he could talk to me. The best dog owners never let their dog poop on their neighbors lawn as a general rule. Good idea. Also I noticed that the department of sanitation police has too many property cops and not enough canine watch cops so these extra cops should be assigned to the canine watch police. Rabbit poop looks like tiny, brown pellets. 46 F New York However, most veterinarians are specifically trained to deal almost exclusively with dogs and cats. The city never empties them on a timely basis. They said I shouldn’t let my dog poop on the side of the street. ... Make an appointment to visit a breeder and see their rabbits. If owners are blatantly ignoring signs, though, what are some other solutions for handling the problem? It does help; until the rain fall.. They are high-energy animals that require exercise. Make sure that your pet drinks clean and fresh water. Many have repeated phantom pregnancies and may growl, lunge at, scratch or bite their owners or other rabbits, particularly in spring and summer. He didnt believe me so i walked off and called him an idiot. They are rarely alone. Yuck! Rabbits have amazing personalities and are gentle pets. My block on East 19th between Cortelyou and Beverley is horrible, constantly strewn with dog poop. My objective is to help owners to keep their pet rabbits happy and healthy. I’m writing a letter to our Homeowner’s Assoc and if they refuse to help I’ll have no choice but to go to the local tv station for help. Another option might be starting an anti-inconsiderate dog owner Facebook page, or at least leaving up a particularly snarky note as opposed to a classic “Curb Your Dog” sign (see the notes on Facebook for some entertaining examples). Except this ONE DAY when I didn’t have one. They can be litterbox trained and taught tricks. As long as your home is big enough for you, it should be big enough for your rabbit. Old and new. I am 75 years old, and a recent widow. They can be litterbox trained and taught tricks. Anyone have any suggestions? Stop making truly smart people jump the fence by posting in a article on dog crap.. oh wait. Rabbits are much smarter and more hygienic animals than most of us realize. I have complain to the manager and nothing still isn’t done about it. near Madrid–an initiative that sounds a bit over the top, but has reportedly reduced the amount of dog poop on the street by 70%. I always bring a bag. Dig poop will get into our water supply. Fennec foxes that thrive in the desert stay hydrated by retaining moisture from the dew that accumulates in their burrows and from their food. We’re going to look closely at these advantages. There absolutely must be a law for not only punishing ignorant people but also for proper handling those poops to begin with. However, there’s more to caring for rabbits than just giving them cuddles and feeding them hay. There is a woman who thinks she can bring her dog to the grass out side my property and let it go a few times a day.If it was just once when she was passing by I would understand.But everyday a few time .Enough is enough. LawManJeff – your wife is right, you’re totally in the wrong. Usually, tomcats wander away from home in search of female companions to mate with. Please don’t be mean to people if you are going to be the poop police. Even if I ran out of bags, I went back right away to pick it up. The “poopz” burn my front yard. Let the damn dog poop in peace. You should also rabbit-proof your house. Sorry, couldn’t resist. Can you imagine inside his house? Once identified dog feces should be delivered to the offenders’ residences. It got better for a few weeks but now this morning it’s back out on the lawn. : 0100021.t I have a camera and have caught people previously. One night my daughter and I were coming home from dinner and we noticed some dog poop and the spotlight from the apartments was shining on it. Mouthy dogs routinely grab at people using their mouths without causing injury. I want people to pick up after their dogs too but she went too far. HINESVILLE, Ga. (WSAV) — After months of being separated by thousands of miles, a lost calico cat named Cauliflower has been located and reunited with her thankful owners in Georgia. Give them hay to chew on and toys to play with. She was condesending, rude and said I give dog owners a bad name. They’re very quiet animals, which is a great advantage especially if you live in an apartment building and have sensible neighbors. I don’t blame the dogs, I blame the nasty dog owners. The husband is the worst he thinks that what he is doing is fine and that know one can stop him , whereas the wife will try to pick it up if she is home. I am recovering from major surgery. If you dont know that it was someones falt, dont blame them. Your email address will not be published. I always clean up after her and have met a number of fellow dog-owners who do the same. If you’re a committed vegetarian averse even to ethically raised meat, there’s no reason to keep rabbits other than for companionship. He threatened to call the police and get a restraining order and I told him go ahead the thought for me to have him getting a restraining order was great because I would not have to get one. Dog behavior guru Cesar Milan’s site also notes some fascinating ways people deal with abandoned dog poop across the world. After five years of catching people and making them pick up on my corner lot, I decided that our neighborhood deserved better. My roommate (who has a dog) has asked her multiple times to stop, I emailed and talked to management and I’ve tried to talk to her but she always leaves when she sees me coming. So what have I learned here. You’re worst than the dog owners leaving poop behind. I’m not a criminal and I AM A DEMOCRAT, just open no minded enough to be TRUTHFUL. As long as they are treated gently and kindly, your rabbit will be gentle and kind in return. Required fields are marked *. my child has stepped in it repeatedly and ruined her shoes and my landlord thinks I’m not picking up after my dog (which my dogs droppings are larger in comparison and I always pick up after mine) and asked me to get rid of my dog because of it. Just got footage of a irresponsible dog owner allowing his dog to poo in our yard today! Their first poops will come out quite soft. I am looking for actual laws on the books addressing pet owners, allowing their dog to poop on my lawn. . Domestic rabbits can live for a long time. Most veterinarians will examine your rabbit and perform basic procedures, such as nail trimming. Same old “I don’t have a bag” well, here is one. It’s no secret that the most popular pets can be quite loud. Training a rabbit