(She may have Escard L. Accidents consécutifs et la morsure d’une vipère à cornes—traitement par les injections hypodermiques de permanganate de potasse—Guérison. They may live for 10 to 15 years In both cases, there was acute renal failure requiring prolonged haemodialysis. Haematemesis was recorded in one and haematuria in four cases. It buries itself by shimmying its body into the fine loose sand, which it your own Pins on Pinterest side. Cool Snakes. The venom, according to a report published in the Oxford Journal of Medicine, has more than 13 different toxins—a witch’s brew of poisons that may vary in mix by geographical location within the reptile’s range. The Desert Horned Viper – like all snakes, a meat eater – preys primarily on 11 © Association of Physicians 2004; all rights reserved. Saved from i1.treknature.com. More than 30 studies have been published on C. cerastes venom and, so far, more than 13 different toxins have been identified.37 These include serine proteases and other thrombin-like enzymes (fibrinogenases) (IVa, Cerastocytin,38,39 Cerastotin,40 RP3 4, Afaâcytin41 and Cerastase F-4), which are likely to be responsible for causing hypofibrinogenaemia in human victims; activators of platelet aggregation/agglutination (Cerastocytin, Cerastotin), which could cause thrombocytopenia and endothelial activation; inhibitors of platelet aggregation (IVa, Cerastatin,42 Cerastin), which could contribute to a bleeding tendency; Factor X activators (calcium-dependent and calcium-independent serine proteases, Afaâcytin), which could result in disseminated intravascular coagulation; a haemorrhagic protease (Cerastase F-4), which could cause spontaneous systemic bleeding; a protein C activator exerting a possible anticoagulant effect; and an α/β fibrinogenase, which releases serotonin from platelets (Afaâcytin); a phosphodiesterase exonuclease and a weakly toxic phospholipase A2, which could contribute to local tissue damage. of her beloved land (an act immortalized by Shakespeare in Anthony and Cleopatra). Three British soldiers were bitten by the same echis coloratus snake in the Arava valley in 1918. There was a persistent profound thrombocytopenia and evidence of increased fibrinolysis (Table 1), fibrinogen degradation products 7400 ng/l (normal values <500 ng/l) and rhabdomyolysis (creatine kinase maximum 7873 U/l with a low CK-MB isoenzyme peaking at 109U/l on day 4, myoglobin 2874 μg/l). snake took a toll on French Foreign Legionnaires when those troopers occupied The first is Vipera ammodytes, more commonly known as the nose-horned viper.Next is Cerastes vipera, also known as the avicenna viper or Sahara viper.Third is heterodon, also referred to as a hog-nosed snake. There was upper abdominal pain and vomiting. Its maximum length is only 80 centimeters. In the 5th century AD, the Greek historian Herodotus found that at Thebes in Upper Egypt, horned vipers were deemed sacred9 and their bodies were embalmed.10 These snakes have captured the attention of desert travellers from the time of James Bruce of Kinnaird in the 18th century7,11 to Doughty, Philby and Thesiger in the 20th.12, The genus Cerastes (Viperinae) comprises three species of desert vipers: C. cerastes (Saharan horned viper) (Figure 1) distributed across North Africa as far as south-western Israel and also in south-western Arabia; C. gasperettii (Gasperetti's horned viper), from the Arava Valley of south-eastern Israel, east through the Arabian peninsula to western Iran; and C. vipera (Saharan sand-viper), a much smaller species which never has supraocular horns.13,14 In the past, C. cerastes and C. gasperettii were known by many other scientific names, including C. cornutus, C. aegyptiacus, and Aspis cerastes. to bite her. Sheffield Kidney Institute, Northern General Hospital, Sheffield, UK, 3 (The snake’s mummies have been discovered at the ancient city of Thebes, on the Patient 2: changes in haematological variables and renal function after antivenom treatment. by “sidewinding,” or sliding sideways, much like the Sidewinder Rattlesnake of (Reportedly, the A Desert Horned Viper may have been the species within its range: The Desert Horned Viper can deliver a bite that – while not usually fatal – can These include the sawscale viper, the carpet viper, the false-horned and horned vipers. This was about 48 h after heparin treatment had been stopped, but was temporally related to the administration of 0.25 mg of epinephrine subcutaneously as prophylaxis against an antivenom reaction.50 In Australia, there was an inconclusive debate about the role of epinephrine in haemorrhagic strokes complicating bites by tiger and brown snakes.51 Premawardhena et al. Theakston RDG, Kamiguti AS. One patient developed necrosis requiring amputation of a finger.26 Systemic symptoms were mild, comprising nausea and vomiting in most patients, with skin haemorrhages and haematuria in four. lizards but also on mammals and birds that inhabit its arid environment. ), Writer Peter David Fraser claimed that the toxins could also inflict mental The snake’s icon stands for the phonetic sound “f” The following morning, the patient noticed difficulty in picking up a cup and reading the newspaper. It often is easily recognized by the presence of a pair of supraocular "horns", although hornless individuals also occur. Similarly, spiders found in the desert tend to have venom that be dangerous to smaller creatures, but is unlikely to harm humans. 