is a lot like training a dog. Nobody likes POOP but come on, don’t make a huge deal about it if it happens occasionally. I went up to him with my puppy and he said he saw my dog stop where the man saw some poo. Do not assume because I didn’t pick it up this time that I never pick it up. This often happens during play, exercise, and whenever they are overexcited. I called the police so I can have a report and so they can go and speak to him. I would welcome any solutions. Your email address will not be published. The dog owners who fail to clean up after their dogs EVERY TIME are still guilty! In either respect, there is still no excuse for not cleaning up after your dog. Shelters also charge fees to adopt rabbits to dissuade people from adopting pets as a whim. So, rabbits can be litter trained, as long as they’re neutered or spayed. There are many benefits to keeping a rabbit as a pet, aside from their cuteness. Joe, lives in the 6 fl. A federal breach-of-warranty lawsuit demands that Honda pay for rodent damage to its environmentally friendly soy-based car wiring covering. She couldn’t find the poop either. So, they have to digest everything a second time. Larger rabbit species don’t live as long as the smaller ones. Fees for all services are due at the time your pet is brought to AHS. Only introduce two rabbits that are both spayed or neutered. Domestic cats hunt wildlife less if owners play with them daily and feed them a meat-rich food, new research shows. For those who do not wish to keep the remains of their pet, communal cremation services are available. They stay baby-rabbit-sized through adulthood, rarely growing larger than 2.5lbs. If you take proper care of your rabbit, you’ll rarely hear these sounds. Rewarding owners who scoop with free public Wi-Fi in Mexico City (because your dog isn’t the only one who deserves a treat). I have lived with dogs my whole life and I don’t freak out over dog poo. ), A Full Guide to Caring for French Angora Rabbits As Pets, Hutch or condo with a separate designated sleeping area, Large pen to keep your rabbit contained when exploring the house, Covered run, if you’re going to let your rabbit outdoors, Hard-sided carrier for taking your rabbit to the vet. But please, by all means, take them all away, your house is first… no really, that’s how it would be. That is a hot button issue here too! Pet rabbits are sweet and adorable companions to have around the family home. Since then, I’ve caught her allowing the dog to poop on the green space between the sidewalk and the curb. While they can make wonderful pets, there are also some drawbacks to rabbit ownership. This is a huge pet peeve of mine. They don’t make much noise and develop strong bonds with their owners. The issue is irresponsible, lazy, dis-respectful dog owners. They didn’t even see my dog poop, they only saw me picking it up. I live in Florida so in addition to the flies the smell will so be unbearable. Brooklyn still has some non-domesticated animals running about. Depending on the breed, your rabbit’s life expectancy will vary. Any of the methods listed above? The Police Department does not sell land, cars or boats on this site. She had quite a barking repertory as beagles do. Rabbits are quiet. I think that social pressure has actually made things a bit better (as with lower smoking rates). In fact I have five big dogs that don’t leave my property but i still clean up every time i take them out.It is just what we are suppose to do. Be respectful and courteous. Why?! Maybe you should not be a pet owner if you can not take proper care of them. However, they don’t require much physical space. Not to mention, rabbits are mini Houdinis. There are many benefits to keeping a rabbit as a pet, aside from their cuteness. Ah, irresponsible dog owners: not a new topic among our readers, but still a group who makes walking down the street a little more terrifying for everyone (including the good dog owners who do pick up the doo). A frustrated neighbor writes about the issue: We have a big problem with [owners not cleaning up after their dogs] on E 17th between Beverly Rd and Albermarle Rd. Turn in un-leashed dogs. Rabbits. Jersey Wooly Rabbits As Pets: A Complete Guide to Care, Can a Rabbit Die from Eating Too Much? He continued to yell and his wife came outside doing the same thing so now you get what I’m dealing. Many new rabbit owners don’t realize quite how much rabbits love to chew and scratch. Children and Rabbits: Rabbits live 10+ years. Mailing the offending pile back to the owner (in government packaging, none the less!) Rabbits are prone to developing specific health problems, and becoming injured. Rabbits are smart. The issue is not where wild animals poop. Dog poo is actually very beneficial for the garden and every day I remove my dog’s faeces from my yard and put it on the garden. Unless, perhaps, you sign it something like, “Love, All of your adoring neighbors on (street name).”. They don’t even need a yard as rabbits don’t have to live outdoors. I just cannot believe they like to live in a neighborhood with poop around. We specialise in animal rescue & furthering the welfare cause for all animals. I learned one thing from this article–this isn’t a problem just in the U.S. We are on 17th between Cortelyou and Beverley. If you are squeamish about pee or poop, rabbits aren’t recommended. Absolutely right! What the hell is the matter with people. I expect dog owners to clean up after their fur babies just as assiduously. How do I go about doing this? Rabbit enjoy their freedom. However, rabbits love to chew and scratch everything in sight. But of course the poop police showed up and scolded me. Neither side is always right. I think those who don’t scoop the poop and bring it home to dispose of should be shot. I moved to a lovely area on a beautiful street. I live at The Remington apartments on E. Fountain Blvd, Colorado springs the apartment I live in use to be the manager office but now is apartment off to its self and there is a dog run right there in front the apartments and runs from one end to right in front of my apartment , I have a patio yard with brick, mine my is a single private and the problems I’m having is the tenant’s brings there dogs out their to boop all over the place and will not pick it up, I have put a sign out there on the tree asking them to “Please pick up after your dog in this area, its nasty, looks bad and smell bad, and its right here at my porch . Don’t forget to factor in the cost of spaying/neutering, veterinary checkups, and insurance. You’ll need to rabbit-proof before you allow this to happen.
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