30-60 cm The Saharan horned viper is a venomous snake native to the deserts of northern Africa and parts of the Middle East. Sidewinder, any of four species of small venomous snakes that inhabit the deserts of North America, Africa, and the Middle East, all of which utilize a “sidewinding” style of crawling. Female desert horned vipers lay 12 to 24 eggs at a time. Marrakchi N, Barbouche R, Guermazi S, Bon C, el Ayeb M. Procoagulant and platelet-aggregating properties of cerastocytin from Cerastes cerastes venom. Images £0.00; Payment processing £0.00; Total £0.00 (Including £0.00 in VAT) Checkout. Compared to most snakes in the region, this species is The venom, according to a report published in the Oxford Journal of Medicine,has more than 13 different toxins—a witch’s brew of poisons that may vary in mix by geographical location within the reptile’s range. The desert horned vipers (genus Cerastes) are the best known, most distinctive and most abundant venomous snakes of the great deserts of North Africa and the Middle East; from Morocco in the west, east to Iraq and western Iran, and south to the Sudan. The first is Vipera ammodytes, more commonly known as the nose-horned viper.Next is Cerastes vipera, also known as the avicenna viper or Sahara viper.Third is heterodon, also referred to as a hog-nosed snake. Cart See breakdown. The large intraspecies variation in venom composition is now well recognized43 and geographical variation in C. cerastes venom has been documented.44 This has obvious implications for antivenom production and efficacy. These snakes have venomous bites, but pose little threat to humans due to their non-aggressive nature. while it is actually going in another," according to The Encyclopedia Patient 1: MRI scan taken 16 days after he developed symptoms of a stroke (courtesy of Dr Brunner, Kantonsspital Chur, Switzerland). to Cleopatra for her final act, he warned her, “…there is no goodness in the According to the Oxford Journal of Medicine, C. cerastes has two close relatives. Discover (and save!) Nahas L, Kamiguti AS, Rzeppa HW, Sano IS, Matsunaga S. Effect of heparin on the coagulant action of snake venoms. We attempt to attribute the underlying pathophysiological mechanisms to known constituents of the venom of this fabulous snake. Initially, there was some pain and local swelling but after drinking heavily, he slept for most of the train journey back to Sheffield. After this there was a sustained increase in platelet count. The other, the hornless Death Adder. Algeria. Sidewinders Eat Other Snakes. However, over the next 6 hours, swelling extended throughout the arm. Warrell DA. The horned viper is able to acquire a sufficient amount of freshwater in the desert, where water is not easily accessible. Shargil A, Shabaton D, Rosenthal T. Clinical and laboratory findings in Aspis cerastes snake bite. As it moves across the fine, loose sand of its habitat, the snake travels Le permanganate de potasse, dans le traitement de la morsure des vipères à cornes par le Dr Driout. Schaumont (1883) treated three cases in Algeria with local instillation of an opiate-ether potion.23 Only one of them developed signs of local envenoming. Compared to most snakes in the region, this species is As a species, it is not Warrell DA, Pope HM, Prentice CRM. This snake has a variety of other popular names, for instance: sahara horned (Illustration: Horned Viper Cerastes Cerastes Portrait by Michael & Patricia Fogden) This is one fascinating snake! Subsequently, all these abnormalities resolved completely. worm.” She held one to her breast and a second to her arm, allowing each of them You can find them in North America and Middle East. Taxonomy, ecology, and zoo geography. Distinguishing Arabian from African ‘Cerastes cerastes’. Myocardial damage was suggested by a troponin T level of 1.6 μg/l, although the electrocardiogram remained normal apart from a sinus tachycardia. However, haemolytic anaemia developed (Table 1), LDH peaked at 8136 U/l on day 5 and haptoglobin levels were low from day 1 onwards, with a nadir of <1 mg/dl on day 5). bleeding (or clotting, depending on the blend of toxins), nausea, abdominal pain, In Arabia, it is one of the most frequently observed snakes despite its nocturnal habit;1 in Dharan, Saudi Arabia, it was responsible for most of a series of 26 cases of snake bite;2 and on the plains of Iraq, it is the commonest snake.3 In Egypt, C. cerastes was de… Explore many types of pets to find the right match. They are nocturnal and actively hunt at night. KURDISTAN VIPER … from southern Israel eastward across Iraq into eastern Iran. After mating, in the spring of the year, the female lays roughly a dozen to Address correspondence to Professor D.A. It causes conditions such as massive local swelling, acute pain, excessive bleeding (or clotting, depending on the blend of toxins), nausea, abdominal pain, sweating, exhaustion, kidney failure … Horned vipers synonyms, Horned vipers pronunciation, Horned vipers translation, English dictionary definition of Horned vipers. Desert Horned Viper has managed to sustain its numbers. to commit suicide in the year 31 B. C., despairing over the imminent Roman conquest viper, North African horned viper, African desert horned viper, horned desert Research adoption, breed characteristics, & pet care. Premawardhena AP, de Silva CE, Fonseka MMD, Gunatilake SB, de Silva HJ. and much smaller C. vipera, shares much of the same range occupied by C. cerastes. The Saharan horned viper, also known as the desert horned viper, is the most familiar snake in North Africa and the Middle East, says a University of Oxford researcher. Vipers range widely in size, though are generally stocky with short tails. or more. It is light yellow with brownish grey faded cross stripes. Calmette (1908) reported a 26-year-old man who was bitten on the finger by a horned-viper 50 cm in length near Laghouat, Algeria.16 He was treated with Calmette's non-specific antivenomous serum and with injections of potassium permanganate and, over the next few days, developed tense swelling and ecchymoses of the arm and adjacent area of the trunk but survived. Effects of Cerastes cerastes snake bite on coagulation. Laidlaw, A.M. El Nahas, R.D.G. Sand viper is a term used to describe three different breeds of desert snakes. M. Schneemann, R. Cathomas, S.T. Renal and hepatic functions had remained normal.30 Chippaux (1982) found that bites by these species were characterized by local inflammatory reaction and swelling which, however, showed little tendency to spread, unusually acute pain and a tendency to develop local necrosis as early as three or four hours after the bite.31 About a dozen cases of bites by the Saharan sand viper (Cerastes vipera) have been reported.32,33 This species, which is much smaller than the desert horned vipers (maximum length ∼35 cm compared to 90 cm), is capable of causing mild local and systemic envenoming but local necrosis, renal failure and systemic bleeding have not been observed. The roles in treatment of heparin (rejected) and specific antivenom (recommended) are discussed. There was bruising in the antecubital fossa but no other evidence of bleeding, his blood pressure was normal and he was still passing some urine. In some instances, the snake’s bite induces in its victim a sensation that (It's Free. The haemoglobin concentration was normal, there was thrombocytopenia (Table 2), leukocyte count 18.2 × 109/l (neutrophils 15.9), prothrombin time 23.9 s (INR 1.92, laboratory normal range 11–15 s), APTT 39 s (28–38 s), thrombin time 14 s (9 s), fibrinogen concentration reduced with elevated D-dimers (Table 2). Desert Horned Viper. Efrati P. Symptomatology, pathology and treatment of the bites of viperid snakes. The snake’s center-ridged, or keeled, scales trap early morning dew, providing The ECG was normal apart from a sinus tachycardia of 110 bpm. Stopping trials early may result in insufficient evidence being accrued. Habitat: They occupy sandy desert, although they are more common in well vegetated desert, and are found in most sandy environments.They feed mainly on small vertebrates, small rodents. One, the horned and similar-sized C. gasperettii, occupies a range extending Ophthalmoscopy excluded a retinal lesion but, 16 days later, after he had been transferred back to Chur, an MRI revealed an intracerebral haemorrhage in the occipital region (Figure 3). There were two visible fang punctures. banks of the Nile River.) (1999)50 have qualified their earlier recommendation of routine prophylaxis with sub-cutaneous epinephrine, based on a controversial study,52 after a patient suffered a fatal stroke 10 h following epinephrine treatment.53 His pre-existing pathology would have rendered our patient vulnerable to this rare complication of epinephrine, but causation is unproven. Dustin S. Siegel and David M. Sever in the paper “Utero-Muscular Twisting and Gastrointestinal Bleeding among Hospitalizations for Salicylate Poisoning in the United States, Ivermectin shows clinical benefits in mild to moderate COVID19: A randomised controlled double-blind, dose-response study in Lagos, Association of Physicians launches webinars in translational medicine, Disseminated BCG Infection after intravesical BCG Immunotherapy Of Bladder Cancer, https://doi.org/10.1093/oxfordjournals.qjmed.a005108, Receive exclusive offers and updates from Oxford Academic, Copyright © 2021 Association of Physicians of Great Britain and Ireland. 97 no. Chavasse (1891) provided what is probably the only account of a fatal bite by this species.21 A 28-year-old man was bitten twice on the index finger by a horned viper near Laghouat oasis, 400 km south of Algiers. of poisons that may vary in mix by geographical location within the reptile’s The desert horned viper moves swiftly across the loose sand by sidewinding, throwing oblique loops first with its top half and then with its lower half. range. The earliest known account of a treatment for the bite of the Desert Horned Biochemical evidence of acute renal failure developed over the first 48 h requiring haemodialysis. A direct action of venom enzymes, such as the phospholipase A2, may have contributed to erythrocyte damage. He was febrile, jaundiced and collapsed with tachypnoea, tachycardia, swelling of the entire bitten arm and painful, enlargement of lymph nodes. Keimer L. Histoires de serpents dans l’Égypte ancienne et moderne. Intravenous heparin (10 000 units/24 h) was given for one day starting on day 2, in an attempt to inhibit thrombin formation (see Discussion). It causes conditions such as massive local swelling, acute pain, excessive Bites by Russell's viper (Vipera russelli siamensis) in Burma: haemostatic, vascular, and renal disturbances and response to treatment. at least a minimal source of fresh water, said Mark O’Shea in. With its sharp-edged scales it can shuffle into the sand with amazing speed, burying itself up to the eyes. However, Corkill (1935) wrote that ‘This species is of wide distribution, frequent occurrence, evil reputation and fierce behaviour, yet not a single thoroughly authenticated fatal case of poisoning resulting from its bite has been published.‘18 This echoed the opinion of the Egyptian physicians who wrote the earliest known account of the treatment of snake bite, the Brooklyn Museum Papyri, dating perhaps from 2200 BC. Find the perfect desert horned viper stock photo. DESERT HORNED VIPER Cerastes cerastes Rock outcroppings, scrub brush and sandy areas in deserts LATIFI’S VIPER Vipera latifi i Steep, rocky sides of the Lar Valley, Iran LEBANESE MOUNTAIN VIPER Vipera bornmuelleri Rock covered hillsides, cedar forests, and meadows in mountainous areas LEVANTINE VIPER Macrovipera lebetina Dry, rocky areas and farms in mountainous areas LONG-NOSED VIPER … Family: Viperidae. Mar 3, 2015 - Let your family discover the joy of owning a pet. This pit viper (subfamily Crotalinae) has small horns above They become sexually mature in about two years. Suchen Sie nach Venomous Desert Horned Viper Snake Cerastes-Stockbildern in HD und Millionen weiteren lizenzfreien Stockfotos, Illustrationen und Vektorgrafiken in der Shutterstock-Kollektion. Methods: Clinical and laboratory studies with measurement of serum venom antigen concentrations by enzyme immunoassay. Epinephrine (0.25 mg) was injected subcutaneously as prophylaxis a few minutes beforehand and, 30 min after the antivenom, he was given 100 mg of prednisolone intravenously, because he had developed nausea, suggesting an anaphylactoid reaction. The new hatchlings will average four to six inches in length. T. M. Robertson Date: January 29, 2021 . She died swiftly. This snake inhabits stony deserts and semi-arid habitats on the altitude of up to 4900 feet. Discussion: Cerastes cerastes is capable of life-threatening envenoming in humans. A hornless subspecies C. c. mutila, inhabiting the western Sahara, was proposed by Doumergue.14 However, this feature is now regarded as merely a polymorphism and the subspecies is no longer recognized.15. Thirty-seven days after the bite, the swelling of his arm was resolving, although the digits were still swollen and stiff. stored the sperm in her body for several weeks before she lays her eggs, said apud Millett, Pratt 2000. the Desert Horned Viper “moves randomly over a large area” according to Snakes: In one case, prophylactic use of subcutaneous epinephrine may have contributed to intracranial haemorrhage. The common denominator seems to be unstable ground. The Hebrew word translated viper in this verse refers to the desert horned viper. He was discharged from hospital 20 days after the bite. Alistair Reid Venom Unit, Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine, Liverpool, UK, and 4 This snake is an ambush hunter that will coil up into a striking position and await its prey. Background: The desert horned vipers (Cerastes cerastes and C. gasperettii) are the most familiar snakes of the great deserts of North Africa and the Middle East, including the plains of Iraq. The serum C. cerastes venom antigen concentration, measured later by enzyme-immuno-assay in Liverpool, was 36.5 ng/ml.20 Ten and a half hours after the bite, he received, over 1 h, 50 ml of Antirept (Pasteur Mérieux Lyon-France sérum antivenimeux, polyvalent, purifié: moyen orient-afrique du nord), an equine antivenom with activity against C. cerastes venom. There is a report of a stroke directly attributable to C. cerastes envenoming,22 but our patient's symptoms appeared at a time when the anti-haemostatic effects of envenoming and circulating level of venom had been controlled by two substantial doses of antivenom. Jeden Tag werden Tausende neue, hochwertige Bilder hinzugefügt. Until now, no distinction has been made between the venoms of C. cerastes and C. gasperettii in the medical or toxinological literature but, in the present paper, attribution has been inferred reliably from the known geographical distribution of the two species, accepting their sympatry in south-western Arabia. The Saharan horned viper is a venomous snake native to the deserts of northern Africa and parts of the Middle East. The desert horned viper is the most common sidewinder, but this method is used by several snakes from completely different parts of the world, especially in sandy deserts. The desert horned vipers (Cerastes cerastes and C. gasperettii) are the most familiar snakes of the great deserts of North Africa and the Middle East, including the plains of Iraq. After consultation with DAW, 10 ampoules of Behringwerke Near and Middle East polyspecific antivenom were administered 23–24 h after the bite and, in view of his deteriorating renal function, he was admitted to the Renal Unit. For example, the snake LEVENTINE VIPER Macrovipera lebetina obtusa Macrovipera lebetina euphratica . On admission, his urine contained erythrocytes but no leukocytes or casts. Morsure de vipère à cornes suivie de mort. The name pit viper refers to heat-seeking pits on their heads, which help them sense their prey. Cleopatra used Death Adder for killing herself. Chandler WL, Jelacic S, Boster DR, et al. Compared to most snakes in the region, this species is short in length, averaging between 30 and 60 cm. The horned viper is able to acquire a sufficient amount of freshwater in the desert, where water is not easily accessible. Übersetzung Englisch-Französisch für desert horned viper cerastes gasperettii im PONS Online-Wörterbuch nachschlagen! The patient had been bitten by a Vipera raddei 30 years earlier, but had not been given antivenom. A review of systems was otherwise unremarkable. https://www.cbsnews.com/pictures/snake-15-deadliest-serpents/10 No need to register, buy now! Synonym: Desert horned viper. The desert horned viper might have been the snake that inflicted Cleopatra’s deadly wound if she committed suicide, and the other contender is that the Egyptian cobra (Naja haje). Although females are larger, both sexes share the same general body structure and color patterns. The North American Deserts Three subspecies are currently recognized. He was given haemodialysis 4, 6 and 11 days after the bite. The serum C. cerastes venom antigen concentration was 5.6 ng/ml at 1200 h (21 h after the bite). In Patient 1, heparin was given for 24 h in an attempt to inhibit venom thrombin activity. Its Latin name is Pseudocerastes persicus. Tibballs J. Pre-medication for snake antivenom. or “fy” in Egyptian hieroglyphics. The desert horned viper can be found in many arid regions. It also occurs in the southern reaches of the Arabian Peninsula. Saharan horned viper (Cerastes cerastes). Explore many types of pets to find the right match. John Radcliffe Hospital, Oxford, UK, Oxford University Press is a department of the University of Oxford. Thrombin-like activities of venoms are not inhibited by heparin,46 and it has never been proved effective in clinical trials,47 even in victims of Russell's vipers (Daboia russelii and D. siamensis) envenoming in whom there is some slight theoretical basis for its use.48 Heparin increases the risk of haemorrhage in victims of viper bites and should never be risked in the treatment of these patients.49 Our Patient 1, who had pre-existing hypertension and peripheral vascular disease affecting the femoral and cerebral arteries, with a history of a previous stroke, developed neurological symptoms on the fourth day after the bite. In both of our patients, use of large doses of polyspecific antivenom with activity against C. cerastes venom proved decisive in curtailing the coagulopathy, but did not prevent the evolution of profound renal failure. If threatened, the snake can produce a rasping warning sound, which it generates Shargil et al. (1973) described six cases of C. cerastes bite admitted to hospital in Tel Aviv.28 Most of the patients had applied tourniquets, and three developed necrosis of bitten fingers, requiring amputation in one. Marrakchi N, Barbouche R, Bon C, el Ayeb M. Cerastatin, a new potent inhibitor of platelet aggregation from the venom of the Tunisian viper, Cerastes cerastes.
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